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Shell fish

  • Objet : Fichiers de configuration pour le shell fish
  • Niveau requis :


Installation de fish

apt install fish

Utiliser fish par défaut

Changing the login shell for <uersname>
Enter the new value, or press ENTER for the default
	Login Shell: /usr/bin/fish


Mes fichiers de configuration:

eval (dircolors -c ~/.dircolors | sed 's/>&\/dev\/null$//')
# vi mode
function fish_mode_prompt --description "called from fish_right_prompt"
   # do stuff
# abbr
abbr hist 'history'
abbr vi 'nvim'
abbr ls 'ls --color'
abbr ll 'ls -lh'
abbr llt 'ls -lhrt'
abbr lls 'ls -lhrS'
abbr grep 'grep --binary-files=text'
abbr diff colordiff
abbr grep 'grep --color'
abbr igrep 'grep -i'
abbr netstat 'ss -a'
# couleur dans le man
set -gx LESS_TERMCAP_mb \e'[01;31m'  
set -gx LESS_TERMCAP_md \e'[01;31m'  
set -gx LESS_TERMCAP_me \e'[0m'  
set -gx LESS_TERMCAP_se \e'[0m'  
set -gx LESS_TERMCAP_so \e'[01;44;33m'  
set -gx LESS_TERMCAP_ue \e'[0m'  
set -gx LESS_TERMCAP_us \e'[01;32m'

Prompt de gauche: Affiche le mode vi et le path courant

function fish_prompt
  set -l last_status $status
  set_color normal
  printf '['
  switch $fish_bind_mode
    case default
      set_color --bold red
      printf 'n'
    case insert
      set_color --bold 215eb1
      printf 'i'
    case visual
      set_color --bold magenta
      printf 'v'
  set_color normal
  printf '] '
  set_color 9cc8f9
  printf '%s' (prompt_pwd)
  if [ $last_status -eq 0 ]
    set_color -o 215eb1
    set_color -o red
  printf ' > '
  set_color normal

Prompt de droite: Affiche la durée d'exécution de la dernière commande et l'heure:

function __bobthefish_cmd_duration -S -d 'Show command duration'
  [ "$theme_display_cmd_duration" = "no" ]; and return
  [ -z "$CMD_DURATION" -o "$CMD_DURATION" -lt 100 ]; and return
  if [ "$CMD_DURATION" -lt 5000 ]
    echo -ns $CMD_DURATION 'ms'
  else if [ "$CMD_DURATION" -lt 60000 ]
    __bobthefish_pretty_ms $CMD_DURATION s
  else if [ "$CMD_DURATION" -lt 3600000 ]
    set_color $fish_color_error
    __bobthefish_pretty_ms $CMD_DURATION m
    set_color $fish_color_error
    __bobthefish_pretty_ms $CMD_DURATION h
  set_color $fish_color_normal
  set_color $fish_color_autosuggestion
  [ "$theme_display_date" = "no" ]
    or echo -ns ' ' $__bobthefish_left_arrow_glyph
function __bobthefish_pretty_ms -S -a ms interval -d 'Millisecond formatting for humans'
  set -l interval_ms
  set -l scale 1
  switch $interval
    case s
      set interval_ms 1000
    case m
      set interval_ms 60000
    case h
      set interval_ms 3600000
      set scale 2
  switch $FISH_VERSION
    # Fish 2.3 and lower doesn't know about the -s argument to math.
    case 2.0.\* 2.1.\* 2.2.\* 2.3.\*
      math "scale=$scale;$ms/$interval_ms" | string replace -r '\\.?0*$' $interval
    case \*
      math -s$scale "$ms/$interval_ms" | string replace -r '\\.?0*$' $interval
function fish_right_prompt -d "Write out the right prompt"
    set_color white
    date '+%H:%M:%S'
    set_color normal
utilisateurs/yaute/config/shell-fish.1537993732.txt.gz · Dernière modification: 26/09/2018 22:28 par yaute

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