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#1 27-01-2020 19:21:47

Lieu : Lorraine
Distrib. : Bullseye
Noyau : amd 64 + Win 7
(G)UI : Xfce
Inscription : 30-06-2017

RESOLU Mise à jour de Waterfox

Il semble que la nouvelle version waterfox classic v 2020.1 (fr) ne fonctionne pas, mes tentatives sont un échec, le lanceur ne fonctionne pas.
Voici ce que j'ai trouvé sur le net:


•Posted byu/Spock_007
16 hours ago
Is there a security risk with running the WF 2019.12 version?

I am running the WF 2019.12 version of WF Classic, as I cannot install the WF Classic 2020 version. I am running an older release of Mint, 17.3 and it will not start when I install it. From what I am reading this is because it is looking for a newer version of a lib file, even though I read that in the requirements on the description of the WF Classic 2020 version it only needs an older version. I have read a couple of posts about this, it seems MrAlex94 knows about this problem, and has said he is trying to fix the problem. But I have not seen any posts stating that he has fixed this problem, therefore I have to stick with the 2019.12 version until the fix is out. If that fix will even allow me to run the latest version of WF Classic. But I do not want to keep running WF 2019.12 if it is a security risk.

Dernière modification par manet42 (14-02-2020 10:13:48)

PC bureau H81M-S1, Intel Pentium cpu: Bullseye  DDext et Win 7 DD int en dual boot.+ Portable HP Compaq avec  Bookworm.
En essayant continuellement, on finit par réussir. Donc plus ça rate, plus on a de chance que ça marche

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