Je rencontre des problèmes de gel du système. Au bout d'un moment (quelques minutes à quelques heures après le boot), l'affichage se fige, sauf la souris. Puis la souris se fige aussi. J'ai essayé les touches spéciales Alt-SysRq-REISUB , Ctrl-Alt-Backspace (après avoir activé la combinaison), Ctrl-Alt-Suppri , rien n'y fait. La connexion par SSH vers cette machine ne fonctionne plus non plus, donc je pense que le noyau plante.
Cela se produit même lorsque je n'ai que quelques applis courantes utilisées (Firefox, nautilus, gedit).
J'ai désinstallé VMWare, essayé les drivers nvidia proprétaires prépackagés et ceux directement présents sur le site d'NVidia, ça ne change rien.
Je suis sous XFCE sur une Debian testing amd64.
-- Journal begins at Wed 2021-02-24 19:18:01 CET, ends at Mon 2021-05-10 12:49:52 CEST. --
mai 10 10:12:14 Phenix pulseaudio[1288]: GetManagedObjects() failed: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.TimedOut: Failed to activate service 'org.bluez': timed out (service_start_timeout=25000ms)
mai 10 10:11:53 Phenix pipewire[1287]: Failed to receive portal pid: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwner: Could not get PID of name 'org.freedesktop.portal.Desktop': no such name
mai 10 10:11:53 Phenix sddm-helper[1265]: gkr-pam: unable to locate daemon control file
mai 10 10:11:48 Phenix pipewire[1112]: Failed to receive portal pid: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwner: Could not get PID of name 'org.freedesktop.portal.Desktop': no such name
mai 10 10:11:45 Phenix kernel:
mai 10 10:11:45 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc104c, and key code 203: Invalid argument
mai 10 10:11:45 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc104b, and key code 202: Invalid argument
mai 10 10:11:45 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc104a, and key code 149: Invalid argument
mai 10 10:11:45 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1049, and key code 148: Invalid argument
mai 10 10:11:45 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1048, and key code 234: Invalid argument
mai 10 10:11:45 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1047, and key code 210: Invalid argument
mai 10 10:11:45 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1046, and key code 182: Invalid argument
mai 10 10:11:45 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1045, and key code 131: Invalid argument
mai 10 10:11:45 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1044, and key code 425: Invalid argument
mai 10 10:11:45 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1043, and key code 423: Invalid argument
mai 10 10:11:45 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1042, and key code 421: Invalid argument
mai 10 10:11:45 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1041, and key code 138: Invalid argument
mai 10 10:11:45 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1032, and key code 223: Invalid argument
mai 10 10:11:45 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1031, and key code 218: Invalid argument
mai 10 10:11:45 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc102d, and key code 150: Invalid argument
mai 10 10:11:45 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc102c, and key code 464: Invalid argument
mai 10 10:11:45 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc102b, and key code 154: Invalid argument
mai 10 10:11:45 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc102a, and key code 158: Invalid argument
mai 10 10:11:45 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1029, and key code 410: Invalid argument
mai 10 10:11:45 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1028, and key code 371: Invalid argument
mai 10 10:11:45 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1027, and key code 139: Invalid argument
mai 10 10:11:45 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1023, and key code 206: Invalid argument
mai 10 10:11:45 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1021, and key code 420: Invalid argument
mai 10 10:11:45 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1020, and key code 418: Invalid argument
mai 10 10:11:45 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc101f, and key code 419: Invalid argument
mai 10 10:11:45 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc101c, and key code 154: Invalid argument
mai 10 10:11:45 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc101b, and key code 186: Invalid argument
mai 10 10:11:45 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc101a, and key code 185: Invalid argument
mai 10 10:11:45 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1019, and key code 184: Invalid argument
mai 10 10:11:45 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1018, and key code 171: Invalid argument
mai 10 10:11:45 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1017, and key code 161: Invalid argument
mai 10 10:11:45 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1016, and key code 213: Invalid argument
mai 10 10:11:45 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1015, and key code 167: Invalid argument
mai 10 10:11:45 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1014, and key code 152: Invalid argument
mai 10 10:11:45 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1013, and key code 212: Invalid argument
mai 10 10:11:45 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1012, and key code 402: Invalid argument
mai 10 10:11:45 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1011, and key code 403: Invalid argument
mai 10 10:11:45 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1010, and key code 185: Invalid argument
mai 10 10:11:45 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc100f, and key code 184: Invalid argument
mai 10 10:11:45 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc100c, and key code 208: Invalid argument
mai 10 10:11:45 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc100b, and key code 168: Invalid argument
mai 10 10:11:45 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc100a, and key code 235: Invalid argument
mai 10 10:11:45 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1005, and key code 442: Invalid argument
mai 10 10:11:45 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1004, and key code 393: Invalid argument
mai 10 10:11:45 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1003, and key code 392: Invalid argument
mai 10 10:11:45 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1002, and key code 212: Invalid argument
mai 10 10:11:45 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1001, and key code 216: Invalid argument
mai 10 10:11:45 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc0183, and key code 226: Invalid argument
mai 10 10:11:45 Phenix kernel: iommu ivhd0: AMD-Vi: Event logged [INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST device=00:00.0 pasid=0x00000 address=0xfffffffdf8000000 flags=0x0a00]
-- Boot e65c3ea9fc3841cab798c8be08ca6935 --
mai 10 00:48:56 Phenix libvirtd[867]: internal error: End of file from qemu monitor
mai 09 22:20:04 Phenix pulseaudio[1277]: GetManagedObjects() failed: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.TimedOut: Failed to activate service 'org.bluez': timed out (service_start_timeout=25000ms)
mai 09 22:19:46 Phenix pipewire[1276]: Failed to receive portal pid: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwner: Could not get PID of name 'org.freedesktop.portal.Desktop': no such name
mai 09 22:19:46 Phenix sddm-helper[1254]: gkr-pam: unable to locate daemon control file
mai 09 22:19:38 Phenix pipewire[1100]: Failed to receive portal pid: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwner: Could not get PID of name 'org.freedesktop.portal.Desktop': no such name
mai 09 22:19:35 Phenix kernel:
mai 09 22:19:35 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc104c, and key code 203: Invalid argument
mai 09 22:19:35 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc104b, and key code 202: Invalid argument
mai 09 22:19:35 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc104a, and key code 149: Invalid argument
mai 09 22:19:35 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1049, and key code 148: Invalid argument
mai 09 22:19:35 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1048, and key code 234: Invalid argument
mai 09 22:19:35 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1047, and key code 210: Invalid argument
mai 09 22:19:35 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1046, and key code 182: Invalid argument
mai 09 22:19:35 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1045, and key code 131: Invalid argument
mai 09 22:19:35 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1044, and key code 425: Invalid argument
mai 09 22:19:35 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1043, and key code 423: Invalid argument
mai 09 22:19:35 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1042, and key code 421: Invalid argument
mai 09 22:19:35 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1041, and key code 138: Invalid argument
mai 09 22:19:35 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1032, and key code 223: Invalid argument
mai 09 22:19:35 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1031, and key code 218: Invalid argument
mai 09 22:19:35 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc102d, and key code 150: Invalid argument
mai 09 22:19:35 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc102c, and key code 464: Invalid argument
mai 09 22:19:35 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc102b, and key code 154: Invalid argument
mai 09 22:19:35 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc102a, and key code 158: Invalid argument
mai 09 22:19:35 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1029, and key code 410: Invalid argument
mai 09 22:19:35 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1028, and key code 371: Invalid argument
mai 09 22:19:35 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1027, and key code 139: Invalid argument
mai 09 22:19:35 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1023, and key code 206: Invalid argument
mai 09 22:19:35 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1021, and key code 420: Invalid argument
mai 09 22:19:35 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1020, and key code 418: Invalid argument
mai 09 22:19:35 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc101f, and key code 419: Invalid argument
mai 09 22:19:35 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc101c, and key code 154: Invalid argument
mai 09 22:19:35 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc101b, and key code 186: Invalid argument
mai 09 22:19:35 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc101a, and key code 185: Invalid argument
mai 09 22:19:35 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1019, and key code 184: Invalid argument
mai 09 22:19:35 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1018, and key code 171: Invalid argument
mai 09 22:19:35 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1017, and key code 161: Invalid argument
mai 09 22:19:35 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1016, and key code 213: Invalid argument
mai 09 22:19:35 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1015, and key code 167: Invalid argument
mai 09 22:19:35 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1014, and key code 152: Invalid argument
mai 09 22:19:35 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1013, and key code 212: Invalid argument
mai 09 22:19:35 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1012, and key code 402: Invalid argument
mai 09 22:19:35 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1011, and key code 403: Invalid argument
mai 09 22:19:35 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1010, and key code 185: Invalid argument
mai 09 22:19:35 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc100f, and key code 184: Invalid argument
mai 09 22:19:35 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc100c, and key code 208: Invalid argument
mai 09 22:19:35 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc100b, and key code 168: Invalid argument
mai 09 22:19:35 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc100a, and key code 235: Invalid argument
mai 09 22:19:35 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1005, and key code 442: Invalid argument
mai 09 22:19:35 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1004, and key code 393: Invalid argument
mai 09 22:19:35 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1003, and key code 392: Invalid argument
mai 09 22:19:35 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1002, and key code 212: Invalid argument
mai 09 22:19:35 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1001, and key code 216: Invalid argument
mai 09 22:19:35 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc0183, and key code 226: Invalid argument
mai 09 22:19:35 Phenix kernel: iommu ivhd0: AMD-Vi: Event logged [INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST device=00:00.0 pasid=0x00000 address=0xfffffffdf8000000 flags=0x0a00]
-- Boot c4896f38fa79401488192aab1aaf3552 --
mai 09 22:19:09 Phenix kernel: watchdog: watchdog0: watchdog did not stop!
mai 09 22:19:06 Phenix libvirtd[886]: End of file while reading data: Erreur d'entrée/sortie
mai 09 21:46:46 Phenix pulseaudio[1284]: GetManagedObjects() failed: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.TimedOut: Failed to activate service 'org.bluez': timed out (service_start_timeout=25000ms)
mai 09 21:46:25 Phenix pipewire[1283]: Failed to receive portal pid: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwner: Could not get PID of name 'org.freedesktop.portal.Desktop': no such name
mai 09 21:46:24 Phenix sddm-helper[1261]: gkr-pam: unable to locate daemon control file
mai 09 21:46:20 Phenix pipewire[1108]: Failed to receive portal pid: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwner: Could not get PID of name 'org.freedesktop.portal.Desktop': no such name
mai 09 21:46:17 Phenix kernel:
mai 09 21:46:17 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc104c, and key code 203: Invalid argument
mai 09 21:46:17 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc104b, and key code 202: Invalid argument
mai 09 21:46:17 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc104a, and key code 149: Invalid argument
mai 09 21:46:17 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1049, and key code 148: Invalid argument
mai 09 21:46:17 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1048, and key code 234: Invalid argument
mai 09 21:46:17 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1047, and key code 210: Invalid argument
mai 09 21:46:17 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1046, and key code 182: Invalid argument
mai 09 21:46:17 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1045, and key code 131: Invalid argument
mai 09 21:46:17 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1044, and key code 425: Invalid argument
mai 09 21:46:17 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1043, and key code 423: Invalid argument
mai 09 21:46:17 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1042, and key code 421: Invalid argument
mai 09 21:46:17 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1041, and key code 138: Invalid argument
mai 09 21:46:17 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1032, and key code 223: Invalid argument
mai 09 21:46:17 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1031, and key code 218: Invalid argument
mai 09 21:46:17 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc102d, and key code 150: Invalid argument
mai 09 21:46:17 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc102c, and key code 464: Invalid argument
mai 09 21:46:17 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc102b, and key code 154: Invalid argument
mai 09 21:46:17 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc102a, and key code 158: Invalid argument
mai 09 21:46:17 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1029, and key code 410: Invalid argument
mai 09 21:46:17 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1028, and key code 371: Invalid argument
mai 09 21:46:17 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1027, and key code 139: Invalid argument
mai 09 21:46:17 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1023, and key code 206: Invalid argument
mai 09 21:46:17 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1021, and key code 420: Invalid argument
mai 09 21:46:17 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1020, and key code 418: Invalid argument
mai 09 21:46:17 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc101f, and key code 419: Invalid argument
mai 09 21:46:17 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc101c, and key code 154: Invalid argument
mai 09 21:46:17 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc101b, and key code 186: Invalid argument
mai 09 21:46:17 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc101a, and key code 185: Invalid argument
mai 09 21:46:17 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1019, and key code 184: Invalid argument
mai 09 21:46:17 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1018, and key code 171: Invalid argument
mai 09 21:46:17 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1017, and key code 161: Invalid argument
mai 09 21:46:17 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1016, and key code 213: Invalid argument
mai 09 21:46:17 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1015, and key code 167: Invalid argument
mai 09 21:46:17 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1014, and key code 152: Invalid argument
mai 09 21:46:17 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1013, and key code 212: Invalid argument
mai 09 21:46:17 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1012, and key code 402: Invalid argument
mai 09 21:46:17 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1011, and key code 403: Invalid argument
mai 09 21:46:17 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1010, and key code 185: Invalid argument
mai 09 21:46:17 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc100f, and key code 184: Invalid argument
mai 09 21:46:17 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc100c, and key code 208: Invalid argument
mai 09 21:46:17 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc100b, and key code 168: Invalid argument
mai 09 21:46:17 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc100a, and key code 235: Invalid argument
mai 09 21:46:17 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1005, and key code 442: Invalid argument
mai 09 21:46:17 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1004, and key code 393: Invalid argument
mai 09 21:46:17 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1003, and key code 392: Invalid argument
mai 09 21:46:17 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1002, and key code 212: Invalid argument
mai 09 21:46:17 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1001, and key code 216: Invalid argument
mai 09 21:46:17 Phenix systemd-udevd[371]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc0183, and key code 226: Invalid argument
mai 09 21:46:17 Phenix kernel: iommu ivhd0: AMD-Vi: Event logged [INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST device=00:00.0 pasid=0x00000 address=0xfffffffdf8000000 flags=0x0a00]
-- Boot 72c7930e48bd41ce8467561fddb3ecbe --
mai 09 15:44:51 Phenix pulseaudio[1353]: GetManagedObjects() failed: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.TimedOut: Failed to activate service 'org.bluez': timed out (service_start_timeout=25000ms)
mai 09 15:44:32 Phenix pipewire[1352]: Failed to receive portal pid: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwner: Could not get PID of name 'org.freedesktop.portal.Desktop': no such name
mai 09 15:44:32 Phenix sddm-helper[1330]: gkr-pam: unable to locate daemon control file
mai 09 15:44:25 Phenix pipewire[1115]: Failed to receive portal pid: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwner: Could not get PID of name 'org.freedesktop.portal.Desktop': no such name
mai 09 15:44:22 Phenix kernel:
mai 09 15:44:22 Phenix systemd-udevd[367]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc104c, and key code 203: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:44:22 Phenix systemd-udevd[367]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc104b, and key code 202: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:44:22 Phenix systemd-udevd[367]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc104a, and key code 149: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:44:22 Phenix systemd-udevd[367]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1049, and key code 148: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:44:22 Phenix systemd-udevd[367]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1048, and key code 234: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:44:22 Phenix systemd-udevd[367]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1047, and key code 210: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:44:22 Phenix systemd-udevd[367]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1046, and key code 182: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:44:22 Phenix systemd-udevd[367]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1045, and key code 131: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:44:22 Phenix systemd-udevd[367]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1044, and key code 425: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:44:22 Phenix systemd-udevd[367]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1043, and key code 423: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:44:22 Phenix systemd-udevd[367]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1042, and key code 421: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:44:22 Phenix systemd-udevd[367]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1041, and key code 138: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:44:22 Phenix systemd-udevd[367]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1032, and key code 223: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:44:22 Phenix systemd-udevd[367]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1031, and key code 218: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:44:22 Phenix systemd-udevd[367]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc102d, and key code 150: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:44:22 Phenix systemd-udevd[367]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc102c, and key code 464: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:44:22 Phenix systemd-udevd[367]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc102b, and key code 154: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:44:22 Phenix systemd-udevd[367]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc102a, and key code 158: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:44:22 Phenix systemd-udevd[367]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1029, and key code 410: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:44:22 Phenix systemd-udevd[367]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1028, and key code 371: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:44:22 Phenix systemd-udevd[367]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1027, and key code 139: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:44:22 Phenix systemd-udevd[367]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1023, and key code 206: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:44:22 Phenix systemd-udevd[367]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1021, and key code 420: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:44:22 Phenix systemd-udevd[367]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1020, and key code 418: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:44:22 Phenix systemd-udevd[367]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc101f, and key code 419: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:44:22 Phenix systemd-udevd[367]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc101c, and key code 154: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:44:22 Phenix systemd-udevd[367]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc101b, and key code 186: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:44:22 Phenix systemd-udevd[367]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc101a, and key code 185: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:44:22 Phenix systemd-udevd[367]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1019, and key code 184: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:44:22 Phenix systemd-udevd[367]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1018, and key code 171: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:44:22 Phenix systemd-udevd[367]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1017, and key code 161: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:44:22 Phenix systemd-udevd[367]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1016, and key code 213: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:44:22 Phenix systemd-udevd[367]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1015, and key code 167: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:44:22 Phenix systemd-udevd[367]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1014, and key code 152: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:44:22 Phenix systemd-udevd[367]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1013, and key code 212: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:44:22 Phenix systemd-udevd[367]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1012, and key code 402: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:44:22 Phenix systemd-udevd[367]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1011, and key code 403: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:44:22 Phenix systemd-udevd[367]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1010, and key code 185: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:44:22 Phenix systemd-udevd[367]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc100f, and key code 184: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:44:22 Phenix systemd-udevd[367]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc100c, and key code 208: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:44:22 Phenix systemd-udevd[367]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc100b, and key code 168: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:44:22 Phenix systemd-udevd[367]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc100a, and key code 235: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:44:22 Phenix systemd-udevd[367]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1005, and key code 442: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:44:22 Phenix systemd-udevd[367]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1004, and key code 393: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:44:22 Phenix systemd-udevd[367]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1003, and key code 392: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:44:22 Phenix systemd-udevd[367]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1002, and key code 212: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:44:22 Phenix systemd-udevd[367]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1001, and key code 216: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:44:22 Phenix systemd-udevd[367]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc0183, and key code 226: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:44:22 Phenix kernel: iommu ivhd0: AMD-Vi: Event logged [INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST device=00:00.0 pasid=0x00000 address=0xfffffffdf8000000 flags=0x0a00]
-- Boot b8489189659d4bbfb7d44b093a8cfd77 --
mai 09 15:43:58 Phenix kernel: watchdog: watchdog0: watchdog did not stop!
mai 09 15:43:37 Phenix kernel:
mai 09 15:39:28 Phenix systemd-udevd[377]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc104c, and key code 203: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:39:28 Phenix systemd-udevd[377]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc104b, and key code 202: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:39:28 Phenix systemd-udevd[377]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc104a, and key code 149: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:39:28 Phenix systemd-udevd[377]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1049, and key code 148: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:39:28 Phenix systemd-udevd[377]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1048, and key code 234: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:39:28 Phenix systemd-udevd[377]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1047, and key code 210: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:39:28 Phenix systemd-udevd[377]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1046, and key code 182: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:39:28 Phenix systemd-udevd[377]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1045, and key code 131: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:39:28 Phenix systemd-udevd[377]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1044, and key code 425: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:39:28 Phenix systemd-udevd[377]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1043, and key code 423: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:39:28 Phenix systemd-udevd[377]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1042, and key code 421: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:39:28 Phenix systemd-udevd[377]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1041, and key code 138: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:39:28 Phenix systemd-udevd[377]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1032, and key code 223: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:39:28 Phenix systemd-udevd[377]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1031, and key code 218: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:39:28 Phenix systemd-udevd[377]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc102d, and key code 150: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:39:28 Phenix systemd-udevd[377]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc102c, and key code 464: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:39:28 Phenix systemd-udevd[377]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc102b, and key code 154: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:39:28 Phenix systemd-udevd[377]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc102a, and key code 158: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:39:28 Phenix systemd-udevd[377]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1029, and key code 410: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:39:28 Phenix systemd-udevd[377]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1028, and key code 371: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:39:28 Phenix systemd-udevd[377]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1027, and key code 139: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:39:28 Phenix systemd-udevd[377]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1023, and key code 206: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:39:28 Phenix systemd-udevd[377]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1021, and key code 420: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:39:28 Phenix systemd-udevd[377]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1020, and key code 418: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:39:28 Phenix systemd-udevd[377]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc101f, and key code 419: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:39:28 Phenix systemd-udevd[377]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc101c, and key code 154: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:39:28 Phenix systemd-udevd[377]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc101b, and key code 186: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:39:28 Phenix systemd-udevd[377]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc101a, and key code 185: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:39:28 Phenix systemd-udevd[377]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1019, and key code 184: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:39:28 Phenix systemd-udevd[377]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1018, and key code 171: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:39:28 Phenix systemd-udevd[377]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1017, and key code 161: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:39:28 Phenix systemd-udevd[377]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1016, and key code 213: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:39:28 Phenix systemd-udevd[377]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1015, and key code 167: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:39:28 Phenix systemd-udevd[377]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1014, and key code 152: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:39:28 Phenix systemd-udevd[377]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1013, and key code 212: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:39:28 Phenix systemd-udevd[377]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1012, and key code 402: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:39:28 Phenix systemd-udevd[377]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1011, and key code 403: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:39:28 Phenix systemd-udevd[377]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1010, and key code 185: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:39:28 Phenix systemd-udevd[377]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc100f, and key code 184: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:39:28 Phenix systemd-udevd[377]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc100c, and key code 208: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:39:28 Phenix systemd-udevd[377]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc100b, and key code 168: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:39:28 Phenix systemd-udevd[377]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc100a, and key code 235: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:39:28 Phenix systemd-udevd[377]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1005, and key code 442: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:39:28 Phenix systemd-udevd[377]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1004, and key code 393: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:39:28 Phenix systemd-udevd[377]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1003, and key code 392: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:39:28 Phenix systemd-udevd[377]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1002, and key code 212: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:39:28 Phenix systemd-udevd[377]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1001, and key code 216: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:39:28 Phenix systemd-udevd[377]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc0183, and key code 226: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:39:28 Phenix kernel: iommu ivhd0: AMD-Vi: Event logged [INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST device=00:00.0 pasid=0x00000 address=0xfffffffdf8000000 flags=0x0a00]
-- Boot 28d490c14a5f47d2b282fb5e88c5fc3d --
mai 09 15:38:58 Phenix kernel: watchdog: watchdog0: watchdog did not stop!
mai 09 15:29:57 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc104c, and key code 203: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:29:57 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc104b, and key code 202: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:29:57 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc104a, and key code 149: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:29:57 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1049, and key code 148: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:29:57 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1048, and key code 234: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:29:57 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1047, and key code 210: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:29:57 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1046, and key code 182: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:29:57 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1045, and key code 131: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:29:57 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1044, and key code 425: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:29:57 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1043, and key code 423: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:29:57 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1042, and key code 421: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:29:57 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1041, and key code 138: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:29:57 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1032, and key code 223: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:29:57 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1031, and key code 218: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:29:57 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc102d, and key code 150: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:29:57 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc102c, and key code 464: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:29:57 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc102b, and key code 154: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:29:57 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc102a, and key code 158: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:29:57 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1029, and key code 410: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:29:57 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1028, and key code 371: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:29:57 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1027, and key code 139: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:29:57 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1023, and key code 206: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:29:57 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1021, and key code 420: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:29:57 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1020, and key code 418: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:29:57 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc101f, and key code 419: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:29:57 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc101c, and key code 154: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:29:57 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc101b, and key code 186: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:29:57 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc101a, and key code 185: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:29:57 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1019, and key code 184: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:29:57 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1018, and key code 171: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:29:57 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1017, and key code 161: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:29:57 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1016, and key code 213: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:29:57 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1015, and key code 167: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:29:57 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1014, and key code 152: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:29:57 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1013, and key code 212: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:29:57 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1012, and key code 402: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:29:57 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1011, and key code 403: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:29:57 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1010, and key code 185: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:29:57 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc100f, and key code 184: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:29:57 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc100c, and key code 208: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:29:57 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc100b, and key code 168: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:29:57 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc100a, and key code 235: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:29:57 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1005, and key code 442: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:29:57 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1004, and key code 393: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:29:57 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1003, and key code 392: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:29:57 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1002, and key code 212: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:29:57 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1001, and key code 216: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:29:57 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc0183, and key code 226: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:29:57 Phenix kernel: iommu ivhd0: AMD-Vi: Event logged [INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST device=00:00.0 pasid=0x00000 address=0xfffffffdf8000000 flags=0x0a00]
-- Boot 4beb84116dab494eb18b884f5f5e65e7 --
mai 09 15:29:18 Phenix kernel: watchdog: watchdog0: watchdog did not stop!
mai 09 15:23:59 Phenix kernel: NVRM: The NVIDIA probe routine was not called for 1 device(s).
mai 09 15:23:58 Phenix kernel: NVRM: The NVIDIA probe routine was not called for 1 device(s).
mai 09 15:23:58 Phenix kernel: NVRM: The NVIDIA probe routine was not called for 1 device(s).
mai 09 15:23:58 Phenix systemd-udevd[380]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc104c, and key code 203: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:58 Phenix systemd-udevd[380]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc104b, and key code 202: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:58 Phenix systemd-udevd[380]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc104a, and key code 149: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:58 Phenix systemd-udevd[380]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1049, and key code 148: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:58 Phenix systemd-udevd[380]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1048, and key code 234: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:58 Phenix systemd-udevd[380]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1047, and key code 210: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:58 Phenix systemd-udevd[380]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1046, and key code 182: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:58 Phenix systemd-udevd[380]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1045, and key code 131: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:58 Phenix systemd-udevd[380]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1044, and key code 425: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:58 Phenix systemd-udevd[380]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1043, and key code 423: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:58 Phenix systemd-udevd[380]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1042, and key code 421: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:58 Phenix systemd-udevd[380]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1041, and key code 138: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:58 Phenix systemd-udevd[380]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1032, and key code 223: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:58 Phenix systemd-udevd[380]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1031, and key code 218: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:58 Phenix systemd-udevd[380]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc102d, and key code 150: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:58 Phenix systemd-udevd[380]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc102c, and key code 464: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:58 Phenix systemd-udevd[380]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc102b, and key code 154: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:58 Phenix systemd-udevd[380]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc102a, and key code 158: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:58 Phenix systemd-udevd[380]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1029, and key code 410: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:58 Phenix systemd-udevd[380]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1028, and key code 371: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:58 Phenix systemd-udevd[380]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1027, and key code 139: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:58 Phenix systemd-udevd[380]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1023, and key code 206: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:58 Phenix systemd-udevd[380]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1021, and key code 420: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:58 Phenix systemd-udevd[380]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1020, and key code 418: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:58 Phenix systemd-udevd[380]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc101f, and key code 419: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:58 Phenix systemd-udevd[380]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc101c, and key code 154: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:58 Phenix systemd-udevd[380]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc101b, and key code 186: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:58 Phenix systemd-udevd[380]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc101a, and key code 185: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:58 Phenix systemd-udevd[380]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1019, and key code 184: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:58 Phenix systemd-udevd[380]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1018, and key code 171: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:58 Phenix systemd-udevd[380]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1017, and key code 161: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:58 Phenix systemd-udevd[380]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1016, and key code 213: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:58 Phenix systemd-udevd[380]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1015, and key code 167: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:58 Phenix systemd-udevd[380]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1014, and key code 152: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:58 Phenix systemd-udevd[380]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1013, and key code 212: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:58 Phenix systemd-udevd[380]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1012, and key code 402: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:58 Phenix systemd-udevd[380]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1011, and key code 403: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:58 Phenix systemd-udevd[380]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1010, and key code 185: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:58 Phenix systemd-udevd[380]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc100f, and key code 184: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:58 Phenix systemd-udevd[380]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc100c, and key code 208: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:58 Phenix systemd-udevd[380]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc100b, and key code 168: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:58 Phenix systemd-udevd[380]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc100a, and key code 235: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:58 Phenix systemd-udevd[380]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1005, and key code 442: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:58 Phenix systemd-udevd[380]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1004, and key code 393: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:58 Phenix systemd-udevd[380]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1003, and key code 392: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:58 Phenix systemd-udevd[380]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1002, and key code 212: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:58 Phenix systemd-udevd[380]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1001, and key code 216: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:58 Phenix systemd-udevd[380]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc0183, and key code 226: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:58 Phenix kernel: NVRM: The NVIDIA probe routine was not called for 1 device(s).
mai 09 15:23:58 Phenix kernel: iommu ivhd0: AMD-Vi: Event logged [INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST device=00:00.0 pasid=0x00000 address=0xfffffffdf8000000 flags=0x0a00]
-- Boot 5d79701df76243ab87c95f32e32bd953 --
mai 09 15:23:28 Phenix kernel: watchdog: watchdog0: watchdog did not stop!
mai 09 15:23:18 Phenix sddm[1087]: Could not start Display server on vt 7
mai 09 15:23:18 Phenix sddm[1087]: Failed to read display number from pipe
mai 09 15:23:16 Phenix systemd[1]: Failed to start NVIDIA Persistence Daemon.
mai 09 15:23:16 Phenix nvidia-persistenced[832]: Failed to open cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
mai 09 15:23:15 Phenix systemd-udevd[362]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc104c, and key code 203: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:15 Phenix systemd-udevd[362]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc104b, and key code 202: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:15 Phenix systemd-udevd[362]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc104a, and key code 149: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:15 Phenix systemd-udevd[362]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1049, and key code 148: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:15 Phenix systemd-udevd[362]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1048, and key code 234: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:15 Phenix systemd-udevd[362]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1047, and key code 210: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:15 Phenix systemd-udevd[362]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1046, and key code 182: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:15 Phenix systemd-udevd[362]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1045, and key code 131: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:15 Phenix systemd-udevd[362]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1044, and key code 425: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:15 Phenix systemd-udevd[362]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1043, and key code 423: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:15 Phenix systemd-udevd[362]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1042, and key code 421: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:15 Phenix systemd-udevd[362]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1041, and key code 138: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:15 Phenix systemd-udevd[362]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1032, and key code 223: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:15 Phenix systemd-udevd[362]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1031, and key code 218: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:15 Phenix systemd-udevd[362]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc102d, and key code 150: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:15 Phenix systemd-udevd[362]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc102c, and key code 464: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:15 Phenix systemd-udevd[362]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc102b, and key code 154: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:15 Phenix systemd-udevd[362]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc102a, and key code 158: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:15 Phenix systemd-udevd[362]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1029, and key code 410: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:15 Phenix systemd-udevd[362]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1028, and key code 371: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:15 Phenix systemd-udevd[362]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1027, and key code 139: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:15 Phenix systemd-udevd[362]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1023, and key code 206: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:15 Phenix systemd-udevd[362]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1021, and key code 420: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:15 Phenix systemd-udevd[362]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1020, and key code 418: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:15 Phenix systemd-udevd[362]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc101f, and key code 419: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:15 Phenix systemd-udevd[362]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc101c, and key code 154: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:15 Phenix systemd-udevd[362]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc101b, and key code 186: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:15 Phenix systemd-udevd[362]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc101a, and key code 185: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:15 Phenix systemd-udevd[362]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1019, and key code 184: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:15 Phenix systemd-udevd[362]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1018, and key code 171: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:15 Phenix systemd-udevd[362]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1017, and key code 161: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:15 Phenix systemd-udevd[362]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1016, and key code 213: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:15 Phenix systemd-udevd[362]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1015, and key code 167: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:15 Phenix systemd-udevd[362]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1014, and key code 152: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:15 Phenix systemd-udevd[362]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1013, and key code 212: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:15 Phenix systemd-udevd[362]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1012, and key code 402: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:15 Phenix systemd-udevd[362]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1011, and key code 403: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:15 Phenix systemd-udevd[362]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1010, and key code 185: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:15 Phenix systemd-udevd[362]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc100f, and key code 184: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:15 Phenix systemd-udevd[362]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc100c, and key code 208: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:15 Phenix systemd-udevd[362]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc100b, and key code 168: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:15 Phenix systemd-udevd[362]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc100a, and key code 235: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:15 Phenix systemd-udevd[362]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1005, and key code 442: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:15 Phenix systemd-udevd[362]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1004, and key code 393: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:15 Phenix systemd-udevd[362]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1003, and key code 392: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:15 Phenix systemd-udevd[362]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1002, and key code 212: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:15 Phenix systemd-udevd[362]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1001, and key code 216: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:15 Phenix systemd-udevd[362]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc0183, and key code 226: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:23:15 Phenix kernel: iommu ivhd0: AMD-Vi: Event logged [INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST device=00:00.0 pasid=0x00000 address=0xfffffffdf8000000 flags=0x0a00]
-- Boot 913d2deded3b45e2ae80f46def173838 --
mai 09 15:22:44 Phenix kernel: watchdog: watchdog0: watchdog did not stop!
mai 09 15:21:48 Phenix sddm[906]: Could not start Display server on vt 7
mai 09 15:21:48 Phenix sddm[906]: Failed to read display number from pipe
mai 09 15:21:48 Phenix systemd[1]: Failed to start Set console font and keymap.
mai 09 15:21:48 Phenix systemd[1]: Failed to start NVIDIA Persistence Daemon.
mai 09 15:21:48 Phenix nvidia-persistenced[845]: Failed to open cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
mai 09 15:21:47 Phenix kernel: NVRM: The NVIDIA probe routine was not called for 1 device(s).
mai 09 15:21:47 Phenix kernel: NVRM: The NVIDIA probe routine was not called for 1 device(s).
mai 09 15:21:47 Phenix kernel:
mai 09 15:21:47 Phenix kernel: NVRM: The NVIDIA probe routine was not called for 1 device(s).
mai 09 15:21:47 Phenix systemd-udevd[385]: event3: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc104c, and key code 203: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:21:47 Phenix systemd-udevd[385]: event3: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc104b, and key code 202: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:21:47 Phenix systemd-udevd[385]: event3: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc104a, and key code 149: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:21:47 Phenix systemd-udevd[385]: event3: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1049, and key code 148: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:21:47 Phenix systemd-udevd[385]: event3: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1048, and key code 234: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:21:47 Phenix systemd-udevd[385]: event3: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1047, and key code 210: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:21:47 Phenix systemd-udevd[385]: event3: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1046, and key code 182: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:21:47 Phenix systemd-udevd[385]: event3: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1045, and key code 131: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:21:47 Phenix systemd-udevd[385]: event3: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1044, and key code 425: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:21:47 Phenix systemd-udevd[385]: event3: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1043, and key code 423: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:21:47 Phenix systemd-udevd[385]: event3: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1042, and key code 421: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:21:47 Phenix systemd-udevd[385]: event3: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1041, and key code 138: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:21:47 Phenix systemd-udevd[385]: event3: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1032, and key code 223: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:21:47 Phenix systemd-udevd[385]: event3: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1031, and key code 218: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:21:47 Phenix systemd-udevd[385]: event3: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc102d, and key code 150: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:21:47 Phenix systemd-udevd[385]: event3: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc102c, and key code 464: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:21:47 Phenix systemd-udevd[385]: event3: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc102b, and key code 154: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:21:47 Phenix systemd-udevd[385]: event3: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc102a, and key code 158: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:21:47 Phenix systemd-udevd[385]: event3: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1029, and key code 410: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:21:47 Phenix systemd-udevd[385]: event3: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1028, and key code 371: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:21:47 Phenix systemd-udevd[385]: event3: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1027, and key code 139: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:21:47 Phenix systemd-udevd[385]: event3: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1023, and key code 206: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:21:47 Phenix systemd-udevd[385]: event3: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1021, and key code 420: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:21:47 Phenix systemd-udevd[385]: event3: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1020, and key code 418: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:21:47 Phenix systemd-udevd[385]: event3: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc101f, and key code 419: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:21:47 Phenix systemd-udevd[385]: event3: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc101c, and key code 154: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:21:47 Phenix systemd-udevd[385]: event3: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc101b, and key code 186: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:21:47 Phenix systemd-udevd[385]: event3: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc101a, and key code 185: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:21:47 Phenix systemd-udevd[385]: event3: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1019, and key code 184: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:21:47 Phenix systemd-udevd[385]: event3: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1018, and key code 171: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:21:47 Phenix systemd-udevd[385]: event3: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1017, and key code 161: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:21:47 Phenix systemd-udevd[385]: event3: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1016, and key code 213: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:21:47 Phenix systemd-udevd[385]: event3: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1015, and key code 167: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:21:47 Phenix systemd-udevd[385]: event3: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1014, and key code 152: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:21:47 Phenix systemd-udevd[385]: event3: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1013, and key code 212: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:21:47 Phenix systemd-udevd[385]: event3: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1012, and key code 402: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:21:47 Phenix systemd-udevd[385]: event3: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1011, and key code 403: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:21:47 Phenix systemd-udevd[385]: event3: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1010, and key code 185: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:21:47 Phenix systemd-udevd[385]: event3: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc100f, and key code 184: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:21:47 Phenix systemd-udevd[385]: event3: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc100c, and key code 208: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:21:47 Phenix systemd-udevd[385]: event3: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc100b, and key code 168: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:21:47 Phenix systemd-udevd[385]: event3: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc100a, and key code 235: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:21:47 Phenix systemd-udevd[385]: event3: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1005, and key code 442: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:21:47 Phenix systemd-udevd[385]: event3: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1004, and key code 393: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:21:47 Phenix systemd-udevd[385]: event3: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1003, and key code 392: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:21:47 Phenix systemd-udevd[385]: event3: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1002, and key code 212: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:21:47 Phenix systemd-udevd[385]: event3: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1001, and key code 216: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:21:47 Phenix systemd-udevd[385]: event3: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc0183, and key code 226: Invalid argument
mai 09 15:21:47 Phenix kernel: iommu ivhd0: AMD-Vi: Event logged [INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST device=00:00.0 pasid=0x00000 address=0xfffffffdf8000000 flags=0x0a00]
-- Boot 4de855aa5b164c048525795d461f695c --
mai 09 15:21:21 Phenix kernel: watchdog: watchdog0: watchdog did not stop!
mai 09 15:21:21 Phenix sddm[913]: Could not start Display server on vt 7
mai 09 15:21:21 Phenix sddm[913]: Failed to read display number from pipe
mai 09 14:23:01 Phenix pulseaudio[1326]: GetManagedObjects() failed: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.TimedOut: Failed to activate service 'org.bluez': timed out (service_start_timeout=25000ms)
mai 09 14:22:59 Phenix pipewire[1325]: Failed to receive portal pid: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwner: Could not get PID of name 'org.freedesktop.portal.Desktop': no such name
mai 09 14:22:59 Phenix sddm-helper[1302]: gkr-pam: unable to locate daemon control file
mai 09 14:22:35 Phenix pipewire[1147]: Failed to receive portal pid: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwner: Could not get PID of name 'org.freedesktop.portal.Desktop': no such name
mai 09 14:22:32 Phenix kernel:
mai 09 14:22:32 Phenix systemd-udevd[378]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc104c, and key code 203: Invalid argument
mai 09 14:22:32 Phenix systemd-udevd[378]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc104b, and key code 202: Invalid argument
mai 09 14:22:32 Phenix systemd-udevd[378]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc104a, and key code 149: Invalid argument
mai 09 14:22:32 Phenix systemd-udevd[378]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1049, and key code 148: Invalid argument
mai 09 14:22:32 Phenix systemd-udevd[378]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1048, and key code 234: Invalid argument
mai 09 14:22:32 Phenix systemd-udevd[378]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1047, and key code 210: Invalid argument
mai 09 14:22:32 Phenix systemd-udevd[378]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1046, and key code 182: Invalid argument
mai 09 14:22:32 Phenix systemd-udevd[378]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1045, and key code 131: Invalid argument
mai 09 14:22:32 Phenix systemd-udevd[378]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1044, and key code 425: Invalid argument
mai 09 14:22:32 Phenix systemd-udevd[378]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1043, and key code 423: Invalid argument
mai 09 14:22:32 Phenix systemd-udevd[378]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1042, and key code 421: Invalid argument
mai 09 14:22:32 Phenix systemd-udevd[378]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1041, and key code 138: Invalid argument
mai 09 14:22:32 Phenix systemd-udevd[378]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1032, and key code 223: Invalid argument
mai 09 14:22:32 Phenix systemd-udevd[378]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1031, and key code 218: Invalid argument
mai 09 14:22:32 Phenix systemd-udevd[378]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc102d, and key code 150: Invalid argument
mai 09 14:22:32 Phenix systemd-udevd[378]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc102c, and key code 464: Invalid argument
mai 09 14:22:32 Phenix systemd-udevd[378]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc102b, and key code 154: Invalid argument
mai 09 14:22:32 Phenix systemd-udevd[378]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc102a, and key code 158: Invalid argument
mai 09 14:22:32 Phenix systemd-udevd[378]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1029, and key code 410: Invalid argument
mai 09 14:22:32 Phenix systemd-udevd[378]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1028, and key code 371: Invalid argument
mai 09 14:22:32 Phenix systemd-udevd[378]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1027, and key code 139: Invalid argument
mai 09 14:22:32 Phenix systemd-udevd[378]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1023, and key code 206: Invalid argument
mai 09 14:22:32 Phenix systemd-udevd[378]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1021, and key code 420: Invalid argument
mai 09 14:22:32 Phenix systemd-udevd[378]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1020, and key code 418: Invalid argument
mai 09 14:22:32 Phenix systemd-udevd[378]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc101f, and key code 419: Invalid argument
mai 09 14:22:32 Phenix systemd-udevd[378]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc101c, and key code 154: Invalid argument
mai 09 14:22:32 Phenix systemd-udevd[378]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc101b, and key code 186: Invalid argument
mai 09 14:22:32 Phenix systemd-udevd[378]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc101a, and key code 185: Invalid argument
mai 09 14:22:32 Phenix systemd-udevd[378]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1019, and key code 184: Invalid argument
mai 09 14:22:32 Phenix systemd-udevd[378]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1018, and key code 171: Invalid argument
mai 09 14:22:32 Phenix systemd-udevd[378]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1017, and key code 161: Invalid argument
mai 09 14:22:32 Phenix systemd-udevd[378]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1016, and key code 213: Invalid argument
mai 09 14:22:32 Phenix systemd-udevd[378]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1015, and key code 167: Invalid argument
mai 09 14:22:32 Phenix systemd-udevd[378]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1014, and key code 152: Invalid argument
mai 09 14:22:32 Phenix systemd-udevd[378]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1013, and key code 212: Invalid argument
mai 09 14:22:32 Phenix systemd-udevd[378]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1012, and key code 402: Invalid argument
mai 09 14:22:32 Phenix systemd-udevd[378]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1011, and key code 403: Invalid argument
mai 09 14:22:32 Phenix systemd-udevd[378]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1010, and key code 185: Invalid argument
mai 09 14:22:32 Phenix systemd-udevd[378]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc100f, and key code 184: Invalid argument
mai 09 14:22:32 Phenix systemd-udevd[378]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc100c, and key code 208: Invalid argument
mai 09 14:22:32 Phenix systemd-udevd[378]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc100b, and key code 168: Invalid argument
mai 09 14:22:32 Phenix systemd-udevd[378]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc100a, and key code 235: Invalid argument
mai 09 14:22:32 Phenix systemd-udevd[378]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1005, and key code 442: Invalid argument
mai 09 14:22:32 Phenix systemd-udevd[378]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1004, and key code 393: Invalid argument
mai 09 14:22:32 Phenix systemd-udevd[378]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1003, and key code 392: Invalid argument
mai 09 14:22:32 Phenix systemd-udevd[378]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1002, and key code 212: Invalid argument
mai 09 14:22:32 Phenix systemd-udevd[378]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1001, and key code 216: Invalid argument
mai 09 14:22:32 Phenix systemd-udevd[378]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc0183, and key code 226: Invalid argument
mai 09 14:22:32 Phenix kernel: iommu ivhd0: AMD-Vi: Event logged [INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST device=00:00.0 pasid=0x00000 address=0xfffffffdf8000000 flags=0x0a00]
-- Boot a9877f28a7484fcabe8af456c988522d --
mai 08 17:11:42 Phenix kernel: watchdog: BUG: soft lockup - CPU#9 stuck for 22s! [pool-/home/nimi:4068]
mai 08 17:11:22 Phenix kernel: watchdog: BUG: soft lockup - CPU#8 stuck for 23s! [pool-/home/nimi:3256]
mai 08 17:11:17 Phenix kernel: rcu: 9-....: (5249 ticks this GP) idle=6fa/1/0x4000000000000000 softirq=857016/857016 fqs=2624
mai 08 17:11:17 Phenix kernel: rcu: INFO: rcu_sched self-detected stall on CPU
mai 05 10:53:32 Phenix pulseaudio[1649]: GetManagedObjects() failed: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.
mai 05 10:53:06 Phenix pipewire[1648]: Failed to receive portal pid: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwner: Could not get PID of name 'org.freedesktop.portal.Desktop': no such name
mai 05 10:53:06 Phenix sddm-helper[1625]: gkr-pam: unable to locate daemon control file
mai 05 04:00:50 Phenix pulseaudio[1111]: GetManagedObjects() failed: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.
mai 05 04:00:24 Phenix pipewire[1110]: Failed to receive portal pid: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwner: Could not get PID of name 'org.freedesktop.portal.Desktop': no such name
mai 05 04:00:21 Phenix kernel:
mai 05 04:00:21 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc104c, and key code 203: Invalid argument
mai 05 04:00:21 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc104b, and key code 202: Invalid argument
mai 05 04:00:21 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc104a, and key code 149: Invalid argument
mai 05 04:00:21 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1049, and key code 148: Invalid argument
mai 05 04:00:21 Phenix systemd-udevd[387]: event4: Failed to call EVIOCSKEYCODE with scan code 0xc1048, and key code 234: Invalid argument