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utilisateurs:arpinux:config:bashrc [02/07/2016 18:40]
arpinux créée
utilisateurs:arpinux:config:bashrc [27/01/2024 22:07] (Version actuelle)
arpinux updates
Ligne 1: Ligne 1:
 ====== Fichier de configuration BASH ====== ====== Fichier de configuration BASH ======
-<file bash nom>+<file bash bashrc>
 # ~/.bashrc: executed by bash(1) for non-login shells. # ~/.bashrc: executed by bash(1) for non-login shells.
 # see /​usr/​share/​doc/​bash/​examples/​startup-files (in the package bash-doc) # see /​usr/​share/​doc/​bash/​examples/​startup-files (in the package bash-doc)
 # for examples # for examples
 +# base #################################################################​
 # colors & char ########################################################​ # colors & char ########################################################​
Ligne 9: Ligne 19:
 red='​\e[0;​31m'​ red='​\e[0;​31m'​
 blue='​\e[0;​34m'​ blue='​\e[0;​34m'​
 cyan='​\e[0;​36m'​ cyan='​\e[0;​36m'​
 green='​\e[0;​32m'​ green='​\e[0;​32m'​
 yellow='​\e[0;​33m'​ yellow='​\e[0;​33m'​
 # text bright colors # text bright colors
 bred='​\e[0;​91m'​ bred='​\e[0;​91m'​
 bblue='​\e[0;​94m'​ bblue='​\e[0;​94m'​
 bcyan='​\e[0;​96m'​ bcyan='​\e[0;​96m'​
 bgreen='​\e[0;​92m'​ bgreen='​\e[0;​92m'​
Ligne 22: Ligne 35:
 NC='​\e[0m'​ NC='​\e[0m'​
-alias ################################################################​ +dir_colors ​###########################################################​ 
-# ls & grep ------------------------------------------------------------ +test -r "~/.dir_colors" && ​eval $(dircolors ​~/.dir_colors)
-alias ls='ls --color=auto'​ +
-alias dir='​dir --color=auto'​ +
-alias vdir='​vdir --color=auto'​ +
-alias grep='​grep --color=auto'​ +
-alias fgrep='​fgrep --color=auto'​ +
-alias egrep='​egrep --color=auto'​ +
-alias ll='ls -l' +
-alias la='ls -A' +
-alias l='ls -CF' +
-# cd & goto ------------------------------------------------------------ +
-alias cd..='​cd ..' +
-alias ...='​cd ..' +
-alias ....='​cd ../..' +
-alias gm='cd /​media'​ +
-# utils ---------------------------------------------------------------- +
-# process using web +
-alias ports='​lsof -i -n -P' +
-# make parent directory if needed +
-alias mkdir='​mkdir -p' +
-# packages ------------------------------------------------------------- +
-alias debin='​apt-get install'​ +
-alias debrm='​apt-get autoremove --purge'​ +
-alias debsh='​apt-cache search'​ +
-alias debvs='​apt-cache policy'​ +
-alias debup='​apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade'​ +
-# quit, exit & reboot -------------------------------------------------- +
-alias :​q='​exit'​ +
-alias oust='​echo ​"bye $USER...";​ sleep 2s && ​systemctl poweroff'​ +
-alias comeback='​echo "be back right now...";​ sleep 2s && systemctl reboot'​ +
-# bash cfg ------------------------------------------------------------- +
-alias bcfg='$EDITOR ​~/.bashrc'​ +
-alias brld='​source ~/​.bashrc'​ +
-# end of alias #########################################################​+
-# functions ​##############​##############################################​ +alias & functions ​files ##############################################​ 
-# misc ----------------------------------------------------------------- +if [ -f ~/.bash_aliases ​]; then 
-# find from name in current directory +    ~/.bash_aliases 
-function ff() { find . -type -iname '​*'​$*'​*'​ -ls ; } +fi 
-# generate a dated .bak from file +if [ -f ~/​.bash_functions ​]; then 
-function bak() { cp $1 $1_`date +%Y-%m-%d_%H:​%M:​%S`.bak ; } +    . ~/.bash_functions 
-# minical +fi
-function today() { echo -n "​Today'​s date is:​\n";​ date +"%A, %B %-d, %Y"; } +
-# infos ---------------------------------------------------------------- +
-# generate space report +
-function space() { du -skh * | sort -hr ; } +
-# hardware ------------------------------------------------------------- +
-# processor +
-function core() { cat /​proc/​cpuinfo | grep "model name" | cut -c14- ; } +
-# graphic card +
-function graph() { lspci | grep -i vga | cut -d: -f3 ; } +
-# ethernet card +
-function ethcard() { lspci | grep -i ethernet | cut -d: -f3 ; } +
-# wireless card +
-function wfcard() { lspci | grep -i network | cut -d: -f3 ; } +
-# public ip address ---------------------------------------------------- +
-function my_eip() +
-    if [ "$(cat /​sys/​class/​net/​eth0/​operstate)"​ = "​up"​ ] || [ "$(cat /​sys/​class/​net/​eth1/​operstate)"​ = "​up"​ ] || [ "$(cat /​sys/​class/​net/​wlan0/​operstate)"​ = "​up" ​];then +
-        ​MY_EXIP=$(wget -q -O - checkip.dyndns.org | sed -e 's/[^[:​digit:​]\|.]//g') +
-    ​else +
-        MY_EXIP=$(echo "not connected"​) +
-    ​fi +
-    # output +
-    echo -e " $MY_EXIP"​ +
-# archives ------------------------------------------------------------- +
-# extract +
-function extract() ​      +
-     if [ -f $1 ] ; then +
-         case $1 in +
-             ​*.tar.bz2) ​  tar xvjf $1     ;; +
-             ​*.tar.gz) ​   tar xvzf $1     ;; +
-             *.bz2)       ​bunzip2 $1      ;; +
-             *.rar)       unrar x $1      ;; +
-             *.gz)        gunzip $1       ;; +
-             ​*.tar) ​      tar xvf $1      ;; +
-             ​*.tbz2) ​     tar xvjf $1     ;; +
-             ​*.tgz) ​      tar xvzf $1     ;; +
-             ​*.zip) ​      unzip $1        ;; +
-             ​*.Z) ​        ​uncompress $1   ;; +
-             ​*.7z) ​       7z x $1         ;; +
-             ​*.xz) ​       unxz $1         ;; +
-             ​*) ​          echo "'​$1'​ cannot be extracted via >​extract<"​ ;; +
-         ​esac +
-     ​else +
-         echo "'​$1'​ is not a valid file"​ +
-     fi +
-# compress +
-mktar() { tar cvf  "​${1%%/​}.tar" ​    "​${1%%/​}/";​ } +
-mktgz() { tar cvzf "​${1%%/​}.tar.gz" ​ "​${1%%/​}/";​ } +
-mktbz() { tar cvjf "​${1%%/​}.tar.bz2"​ "​${1%%/​}/";​ } +
-mktxz() { tar cvJf "​${1%%/​}.tar.xz"​ "​${1%%/​}/";​ } +
-# end of functions #####################################################​+
 # If not running interactively,​ don't do anything # If not running interactively,​ don't do anything
Ligne 128: Ligne 54:
 # don't put duplicate lines or lines starting with space in the history. # don't put duplicate lines or lines starting with space in the history.
 # See bash(1) for more options # See bash(1) for more options
-HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth+# ignore duplicate commands, ignore commands starting with a space 
 +export ​HISTCONTROL="ignoreboth:​erasedups"​
 # append to the history file, don't overwrite it # append to the history file, don't overwrite it
Ligne 134: Ligne 61:
 # for setting history length see HISTSIZE and HISTFILESIZE in bash(1) # for setting history length see HISTSIZE and HISTFILESIZE in bash(1)
-HISTSIZE=1000 +export ​HISTSIZE=1000 
 +# ignore specified commands in history 
 +export HISTIGNORE="​bm:​clr:​ls:​cd*:​blag*:​debsh*:​debup*:​debvs*:​debrm*:​man*:​convert96*:​history:​exit"​
 # check the window size after each command and, if necessary, # check the window size after each command and, if necessary,
Ligne 166: Ligne 96:
 if [ -n "​$force_color_prompt"​ ]; then if [ -n "​$force_color_prompt"​ ]; then
     if [ -x /​usr/​bin/​tput ] && tput setaf 1 >&/​dev/​null;​ then     if [ -x /​usr/​bin/​tput ] && tput setaf 1 >&/​dev/​null;​ then
- # We have color support; assume it's compliant with Ecma-48 +    ​# We have color support; assume it's compliant with Ecma-48 
- # (ISO/​IEC-6429). (Lack of such support is extremely rare, and such +    # (ISO/​IEC-6429). (Lack of such support is extremely rare, and such 
- # a case would tend to support setf rather than setaf.) +    # a case would tend to support setf rather than setaf.) 
- color_prompt=yes+        color_prompt=yes
     else     else
- color_prompt=+        ​color_prompt=
     fi     fi
 fi fi
 if [ "​$color_prompt"​ = yes ]; then if [ "​$color_prompt"​ = yes ]; then
-    # uncomment for '​livarp' ​prompt +    # arp prompt 
-    #echo -en "​\e[1;​37mlivarp\e[m0.5\e[0;​32mGNU/​Linux\e[01;​34mDebian\e[m\n"​ +    PS1='​${debian_chroot:​+($debian_chroot)} \e[01;​32m\u\e[m@\e[0;​36m\h\e[m \e[01;​34m\w\e[m\n ​\$ '
-    PS1='​${debian_chroot:​+($debian_chroot)} \e[01;​32m\u\e[m@\e[0;​36m\h\e[m \e[01;​34m\w\e[m\n $ ' +
-    # uncomment for a guantas_style prompt. sources: http://​crunchbang.org/​forums/​viewtopic.php?​pid=277970#​p277970 +
-    #​PS1="​\[\e[00;​32m\]\A \[\e[00;​35m\]\[\e[00;​37m\]\n\[\e[00;​35m\]●\[\e[00;​33m\] ●\[\e[00;​31m\] ●\[\e[01;​35m\]\[\e[0m\] "+
     # regular Debian colored prompt:     # regular Debian colored prompt:
     #​PS1='​${debian_chroot:​+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[01;​32m\]\u@\h\[\033[00m\]:​\[\033[01;​34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]\$ '     #​PS1='​${debian_chroot:​+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[01;​32m\]\u@\h\[\033[00m\]:​\[\033[01;​34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]\$ '
Ligne 199: Ligne 126:
 fi fi
-export EDITOR="​vim"​ 
-export BROWSER="​surf"​ 
-export PAGER="​most"​ 
 </​file>​ </​file>​
utilisateurs/arpinux/config/bashrc.1467477658.txt.gz · Dernière modification: 02/07/2016 18:40 par arpinux

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