je pense ne pas avoir vu quelque chose sur le sujet
je viens de découvrir freeipmi et ipmitool en plus des paquets sensors
pour ceux qui ont un serveur avec le module "bmc" présent ça fonctionne.
nota : le module permet la gestion du serveur et de récupérer les alarmes , les logs etc .......
retour (commandes disponnibles )
No command provided!
raw Send a RAW IPMI request and print response
i2c Send an I2C Master Write-Read command and print response
spd Print SPD info from remote I2C device
lan Configure LAN Channels
chassis Get chassis status and set power state
power Shortcut to chassis power commands
event Send pre-defined events to MC
mc Management Controller status and global enables
sdr Print Sensor Data Repository entries and readings
sensor Print detailed sensor information
fru Print built-in FRU and scan SDR for FRU locators
gendev Read/Write Device associated with Generic Device locators sdr
sel Print System Event Log (SEL)
pef Configure Platform Event Filtering (PEF)
sol Configure and connect IPMIv2.0 Serial-over-LAN
tsol Configure and connect with Tyan IPMIv1.5 Serial-over-LAN
isol Configure IPMIv1.5 Serial-over-LAN
user Configure Management Controller users
channel Configure Management Controller channels
session Print session information
dcmi Data Center Management Interface
sunoem OEM Commands for Sun servers
kontronoem OEM Commands for Kontron devices
picmg Run a PICMG/ATCA extended cmd
fwum Update IPMC using Kontron OEM Firmware Update Manager
firewall Configure Firmware Firewall
delloem OEM Commands for Dell systems
shell Launch interactive IPMI shell
exec Run list of commands from file
set Set runtime variable for shell and exec
hpm Update HPM components using PICMG HPM.1 file
ekanalyzer run FRU-Ekeying analyzer using FRU files
ime Update Intel Manageability Engine Firmware
CPU1 Temperature | 50 degrees C | ok
CPU2 Temperature | 52 degrees C | ok
TR1 Temperature | 44 degrees C | ok
TR2 Temperature | 48 degrees C | ok
VCORE1 | 0.90 Volts | ok
VCORE2 | 0.91 Volts | ok
+VTT_CPU | 1.04 Volts | ok
+VDDQ_AB_CPU1 | 1.36 Volts | ok
+VDDQ_CD_CPU1 | 1.36 Volts | ok
+VDDQ_EF_CPU2 | 1.36 Volts | ok
+VDDQ_GH_CPU2 | 1.36 Volts | ok
+12V | 11.71 Volts | ok
+5V | 4.86 Volts | ok
+5VSB | 5.06 Volts | ok
+3.3V | 3.22 Volts | ok
+3.3VSB | 3.17 Volts | ok
VBAT | 3.26 Volts | ok
CPU_FAN1 | 1280 RPM | ok
CPU_FAN2 | 1280 RPM | ok
FRNT_FAN1 | 800 RPM | ok
FRNT_FAN2 | 880 RPM | ok
FRNT_FAN3 | 1200 RPM | ok
FRNT_FAN4 | 880 RPM | ok
REAR_FAN1 | 960 RPM | ok
REAR_FAN2 | 0 RPM | nr
CPU1 Margin | 43 degrees C | ok
CPU2 Margin | 43 degrees C | ok
CPU1_ECC1 | 0x00 | ok
CPU1_ECC2 | 0x00 | ok
CPU2_ECC1 | 0x00 | ok
CPU2_ECC2 | 0x00 | ok
PMBPower | no reading | ns
ChassisIntrusion | 0x00 | ok
Watchdog2 | 0x00 | ok
NM Capabilities | 0x96 | ok
pour freeipmi je n'ai pas cherché encore son fonctionnement
de quoi faire un joli tuto
si vous avez un retour d'expérience ou des infos utiles ne pas hésiter a intervenir
nota : taper dans synaptic => recherche => ipmi
avec la commande sensors sur la meme machine
Adapter: ISA adapter
Physical id 1: +53.0°C (high = +81.0°C, crit = +91.0°C)
Core 0: +48.0°C (high = +81.0°C, crit = +91.0°C)
Core 1: +50.0°C (high = +81.0°C, crit = +91.0°C)
Core 2: +52.0°C (high = +81.0°C, crit = +91.0°C)
Core 3: +50.0°C (high = +81.0°C, crit = +91.0°C)
Core 4: +53.0°C (high = +81.0°C, crit = +91.0°C)
Core 5: +50.0°C (high = +81.0°C, crit = +91.0°C)
Adapter: PCI adapter
loc1: +63.0°C (high = +120.0°C, crit = +110.0°C)
Adapter: ISA adapter
Vcore: +0.00 V (min = +0.00 V, max = +1.74 V)
in1: +0.18 V (min = +0.00 V, max = +0.00 V) ALARM
AVCC: +3.20 V (min = +2.98 V, max = +3.63 V)
+3.3V: +3.20 V (min = +2.98 V, max = +3.63 V)
in4: +0.80 V (min = +0.00 V, max = +0.00 V) ALARM
in5: +1.58 V (min = +0.00 V, max = +0.00 V) ALARM
in6: +0.74 V (min = +0.00 V, max = +0.00 V) ALARM
3VSB: +3.31 V (min = +2.98 V, max = +3.63 V)
Vbat: +3.28 V (min = +2.70 V, max = +3.63 V)
fan1: 0 RPM (min = 0 RPM)
fan2: 0 RPM (min = 0 RPM)
fan3: 0 RPM (min = 0 RPM)
SYSTIN: +43.0°C (high = +0.0°C, hyst = +0.0°C) ALARM sensor = thermistor
CPUTIN: +123.5°C (high = +80.0°C, hyst = +75.0°C) ALARM sensor = CPU diode
AUXTIN: +38.5°C (high = +80.0°C, hyst = +75.0°C) sensor = thermistor
intrusion0: ALARM
intrusion1: ALARM
beep_enable: disabled
Adapter: ISA adapter
Physical id 0: +52.0°C (high = +81.0°C, crit = +91.0°C)
Core 0: +46.0°C (high = +81.0°C, crit = +91.0°C)
Core 1: +52.0°C (high = +81.0°C, crit = +91.0°C)
Core 2: +48.0°C (high = +81.0°C, crit = +91.0°C)
Core 3: +45.0°C (high = +81.0°C, crit = +91.0°C)
Core 4: +45.0°C (high = +81.0°C, crit = +91.0°C)
Core 5: +50.0°C (high = +81.0°C, crit = +91.0°C)
ps: c'est la semaine "sensors" , a mes début sur debian j'ai pas trop approfondi l utilisation des capteurs sur les machines
Usage: ipmidetect [OPTION...]
ipmidetect - IPMI node detection client
-h, --hostname=HOST Specify alternate server hostname
-p, --port=PORT Specify alternate server port
-d, --detected Output only detected nodes
-u, --undetected Output only undetected nodes
-q, --hostrange Output in hostrange format
-c, --comma Output in comma separated format
-n, --newline Output in newline separated format
-s, --space Output in space separated format
-?, --help Give this help list
--usage Give a short usage message
-V, --version Print program version
Mandatory or optional arguments to long options are also mandatory or optional
for any corresponding short options.
Report bugs to <>.
les commandes disponibles (freeipmi )
FreeIPMI is a collection of Intelligent Platform Management IPMI
system software. It provides in-band and out-of-band software and a
development library conforming to the Intelligent Platform Management
Interface (IPMI v1.5 and v2.0) standards.
This package contains assorted IPMI-related tools:
* bmc-config - configure BMC values
* bmc-info - display BMC information
* ipmi-chassis - IPMI chassis management utility
* ipmi-fru - display FRU information
* ipmi-locate - IPMI probing utility
* ipmi-oem - IPMI OEM utility
* ipmi-pet - decode Platform Event Traps
* ipmi-raw - IPMI raw communication utility
* ipmi-sel - display SEL entries
* ipmi-sensors - display IPMI sensor information
* ipmi-sensors-config - configure sensors
* ipmiconsole - IPMI console utility
* ipmiping - send IPMI Get Authentication Capabilitiy request
* ipmipower - IPMI power control utility
* pef-config - configure PEF values
* rmcpping - send RMCP Ping to network hosts
Dernière modification par anonyme (29-03-2017 14:04:47)