conky tree

  char : ─ │ ┌ ┐ └ ┘ ├ ┤ ┬ ┴ ┼ 
  set own_window_type from 'desktop' to 'override' to use in i3wm
conky.config = {
  background = true,
  use_xft = true,
  font = 'Hack:pixelsize=12',
  xftalpha = 1,
  update_interval = 1.0,
  total_run_times = 0,
  own_window = true,
  own_window_transparent = true,
  own_window_type = 'desktop',
  own_window_hints = 'undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager',
  own_window_class = 'conky',
  own_window_title = 'conky_tree',
  own_window_argb_visual = false,
  double_buffer = true,
  draw_shades = false,
  draw_outline = false,
  draw_borders = false,
  border_inner_margin = 0,
  border_width = 0,
  draw_graph_borders = false,
  alignment = 'tl',
  gap_x = 0,
  gap_y = 0,
  no_buffers = true,
  uppercase = false,
  text_buffer_size = 1024,
  top_name_width = 10,
  imlib_cache_size = 0,
  cpu_avg_samples = 2,
  show_graph_scale = false,
  show_graph_range = false,
  short_units = true,
  override_utf8_locale = true,
  use_spacer = 'none',
  if_up_strictness = 'address',
  default_color = 'd8dee9', 
  default_shade_color = 'black',
  default_outline_color = 'white'
conky.text = [[
 ├──┬─ ${nodename}
 │  ├─ Debian-${texeci 28800 cat /etc/debian_version}-${kernel}
 │  └─ ${texeci 600 nakedupdate -c}
 │    ┌ ${time %I:%M}
 ├────┼─ ${time %A %d %B}
 │    └ ${uptime_short}
 ├──┬─ CPU   ${cpugraph 8,180 2E3440 D8DEE9 -l -t}
 │  └─┬── ${cpu}%  ${freq_g}Ghz  ${acpitemp}°C
 │    ├────── $running_processes/$processes
 │    │ name${goto 150}  pid    cpu    mem
 │    ├─${top name 1}${goto 150}${top pid 1}${top cpu 1}%${top mem 1}%
 │    ├─${top name 2}${goto 150}${top pid 2}${top cpu 2}%${top mem 2}%
 │    └─${top name 3}${goto 150}${top pid 3}${top cpu 3}%${top mem 3}%
 ├──┬─ RAM   ${memgraph 8,180 2E3440 D8DEE9 -l}
 │  └─┬─ ${memperc}%   ${mem}/${memmax}
 │    ├────buff ${buffers} / cache ${cached} / swap ${swap}
 │    │ name${goto 150}  pid    mem    cpu
 │    ├─${top_mem name 1}${goto 150}${top_mem pid 1}${top_mem mem 1}%${top_mem cpu 1}%
 │    ├─${top_mem name 2}${goto 150}${top_mem pid 2}${top_mem mem 2}%${top_mem cpu 2}%
 │    └─${top_mem name 3}${goto 150}${top_mem pid 3}${top_mem mem 3}%${top_mem cpu 3}%
 ├──┬─ HDD   ${diskiograph 8,180 2E3440 D8DEE9}
 │  └─┬─ ${fs_used_perc /}%   ${fs_used /}/${fs_size /}
 │    ├─i/o read ${diskio_read}${color}/s
 │    └─i/o write ${diskio_write}${color}/s