====== Conky : horloge ====== ===== Fichier conkyrc ===== background yes update_interval 60 double_buffer yes no_buffers yes own_window yes own_window_class conky own_window_transparent yes own_window_argb_visual yes own_window_hints undecorate,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager,below minimum_size 256 256 gap_x 64 gap_y 48 alignment tl lua_load ~/.conky/scripts/cairo_clock.lua lua_draw_hook_post cairo_clock ~/.conky/images 256 128 128 TEXT ===== Fichier Lua ===== --[[ Another Clock by kit_oz Simple clock, written using cairo To use this script in Conky 1. load scripts: lua_load ~/.conky/just_another_clock/cairo_clock.lua 2. call function as you like: ${lua cairo_clock theme} or lua_draw_hook_pre cairo_clock theme 3. ????? 4. PROFIT Options are: Theme - name of the folder with the theme. Mandatory parameter Width - width of clock in pixels. The default 200px X and Y positions. By default center of conky window 2011.12.11 First release! 2011.12.13 Redesign back to original idea ]] require 'cairo' home = os.getenv ('HOME') function conky_cairo_clock(theme,w,x,y) theme = string.gsub(theme, "~", home) theme = string.gsub(theme, "$HOME", home) if conky_window==nil then return ' ' end local w = w or 200 local x = x or conky_window.width / 2 local y = y or conky_window.height / 2 local cs = cairo_xlib_surface_create(conky_window.display, conky_window.drawable, conky_window.visual, conky_window.width, conky_window.height) local function fDrawImage(path,x,y,w,h,arc) local img = cairo_image_surface_create_from_png(path) local w_img, h_img = cairo_image_surface_get_width (img), cairo_image_surface_get_height (img) local cr = cairo_create (cs) cairo_translate (cr, x, y) if arc then cairo_rotate (cr, arc) end cairo_scale (cr, w/w_img, h/h_img) cairo_set_source_surface (cr, img, -w_img/2, -h_img/2) cairo_paint (cr) cairo_destroy(cr) cairo_surface_destroy (img) end local arc_s = (2 * math.pi / 60) * os.date("%S") local arc_m = (2 * math.pi / 60) * os.date("%M") + arc_s / 60 local arc_h = (2 * math.pi / 12) * os.date("%I") + arc_m / 12 fDrawImage(theme..'/base.png',x,y,w,w) fDrawImage(theme..'/h.png',x,y,w,w,arc_h) fDrawImage(theme..'/m.png',x,y,w,w,arc_m) fDrawImage(theme..'/s.png',x,y,w,w,arc_s) cairo_surface_destroy(cs) return ' ' end