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Shadowrun Returns

version sold on GOG

version sold on Humble Bundle


Usage (GOG version)

1. Download the scripts, and put them in the directory containing the archive:

gog_shadowrun_returns_2.0.0.5.sh  play-shadowrun-returns_gog-  play-anything.sh

2. Install the scripts dependencies:

apt-get install unzip fakeroot

3. Run the script:

sh ./play-shadowrun-returns_gog-

4. Wait a couple minutes, The script will end by giving you the cammads to launch as root to install the game.

Usage (Humble Bundle version)

1. Download the scripts, and put them in the directory containing the archive:

play-shadowrun-returns_humblebundle-2014-03-11.sh  play-anything.sh  shadowrun-returns-linux127.tar.gz

2. Install the scripts dependencies:

apt-get install fakeroot

3. Run the script:

sh ./play-shadowrun-returns_humblebundle-2014-03-11.sh

4. Wait a couple minutes, The script will end by giving you the cammads to launch as root to install the game.

Advanced usage

This script accept several options to set its behaviour. Follow the links to more details on how to use them.

utilisateurs/vv222/games/shadowrun-returns.1439458527.txt.gz · Dernière modification: 13/08/2015 11:35 par vv222

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