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#1 08-06-2017 12:36:44

Distrib. : Debian GNU/Linux 9.0 Stretch
Noyau : Linux 4.9.0-3-686
Inscription : 07-06-2017

[Résolu] Steam ne fonctionne pas


J'ai un problème avec le programme Steam, j'ai beau cliquer autant de fois que je veux sur l'icône, rien ne se passe, même pas un petit rapport d'erreur...
D'où peut venir le problème ?

Dernière modification par Watson (10-06-2017 11:53:33)

Hors ligne

#2 09-06-2017 05:34:22

Lieu : Anjou
Distrib. : openSUSE Tumbleweed
Noyau : Linux 5.12
(G)UI : KDE 5.21.4
Inscription : 11-03-2016

Re : [Résolu] Steam ne fonctionne pas

Le wiki de steam : https://debian-facile.org/doc:jeux:steam
Que donne le retour de la commande dans un terminal ?


Hors ligne

#3 09-06-2017 08:51:01

Distrib. : Debian GNU/Linux 9.0 Stretch
Noyau : Linux 4.9.0-3-686
Inscription : 07-06-2017

Re : [Résolu] Steam ne fonctionne pas

Illegal instruction
tar: Ceci ne ressemble pas à une archive de type "tar"
xz : (stdin) : Format de fichier inconnu
tar: Child returned status 1
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
find: '/home/jean-pierre/ .steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime' : Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type

Je l'ai bien installé comme dans la doc de ton lien avec la commande

apt-get update && apt-get install steam

Dernière modification par Watson (09-06-2017 08:52:38)

Hors ligne

#4 09-06-2017 10:21:35

Lieu : Anjou
Distrib. : openSUSE Tumbleweed
Noyau : Linux 5.12
(G)UI : KDE 5.21.4
Inscription : 11-03-2016

Re : [Résolu] Steam ne fonctionne pas

Avais-tu tenté d'installer une version d'ubuntu de Steam sur Debian ?

find: '/home/jean-pierre/ .steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime' : Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type

je ne comprends pas trop. find c'est trouver et ensuite il y a aucun dossier.
Affiche dans ton home les fichiers cachés et regarde si tu as un dossier .steam
renomme le en .steam_old puis refais la commande steam dans le terminal pour voir le retour

Hors ligne

#5 09-06-2017 11:16:00

Distrib. : Debian GNU/Linux 9.0 Stretch
Noyau : Linux 4.9.0-3-686
Inscription : 07-06-2017

Re : [Résolu] Steam ne fonctionne pas

Illegal instruction
cat: '/home/jean-pierre/ .steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime.tar.xz.part*': Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
tar: Ceci ne ressemble pas à une archive de type "tar"
xz : (stdin) : Format de fichier inconnu
tar: Child returned status 1
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
find: '/home/jean-pierre/ .steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime' : Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type

Edit : il y a maintenant dans /home 2 dossier .steam, (.steam_old et .steam).
Dans chacun de ces dossiers il y a 2 fichiers, un steam et un steam-runtime.tar.xz

Dernière modification par Watson (09-06-2017 11:19:42)

Hors ligne

#6 09-06-2017 12:27:20

Lieu : Anjou
Distrib. : openSUSE Tumbleweed
Noyau : Linux 5.12
(G)UI : KDE 5.21.4
Inscription : 11-03-2016

Re : [Résolu] Steam ne fonctionne pas

Il y a ce wiki Debian : https://wiki.debian.org/fr/Steam
avec des paquets à installer sur stretch si on veut utiliser les librairies du système
Je ne saurais en dire plus, il faudrait que je teste sur virtualbox mais je n'ai pas le temps.

Hors ligne

#7 09-06-2017 15:28:32


Re : [Résolu] Steam ne fonctionne pas

ce paquet suffit => https://packages.debian.org/fr/stretch/steam
il faut que ta debian supporte le 32bits ou activer le multi-arch

le wiki  => https://debian-facile.org/doc:jeux:steam

il faut supprimer tout ce que tu a installé , et purger les dossiers /fichiers "steam" dans ton home.
avoir un driver vidéo fonctionnel qui supporte le i386

au premier lancement steam se met a jour
nota : ne pas utiliser de paquet externe a debian

pour l'installation du paquet en console , ou par gdebi en graphique

par la console (il te faut avoir main contrib non-free activé dans ton sources.list (/etc/apt/sources.list) )

apt-get install steam

en récupérant le .deb sur le lien ci dessus en bas de page

dpkg -i steam_1.0.0.54-2_i386.deb

il te faut un sources.list correct et mettre a jour apt par cette commande

apt-get update

a faire avant l installation du paquet

nota : a priori tu a une debian 32 bits stretch d'aprés ton profil , donc ça devrait etre plus simple

Dernière modification par anonyme (09-06-2017 15:45:12)

#8 09-06-2017 18:03:35

Lieu : Anjou
Distrib. : openSUSE Tumbleweed
Noyau : Linux 5.12
(G)UI : KDE 5.21.4
Inscription : 11-03-2016

Re : [Résolu] Steam ne fonctionne pas

Je crois qu'il a installé comme ça d'après le post #3
Par contre, il doit peut-être regarder du côté des drivers propriétaires suivant la carte graphique.
Ceci dit je ne vois pas trop le lien avec le message d'erreur.

Je viens de faire l'installation sur une DFlinux stretch sur virtualbox
Non sans mal, impossible de valider à la fenêtre d'installation. Du coup j'ai fermé, redémarré et mis à jour le paquet qui était mal configuré avec synaptic
Premier lancement au terminal, ça a fait les mises à jour


ILocalize::AddFile() failed to load file "public/steambootstrapper_english.txt".
[2017-06-09 20:32:00] Startup - updater built Nov 23 2016 01:05:42
[2017-06-09 20:32:01] Verifying installation...
[2017-06-09 20:32:01] Unable to read and verify install manifest /home/test/.steam/package/steam_client_ubuntu12.installed
[2017-06-09 20:32:01] Verification complete
[2017-06-09 20:32:01] Downloading Update...
[2017-06-09 20:32:01] Checking for available update...
[2017-06-09 20:32:02] Package file tenfoot_misc_all.zip.008ed314d467eecacba58d188fdf082d23f264d2 missing or incorrect size
[2017-06-09 20:32:02] Package file tenfoot_dicts_all.zip.87bb49891925214df2d745e12a53518fd2ea86f0 missing or incorrect size
[2017-06-09 20:32:02] Package file tenfoot_fonts_all.zip.vz.7673e4cd32b6752bc621d8bc1a7118a9af19b64a_12077027 missing or incorrect size
[2017-06-09 20:32:02] Package file tenfoot_ambientsounds_all.zip.12963b9dbc3d331e26559cc2d323ca0661942b6b missing or incorrect size
[2017-06-09 20:32:02] Package file tenfoot_sounds_all.zip.vz.ffef2b2fc386819a842ea79484b966a937c2ca7e_1209792 missing or incorrect size
[2017-06-09 20:32:02] Package file tenfoot_images_all.zip.vz.b206322dffd27ef3e5d89a9fa4ebe415ff7ad4ad_29392317 missing or incorrect size
[2017-06-09 20:32:02] Package file tenfoot_all.zip.vz.5cac343d38bfd9f28804bc5b214c97339b93c3d4_2282690 missing or incorrect size
[2017-06-09 20:32:02] Package file resources_misc_all.zip.vz.6596f073f874e66a5af7a41ca94e54e1b091fcb7_2030550 missing or incorrect size
[2017-06-09 20:32:02] Package file resources_all.zip.vz.e4473120a4f4551fe56a1c0b4fb67259933019ea_5053566 missing or incorrect size
[2017-06-09 20:32:02] Package file strings_en_all.zip.vz.5909f282eacc059f31447178bf5e01af86e4d07d_85389 missing or incorrect size
[2017-06-09 20:32:02] Package file strings_all.zip.vz.6ea5aaa4a4a47a4dd65a1c620de14fa968aef615_2165767 missing or incorrect size
[2017-06-09 20:32:02] Package file public_all.zip.vz.075b1194d23df3822fd271f342d507d549e41fdd_755023 missing or incorrect size
[2017-06-09 20:32:02] Package file bins_ubuntu12.zip.vz.284cbf14ccaf085dee91afc41194d57e4718507f_16586289 missing or incorrect size
[2017-06-09 20:32:02] Package file bins_pub_ubuntu12.zip.vz.7dae72febc95bbe1d345eb100eb866632a2aa311_9040643 missing or incorrect size
[2017-06-09 20:32:02] Package file bins_sdk_ubuntu12.zip.vz.9224955c3b3e89ee41b3cd7a79876239e0872825_10711779 missing or incorrect size
[2017-06-09 20:32:02] Package file bins_codecs_ubuntu12.zip.vz.84b14918e1591ffd02e819b8f7fc79315dbedb03_1832666 missing or incorrect size
[2017-06-09 20:32:02] Package file bins_misc_ubuntu12.zip.cf9dc936aa2a0c125b11de645d091048f205431a missing or incorrect size
[2017-06-09 20:32:02] Package file webkit_ubuntu12.zip.vz.a9861a08fc57339c8a3f2a6bd7ef6e303afaf817_45239503 missing or incorrect size
[2017-06-09 20:32:02] Package file miles_ubuntu12.zip.vz.4fd048667c97ef6eb976f4c42ce5c18f8695ac9e_295483 missing or incorrect size
[2017-06-09 20:32:02] Package file sdl2_ubuntu12.zip.vz.9655ddd48977bc67343de051a9df00749554c639_547260 missing or incorrect size
[2017-06-09 20:32:02] Package file steam_ubuntu12.zip.vz.7392a11691be3bad908cf89d23c0abd7f5568027_1453544 missing or incorrect size
[2017-06-09 20:32:02] Package file runtime_part0_ubuntu12.zip.74bd7230dea7a12b91615e70c0f6b82866558915 missing or incorrect size
[2017-06-09 20:32:02] Package file runtime_part1_ubuntu12.zip.bc5c3df828cc2fe31d3ae3819ea4dbeb5537332c missing or incorrect size
[2017-06-09 20:32:02] Downloading update (0 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:02] Downloading update (187 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:03] Downloading update (532 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:03] Downloading update (1 012 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:03] Downloading update (1 379 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:03] Downloading update (1 724 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:04] Downloading update (2 065 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:04] Downloading update (2 390 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:04] Downloading update (2 738 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:04] Downloading update (3 114 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:05] Downloading update (3 457 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:05] Downloading update (3 778 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:05] Downloading update (4 132 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:05] Downloading update (4 494 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:06] Downloading update (4 896 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:06] Downloading update (5 275 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:06] Downloading update (5 609 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:06] Downloading update (5 995 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:07] Downloading update (6 375 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:07] Downloading update (6 745 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:07] Downloading update (7 082 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:07] Downloading update (7 439 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:08] Downloading update (7 804 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:08] Downloading update (8 113 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:08] Downloading update (8 533 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:08] Downloading update (8 911 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:09] Downloading update (9 228 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:09] Downloading update (9 621 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:09] Downloading update (9 956 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:09] Downloading update (10 354 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:10] Downloading update (10 671 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:10] Downloading update (11 044 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:10] Downloading update (11 419 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:10] Downloading update (11 784 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:11] Downloading update (12 141 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:11] Downloading update (12 509 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:11] Downloading update (12 882 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:11] Downloading update (13 177 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:12] Downloading update (13 461 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:12] Downloading update (13 821 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:12] Downloading update (14 178 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:12] Downloading update (14 540 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:13] Downloading update (14 940 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:13] Downloading update (15 319 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:13] Downloading update (15 640 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:13] Downloading update (15 981 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:14] Downloading update (16 343 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:14] Downloading update (16 638 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:14] Downloading update (16 966 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:14] Downloading update (17 367 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:15] Downloading update (17 678 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:15] Downloading update (18 049 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:15] Downloading update (18 362 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:15] Downloading update (18 611 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:16] Downloading update (19 027 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:16] Downloading update (19 336 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:16] Downloading update (19 785 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:16] Downloading update (20 082 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:17] Downloading update (20 449 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:17] Downloading update (20 810 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:17] Downloading update (21 136 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:17] Downloading update (21 512 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:18] Downloading update (21 887 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:18] Downloading update (22 227 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:18] Downloading update (22 543 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:18] Downloading update (22 994 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:19] Downloading update (23 332 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:19] Downloading update (23 679 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:19] Downloading update (24 083 of 271 701 KB)...
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[2017-06-09 20:32:20] Downloading update (25 174 of 271 701 KB)...
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[2017-06-09 20:32:20] Downloading update (25 916 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:21] Downloading update (26 255 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:21] Downloading update (26 636 of 271 701 KB)...
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[2017-06-09 20:32:24] Downloading update (31 302 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:24] Downloading update (31 679 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:25] Downloading update (32 010 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:25] Downloading update (32 343 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:25] Downloading update (32 720 of 271 701 KB)...
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[2017-06-09 20:32:26] Downloading update (33 462 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:26] Downloading update (33 839 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:26] Downloading update (34 182 of 271 701 KB)...
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[2017-06-09 20:32:29] Downloading update (37 299 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:29] Downloading update (37 552 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:29] Downloading update (37 800 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:29] Downloading update (38 075 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:30] Downloading update (38 390 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:30] Downloading update (38 632 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:30] Downloading update (38 913 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:30] Downloading update (39 162 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:31] Downloading update (39 345 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:31] Downloading update (39 655 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:31] Downloading update (39 961 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:31] Downloading update (40 367 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:32] Downloading update (40 743 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:32] Downloading update (41 133 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:32] Downloading update (41 514 of 271 701 KB)...
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[2017-06-09 20:32:33] Downloading update (42 208 of 271 701 KB)...
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[2017-06-09 20:32:38] Downloading update (50 125 of 271 701 KB)...
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[2017-06-09 20:32:40] Downloading update (52 673 of 271 701 KB)...
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[2017-06-09 20:32:40] Downloading update (53 401 of 271 701 KB)...
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[2017-06-09 20:32:41] Downloading update (54 162 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:41] Downloading update (54 512 of 271 701 KB)...
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[2017-06-09 20:32:42] Downloading update (55 210 of 271 701 KB)...
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[2017-06-09 20:32:42] Downloading update (55 989 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:42] Downloading update (56 330 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:43] Downloading update (56 710 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:43] Downloading update (57 088 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:43] Downloading update (57 468 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:43] Downloading update (57 808 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:44] Downloading update (58 189 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:44] Downloading update (58 515 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:44] Downloading update (58 921 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:44] Downloading update (59 253 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:45] Downloading update (59 593 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:45] Downloading update (59 937 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:45] Downloading update (60 270 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:45] Downloading update (60 676 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:46] Downloading update (61 011 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:46] Downloading update (61 392 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:46] Downloading update (61 766 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:47] Downloading update (62 047 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:47] Downloading update (62 507 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:47] Downloading update (62 842 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:47] Downloading update (63 256 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:48] Downloading update (63 618 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:48] Downloading update (63 991 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:48] Downloading update (64 315 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:48] Downloading update (64 707 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:49] Downloading update (65 107 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:49] Downloading update (65 482 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:49] Downloading update (65 875 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:49] Downloading update (66 251 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:50] Downloading update (66 592 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:50] Downloading update (66 971 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:50] Downloading update (67 302 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:50] Downloading update (67 733 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:51] Downloading update (68 112 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:51] Downloading update (68 490 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:51] Downloading update (68 861 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:51] Downloading update (69 252 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:52] Downloading update (69 630 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:52] Downloading update (69 901 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:52] Downloading update (70 357 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:52] Downloading update (70 736 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:53] Downloading update (71 075 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:53] Downloading update (71 410 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:53] Downloading update (71 817 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:53] Downloading update (72 196 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:54] Downloading update (72 500 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:54] Downloading update (72 845 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:54] Downloading update (73 280 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:54] Downloading update (73 584 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:55] Downloading update (74 000 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:55] Downloading update (74 339 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:55] Downloading update (74 671 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:55] Downloading update (75 059 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:56] Downloading update (75 320 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:56] Downloading update (75 777 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:56] Downloading update (76 155 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:56] Downloading update (76 529 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:57] Downloading update (76 907 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:57] Downloading update (77 248 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:57] Downloading update (77 629 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:57] Downloading update (77 972 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:58] Downloading update (78 352 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:58] Downloading update (78 686 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:58] Downloading update (79 053 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:58] Downloading update (79 401 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:59] Downloading update (79 744 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:59] Downloading update (80 053 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:59] Downloading update (80 477 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:32:59] Downloading update (80 854 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:00] Downloading update (81 159 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:00] Downloading update (81 474 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:00] Downloading update (81 790 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:00] Downloading update (82 118 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:01] Downloading update (82 492 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:01] Downloading update (82 830 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:01] Downloading update (83 187 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:01] Downloading update (83 624 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:02] Downloading update (83 847 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:02] Downloading update (84 301 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:02] Downloading update (84 605 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:02] Downloading update (85 020 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:03] Downloading update (85 396 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:03] Downloading update (85 776 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:03] Downloading update (86 154 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:03] Downloading update (86 499 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:04] Downloading update (86 876 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:04] Downloading update (87 255 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:04] Downloading update (87 634 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:04] Downloading update (87 977 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:05] Downloading update (88 358 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:05] Downloading update (88 737 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:05] Downloading update (89 116 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:05] Downloading update (89 454 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:06] Downloading update (89 803 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:06] Downloading update (90 184 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:06] Downloading update (90 564 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:06] Downloading update (90 886 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:07] Downloading update (91 287 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:07] Downloading update (91 666 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:07] Downloading update (91 992 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:07] Downloading update (92 381 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:08] Downloading update (92 761 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:08] Downloading update (93 141 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:08] Downloading update (93 519 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:08] Downloading update (93 862 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:09] Downloading update (94 237 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:09] Downloading update (94 585 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:09] Downloading update (94 992 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:09] Downloading update (95 360 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:10] Downloading update (95 828 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:10] Downloading update (96 207 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:10] Downloading update (96 591 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:11] Downloading update (96 968 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:11] Downloading update (97 269 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:11] Downloading update (97 689 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:11] Downloading update (98 068 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:12] Downloading update (98 415 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:12] Downloading update (98 795 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:12] Downloading update (99 184 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:12] Downloading update (99 480 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:13] Downloading update (99 859 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:13] Downloading update (100 236 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:13] Downloading update (100 581 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:13] Downloading update (100 971 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:14] Downloading update (101 350 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:14] Downloading update (101 666 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:14] Downloading update (102 065 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:14] Downloading update (102 445 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:15] Downloading update (102 821 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:15] Downloading update (103 163 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:15] Downloading update (103 530 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:15] Downloading update (103 906 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:16] Downloading update (104 271 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:16] Downloading update (104 661 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:16] Downloading update (104 999 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:16] Downloading update (105 358 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:17] Downloading update (105 755 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:17] Downloading update (106 089 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:17] Downloading update (106 512 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:17] Downloading update (106 819 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:18] Downloading update (107 233 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:18] Downloading update (107 612 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:18] Downloading update (107 990 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:18] Downloading update (108 277 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:19] Downloading update (108 702 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:19] Downloading update (109 040 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:19] Downloading update (109 457 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:19] Downloading update (109 778 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:20] Downloading update (110 180 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:20] Downloading update (110 520 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:20] Downloading update (110 927 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:20] Downloading update (111 303 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:21] Downloading update (111 599 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:21] Downloading update (112 026 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:21] Downloading update (112 405 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:21] Downloading update (112 783 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:22] Downloading update (113 122 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:22] Downloading update (113 501 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:22] Downloading update (113 877 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:22] Downloading update (114 428 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:23] Downloading update (114 838 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:23] Downloading update (115 215 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:23] Downloading update (115 520 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:23] Downloading update (115 936 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:24] Downloading update (116 315 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:24] Downloading update (116 692 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:24] Downloading update (117 023 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:24] Downloading update (117 401 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:25] Downloading update (117 777 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:25] Downloading update (118 156 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:25] Downloading update (118 533 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:25] Downloading update (118 866 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:26] Downloading update (119 243 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:26] Downloading update (119 622 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:26] Downloading update (120 001 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:26] Downloading update (120 341 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:27] Downloading update (120 694 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:27] Downloading update (121 085 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:27] Downloading update (121 500 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:27] Downloading update (121 811 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:28] Downloading update (122 217 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:28] Downloading update (122 556 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:28] Downloading update (122 938 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:28] Downloading update (123 276 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:29] Downloading update (123 848 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:29] Downloading update (124 411 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:29] Downloading update (124 790 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:30] Downloading update (125 162 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:30] Downloading update (125 545 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:30] Downloading update (125 839 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:31] Downloading update (126 234 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:31] Downloading update (126 728 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:31] Downloading update (127 163 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:31] Downloading update (127 507 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:32] Downloading update (127 886 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:32] Downloading update (128 194 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:32] Downloading update (128 600 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:32] Downloading update (128 979 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:33] Downloading update (129 281 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:33] Downloading update (129 727 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:33] Downloading update (130 072 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:33] Downloading update (130 500 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:34] Downloading update (130 837 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:34] Downloading update (131 220 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:34] Downloading update (131 598 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:34] Downloading update (131 976 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:35] Downloading update (132 315 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:35] Downloading update (132 693 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:35] Downloading update (133 000 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:35] Downloading update (133 455 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:36] Downloading update (133 738 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:36] Downloading update (134 175 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:36] Downloading update (134 555 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:36] Downloading update (134 937 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:37] Downloading update (135 279 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:37] Downloading update (135 658 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:37] Downloading update (136 043 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:37] Downloading update (136 419 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:38] Downloading update (136 762 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:38] Downloading update (137 146 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:38] Downloading update (137 500 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:38] Downloading update (137 868 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:39] Downloading update (138 213 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:39] Downloading update (138 599 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:39] Downloading update (138 942 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:39] Downloading update (139 327 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:40] Downloading update (139 709 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:40] Downloading update (140 034 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:40] Downloading update (140 411 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:40] Downloading update (140 754 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:41] Downloading update (141 170 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:41] Downloading update (141 439 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:41] Downloading update (141 891 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:41] Downloading update (142 229 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:42] Downloading update (142 632 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:42] Downloading update (142 996 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:42] Downloading update (143 373 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:42] Downloading update (143 742 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:43] Downloading update (144 121 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:43] Downloading update (144 462 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:43] Downloading update (144 803 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:43] Downloading update (145 216 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:44] Downloading update (145 595 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:44] Downloading update (145 975 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:44] Downloading update (146 270 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:44] Downloading update (146 693 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:45] Downloading update (147 000 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:45] Downloading update (147 447 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:45] Downloading update (147 789 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:45] Downloading update (148 167 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:46] Downloading update (148 549 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:46] Downloading update (148 913 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:46] Downloading update (149 302 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:46] Downloading update (149 646 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:47] Downloading update (150 019 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:47] Downloading update (150 401 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:47] Downloading update (150 746 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:47] Downloading update (151 084 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:48] Downloading update (151 463 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:48] Downloading update (151 806 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:48] Downloading update (152 182 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:48] Downloading update (152 502 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:49] Downloading update (152 939 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:49] Downloading update (153 313 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:49] Downloading update (153 584 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:49] Downloading update (154 032 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:50] Downloading update (154 390 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:50] Downloading update (154 791 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:50] Downloading update (155 133 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:50] Downloading update (155 510 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:51] Downloading update (155 855 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:51] Downloading update (156 250 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:51] Downloading update (156 626 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:51] Downloading update (156 963 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:52] Downloading update (157 342 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:52] Downloading update (157 724 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:52] Downloading update (158 104 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:52] Downloading update (158 483 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:53] Downloading update (158 825 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:53] Downloading update (159 211 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:53] Downloading update (159 586 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:53] Downloading update (159 924 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:54] Downloading update (160 298 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:54] Downloading update (160 687 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:54] Downloading update (161 027 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:54] Downloading update (161 404 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:55] Downloading update (161 786 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:55] Downloading update (162 165 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:55] Downloading update (162 415 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:55] Downloading update (162 746 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:56] Downloading update (163 168 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:56] Downloading update (163 507 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:56] Downloading update (163 889 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:56] Downloading update (164 265 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:57] Downloading update (164 641 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:57] Downloading update (165 020 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:57] Downloading update (165 362 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:57] Downloading update (165 740 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:58] Downloading update (166 100 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:58] Downloading update (166 495 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:58] Downloading update (166 837 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:58] Downloading update (167 218 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:59] Downloading update (167 594 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:59] Downloading update (167 916 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:59] Downloading update (168 347 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:33:59] Downloading update (168 691 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:00] Downloading update (169 076 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:00] Downloading update (169 456 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:00] Downloading update (169 777 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:00] Downloading update (170 172 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:01] Downloading update (170 537 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:01] Downloading update (170 869 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:01] Downloading update (171 243 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:01] Downloading update (171 587 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:02] Downloading update (171 947 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:02] Downloading update (172 327 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:02] Downloading update (172 679 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:02] Downloading update (173 053 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:03] Downloading update (173 430 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:03] Downloading update (173 702 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:03] Downloading update (174 132 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:03] Downloading update (174 508 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:04] Downloading update (174 856 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:04] Downloading update (175 269 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:04] Downloading update (175 609 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:04] Downloading update (175 991 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:05] Downloading update (176 373 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:05] Downloading update (176 714 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:05] Downloading update (177 084 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:05] Downloading update (177 473 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:06] Downloading update (177 856 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:06] Downloading update (178 206 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:06] Downloading update (178 585 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:06] Downloading update (178 962 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:07] Downloading update (179 305 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:07] Downloading update (179 683 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:07] Downloading update (180 038 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:07] Downloading update (180 350 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:08] Downloading update (180 728 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:08] Downloading update (181 125 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:08] Downloading update (181 504 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:08] Downloading update (181 783 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:09] Downloading update (182 221 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:09] Downloading update (182 548 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:09] Downloading update (182 920 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:09] Downloading update (183 248 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:10] Downloading update (183 639 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:10] Downloading update (184 020 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:10] Downloading update (184 317 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:10] Downloading update (184 759 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:11] Downloading update (185 111 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:11] Downloading update (185 492 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:11] Downloading update (185 870 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:11] Downloading update (186 250 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:12] Downloading update (186 592 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:12] Downloading update (186 971 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:12] Downloading update (187 348 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:12] Downloading update (187 681 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:13] Downloading update (188 068 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:13] Downloading update (188 443 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:13] Downloading update (188 827 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:13] Downloading update (189 205 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:14] Downloading update (189 547 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:14] Downloading update (189 928 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:14] Downloading update (190 308 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:14] Downloading update (190 683 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:15] Downloading update (191 024 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:15] Downloading update (191 402 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:15] Downloading update (191 746 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:15] Downloading update (192 159 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:16] Downloading update (192 503 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:16] Downloading update (192 880 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:16] Downloading update (193 234 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:16] Downloading update (193 615 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:17] Downloading update (193 956 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:17] Downloading update (194 332 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:17] Downloading update (194 624 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:17] Downloading update (195 079 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:18] Downloading update (195 454 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:18] Downloading update (195 794 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:18] Downloading update (196 168 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:18] Downloading update (196 552 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:19] Downloading update (196 893 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:19] Downloading update (197 260 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:19] Downloading update (197 637 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:19] Downloading update (198 023 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:20] Downloading update (198 356 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:20] Downloading update (198 650 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:20] Downloading update (199 098 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:20] Downloading update (199 478 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:21] Downloading update (199 819 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:21] Downloading update (200 200 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:21] Downloading update (200 579 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:21] Downloading update (200 956 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:22] Downloading update (201 297 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:22] Downloading update (201 676 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:22] Downloading update (202 057 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:22] Downloading update (202 435 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:23] Downloading update (202 800 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:23] Downloading update (203 149 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:23] Downloading update (203 519 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:24] Downloading update (203 866 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:24] Downloading update (204 236 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:24] Downloading update (204 510 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:24] Downloading update (204 942 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:25] Downloading update (205 281 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:25] Downloading update (205 695 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:25] Downloading update (206 036 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:25] Downloading update (206 415 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:26] Downloading update (206 792 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:26] Downloading update (207 136 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:26] Downloading update (207 546 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:26] Downloading update (207 837 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:27] Downloading update (208 270 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:27] Downloading update (208 646 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:27] Downloading update (208 969 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:27] Downloading update (209 324 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:28] Downloading update (209 663 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:28] Downloading update (209 989 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:28] Downloading update (210 288 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:28] Downloading update (210 396 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:29] Downloading update (210 753 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:29] Downloading update (211 053 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:29] Downloading update (211 368 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:29] Downloading update (211 686 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:30] Downloading update (211 975 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:30] Downloading update (212 212 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:30] Downloading update (212 447 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:30] Downloading update (212 785 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:31] Downloading update (213 069 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:31] Downloading update (213 311 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:31] Downloading update (213 572 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:31] Downloading update (213 981 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:32] Downloading update (214 326 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:32] Downloading update (214 722 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:32] Downloading update (215 082 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:32] Downloading update (215 462 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:33] Downloading update (215 837 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:33] Downloading update (216 176 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:33] Downloading update (216 558 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:33] Downloading update (216 896 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:34] Downloading update (217 275 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:34] Downloading update (217 640 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:34] Downloading update (217 982 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:34] Downloading update (218 358 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:35] Downloading update (218 661 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:35] Downloading update (219 109 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:35] Downloading update (219 486 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:35] Downloading update (219 758 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:36] Downloading update (220 203 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:36] Downloading update (220 499 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:36] Downloading update (220 837 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:36] Downloading update (221 165 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:37] Downloading update (221 525 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:37] Downloading update (221 897 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:37] Downloading update (222 271 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:37] Downloading update (222 648 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:38] Downloading update (222 988 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:38] Downloading update (223 298 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:38] Downloading update (223 715 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:38] Downloading update (224 091 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:39] Downloading update (224 431 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:39] Downloading update (224 808 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:39] Downloading update (225 179 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:39] Downloading update (225 564 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:40] Downloading update (225 903 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:40] Downloading update (226 280 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:40] Downloading update (226 657 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:40] Downloading update (227 034 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:41] Downloading update (227 412 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:41] Downloading update (227 750 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:41] Downloading update (228 127 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:41] Downloading update (228 506 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:42] Downloading update (228 868 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:42] Downloading update (229 261 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:42] Downloading update (229 608 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:42] Downloading update (229 939 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:43] Downloading update (230 317 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:43] Downloading update (230 694 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:43] Downloading update (231 032 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:43] Downloading update (231 410 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:44] Downloading update (231 786 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:44] Downloading update (232 162 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:44] Downloading update (232 522 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:44] Downloading update (232 862 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:45] Downloading update (233 242 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:45] Downloading update (233 599 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:45] Downloading update (233 997 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:45] Downloading update (234 311 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:46] Downloading update (234 689 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:46] Downloading update (235 096 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:46] Downloading update (235 418 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:46] Downloading update (235 809 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:47] Downloading update (236 186 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:47] Downloading update (236 531 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:47] Downloading update (236 947 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:47] Downloading update (237 259 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:48] Downloading update (237 664 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:48] Downloading update (238 046 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:48] Downloading update (238 423 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:48] Downloading update (238 717 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:49] Downloading update (239 142 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:49] Downloading update (239 519 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:49] Downloading update (239 873 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:49] Downloading update (240 278 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:50] Downloading update (240 543 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:50] Downloading update (240 995 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:50] Downloading update (241 373 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:50] Downloading update (241 731 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:51] Downloading update (242 129 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:51] Downloading update (242 441 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:51] Downloading update (242 846 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:51] Downloading update (243 227 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:52] Downloading update (243 610 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:52] Downloading update (243 949 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:52] Downloading update (244 234 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:52] Downloading update (244 709 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:53] Downloading update (245 071 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:53] Downloading update (245 450 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:53] Downloading update (245 798 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:53] Downloading update (246 177 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:54] Downloading update (246 553 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:54] Downloading update (246 895 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:54] Downloading update (247 274 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:54] Downloading update (247 629 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:55] Downloading update (247 993 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:55] Downloading update (248 375 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:55] Downloading update (248 669 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:55] Downloading update (249 132 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:56] Downloading update (249 473 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:56] Downloading update (249 834 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:56] Downloading update (250 233 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:56] Downloading update (250 610 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:57] Downloading update (250 926 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:57] Downloading update (251 267 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:57] Downloading update (251 698 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:57] Downloading update (252 077 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:58] Downloading update (252 439 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:58] Downloading update (252 770 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:58] Downloading update (253 139 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:58] Downloading update (253 533 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:59] Downloading update (253 911 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:59] Downloading update (254 290 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:34:59] Downloading update (254 626 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:35:00] Downloading update (255 224 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:35:00] Downloading update (255 862 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:35:00] Downloading update (256 238 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:35:00] Downloading update (256 579 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:35:01] Downloading update (256 962 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:35:01] Downloading update (257 327 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:35:01] Downloading update (257 716 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:35:01] Downloading update (258 047 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:35:02] Downloading update (258 433 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:35:02] Downloading update (258 813 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:35:02] Downloading update (259 192 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:35:02] Downloading update (259 530 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:35:03] Downloading update (259 909 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:35:03] Downloading update (260 213 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:35:03] Downloading update (260 670 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:35:03] Downloading update (261 004 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:35:04] Downloading update (261 381 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:35:04] Downloading update (261 760 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:35:04] Downloading update (262 127 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:35:04] Downloading update (262 506 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:35:05] Downloading update (262 837 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:35:05] Downloading update (263 233 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:35:05] Downloading update (263 614 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:35:05] Downloading update (263 956 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:35:06] Downloading update (264 335 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:35:06] Downloading update (264 715 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:35:06] Downloading update (265 035 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:35:06] Downloading update (265 436 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:35:07] Downloading update (265 811 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:35:07] Downloading update (266 163 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:35:07] Downloading update (266 567 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:35:07] Downloading update (266 908 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:35:08] Downloading update (267 288 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:35:08] Downloading update (267 662 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:35:08] Downloading update (267 970 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:35:08] Downloading update (268 365 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:35:09] Downloading update (268 712 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:35:09] Downloading update (269 084 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:35:09] Downloading update (269 465 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:35:09] Downloading update (269 844 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:35:10] Downloading update (270 184 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:35:10] Downloading update (270 562 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:35:10] Downloading update (270 940 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:35:10] Downloading update (271 320 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:35:11] Downloading update (271 588 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:35:14] Downloading update (271 701 of 271 701 KB)...
[2017-06-09 20:35:14] Download Complete.
[2017-06-09 20:35:14] uninstalled manifest found in /home/test/.steam/package/steam_client_ubuntu12 (1).
[2017-06-09 20:35:14] Extracting package...
[2017-06-09 20:35:51] Installing update...
[2017-06-09 20:35:53] Cleaning up...
[2017-06-09 20:35:53] Update complete, launching...
[2017-06-09 20:35:53] Shutdown
Running Steam on debian 9 32-bit
STEAM_RUNTIME is enabled automatically
[2017-06-09 20:36:30] Startup - updater built Jun  8 2017 04:33:02
[2017-06-09 20:36:30] Verifying installation...
[2017-06-09 20:36:30] Verification complete

Est-ce que l'installation du paquet c'est bien passé contrairement à moi qui m'y suis reprise à deux fois lol ?

Hors ligne

#9 09-06-2017 19:55:15


Re : [Résolu] Steam ne fonctionne pas

le paquet debian ne donne pas cet erreur

Illegal instruction
cat: '/home/jean-pierre/ .steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime.tar.xz.part*': Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
tar: Ceci ne ressemble pas à une archive de type "tar"
xz : (stdin) : Format de fichier inconnu
tar: Child returned status 1
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
find: '/home/jean-pierre/ .steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime' : Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type

qui lance comme ceci (en mode simulation ) on lui dira ce qui ne va pas

apt-get -s install steam

et poste le log de la console sur le forum
si un problème graphique ce sera au lancement de steam , si j'ai bien compris il n'a jamais réussit

un exemple sur amd64 (pour toi plus simple puisque steam est en i386 )

apt-get update && apt-get -s install steam


Atteint:1 http://ftp.fr.debian.org/debian stretch InRelease
Atteint:2 http://security.debian.org/debian-security stretch/updates InRelease                                
Atteint:3 http://ftp.fr.debian.org/debian stretch-updates InRelease                                          
Atteint:4 http://ftp.fr.debian.org/debian stretch-backports InRelease      
Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait                          
Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
Construction de l'arbre des dépendances      
Lecture des informations d'état... Fait
The following additional packages will be installed:
  gcc-6-base:i386 libbsd0:i386 libc6:i386 libdrm-amdgpu1:i386 libdrm-intel1:i386 libdrm-nouveau2:i386 libdrm-radeon1:i386 libdrm2:i386 libedit2:i386 libelf1:i386
  libexpat1:i386 libffi6:i386 libgcc1:i386 libgcrypt20:i386 libgl1-mesa-dri:i386 libgl1-mesa-glx:i386 libglapi-mesa:i386 libgpg-error0:i386 libgpm2:i386 libllvm3.9:i386
  libncurses5:i386 libpciaccess0:i386 libsensors4:i386 libstdc++6:i386 libtinfo5:i386 libtxc-dxtn-s2tc:i386 libudev1:i386 libx11-6:i386 libx11-xcb1:i386 libxau6:i386
  libxcb-dri2-0:i386 libxcb-dri3-0:i386 libxcb-glx0:i386 libxcb-present0:i386 libxcb-sync1:i386 libxcb1:i386 libxdamage1:i386 libxdmcp6:i386 libxext6:i386 libxfixes3:i386
  libxinerama1:i386 libxshmfence1:i386 libxss1:i386 libxxf86vm1:i386 zlib1g:i386
Paquets suggérés :
  glibc-doc:i386 locales:i386 rng-tools:i386 gpm:i386 lm-sensors:i386 steam-devices:i386
Les NOUVEAUX paquets suivants seront installés :
  gcc-6-base:i386 libbsd0:i386 libc6:i386 libdrm-amdgpu1:i386 libdrm-intel1:i386 libdrm-nouveau2:i386 libdrm-radeon1:i386 libdrm2:i386 libedit2:i386 libelf1:i386
  libexpat1:i386 libffi6:i386 libgcc1:i386 libgcrypt20:i386 libgl1-mesa-dri:i386 libgl1-mesa-glx:i386 libglapi-mesa:i386 libgpg-error0:i386 libgpm2:i386 libllvm3.9:i386
  libncurses5:i386 libpciaccess0:i386 libsensors4:i386 libstdc++6:i386 libtinfo5:i386 libtxc-dxtn-s2tc:i386 libudev1:i386 libx11-6:i386 libx11-xcb1:i386 libxau6:i386
  libxcb-dri2-0:i386 libxcb-dri3-0:i386 libxcb-glx0:i386 libxcb-present0:i386 libxcb-sync1:i386 libxcb1:i386 libxdamage1:i386 libxdmcp6:i386 libxext6:i386 libxfixes3:i386
  libxinerama1:i386 libxshmfence1:i386 libxss1:i386 libxxf86vm1:i386 steam:i386 zlib1g:i386
0 mis à jour, 46 nouvellement installés, 0 à enlever et 3 non mis à jour.
Inst gcc-6-base:i386 (6.3.0-18 Debian:testing [i386])
Inst libgcc1:i386 (1:6.3.0-18 Debian:testing [i386]) []
Inst libc6:i386 (2.24-11 Debian:testing [i386])
Inst libxau6:i386 (1:1.0.8-1 Debian:testing [i386])
Inst libbsd0:i386 (0.8.3-1 Debian:testing [i386])
Inst libxdmcp6:i386 (1:1.1.2-3 Debian:testing [i386])
Inst libxcb1:i386 (1.12-1 Debian:testing [i386])
Inst libx11-6:i386 (2:1.6.4-3 Debian:testing [i386])
Inst libxext6:i386 (2:1.3.3-1+b2 Debian:testing [i386])
Inst libxss1:i386 (1:1.2.2-1 Debian:testing [i386])
Inst libstdc++6:i386 (6.3.0-18 Debian:testing [i386])
Inst libudev1:i386 (232-25 Debian:testing [i386])
Inst libxinerama1:i386 (2:1.1.3-1+b3 Debian:testing [i386])
Inst libtxc-dxtn-s2tc:i386 (1.0+git20151227-2 Debian:testing [i386])
Inst libdrm2:i386 (2.4.74-1 Debian:testing [i386])
Inst libdrm-amdgpu1:i386 (2.4.74-1 Debian:testing [i386])
Inst zlib1g:i386 (1:1.2.8.dfsg-5 Debian:testing [i386])
Inst libpciaccess0:i386 (0.13.4-1+b2 Debian:testing [i386])
Inst libdrm-intel1:i386 (2.4.74-1 Debian:testing [i386])
Inst libdrm-nouveau2:i386 (2.4.74-1 Debian:testing [i386])
Inst libdrm-radeon1:i386 (2.4.74-1 Debian:testing [i386])
Inst libelf1:i386 (0.168-1 Debian:testing [i386])
Inst libexpat1:i386 (2.2.0-2 Debian:testing [i386])
Inst libgpg-error0:i386 (1.26-2 Debian:testing [i386])
Inst libgcrypt20:i386 (1.7.6-2 Debian:testing [i386])
Inst libtinfo5:i386 (6.0+20161126-1 Debian:testing [i386])
Inst libncurses5:i386 (6.0+20161126-1 Debian:testing [i386])
Inst libedit2:i386 (3.1-20160903-3 Debian:testing [i386])
Inst libffi6:i386 (3.2.1-6 Debian:testing [i386])
Inst libllvm3.9:i386 (1:3.9.1-9 Debian:testing [i386])
Inst libsensors4:i386 (1:3.4.0-4 Debian:testing [i386])
Inst libgl1-mesa-dri:i386 (13.0.6-1+b2 Debian:testing [i386])
Inst libglapi-mesa:i386 (13.0.6-1+b2 Debian:testing [i386])
Inst libx11-xcb1:i386 (2:1.6.4-3 Debian:testing [i386])
Inst libxcb-dri2-0:i386 (1.12-1 Debian:testing [i386])
Inst libxcb-dri3-0:i386 (1.12-1 Debian:testing [i386])
Inst libxcb-glx0:i386 (1.12-1 Debian:testing [i386])
Inst libxcb-present0:i386 (1.12-1 Debian:testing [i386])
Inst libxcb-sync1:i386 (1.12-1 Debian:testing [i386])
Inst libxfixes3:i386 (1:5.0.3-1 Debian:testing [i386])
Inst libxdamage1:i386 (1:1.1.4-2+b3 Debian:testing [i386])
Inst libxshmfence1:i386 (1.2-1+b2 Debian:testing [i386])
Inst libxxf86vm1:i386 (1:1.1.4-1+b2 Debian:testing [i386])
Inst libgl1-mesa-glx:i386 (13.0.6-1+b2 Debian:testing [i386])
Inst steam:i386 ( Debian:testing [i386])
Inst libgpm2:i386 (1.20.4-6.2+b1 Debian:testing [i386])
Conf gcc-6-base:i386 (6.3.0-18 Debian:testing [i386])
Conf libgcc1:i386 (1:6.3.0-18 Debian:testing [i386])
Conf libc6:i386 (2.24-11 Debian:testing [i386])
Conf libxau6:i386 (1:1.0.8-1 Debian:testing [i386])
Conf libbsd0:i386 (0.8.3-1 Debian:testing [i386])
Conf libxdmcp6:i386 (1:1.1.2-3 Debian:testing [i386])
Conf libxcb1:i386 (1.12-1 Debian:testing [i386])
Conf libx11-6:i386 (2:1.6.4-3 Debian:testing [i386])
Conf libxext6:i386 (2:1.3.3-1+b2 Debian:testing [i386])
Conf libxss1:i386 (1:1.2.2-1 Debian:testing [i386])
Conf libstdc++6:i386 (6.3.0-18 Debian:testing [i386])
Conf libudev1:i386 (232-25 Debian:testing [i386])
Conf libxinerama1:i386 (2:1.1.3-1+b3 Debian:testing [i386])
Conf libtxc-dxtn-s2tc:i386 (1.0+git20151227-2 Debian:testing [i386])
Conf libdrm2:i386 (2.4.74-1 Debian:testing [i386])
Conf libdrm-amdgpu1:i386 (2.4.74-1 Debian:testing [i386])
Conf zlib1g:i386 (1:1.2.8.dfsg-5 Debian:testing [i386])
Conf libpciaccess0:i386 (0.13.4-1+b2 Debian:testing [i386])
Conf libdrm-intel1:i386 (2.4.74-1 Debian:testing [i386])
Conf libdrm-nouveau2:i386 (2.4.74-1 Debian:testing [i386])
Conf libdrm-radeon1:i386 (2.4.74-1 Debian:testing [i386])
Conf libelf1:i386 (0.168-1 Debian:testing [i386])
Conf libexpat1:i386 (2.2.0-2 Debian:testing [i386])
Conf libgpg-error0:i386 (1.26-2 Debian:testing [i386])
Conf libgcrypt20:i386 (1.7.6-2 Debian:testing [i386])
Conf libtinfo5:i386 (6.0+20161126-1 Debian:testing [i386])
Conf libncurses5:i386 (6.0+20161126-1 Debian:testing [i386])
Conf libedit2:i386 (3.1-20160903-3 Debian:testing [i386])
Conf libffi6:i386 (3.2.1-6 Debian:testing [i386])
Conf libllvm3.9:i386 (1:3.9.1-9 Debian:testing [i386])
Conf libsensors4:i386 (1:3.4.0-4 Debian:testing [i386])
Conf libgl1-mesa-dri:i386 (13.0.6-1+b2 Debian:testing [i386])
Conf libglapi-mesa:i386 (13.0.6-1+b2 Debian:testing [i386])
Conf libx11-xcb1:i386 (2:1.6.4-3 Debian:testing [i386])
Conf libxcb-dri2-0:i386 (1.12-1 Debian:testing [i386])
Conf libxcb-dri3-0:i386 (1.12-1 Debian:testing [i386])
Conf libxcb-glx0:i386 (1.12-1 Debian:testing [i386])
Conf libxcb-present0:i386 (1.12-1 Debian:testing [i386])
Conf libxcb-sync1:i386 (1.12-1 Debian:testing [i386])
Conf libxfixes3:i386 (1:5.0.3-1 Debian:testing [i386])
Conf libxdamage1:i386 (1:1.1.4-2+b3 Debian:testing [i386])
Conf libxshmfence1:i386 (1.2-1+b2 Debian:testing [i386])
Conf libxxf86vm1:i386 (1:1.1.4-1+b2 Debian:testing [i386])
Conf libgl1-mesa-glx:i386 (13.0.6-1+b2 Debian:testing [i386])
Conf steam:i386 ( Debian:testing [i386])
Conf libgpm2:i386 (1.20.4-6.2+b1 Debian:testing [i386])

ça va créer un menu "jeux/steam" si c'est pas le cas redemarre  la machine
de ce menu tu lance steam qui va se mettre a jour  puis te demander ton logging (si pas d'erreur)
a partir de la tu pourra te connecter et installer tes jeux

par exemple sur une machine j'ai des paquets de expérimental , l installation ne se lance pas "paquet garder en l'état"  (version en autre de mesa dri et glx )
je pense qu il doit etre possible de lancer steam en driver libre (peut etre pas pour tous les jeux )

Dernière modification par anonyme (09-06-2017 20:26:02)

#10 09-06-2017 20:38:48

Distrib. : Debian GNU/Linux 9.0 Stretch
Noyau : Linux 4.9.0-3-686
Inscription : 07-06-2017

Re : [Résolu] Steam ne fonctionne pas

Alors euh, tout d'abord bonsoir et merci de vos réponses, je vais juste rebondir sur ça :

anonyme a écrit :

il faut supprimer tout ce que tu a installé , et purger les dossiers /fichiers "steam" dans ton home.
avoir un driver vidéo fonctionnel qui supporte le i386

Là je pense que c'est le mieux en effet, tout virer et recommencer proprement.
Comment désinstaller steam et ses dépendances au mieux ?

Ensuite, une fois Steam bien désinstallé, un de vous deux peut-il me donner les étapes pour le ré-installer correctement, (les paquets nécessaire, etc.) ? Avec les commandes si possible ?

Autrement voici quelques infos complémentaires sur l'ordinateur en question :
Processeur AMD Athlon XP 2500 +, 1.83 GHz
1Go de Ram
Carte graphique NVidia
Et le Linux installé est bien un Debian Strech en 32 bits.

Hors ligne

#11 09-06-2017 22:22:02

Lieu : Anjou
Distrib. : openSUSE Tumbleweed
Noyau : Linux 5.12
(G)UI : KDE 5.21.4
Inscription : 11-03-2016

Re : [Résolu] Steam ne fonctionne pas

Pour désinstaller

apt-get --purge remove steam

Hors ligne

#12 09-06-2017 23:33:13


Re : [Résolu] Steam ne fonctionne pas

Athlon XP 2500 +, 1.83 GHz et 1Go de ram ça va etre juste avec stretch pour jouer  hmm

pour le réinstaller correctement on a déja donné ce qu il faut faire.
commencer par ton sources.list a mettre a jour pour stretch 32  avec contrib et non-free  sur chaque ligne après main  (steam est un paquet non-free)
précise le nom de ta carte vidéo , peut etre agp ?
avec un driver libre je suppose ?  (nouveau)
se renseigner sur la configuration minimum pour steam en linux , peut etre que ta machine est trop ancienne .

#13 10-06-2017 11:53:11

Distrib. : Debian GNU/Linux 9.0 Stretch
Noyau : Linux 4.9.0-3-686
Inscription : 07-06-2017

Re : [Résolu] Steam ne fonctionne pas

Bon, alors j'ai désinstallé puis réinstallé correctement avec les bons paquets et tout, j'ai essayé de lancer steam via terminal utilisateur et toujours le même message, du coup ça m'a saoulé, je l'ai re-désinstallé, pour de bon. Tant pis pour Steam, de toute façon, oui je me doute bien qu'il n'y aurait eu qu'une petite quantité de jeux compatibles avec l'ordinateur. Donc c'est pas la peine de s'embêter.
En tout cas je vous remercie d'avoir essayé de chercher une solution.

Hors ligne

#14 12-06-2017 09:53:52

Distrib. : Debian Sid
(G)UI : sway
Inscription : 18-11-2013
Site Web

Re : [Résolu] Steam ne fonctionne pas

Maintenant que l’hypothèse Steam a été abandonnée, c’est probablement le moment de proposer une alternative wink

./play.it, jouer sans prise de tête sur GNU/Linux

Jouer sous Debian ? Facile !

Ceterum censeo Barum esse delendam

Hors ligne

#15 18-02-2018 14:06:10

Inscription : 18-02-2018

Re : [Résolu] Steam ne fonctionne pas


J'ai eu le même problème et je l'ai résolu en supprimant TOUT les fichiers liés à steam dans le répertoire home il y a un répertoire et deux fichiers.
Ensuite réinstaller normalement et les mises a jour ce feront trankilou

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