====== Connexion casque audio bluetooth a2dp ====== * Objet : Comment connecter son casque audio bluetooth sous Debian stretch * Niveau requis : avisé * Commentaires : //Contexte d'utilisation du sujet du tuto. // FIXME * Débutant, à savoir : [[:doc:systeme:commandes:le_debianiste_qui_papillonne|Utiliser GNU/Linux en ligne de commande, tout commence là !.]] :-) ===== Introduction ===== Comment connecter son casque audio bluetooth sous Debian stretch connexion du casque avec le profil a2dp Gnome / GDM Debian stretch ===== Configuration GDM ===== Troubleshooting: Refused to switch profile to a2dp_sink: Not connected Bluetooth headset is connected, but ALSA/PulseAudio fails to pick up the connected device or there's no device to pick. This happens because GDM captures A2DP sink on session start, as GDM needs pulseaudio in the gdm session for accessibility. For example, the screen reader requires it. See 805414 for some discussion. ==== Workaround 1: disable pulseaudio in gdm ==== In order to prevent GDM from capturing the A2DP sink on session start, edit /var/lib/gdm3/.config/pulse/client.conf (or create it, if it doesn't exist): autospawn = no daemon-binary = /bin/true After that you have to grant access to this file to Debian-gdm user: chown Debian-gdm:Debian-gdm /var/lib/gdm3/.config/pulse/client.conf You will also need to disable pulseaudio startup: rm /var/lib/gdm3/.config/systemd/user/sockets.target.wants/pulseaudio.socket In order to auto-connect a2dp for some devices, add this to /etc/pulse/default.pa: load-module module-switch-on-connect Reboot. Now the sound device (bluetooth headset) should be accessible through pavucontrol and standard audio device manager. lien: https://wiki.debian.org/BluetoothUser/a2dp#Workaround_1:_disable_pulseaudio_in_gdm ===== Connexion du casque ===== # lister les périphériques pactl list cards short 3 bluez_card.D8_D4_3C_9E_F0_BB module-bluez5-device.c # changer le profile du périphérique bluetooth pacmd set-card-profile bluez_card.D8_D4_3C_9E_F0_BB off # déconnecter puis reconnecter le périphérique bluetooth bluetoothctl disconnect D8:D4:3C:9E:F0:BB connect D8:D4:3C:9E:F0:BB # changer le profile du périphérique bluetooth pacmd set-card-profile bluez_card.D8_D4_3C_9E_F0_BB a2dp_sink