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et un extrait de listePieces
je m'attendais à ce que ça dure plus longtemps qu'une simple copie (le temps mis à compresser), mais pas à ce que le "pieces201912.tar.gz" soit beaucoup plus grand.
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Tousse antique Ovide !
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ou le développé par Philou. Ma remarque ne concerne que le temps d'exécution : il est apparemment plus efficace & plus rapide de copier par
du disque dur interne sur un disque dur externe que de tar(er) et compresser.
est efficace quand il faut envoyer un paquet de fichiers par le net.
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Tousse antique Ovide !
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There are three styles for writing operations and options to the command
line invoking tar. The different styles were developed at different times
during the history of tar. These styles will be presented below, from the
most recent to the oldest.
Some options must take an argument 1 . Where you place the arguments
generally depends on which style of options you choose. We will detail spe-
cific information relevant to each option style in the sections on the different
option styles, below. The differences are subtle, yet can often be very im-
portant; incorrect option placement can cause you to overwrite a number
of important files. We urge you to note these differences, and only use the
option style(s) which makes the most sense to you until you feel comfortable
with the others.
Some options may take an argument. Such options may have at most
long and short forms, they do not have old style equivalent. The rules for
specifying an argument for such options are stricter than those for specifying
mandatory arguments. Please, pay special attention to them
Voir la section 6.3 Reading Names from a File page 112 pour trouver l’explication de la commande que je t’ai fourni.
Dernière modification par Philou92 (23-12-2019 19:21:18)
Tousse antique Ovide !
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saque eud dun (patois chtimi : fonce dedans)
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