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#1 10-04-2017 15:44:22

CA Debian-Facile
Lieu : Quimperlé/Arzano
Distrib. : Debian Stable
Inscription : 20-09-2016
Site Web

[amateurisme !] Frontend pour youtube-dl

j'en avais parlé ailleurs. Permet d'extraire le son ou juste de télécharger des vidéos sur le net (genre youtube) - et de voir en streaming sans utilise javascript pour les extremistes comme moi tongue.

Ça reste un peu experimental, je conseille d'utiliser ça pour ceux qui on un système de test. Je fais rien de dangereux qui pourrait rendre le système instable, mais prudence moussaillon. Suis sûr que j'aurais oublié un truc ou deux, c'est inévitable.

Pour tester :

#importer ma clé publique GPG à apt (avec quoi je signe mes paquets)
#(pour les paranos Empreinte de la clef = 625C 22A1 9FBB 8C73 7398  1913 5A28 91F9 C5D1 6FAE)
#et ajout de la clé dans apt
gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-key C5D16FAE
gpg --armor --export C5D16FA | apt-key add -

#ajouter mon serveur aux sources
echo "deb http://otyugh.pwnz.org/deb stable main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list

#installer le paquet
apt-get update && apt-get install jr-ytdl-gui

Vous obtenez alors dans "Médias" deux lanceurs "ytdl-streaming" et "ytdl-download" : si vous l'utilisez sans rien il va juste demander une URL pour agir, sinon vous pouvez selectionner un lien ou faire un "copier" et il essayera de charger directement l'URL en question.

Hesitez pas à ramener vos erreurs. C'est un peu le but.

Dernière modification par otyugh (10-04-2017 16:13:21)


Hors ligne

#2 10-04-2017 20:47:08

aka prx
Distrib. : OpenBSD
Noyau : current
(G)UI : cwm
Inscription : 09-01-2009
Site Web

Re : [amateurisme !] Frontend pour youtube-dl

Tiens, ça me rappelle que j'avais codé ça pour ma chérie. C'est très simpliste mais ça fait l'affaire.

Tu navigues sans js ?? Avec w3m ou lynx ? smile

Hors ligne

#3 10-04-2017 20:56:27

Lieu : Hauts de Seine
Distrib. : Debian bookworm
Noyau : Linux 6.1.0-21-amd64
(G)UI : LightDM et Xfce4.18
Inscription : 29-04-2015

Re : [amateurisme !] Frontend pour youtube-dl

Thuban a écrit :

Tu navigues sans js ?? Avec w3m ou lynx ? smile

Bah je crois que j'ai déjà la réponse : https://debian-facile.org/viewtopic.php … 87#p209987 tongue

Tousse antique Ovide !

Hors ligne

#4 10-04-2017 21:03:58

CA Debian-Facile
Lieu : Quimperlé/Arzano
Distrib. : Debian Stable
Inscription : 20-09-2016
Site Web

Re : [amateurisme !] Frontend pour youtube-dl

J'utilise dillo et firefox avec noJS au quotidien à vrai dire, w3m n'est jamais vraiment rentré dans mes habitudes (plus difficile à maîtriser sans souris, et moins rapide que dillo - qui m'a littérallement charmé sur une interview de son programmeur principal, mais c'est une autre histoire tongue).

Dernière modification par otyugh (10-04-2017 21:08:47)


Hors ligne

#5 10-04-2017 21:07:13

aka prx
Distrib. : OpenBSD
Noyau : current
(G)UI : cwm
Inscription : 09-01-2009
Site Web

Re : [amateurisme !] Frontend pour youtube-dl

dillo est chouette, je lui préfère toutefois netsurf.
Mais je me force à w3m tant que possible... Pas facile.

Hors ligne

#6 10-04-2017 21:12:28

CA Debian-Facile
Lieu : Quimperlé/Arzano
Distrib. : Debian Stable
Inscription : 20-09-2016
Site Web

Re : [amateurisme !] Frontend pour youtube-dl

Oui netsurf a de meilleurs rendu mais est plus lourd (et moins configurable ? J'ai rien trouvé de top). Quand dillo a un truc vachmement plus complet. J'aimerais bien donner des sous au projet, mais je me sens un peu seul sur le coup ^^'

Par exemple :

# dillorc
# Sample dillo initialization file.
# Lines that start with a '#' are comments.
# "#option=..." shows the built-in default.
# "# option=..." is an additional example.
# "option=..." overrides the built-in value.

#                             FIRST SECTION                             :)

# Set the desired initial browser size
# geometry=650x545+0+20

# Change this (and the following option) if you want to have text-only browsing
# from the start. (While browsing, this can be changed from the tools/settings
# menu.)

# Change this if you want background images to be loaded initially.
# (While browsing, this can be changed from the tools/settings menu.)

# Change this if you want to disable loading of CSS stylesheets initially.
# (While browsing, this can be changed from the tools/settings menu.)

# Change this if you want to disable parsing of embedded CSS initially.
# (While browsing, this can be changed from the tools/settings menu.)

# Change the buffering scheme for drawing
# 0 no double buffering - useful for debugging
# 1 light buffering using a single back buffer for all windows
# 2 full fltk-based double buffering for all windows

# Set your default directory for download/save operations

#                           RENDERING SECTION

# Default fonts:
# If FLTK has been configured with Xft enabled (the default), you can use
# scalable fonts such as DejaVu or Liberation (try running
# "fc-list : family | cut -d ',' -f 2 | sort").
#font_serif="DejaVu Serif"
#font_sans_serif="DejaVu Sans"
#font_cursive="URW Chancery L"
#font_fantasy="DejaVu Sans"
#font_monospace="DejaVu Sans Mono"
# Otherwise, use bitmapped fonts like the following (for a list, try running
# "xlsfonts -fn *-iso10646-1 | grep -v -e -0-0 | cut -d - -f 3 | sort | uniq").
# font_serif="times"
# font_sans_serif="helvetica"
# font_cursive="helvetica"
# font_fantasy="helvetica"
# font_monospace="courier"

# All font sizes are scaled by this value
# font_factor=1.5

# Maximum font size in pixels

# Minimum font size in pixels

# Show tooltip popups for HTML title attributes

# Set this to YES if you want to limit the word wrap width to the viewport
# width (may be useful for iPAQ)

#                               PENALTIES

# Penalties are used to control good and bad break points. The bigger
# the penalty for a given break point, the less likely the line is
# broken here. "inf" means that breaking is prohibited, "-inf" means
# that a line *must* be broken here. (The latter should not be used
# here, however.) Normal spaces get a penalty of 0. The exact
# definition can be found in doc/dw-line-breaking.doc.

# Penalties for hyphenation breaks; this covers automatic hyphenation,
# soft hyphens, and unconditional hyphens. Since hyphenation should
# rather be avoided, the default values are larger than 0.

# This is used for hyphenation points, when there is no hyphen or dash
# before:
#penalty_hyphen = 1

# This is used for hyphenation points, when the line before ends
# already with a hyphen or a dash. Consequent lines ending with
# hyphens or dashes should be avoided, so this value is bigger than
# "penalty_hyphen":
#penalty_hyphen_2 = 8

# The same for a break right of an em-dash, when there are no spaces
# surrounding it (as in English). The default values are the same as
# for hyphens:
#penalty_em_dash_right = 1
#penalty_em_dash_right_2 = 8

# Penalty for a break *left* of an em-dash. Since a line ending with
# an em-dash (and so breaking right of the em-dash) looks better than
# a line beginning with an em-dash (breaking left of an em-dash), the
# default value is bigger than "penalty_em_dash_right":
#penalty_em_dash_left = 8

# Notice that there is no "penalty_em_dash_left_2", since breaking
# left of an em-dash makes the line *begin*, not *end* with a dash.

# This factor is multiplied with the line height to get the
# stretchability of a non-justified line. The larger this factor (and
# thus, the stretchability), the less likely the words are hyphenated;
# so you can use this value to control hyphenation of non-justified
# text.

#                            PARSING SECTION

# If you prefer more accurate HTML bug diagnosis over better rendering
# (page authors and webmasters) set the following to "NO".

#                            NETWORK SECTION

# Set the start page.
# start_page="about:blank"
# start_page="https://duckduckgo.com/lite/"
# start_page="http://www.dillo.org"
# start_page="file:/home/jcid/custom_page.html"

# Set the home location
# home="file:/home/jcid/HomePage/Home.html"

# Set the URLs used by the web search dialog.
# "%s" is replaced with the search keywords separated by '+'.
# Format: search_url="[prefix ][<label> ]<url>"
# You can enable multiple search_url strings at once and select from among
# them at runtime, with the first being the default.
# (the prefix serves to search from the Location Bar. e.g. "dd dillo image")
search_url="dd DuckDuckGo [url=http://duckduckgo.com/lite/?kp=-1&q=%s]http://duckduckgo.com/lite/?kp=-1&q=%s"[/url]
search_url="Google [url=http://www.google.com/search?ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=%s]http://www.google.com/search?ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=%s"[/url]
search_url="Framalibre [url=https://beta.framalibre.org/?q=recherche-par-crit-res&keys=%s]https://beta.framalibre.org/?q=recherche-par-crit-res&keys=%s"[/url]
search_url="Wikitionnaire(en) [url=https://en.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?search=%s]https://en.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?search=%s"[/url]
search_url="Wikitionnaire(fr) [url=https://fr.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?search=%s]https://fr.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?search=%s"[/url]
search_url="Wikipedia(fr) [url=https://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?search=%s&go=Go]https://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?search=%s&go=Go"[/url]

# If set, dillo will ask web servers to send pages in this language.
# This setting does NOT change dillo's user interface.
# Format explained: [url=http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html#sec14.4]www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html#sec14.4[/url]
# Language-REGION values: [url=http://www.iana.org/assignments/language-subtag-registry]www.iana.org/assignments/language-subtag-registry[/url]
# (by default, no Accept-Language header is sent)
# http_language="de"
# http_language="pt-BR"
# http_language="en-US,en;q=0.5"

# Maximum number of simultaneous TCP connections to a single server or proxy.
# http_max_conns=6

# Set the proxy information for http.
# Note that the http_proxy environment variable overrides this setting.
# WARNING: FTP and downloads plugins use wget. To use a proxy with them,
#          you will need to configure wget accordingly. See
#          [url]http://www.gnu.org/software/wget/manual/html_node/Proxies.html[/url]
# http_proxy="http://localhost:8080/"
#(by default, no proxy is used)

# If you need to provide a  user/password pair for the proxy,
# set the proxy user name here and Dillo will ask for the password later.
# http_proxyuser="joe"
#(by default, no proxy is used)

# Set the domains to access without proxy
# no_proxy = ".hola.com .mynet.cl .hi.de"

# Set the HTTP Referer (sic) header.
# Note that there is no option to reveal the page that you came from because it
# would endanger your privacy. 'host' and 'path' allow you to pretend that the
# link you followed was on the same site that you're going to.
# none  : Don't send any Referer header at all.
# host  : Send the requested URI's hostname.
# path  : Send the requested URI's host and path.

# Set the HTTP User-Agent header.
# This can be useful for privacy and for working around servers who think
# Dillo is less capable than it really is. However, if you pretend to use a
# different browser, servers may send you pages that work with the features
# and bugs of that other browser -- or even disallow access in cases like
# wget or googlebot. Remember this before submitting bug reports.
# See [url]http://zytrax.com/tech/web/browser_ids.htm[/url] for a compilation of strings.
# http_user_agent="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:28.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/28.0"
# http_user_agent="Wget/1.13.4 (linux-gnu)"
#The default is "Dillo/"+current_version_number

#                            COLORS SECTION

# Set the page background color
# bg_color=gray
# bg_color=0xd6d6c0

# If your eyes suffer with white backgrounds, change this.

# If allow_white_bg is set to NO, white backgrounds are replaced by
# this color.

# When set to YES, the page author's visited link color may be overridden
# to allow better contrast with text/links/background

#                        USER INTERFACE SECTION

# UI theme
# "none" is the default FLTK appearance, which "resembles old Windows...and
# old GTK/KDE".
# "plastic" "is inspired by the Aqua user interface on Mac OS X".
# "gtk+" "is inspired by the Red Hat Bluecurve theme".
# If you have fltk-1.3.3 or newer, you can specify "gleam", which
# is "a sort of Clearlooks Glossy scheme".  ("fltk-config --version")
# theme=gtk+
# theme=plastic

# UI colors
# The first four colors map to concepts in the underlying FLTK toolkit. Note
# that FLTK may sometimes override colors, generally for contrast and
# readability.
# Background used when the mouse cursor is over a button.
#ui_button_highlight_color=(by default, the main background color, lightened)
# Colors for the current tab.
#ui_tab_active_bg_color=(by default, the text background color)
#ui_tab_active_fg_color=(by default, the main foreground color)
# Colors for the other tabs.
#ui_tab_bg_color=(by default, the main background color)
#ui_tab_fg_color=(by default, the main foreground color)

# Note to packagers: leaving these variables for the system to guess
# gives different results in different environments, so we played it safe
# by defining the traditional colors.  Please choose the color theme that
# better fits your distro.

# Gray theme (traditional)

# Earthly theme:

# Greenish theme:

# Size of dillo panel
# tiny   : buttons, location, and progress boxes in one row
# small  : location in one row, buttons + progress boxes in another
# medium : adds text labels to buttons and boxes
# panel_size=tiny
# panel_size=small


# Here# dillorc
# Sample dillo initialization file.
# Lines that start with a '#' are comments.
# "#option=..." shows the built-in default.
# "# option=..." is an additional example.
# "option=..." overrides the built-in value.

#                             FIRST SECTION                             :)

# Set the desired initial browser size
# geometry=650x545+0+20

# Change this (and the following option) if you want to have text-only browsing
# from the start. (While browsing, this can be changed from the tools/settings
# menu.)

# Change this if you want background images to be loaded initially.
# (While browsing, this can be changed from the tools/settings menu.)

# Change this if you want to disable loading of CSS stylesheets initially.
# (While browsing, this can be changed from the tools/settings menu.)

# Change this if you want to disable parsing of embedded CSS initially.
# (While browsing, this can be changed from the tools/settings menu.)

# Change the buffering scheme for drawing
# 0 no double buffering - useful for debugging
# 1 light buffering using a single back buffer for all windows
# 2 full fltk-based double buffering for all windows

# Set your default directory for download/save operations

#                           RENDERING SECTION

# Default fonts:
# If FLTK has been configured with Xft enabled (the default), you can use
# scalable fonts such as DejaVu or Liberation (try running
# "fc-list : family | cut -d ',' -f 2 | sort").
#font_serif="DejaVu Serif"
#font_sans_serif="DejaVu Sans"
#font_cursive="URW Chancery L"
#font_fantasy="DejaVu Sans"
#font_monospace="DejaVu Sans Mono"
# Otherwise, use bitmapped fonts like the following (for a list, try running
# "xlsfonts -fn *-iso10646-1 | grep -v -e -0-0 | cut -d - -f 3 | sort | uniq").
# font_serif="times"
# font_sans_serif="helvetica"
# font_cursive="helvetica"
# font_fantasy="helvetica"
# font_monospace="courier"

# All font sizes are scaled by this value
# font_factor=1.5

# Maximum font size in pixels

# Minimum font size in pixels

# Show tooltip popups for HTML title attributes

# Set this to YES if you want to limit the word wrap width to the viewport
# width (may be useful for iPAQ)

#                               PENALTIES

# Penalties are used to control good and bad break points. The bigger
# the penalty for a given break point, the less likely the line is
# broken here. "inf" means that breaking is prohibited, "-inf" means
# that a line *must* be broken here. (The latter should not be used
# here, however.) Normal spaces get a penalty of 0. The exact
# definition can be found in doc/dw-line-breaking.doc.

# Penalties for hyphenation breaks; this covers automatic hyphenation,
# soft hyphens, and unconditional hyphens. Since hyphenation should
# rather be avoided, the default values are larger than 0.

# This is used for hyphenation points, when there is no hyphen or dash
# before:
#penalty_hyphen = 1

# This is used for hyphenation points, when the line before ends
# already with a hyphen or a dash. Consequent lines ending with
# hyphens or dashes should be avoided, so this value is bigger than
# "penalty_hyphen":
#penalty_hyphen_2 = 8

# The same for a break right of an em-dash, when there are no spaces
# surrounding it (as in English). The default values are the same as
# for hyphens:
#penalty_em_dash_right = 1
#penalty_em_dash_right_2 = 8

# Penalty for a break *left* of an em-dash. Since a line ending with
# an em-dash (and so breaking right of the em-dash) looks better than
# a line beginning with an em-dash (breaking left of an em-dash), the
# default value is bigger than "penalty_em_dash_right":
#penalty_em_dash_left = 8

# Notice that there is no "penalty_em_dash_left_2", since breaking
# left of an em-dash makes the line *begin*, not *end* with a dash.

# This factor is multiplied with the line height to get the
# stretchability of a non-justified line. The larger this factor (and
# thus, the stretchability), the less likely the words are hyphenated;
# so you can use this value to control hyphenation of non-justified
# text.

#                            PARSING SECTION

# If you prefer more accurate HTML bug diagnosis over better rendering
# (page authors and webmasters) set the following to "NO".

#                            NETWORK SECTION

# Set the start page.
# start_page="about:blank"
# start_page="https://duckduckgo.com/lite/"
# start_page="http://www.dillo.org"
# start_page="file:/home/jcid/custom_page.html"

# Set the home location
# home="file:/home/jcid/HomePage/Home.html"

# Set the URLs used by the web search dialog.
# "%s" is replaced with the search keywords separated by '+'.
# Format: search_url="[prefix ][<label> ]<url>"
# You can enable multiple search_url strings at once and select from among
# them at runtime, with the first being the default.
# (the prefix serves to search from the Location Bar. e.g. "dd dillo image")
search_url="dd DuckDuckGo [url=http://duckduckgo.com/lite/?kp=-1&q=%s]http://duckduckgo.com/lite/?kp=-1&q=%s"[/url]
search_url="Google [url=http://www.google.com/search?ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=%s]http://www.google.com/search?ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=%s"[/url]
search_url="Framalibre [url=https://beta.framalibre.org/?q=recherche-par-crit-res&keys=%s]https://beta.framalibre.org/?q=recherche-par-crit-res&keys=%s"[/url]
search_url="Wikitionnaire(en) [url=https://en.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?search=%s]https://en.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?search=%s"[/url]
search_url="Wikitionnaire(fr) [url=https://fr.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?search=%s]https://fr.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?search=%s"[/url]
search_url="Wikipedia(fr) [url=https://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?search=%s&go=Go]https://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?search=%s&go=Go"[/url]

# If set, dillo will ask web servers to send pages in this language.
# This setting does NOT change dillo's user interface.
# Format explained: [url=http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html#sec14.4]www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html#sec14.4[/url]
# Language-REGION values: [url=http://www.iana.org/assignments/language-subtag-registry]www.iana.org/assignments/language-subtag-registry[/url]
# (by default, no Accept-Language header is sent)
# http_language="de"
# http_language="pt-BR"
# http_language="en-US,en;q=0.5"

# Maximum number of simultaneous TCP connections to a single server or proxy.
# http_max_conns=6

# Set the proxy information for http.
# Note that the http_proxy environment variable overrides this setting.
# WARNING: FTP and downloads plugins use wget. To use a proxy with them,
#          you will need to configure wget accordingly. See
#          [url]http://www.gnu.org/software/wget/manual/html_node/Proxies.html[/url]
# http_proxy="http://localhost:8080/"
#(by default, no proxy is used)

# If you need to provide a  user/password pair for the proxy,
# set the proxy user name here and Dillo will ask for the password later.
# http_proxyuser="joe"
#(by default, no proxy is used)

# Set the domains to access without proxy
# no_proxy = ".hola.com .mynet.cl .hi.de"

# Set the HTTP Referer (sic) header.
# Note that there is no option to reveal the page that you came from because it
# would endanger your privacy. 'host' and 'path' allow you to pretend that the
# link you followed was on the same site that you're going to.
# none  : Don't send any Referer header at all.
# host  : Send the requested URI's hostname.
# path  : Send the requested URI's host and path.

# Set the HTTP User-Agent header.
# This can be useful for privacy and for working around servers who think
# Dillo is less capable than it really is. However, if you pretend to use a
# different browser, servers may send you pages that work with the features
# and bugs of that other browser -- or even disallow access in cases like
# wget or googlebot. Remember this before submitting bug reports.
# See [url]http://zytrax.com/tech/web/browser_ids.htm[/url] for a compilation of strings.
# http_user_agent="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:28.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/28.0"
# http_user_agent="Wget/1.13.4 (linux-gnu)"
#The default is "Dillo/"+current_version_number

#                            COLORS SECTION

# Set the page background color
# bg_color=gray
# bg_color=0xd6d6c0

# If your eyes suffer with white backgrounds, change this.

# If allow_white_bg is set to NO, white backgrounds are replaced by
# this color.

# When set to YES, the page author's visited link color may be overridden
# to allow better contrast with text/links/background

#                        USER INTERFACE SECTION

# UI theme
# "none" is the default FLTK appearance, which "resembles old Windows...and
# old GTK/KDE".
# "plastic" "is inspired by the Aqua user interface on Mac OS X".
# "gtk+" "is inspired by the Red Hat Bluecurve theme".
# If you have fltk-1.3.3 or newer, you can specify "gleam", which
# is "a sort of Clearlooks Glossy scheme".  ("fltk-config --version")
# theme=gtk+
# theme=plastic

# UI colors
# The first four colors map to concepts in the underlying FLTK toolkit. Note
# that FLTK may sometimes override colors, generally for contrast and
# readability.
# Background used when the mouse cursor is over a button.
#ui_button_highlight_color=(by default, the main background color, lightened)
# Colors for the current tab.
#ui_tab_active_bg_color=(by default, the text background color)
#ui_tab_active_fg_color=(by default, the main foreground color)
# Colors for the other tabs.
#ui_tab_bg_color=(by default, the main background color)
#ui_tab_fg_color=(by default, the main foreground color)

# Note to packagers: leaving these variables for the system to guess
# gives different results in different environments, so we played it safe
# by defining the traditional colors.  Please choose the color theme that
# better fits your distro.

# Gray theme (traditional)

# Earthly theme:

# Greenish theme:

# Size of dillo panel
# tiny   : buttons, location, and progress boxes in one row
# small  : location in one row, buttons + progress boxes in another
# medium : adds text labels to buttons and boxes
# panel_size=tiny
# panel_size=small


# Here you can choose to hide some widgets of the dillo panel...

# Show tooltip popups for the UI

# Start dillo with the panels hidden?

# When filling out forms, our default behaviour is to submit on enterpress,
# but only when there's a single text entry (to avoid incomplete submits).
# OTOH, if you have to fill out the same form repeatedly, you may find it
# useful to keep away from the mouse by forcing enter to submit.

# A mouse's middle click over a link opens a new Tab.
# If you prefer to open a new Window instead, set it to NO.

# A mouse's middle click over a tab closes the Tab.
# With mousewheel mouses, right click feels way better (set to YES).

# Mouse middle click by default drives drag-scrolling.
# To paste an URL into the window instead of scrolling, set it to NO.
# Note: You could always paste the URL onto the URL box clear button.

# Focus follows new Tabs.
# You can hold SHIFT to temporarily revert this behaviour.

# Ask before quitting Dillo with more than one window or tab open.

#                        DEBUG MESSAGES SECTION

# Soon we should add the "show_debug_messages=NO" option...

# Generic messages (mainly for debugging specific parts)
# Change this to disable them.

#                        HTML BUG MESSAGES SECTION

# Accepted by the W3C validator but "strongly discouraged" by the SPEC.
# (Such as "TAB character inside <PRE>").

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# dillorc ends here.
 you can choose to hide some widgets of the dillo panel...

# Show tooltip popups for the UI

# Start dillo with the panels hidden?

# When filling out forms, our default behaviour is to submit on enterpress,
# but only when there's a single text entry (to avoid incomplete submits).
# OTOH, if you have to fill out the same form repeatedly, you may find it
# useful to keep away from the mouse by forcing enter to submit.

# A mouse's middle click over a link opens a new Tab.
# If you prefer to open a new Window instead, set it to NO.

# A mouse's middle click over a tab closes the Tab.
# With mousewheel mouses, right click feels way better (set to YES).

# Mouse middle click by default drives drag-scrolling.
# To paste an URL into the window instead of scrolling, set it to NO.
# Note: You could always paste the URL onto the URL box clear button.

# Focus follows new Tabs.
# You can hold SHIFT to temporarily revert this behaviour.

# Ask before quitting Dillo with more than one window or tab open.

#                        DEBUG MESSAGES SECTION

# Soon we should add the "show_debug_messages=NO" option...

# Generic messages (mainly for debugging specific parts)
# Change this to disable them.

#                        HTML BUG MESSAGES SECTION

# Accepted by the W3C validator but "strongly discouraged" by the SPEC.
# (Such as "TAB character inside <PRE>").

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# dillorc ends here.

Dernière modification par otyugh (10-04-2017 21:16:15)


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#7 11-04-2017 12:50:20

Black Metal Modo
Lieu : Nord Isère
Distrib. : openSUSE Leap 42.3
Noyau : Linux 4.4.76
Inscription : 09-05-2013
Site Web

Re : [amateurisme !] Frontend pour youtube-dl

À ce jeu là, je regrette quand même énormément que xombrero ne soit plus du tout maintenu.
Récemment le projet suckless a mis à jour surf vers webkit2, ça peut le rendre plus moderne et sécurisé tout en conservant le minimalisme à la suckless.

1485418338.png Hello IT ! Have you tried turning it off and on again ?

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