version 0.4.65 Available options: --with-aplay (includes the output of aplay -l) --with-amixer (includes the output of amixer) --with-alsactl (includes the output of alsactl) --with-configs (includes the output of ~/.asoundrc and /etc/asound.conf if they exist) --with-devices (shows the device nodes in /dev/snd/) --with-dmesg (shows the ALSA/HDA kernel messages) --with-packages (includes known packages installed) --output FILE (specify the file to output for no-upload mode) --update (check server for script updates) --upload (upload contents to remote server) --no-upload (do not upload contents to remote server) --pastebin (use as remote server instead --stdout (print alsa information to standard output instead of a file) --about (show some information about the script) --debug (will run the script as normal, but will not delete /tmp/alsa-info.tartempion/alsa-info.txt)