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#1 27-10-2020 10:28:32

Distrib. : DF 12.7 (8-9-2024)
Noyau : Linux
(G)UI : XFCE 4.18
Inscription : 11-07-2016

[Non réglé] Mise en veille capricieuse de ma tour

Je viens d’installer DF 10-6.1  XFCE sur ma tour vieille de 2007, mon problème est que quand je lance la mise en veille seul l’écran le fait et pas le reste. De plus je n’arrive pas à rallumer ce dernier ce qui m’oblige d’éteindre ma machine à la «  barbare «  et je n’aime pas ça. Une aide serait la bienvenue SVP.

Dernière modification par lenovice93 (19-11-2020 10:36:45)

Hors ligne

#2 27-10-2020 15:50:05

CA Debian-Facile
Lieu : Quimperlé/Arzano
Distrib. : Debian Stable
Inscription : 20-09-2016
Site Web

Re : [Non réglé] Mise en veille capricieuse de ma tour

Mhm, ça m'est déjà arrivé sur quelques modèles, la mise en veille qui déconne, mais pas de cette manière.

Donne tes logs quand même, au cas où.

PAGER="" journalctl -p4

Voilà quelques pistes :
Parfois ça se résound en installant un kernel backporté :

echo "deb http://deb.debian.org/debian buster-backports main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list

apt update

apt install linux-image-5.8.0-0.bpo.2-amd64
#Désinstaller : apt purge linux-image-5.8.0-0.bpo.2-amd64

(Puis redémarrer pour tester)
Dans le pire des cas, tu pourrai opter de désactver le mode veille totalement. https://wiki.debian.org/Suspend

systemctl mask sleep.target suspend.target hibernate.target hybrid-sleep.target
#Réactiver : systemctl unmask sleep.target suspend.target hibernate.target hybrid-sleep.target

Dernière modification par otyugh (27-10-2020 16:19:34)


Hors ligne

#3 27-10-2020 16:56:54

Distrib. : DF 12.7 (8-9-2024)
Noyau : Linux
(G)UI : XFCE 4.18
Inscription : 11-07-2016

Re : [Non réglé] Mise en veille capricieuse de ma tour

Bonjour otyugh,

Merci de te pencher sur mon cas, je vais essayer de répondre correctement car je suis nul en informatique, mais je me soigne...

Les logs :

jean@jean-pc:~$ sudo PAGER="" journalctl -p4
[sudo] Mot de passe de jean : 
-- Logs begin at Tue 2020-10-27 16:36:05 CET, end at Tue 2020-10-27 16:47:21 CET. --
oct. 27 16:36:05 jean-pc kernel: ACPI BIOS Warning (bug): 32/64X length mismatch in FADT/Pm1aEventBlock: 32/8 (20180810/tbfadt-569)
oct. 27 16:36:05 jean-pc kernel: ACPI BIOS Warning (bug): 32/64X length mismatch in FADT/Pm1aControlBlock: 16/8 (20180810/tbfadt-569)
oct. 27 16:36:05 jean-pc kernel: ACPI BIOS Warning (bug): 32/64X length mismatch in FADT/PmTimerBlock: 32/8 (20180810/tbfadt-569)
oct. 27 16:36:05 jean-pc kernel: ACPI BIOS Warning (bug): 32/64X length mismatch in FADT/Gpe0Block: 64/8 (20180810/tbfadt-569)
oct. 27 16:36:05 jean-pc kernel: ACPI BIOS Warning (bug): 32/64X length mismatch in FADT/Gpe1Block: 128/8 (20180810/tbfadt-569)
oct. 27 16:36:05 jean-pc kernel: ACPI BIOS Warning (bug): Invalid length for FADT/Pm1aEventBlock: 8, using default 32 (20180810/tbfadt-674)
oct. 27 16:36:05 jean-pc kernel: ACPI BIOS Warning (bug): Invalid length for FADT/Pm1aControlBlock: 8, using default 16 (20180810/tbfadt-674)
oct. 27 16:36:05 jean-pc kernel: ACPI BIOS Warning (bug): Invalid length for FADT/PmTimerBlock: 8, using default 32 (20180810/tbfadt-674)
oct. 27 16:36:05 jean-pc kernel: core: PEBS disabled due to CPU errata
oct. 27 16:36:05 jean-pc kernel: mtrr: your CPUs had inconsistent fixed MTRR settings
oct. 27 16:36:05 jean-pc kernel: mtrr: your CPUs had inconsistent variable MTRR settings
oct. 27 16:36:05 jean-pc kernel: nouveau 0000:01:00.0: DRM: failed to create encoder 0/1/0: -19
oct. 27 16:36:05 jean-pc kernel: nouveau 0000:01:00.0: DRM: TV-1 has no encoders, removing
oct. 27 16:36:05 jean-pc kernel: psmouse serio1: logips2pp: Detected unknown Logitech mouse model 106
oct. 27 16:36:08 jean-pc kernel: coretemp coretemp.0: Using relative temperature scale!
oct. 27 16:36:08 jean-pc kernel: coretemp coretemp.0: Using relative temperature scale!
oct. 27 16:36:16 jean-pc udisksd[426]: failed to load module mdraid: libbd_mdraid.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
oct. 27 16:36:17 jean-pc udisksd[426]: Failed to load the 'mdraid' libblockdev plugin
oct. 27 16:36:18 jean-pc kernel: snd_hda_intel 0000:00:10.1: control 2:0:0:PCM Playback Volume:0 is already present
oct. 27 16:36:19 jean-pc colord[461]: failed to get session [pid 432]: Aucune donnée disponible

Euh peut être que je me suis mal exprimé. C’est la mise en veille machine qui ne marche pas. Donc pour la gestion d’alimentation dans XFCE je l’ai mise sur «jamais » et pour l’écran 15 minutes. Aucun   problème pour réactiver ce dernier après le délai, un appui sur n’importe quelle touche fait l’affaire.

Dernière modification par lenovice93 (27-10-2020 17:41:46)

Hors ligne

#4 28-10-2020 09:07:00

Distrib. : Debian12
Noyau : Linux 6.1.0-13-amd64
(G)UI : Fluxbox(NakeDeb)
Inscription : 16-12-2016

Re : [Non réglé] Mise en veille capricieuse de ma tour

je ne crois pas que installé in kernel backporté apporte quelque chose a une machine de 2007?
Quel sorte de mise en veille? en mémoire RAM ou sur le disque?

-->les cahiers du debutant<--      WikiDF-->Découvrir les principales commandes Linux<-- 
L' expérience, c'est le nom que chacun donne à ses erreurs. Oscar Wilde

Hors ligne

#5 28-10-2020 10:01:26


Re : [Non réglé] Mise en veille capricieuse de ma tour

=>  https://wiki.debian.org/Suspend
=> https://wiki.debian.org/Hibernation
=> https://wiki.debian.org/ACPI

installer le paquet "acpid"
voir dans le bios de la machine les options acpi , en autre le "c-state"
un bios de 2007 c'est plus tout jeune

sinon dans le syslog tu dois avoir des traces sur "hibernation" ou "suspend"

je suis pas trop branché la dessus , je ne l'utilise jamais .
nota: suspend c'est mettre le matériel en état de faible consommation , hibernation c'est enregistrer l'état de la machine sur le disque (swap) et arrêt.
c'est bien cela ?

ps: tu a quelques "warning" sur tes erreurs pour l'acpi

oct. 27 16:36:05 jean-pc kernel: ACPI BIOS Warning (bug): 32/64X length mismatch in FADT/Pm1aEventBlock: 32/8 (20180810/tbfadt-569)
oct. 27 16:36:05 jean-pc kernel: ACPI BIOS Warning (bug): 32/64X length mismatch in FADT/Pm1aControlBlock: 16/8 (20180810/tbfadt-569)
oct. 27 16:36:05 jean-pc kernel: ACPI BIOS Warning (bug): 32/64X length mismatch in FADT/PmTimerBlock: 32/8 (20180810/tbfadt-569)
oct. 27 16:36:05 jean-pc kernel: ACPI BIOS Warning (bug): 32/64X length mismatch in FADT/Gpe0Block: 64/8 (20180810/tbfadt-569)
oct. 27 16:36:05 jean-pc kernel: ACPI BIOS Warning (bug): 32/64X length mismatch in FADT/Gpe1Block: 128/8 (20180810/tbfadt-569)
oct. 27 16:36:05 jean-pc kernel: ACPI BIOS Warning (bug): Invalid length for FADT/Pm1aEventBlock: 8, using default 32 (20180810/tbfadt-674)
oct. 27 16:36:05 jean-pc kernel: ACPI BIOS Warning (bug): Invalid length for FADT/Pm1aControlBlock: 8, using default 16 (20180810/tbfadt-674)
oct. 27 16:36:05 jean-pc kernel: ACPI BIOS Warning (bug): Invalid length for FADT/PmTimerBlock: 8, using default 32 (20180810/tbfadt-674)

tu a testé d'installer le microcode pour ton cpu ?

#6 28-10-2020 10:25:40

Distrib. : DF 12.7 (8-9-2024)
Noyau : Linux
(G)UI : XFCE 4.18
Inscription : 11-07-2016

Re : [Non réglé] Mise en veille capricieuse de ma tour

Bonjour Crouton,

Bonne question, je ne sais pas trop comment y répondre. Dans XFCE tu as dans le menu déconnexion j’ai : Mise en veille et Mise en veille prolongée. Les deux me posent problème, L’écran s’éteint  mais le disque dur continue de tourner. Et je n’arrive plus à rallumer l’écran, je suis obligé d’utiliser « R-E-I-S-U-B » pour arrêter proprement la machine.
La machine de 2007 commence à dater. Je lis dans le journal : BIOS par-ci, BIOS par-là   « Warning (bug)», je ne sais pas si c’est inquiétant… car depuis 2007 il y a peut être des MAJ BIOS à faire, mais je ne sais pas les faire.

Hors ligne

#7 28-10-2020 10:43:44

Distrib. : DF 12.7 (8-9-2024)
Noyau : Linux
(G)UI : XFCE 4.18
Inscription : 11-07-2016

Re : [Non réglé] Mise en veille capricieuse de ma tour

Bonjour anonyme

On c’est croisé.

« tu a testé d'installer le microcode pour ton cpu ? »

Depuis 2007 aucune intervention BIOS, CPU, etc de ma part. En informatique et Internet, je suis plutôt au ras des pâquerettes…

Dernière modification par lenovice93 (28-10-2020 10:45:00)

Hors ligne

#8 28-10-2020 11:31:18


Re : [Non réglé] Mise en veille capricieuse de ma tour

tu peu installer "hardinfo" qui va être dans ton menu de xfce
il te donnera des infos sur le matériel comme la version du bios (dans DMI) , la marque de la CM etc ...

apt-get --reinstall install hardinfo acpid acpi acpi-support-base

ps: mon Asus P5KC mon bios (le dernier ) est du 25 juin 2008

j'ai tenté sur ma machine , le retour du syslog

Oct 28 11:41:33 debian8 systemd[1]: Starting Suspend...
Oct 28 11:41:34 debian8 systemd-sleep[18080]: Suspending system...
Oct 28 11:41:34 debian8 kernel: [480855.359581] PM: suspend entry (deep)
Oct 28 11:41:34 debian8 kernel: [480855.393919] Filesystems sync: 0.034 seconds
Oct 28 11:41:54 debian8 kernel: [480855.987168] Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 0.001 seconds) done.
Oct 28 11:41:54 debian8 kernel: [480855.988754] OOM killer disabled.
Oct 28 11:41:54 debian8 kernel: [480855.988755] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.001 seconds) done.
Oct 28 11:41:54 debian8 kernel: [480855.989963] printk: Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
Oct 28 11:41:54 debian8 kernel: [480856.007055] sd 1:0:0:0: [sdb] Synchronizing SCSI cache
Oct 28 11:41:54 debian8 kernel: [480856.007118] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Synchronizing SCSI cache
Oct 28 11:41:54 debian8 kernel: [480856.007223] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Stopping disk
Oct 28 11:41:54 debian8 kernel: [480856.007497] sd 1:0:0:0: [sdb] Stopping disk
Oct 28 11:41:54 debian8 kernel: [480856.667149] ACPI: Preparing to enter system sleep state S3
Oct 28 11:41:54 debian8 kernel: [480856.667413] PM: Saving platform NVS memory
Oct 28 11:41:54 debian8 kernel: [480856.667751] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
Oct 28 11:41:54 debian8 kernel: [480856.668149] IRQ 29: no longer affine to CPU1
Oct 28 11:41:54 debian8 kernel: [480856.669167] smpboot: CPU 1 is now offline
Oct 28 11:41:54 debian8 kernel: [480856.672907] IRQ 22: no longer affine to CPU2
Oct 28 11:41:54 debian8 kernel: [480856.673923] smpboot: CPU 2 is now offline
Oct 28 11:41:54 debian8 kernel: [480856.677138] IRQ 18: no longer affine to CPU3
Oct 28 11:41:54 debian8 kernel: [480856.677147] IRQ 23: no longer affine to CPU3
Oct 28 11:41:54 debian8 kernel: [480856.678160] smpboot: CPU 3 is now offline
Oct 28 11:41:54 debian8 kernel: [480856.683160] ACPI: Low-level resume complete
Oct 28 11:41:54 debian8 kernel: [480856.683204] PM: Restoring platform NVS memory
Oct 28 11:41:54 debian8 kernel: [480856.689221] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
Oct 28 11:41:54 debian8 kernel: [480856.689272] x86: Booting SMP configuration:
Oct 28 11:41:54 debian8 kernel: [480856.689273] smpboot: Booting Node 0 Processor 1 APIC 0x1
Oct 28 11:41:54 debian8 kernel: [480856.697872] CPU1 is up
Oct 28 11:41:54 debian8 kernel: [480856.697902] smpboot: Booting Node 0 Processor 2 APIC 0x2
Oct 28 11:41:54 debian8 kernel: [480856.706534] CPU2 is up
Oct 28 11:41:54 debian8 kernel: [480856.706557] smpboot: Booting Node 0 Processor 3 APIC 0x3
Oct 28 11:41:54 debian8 kernel: [480856.715194] CPU3 is up
Oct 28 11:41:54 debian8 kernel: [480856.720491] ACPI: Waking up from system sleep state S3
Oct 28 11:41:54 debian8 kernel: [480856.761416] usb usb1: root hub lost power or was reset
Oct 28 11:41:54 debian8 kernel: [480856.761440] usb usb2: root hub lost power or was reset
Oct 28 11:41:54 debian8 kernel: [480856.761481] usb usb3: root hub lost power or was reset
Oct 28 11:41:54 debian8 kernel: [480856.761557] usb usb4: root hub lost power or was reset
Oct 28 11:41:54 debian8 kernel: [480856.761577] usb usb5: root hub lost power or was reset
Oct 28 11:41:54 debian8 kernel: [480856.761608] usb usb6: root hub lost power or was reset
Oct 28 11:41:54 debian8 kernel: [480856.765046] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Starting disk
Oct 28 11:41:54 debian8 kernel: [480856.765085] sd 1:0:0:0: [sdb] Starting disk
Oct 28 11:41:54 debian8 kernel: [480856.773357] atl1 0000:02:00.0: enp2s0 link is up 1000 Mbps full duplex
Oct 28 11:41:54 debian8 kernel: [480857.089753] ata3: SATA link down (SStatus 0 SControl 300)
Oct 28 11:41:54 debian8 kernel: [480857.100361] ata4: SATA link down (SStatus 0 SControl 300)
Oct 28 11:41:54 debian8 kernel: [480857.252908] usb 1-2: reset low-speed USB device number 2 using uhci_hcd
Oct 28 11:41:54 debian8 kernel: [480858.192870] snd_hda_intel 0000:01:00.1: azx_get_response timeout, switching to polling mode: last cmd=0x0>
Oct 28 11:41:54 debian8 kernel: [480858.192875] snd_hda_intel 0000:01:00.1: spurious response 0x0:0x0, last cmd=0x1f000a
Oct 28 11:41:54 debian8 kernel: [480858.192877] snd_hda_intel 0000:01:00.1: spurious response 0x0:0x0, last cmd=0x1f000a
Oct 28 11:41:54 debian8 kernel: [480858.192878] snd_hda_intel 0000:01:00.1: spurious response 0x0:0x0, last cmd=0x1f000a
Oct 28 11:41:54 debian8 kernel: [480858.192880] snd_hda_intel 0000:01:00.1: spurious response 0x0:0x0, last cmd=0x1f000a
Oct 28 11:41:54 debian8 kernel: [480858.192882] snd_hda_intel 0000:01:00.1: spurious response 0x0:0x0, last cmd=0x1f000a
Oct 28 11:41:54 debian8 kernel: [480858.192883] snd_hda_intel 0000:01:00.1: spurious response 0x0:0x0, last cmd=0x1f000a
Oct 28 11:41:54 debian8 kernel: [480858.192885] snd_hda_intel 0000:01:00.1: spurious response 0x0:0x0, last cmd=0x1f000a
Oct 28 11:41:54 debian8 kernel: [480858.192887] snd_hda_intel 0000:01:00.1: spurious response 0x0:0x0, last cmd=0x1f000a
Oct 28 11:41:54 debian8 kernel: [480858.192888] snd_hda_intel 0000:01:00.1: spurious response 0x0:0x0, last cmd=0x1f000a
Oct 28 11:41:54 debian8 kernel: [480858.192890] snd_hda_intel 0000:01:00.1: spurious response 0x0:0x0, last cmd=0x1f000a
Oct 28 11:41:54 debian8 kernel: [480859.200837] snd_hda_intel 0000:01:00.1: azx_get_response timeout, switching to single_cmd mode: last cmd=>
Oct 28 11:41:54 debian8 kernel: [480859.400393] OOM killer enabled.
Oct 28 11:41:54 debian8 kernel: [480859.400393] Restarting tasks ...
Oct 28 11:41:54 debian8 kernel: [480859.401688] NVRM: GPU at PCI:0000:01:00: GPU-f9203e57-b37b-b918-5b3a-fde150abcb9a
Oct 28 11:41:54 debian8 kernel: [480859.401693] NVRM: Xid (PCI:0000:01:00): 31, pid=13079, Ch 00000010, intr 10000000. MMU Fault: ENGINE HOST>
Oct 28 11:41:54 debian8 kernel: [480859.406302] NVRM: Xid (PCI:0000:01:00): 31, pid=13079, Ch 00000018, intr 10000000. MMU Fault: ENGINE HOST>
Oct 28 11:41:54 debian8 kernel: [480859.408904] done.
Oct 28 11:41:54 debian8 kernel: [480859.411327] PM: suspend exit
Oct 28 11:41:54 debian8 systemd-sleep[18080]: System resumed.
Oct 28 11:41:54 debian8 systemd[1]: systemd-suspend.service: Succeeded.
Oct 28 11:41:54 debian8 systemd[1]: Finished Suspend.
Oct 28 11:41:54 debian8 systemd[1]: Stopped target Sleep.
Oct 28 11:41:54 debian8 systemd[1]: Reached target Suspend.
Oct 28 11:41:54 debian8 systemd[1]: Stopped target Suspend.
Oct 28 11:41:55 debian8 acpid: client 462[0:0] has disconnected
Oct 28 11:41:55 debian8 acpid: client connected from 462[0:0]
Oct 28 11:41:55 debian8 acpid: 1 client rule loaded
Oct 28 11:41:58 debian8 kernel: [480862.280775] ata1: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0)
Oct 28 11:41:58 debian8 kernel: [480862.292771] ata2: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0)
Oct 28 11:41:58 debian8 kernel: [480862.580797] ata1: SATA link up 1.5 Gbps (SStatus 113 SControl 300)
Oct 28 11:41:58 debian8 kernel: [480862.583164] ata1.00: ACPI cmd ef/03:45:00:00:00:a0 (SET FEATURES) filtered out
Oct 28 11:41:58 debian8 kernel: [480862.583166] ata1.00: ACPI cmd ef/03:0c:00:00:00:a0 (SET FEATURES) filtered out
Oct 28 11:41:58 debian8 kernel: [480862.583248] ata1.00: ACPI cmd c6/00:10:00:00:00:a0 (SET MULTIPLE MODE) succeeded
Oct 28 11:41:58 debian8 kernel: [480862.583251] ata1.00: ACPI cmd f5/00:00:00:00:00:00 (SECURITY FREEZE LOCK) filtered out
Oct 28 11:41:58 debian8 kernel: [480862.697736] ata1.00: configured for UDMA/133
Oct 28 11:41:58 debian8 kernel: [480862.807508] NVRM: Xid (PCI:0000:01:00): 31, pid=505, Ch 00000003, intr 10000000. MMU Fault: ENGINE HOST4 >
Oct 28 11:41:59 debian8 kernel: [480863.984793] ata2: SATA link up 3.0 Gbps (SStatus 123 SControl 300)
Oct 28 11:41:59 debian8 kernel: [480864.008866] ata2.00: ACPI cmd ef/03:45:00:00:00:a0 (SET FEATURES) filtered out
Oct 28 11:41:59 debian8 kernel: [480864.008868] ata2.00: ACPI cmd ef/03:0c:00:00:00:a0 (SET FEATURES) filtered out
Oct 28 11:41:59 debian8 kernel: [480864.008980] ata2.00: ACPI cmd c6/00:10:00:00:00:a0 (SET MULTIPLE MODE) succeeded
Oct 28 11:41:59 debian8 kernel: [480864.008983] ata2.00: ACPI cmd f5/00:00:00:00:00:00 (SECURITY FREEZE LOCK) filtered out
Oct 28 11:41:59 debian8 kernel: [480864.014130] ata2.00: configured for UDMA/133
Oct 28 11:50:34 debian8 dbus-daemon[389]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.hostname1' unit='dbus-org.freedeskto>
Oct 28 11:50:34 debian8 systemd[1]: Starting Hostname Service...
Oct 28 11:50:35 debian8 dbus-daemon[389]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.hostname1'
Oct 28 11:50:35 debian8 systemd[1]: Started Hostname Service.
Oct 28 11:51:05 debian8 systemd[1]: systemd-hostnamed.service: Succeeded.
Oct 28 11:52:39 debian8 systemd[1]: Reached target Sleep.

modif ,séparé les deux modes , au dessous "hibernate" , au dessus "suspend"

Oct 28 11:52:39 debian8 systemd[1]: Starting Hibernate...
Oct 28 11:52:39 debian8 systemd-sleep[18503]: Suspending system...
Oct 28 11:52:39 debian8 kernel: [481503.227900] PM: hibernation: hibernation entry
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481504.037455] Filesystems sync: 0.429 seconds
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481504.037457] Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 0.001 seconds) done.
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481504.039191] OOM killer disabled.
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481504.039331] PM: hibernation: Marking nosave pages: [mem 0x00000000-0x00000fff]
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481504.039333] PM: hibernation: Marking nosave pages: [mem 0x0009f000-0x000fffff]
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481504.039337] PM: hibernation: Marking nosave pages: [mem 0xbff80000-0xffffffff]
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481504.040287] PM: hibernation: Basic memory bitmaps created
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481504.040378] PM: hibernation: Preallocating image memory
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481505.128438] PM: hibernation: Allocated 668478 pages for snapshot
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481505.128442] PM: hibernation: Allocated 2673912 kbytes in 1.08 seconds (2475.84 MB/s)
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481505.128444] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.001 seconds) done.
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481505.130044] printk: Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481505.150934] azx_single_send_cmd: 100 callbacks suppressed
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481505.215237] ACPI: Preparing to enter system sleep state S4
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481505.215505] PM: Saving platform NVS memory
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481505.215845] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481505.216221] IRQ 29: no longer affine to CPU1
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481505.217244] smpboot: CPU 1 is now offline
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481505.219132] IRQ 22: no longer affine to CPU2
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481505.220146] smpboot: CPU 2 is now offline
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481505.222858] smpboot: CPU 3 is now offline
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481505.224140] PM: hibernation: Creating image:
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481505.425646] PM: hibernation: Need to copy 669220 pages
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481505.425650] PM: hibernation: Normal pages needed: 669220 + 1024, available pages: 1427540
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481505.225502] PM: Restoring platform NVS memory
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481505.225924] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481505.225974] x86: Booting SMP configuration:
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481505.225975] smpboot: Booting Node 0 Processor 1 APIC 0x1
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481505.229055] CPU1 is up
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481505.229088] smpboot: Booting Node 0 Processor 2 APIC 0x2
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481505.232228] CPU2 is up
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481505.232253] smpboot: Booting Node 0 Processor 3 APIC 0x3
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481505.235400] CPU3 is up
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481505.240677] ACPI: Waking up from system sleep state S4
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481505.375900] usb usb1: root hub lost power or was reset
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481505.375903] usb usb2: root hub lost power or was reset
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481505.375941] usb usb3: root hub lost power or was reset
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481505.375974] usb usb4: root hub lost power or was reset
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481505.375993] usb usb5: root hub lost power or was reset
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481505.376019] usb usb6: root hub lost power or was reset
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481505.376038] usb usb8: root hub lost power or was reset
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481505.376138] usb usb7: root hub lost power or was reset
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481505.379951] ehci-pci 0000:00:1d.7: cache line size of 32 is not supported
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481505.380042] ehci-pci 0000:00:1a.7: cache line size of 32 is not supported
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481505.384839] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Starting disk
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481505.384860] sd 1:0:0:0: [sdb] Starting disk
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481505.391877] atl1 0000:02:00.0: enp2s0 link is up 1000 Mbps full duplex
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481505.678522] snd_hdac_bus_update_rirb: 158 callbacks suppressed
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481505.678526] snd_hda_intel 0000:01:00.1: spurious response 0x0:0x0, last cmd=0x1f0500
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481505.678562] snd_hda_intel 0000:01:00.1: spurious response 0x0:0x0, last cmd=0x4f0015
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481505.678603] snd_hda_intel 0000:01:00.1: spurious response 0x3:0x0, last cmd=0x473500
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481505.678644] snd_hda_intel 0000:01:00.1: spurious response 0x0:0x0, last cmd=0x470700
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481505.678686] snd_hda_intel 0000:01:00.1: spurious response 0x0:0x0, last cmd=0x4f0015
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481505.678727] snd_hda_intel 0000:01:00.1: spurious response 0x3:0x0, last cmd=0x473501
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481505.678768] snd_hda_intel 0000:01:00.1: spurious response 0x0:0x0, last cmd=0x470700
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481505.678811] snd_hda_intel 0000:01:00.1: spurious response 0x0:0x0, last cmd=0x4f0015
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481505.678852] snd_hda_intel 0000:01:00.1: spurious response 0x3:0x0, last cmd=0x473502
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481505.678893] snd_hda_intel 0000:01:00.1: spurious response 0x0:0x0, last cmd=0x470700
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481505.705063] ata4: SATA link down (SStatus 0 SControl 300)
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481505.715583] ata3: SATA link down (SStatus 0 SControl 300)
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481505.852290] ata2: SATA link up 3.0 Gbps (SStatus 123 SControl 300)
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481505.852445] ata1: SATA link up 1.5 Gbps (SStatus 113 SControl 300)
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481505.854578] ata2.00: ACPI cmd ef/03:45:00:00:00:a0 (SET FEATURES) filtered out
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481505.854581] ata2.00: ACPI cmd ef/03:0c:00:00:00:a0 (SET FEATURES) filtered out
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481505.854754] ata1.00: ACPI cmd ef/03:45:00:00:00:a0 (SET FEATURES) filtered out
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481505.854756] ata1.00: ACPI cmd ef/03:0c:00:00:00:a0 (SET FEATURES) filtered out
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481505.854798] ata2.00: ACPI cmd c6/00:10:00:00:00:a0 (SET MULTIPLE MODE) succeeded
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481505.854805] ata2.00: ACPI cmd f5/00:00:00:00:00:00 (SECURITY FREEZE LOCK) filtered out
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481505.854870] ata1.00: ACPI cmd c6/00:10:00:00:00:a0 (SET MULTIPLE MODE) succeeded
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481505.854871] ata1.00: ACPI cmd f5/00:00:00:00:00:00 (SECURITY FREEZE LOCK) filtered out
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481505.859764] ata2.00: configured for UDMA/133
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481505.880270] usb 1-2: reset low-speed USB device number 2 using uhci_hcd
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481505.975930] ata1.00: configured for UDMA/133
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481506.210532] PM: hibernation: Basic memory bitmaps freed
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481506.210533] OOM killer enabled.
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481506.210534] Restarting tasks ... done.
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 kernel: [481506.213171] PM: hibernation: hibernation exit
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 systemd-sleep[18503]: System resumed.
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 systemd[1]: systemd-hibernate.service: Succeeded.
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 systemd[1]: Finished Hibernate.
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 systemd[1]: Reached target Hibernate.
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 systemd[1]: Stopped target Sleep.
Oct 28 11:54:52 debian8 systemd[1]: Stopped target Hibernate.
Oct 28 11:54:53 debian8 acpid: client 462[0:0] has disconnected
Oct 28 11:54:53 debian8 acpid: client connected from 462[0:0]
Oct 28 11:54:53 debian8 acpid: 1 client rule loaded

je vais tenter une veille profonde

j'ai ajouté a "suspend" , la fonction "hibernate"
a toi de voir le syslog pour trouver ce qui bug

ps: je regarde mon bios sa configuration

Dernière modification par anonyme (28-10-2020 13:35:55)

#9 28-10-2020 12:23:34

Distrib. : DF 12.7 (8-9-2024)
Noyau : Linux
(G)UI : XFCE 4.18
Inscription : 11-07-2016

Re : [Non réglé] Mise en veille capricieuse de ma tour

Ok anonyme

J’ai hardinfo, mais comment je procède pour te donner le retour de mon syslog ?

Hors ligne

#10 28-10-2020 12:55:47


Re : [Non réglé] Mise en veille capricieuse de ma tour

je termine avec mon test pas parfait (redémarrer a planté a partir du bureau)
mon swap est insuffisant , 4Go pour 8Go de ram
mon bios

auto S1 et S3
repost video on S3 resume  actif
ACPI version actif
ACPI APIC support actif

dans APM  => reveil par "barre espace"
sur coupure de courant  alimentation "off"

mes erreurs sur bullseye (testing) mais aucune importance ( stretch , buster  identique )

root@debian8:~# journalctl -r -p err
-- Logs begin at Wed 2020-10-28 12:29:22 CET, end at Wed 2020-10-28 12:30:48 CET. --
oct. 28 12:30:08 debian8 lightdm[576]: gkr-pam: unable to locate daemon control file

pour le syslog un "cat" ou ""nano"
par exemple

cat /var/log/syslog

tu peu aussi filtrer avec "dmesg"
par exemple

dmesg | grep acpi
[    0.303315] acpiphp: ACPI Hot Plug PCI Controller Driver version: 0.5
[    0.523004] acpi PNP0A08:00: _OSC: OS supports [ExtendedConfig ASPM ClockPM Segments MSI HPX-Type3]
[    0.523008] acpi PNP0A08:00: _OSC failed (AE_NOT_FOUND); disabling ASPM
[    0.558703] clocksource: acpi_pm: mask: 0xffffff max_cycles: 0xffffff, max_idle_ns: 2085701024 ns

on va sûrement te demander des retours de commande , moi je suis limité sur ce genre de problème roll
pas la peine de poster ton syslog , mais tu peu le consulter quand ça plante au redémarrage

Dernière modification par anonyme (28-10-2020 12:57:04)

#11 28-10-2020 13:26:20


Re : [Non réglé] Mise en veille capricieuse de ma tour

lenovice93 a écrit :

Ok anonyme

J’ai hardinfo, mais comment je procède pour te donner le retour de mon syslog ?

avec hardinfo tu peu donner la marque de ta carte mère et la version de ton bios , sur le net on peu peut être trouver des choses

pour le syslog a toi de voir si tu trouve quelque chose ou si quelqu'un te demande le retour d'une commande
ps: au dessus j'ai mit un exemple sur ma machine pour les deux modes "suspend" ou "veille"   en #8
en cas de freeze total pas évident de trouver quelque chose (le système n'a pas eu le temps d'écrire sur le log souvent ).

Dernière modification par anonyme (28-10-2020 13:27:34)

#12 28-10-2020 13:27:13

Distrib. : DF 12.7 (8-9-2024)
Noyau : Linux
(G)UI : XFCE 4.18
Inscription : 11-07-2016

Re : [Non réglé] Mise en veille capricieuse de ma tour

on va sûrement te demander des retours de commande , moi je suis limité sur ce genre de problème

Ok anonyme, je vais attendre pour que me l'on dise quoi faire. Merci.

Dernière modification par lenovice93 (28-10-2020 13:31:33)

Hors ligne

#13 28-10-2020 13:45:22

Distrib. : Debian12
Noyau : Linux 6.1.0-13-amd64
(G)UI : Fluxbox(NakeDeb)
Inscription : 16-12-2016

Re : [Non réglé] Mise en veille capricieuse de ma tour

Je pense que tu pourrais noté l'heure avant de tester la mise en veille
puis affiché les log et limité la sortie en spécifiant la plage horaire

 cat /var/log/syslog |grep 'Oct 28 13:3[7-9]'

Oct 28 13:37:14 debian kernel: [15820.915563] [UFW BLOCK] IN=enp0s7 OUT= MAC=01:00:5e:00:00:01:00:23:48:c3:9e:c0:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=32 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x80 TTL=1 ID=0 DF PROTO=2
Oct 28 13:37:14 debian kernel: [15820.917287] [UFW BLOCK] IN=enp0s7 OUT= MAC=01:00:5e:00:00:01:00:23:48:c3:9e:c0:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=32 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x80 TTL=1 ID=0 DF PROTO=2
Oct 28 13:37:54 debian kernel: [15860.945702] [UFW BLOCK] IN=enp0s7 OUT= MAC=01:00:5e:00:00:01:00:23:48:c3:9e:c0:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=32 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x80 TTL=1 ID=0 DF PROTO=2
Oct 28 13:37:54 debian kernel: [15860.947462] [UFW BLOCK] IN=enp0s7 OUT= MAC=01:00:5e:00:00:01:00:23:48:c3:9e:c0:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=32 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x80 TTL=1 ID=0 DF PROTO=2
Oct 28 13:38:34 debian kernel: [15900.956780] [UFW BLOCK] IN=enp0s7 OUT= MAC=01:00:5e:00:00:01:00:23:48:c3:9e:c0:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=32 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x80 TTL=1 ID=0 DF PROTO=2
Oct 28 13:38:34 debian kernel: [15900.958596] [UFW BLOCK] IN=enp0s7 OUT= MAC=01:00:5e:00:00:01:00:23:48:c3:9e:c0:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=32 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x80 TTL=1 ID=0 DF PROTO=2
Oct 28 13:39:14 debian kernel: [15940.967672] [UFW BLOCK] IN=enp0s7 OUT= MAC=01:00:5e:00:00:01:00:23:48:c3:9e:c0:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=32 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x80 TTL=1 ID=0 DF PROTO=2
Oct 28 13:39:14 debian kernel: [15940.969504] [UFW BLOCK] IN=enp0s7 OUT= MAC=01:00:5e:00:00:01:00:23:48:c3:9e:c0:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=32 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x80 TTL=1 ID=0 DF PROTO=2
Oct 28 13:39:24 debian kernel: [15950.960997] [UFW BLOCK] IN=enp0s7 OUT= MAC=01:00:5e:7f:ff:fa:00:0f:0d:26:f1:0f:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=32 TOS=0x00 PREC=0xC0 TTL=1 ID=0 DF PROTO=2
Oct 28 13:39:54 debian kernel: [15980.978759] [UFW BLOCK] IN=enp0s7 OUT= MAC=01:00:5e:00:00:01:00:23:48:c3:9e:c0:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=32 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x80 TTL=1 ID=0 DF PROTO=2

affiche de 13:37 à 13:39

Dernière modification par Croutons (28-10-2020 13:46:45)

-->les cahiers du debutant<--      WikiDF-->Découvrir les principales commandes Linux<-- 
L' expérience, c'est le nom que chacun donne à ses erreurs. Oscar Wilde

Hors ligne

#14 28-10-2020 13:58:03

Distrib. : DF 12.7 (8-9-2024)
Noyau : Linux
(G)UI : XFCE 4.18
Inscription : 11-07-2016

Re : [Non réglé] Mise en veille capricieuse de ma tour

Hello Croutons,

Étant donné que la machine je ne veut pas se  mettre en veille, je la laisse tourner toute la journée..

Dernière modification par lenovice93 (28-10-2020 14:02:22)

Hors ligne

#15 28-10-2020 14:24:23

Distrib. : Debian12
Noyau : Linux 6.1.0-13-amd64
(G)UI : Fluxbox(NakeDeb)
Inscription : 16-12-2016

Re : [Non réglé] Mise en veille capricieuse de ma tour

ah ba non
tu reboot et tu affiches les minutes du syslog a laquel tu as voulu mettre en veille
devrait y avoir des messages
je dis pas que je saurais les interpréter mais sûrement que quelqu'un saura big_smile

-->les cahiers du debutant<--      WikiDF-->Découvrir les principales commandes Linux<-- 
L' expérience, c'est le nom que chacun donne à ses erreurs. Oscar Wilde

Hors ligne

#16 28-10-2020 14:52:44

Distrib. : DF 12.7 (8-9-2024)
Noyau : Linux
(G)UI : XFCE 4.18
Inscription : 11-07-2016

Re : [Non réglé] Mise en veille capricieuse de ma tour

D’accord Crouton.
Mais comment affiche-ton le syslog afin que je puisse le mettre ensuite dans le forum ?

Hors ligne

#17 28-10-2020 15:04:48

Distrib. : Debian12
Noyau : Linux 6.1.0-13-amd64
(G)UI : Fluxbox(NakeDeb)
Inscription : 16-12-2016

Re : [Non réglé] Mise en veille capricieuse de ma tour

je t'ai mis un exemple d'affichage message #13
a adapter suivant l'heure de ta mise en veille ( enfin de l'essai de mise en veille)
depuis ton installation tu n'as rien changé a la partition Swap?

-->les cahiers du debutant<--      WikiDF-->Découvrir les principales commandes Linux<-- 
L' expérience, c'est le nom que chacun donne à ses erreurs. Oscar Wilde

Hors ligne

#18 28-10-2020 15:55:13

Distrib. : DF 12.7 (8-9-2024)
Noyau : Linux
(G)UI : XFCE 4.18
Inscription : 11-07-2016

Re : [Non réglé] Mise en veille capricieuse de ma tour


Non Croutons, je n'ai pas touché à la SWAP qui est à l'origine de 3.54 Gio, 1.51 Mio utilisé.

Bon si je n'ai pas merdé, voici mon syslog :

Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    2.780312] scsi host2: sata_nv
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    2.780538] scsi host3: sata_nv
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    2.780693] ata3: SATA max UDMA/133 cmd 0x9e0 ctl 0xbe0 bmdma 0xf300 irq 23
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    2.780695] ata4: SATA max UDMA/133 cmd 0x960 ctl 0xb60 bmdma 0xf308 irq 23
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    2.813673] ehci_hcd: USB 2.0 'Enhanced' Host Controller (EHCI) Driver
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    2.816005] ehci-pci: EHCI PCI platform driver
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    2.816261] ehci-pci 0000:00:0b.1: EHCI Host Controller
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    2.816270] ehci-pci 0000:00:0b.1: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    2.816281] ehci-pci 0000:00:0b.1: debug port 1
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    2.816314] ehci-pci 0000:00:0b.1: cache line size of 32 is not supported
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    2.816334] ehci-pci 0000:00:0b.1: irq 22, io mem 0xfe02e000
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    2.829029] ehci-pci 0000:00:0b.1: USB 2.0 started, EHCI 1.00
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    2.829129] usb usb1: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0002, bcdDevice= 4.19
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    2.829131] usb usb1: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=2, SerialNumber=1
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    2.829133] usb usb1: Product: EHCI Host Controller
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    2.829135] usb usb1: Manufacturer: Linux 4.19.0-12-amd64 ehci_hcd
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    2.829137] usb usb1: SerialNumber: 0000:00:0b.1
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    2.829355] hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    2.829365] hub 1-0:1.0: 8 ports detected
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    2.829586] pata_amd 0000:00:0d.0: version 0.4.1
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    2.831666] ohci_hcd: USB 1.1 'Open' Host Controller (OHCI) Driver
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    2.835091] firewire_ohci 0000:05:08.0: added OHCI v1.10 device as card 0, 4 IR + 8 IT contexts, quirks 0x11
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    2.843040] ohci-pci: OHCI PCI platform driver
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    2.843264] ohci-pci 0000:00:0b.0: OHCI PCI host controller
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    2.843274] ohci-pci 0000:00:0b.0: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 2
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    2.843306] ohci-pci 0000:00:0b.0: irq 23, io mem 0xfe02f000
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    2.849062] scsi host4: pata_amd
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    2.849335] scsi host5: pata_amd
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    2.849410] ata5: PATA max UDMA/133 cmd 0x1f0 ctl 0x3f6 bmdma 0xfd00 irq 14
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    2.849412] ata6: PATA max UDMA/133 cmd 0x170 ctl 0x376 bmdma 0xfd08 irq 15
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    2.870214] ahci 0000:04:00.0: version 3.0
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    2.870486] PCI Interrupt Link [APC5] enabled at IRQ 16
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    2.870777] PCI Interrupt Link [APC6] enabled at IRQ 16
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    2.870895] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: NVIDIA G84 (084200a2)
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    2.880902] ahci 0000:04:00.0: AHCI 0001.0000 32 slots 1 ports 3 Gbps 0x1 impl SATA mode
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    2.880905] ahci 0000:04:00.0: flags: 64bit ncq pm led clo pmp pio slum part
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    2.881443] scsi host6: ahci
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    2.881592] ata7: SATA max UDMA/133 abar m8192@0xfd9fe000 port 0xfd9fe100 irq 16
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    2.907009] usb usb2: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0001, bcdDevice= 4.19
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    2.907011] usb usb2: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=2, SerialNumber=1
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    2.907013] usb usb2: Product: OHCI PCI host controller
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    2.907015] usb usb2: Manufacturer: Linux 4.19.0-12-amd64 ohci_hcd
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    2.907017] usb usb2: SerialNumber: 0000:00:0b.0
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    2.907365] hub 2-0:1.0: USB hub found
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    2.907377] hub 2-0:1.0: 8 ports detected
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    2.973738] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: bios: version
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    2.973760] tsc: Refined TSC clocksource calibration: 1999.977 MHz
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    2.973769] clocksource: tsc: mask: 0xffffffffffffffff max_cycles: 0x39a83198072, max_idle_ns: 881590710626 ns
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    2.973790] clocksource: Switched to clocksource tsc
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    2.994841] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: fb: 256 MiB GDDR3
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.031680] ata5.00: ATAPI: HL-DT-STDVD-ROM GDR8164B, 0L06, max UDMA/33
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.031685] ata5.01: ATAPI: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-H42N, RL00, max UDMA/66
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.031692] ata5: nv_mode_filter: 0x739f&0x739f->0x739f, BIOS=0x7000 (0xc0c50000) ACPI=0x701f (60:30:0x1f)
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.031696] ata5: nv_mode_filter: 0x1f39f&0x1f39f->0x1f39f, BIOS=0x1f000 (0xc0c50000) ACPI=0x1f01f (60:30:0x1f)
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.070649] [TTM] Zone  kernel: Available graphics memory: 1020336 kiB
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.070650] [TTM] Initializing pool allocator
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.070656] [TTM] Initializing DMA pool allocator
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.070671] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: DRM: VRAM: 256 MiB
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.070673] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: DRM: GART: 1048576 MiB
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.070678] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: DRM: TMDS table version 2.0
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.070680] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: DRM: DCB version 4.0
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.070682] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: DRM: DCB outp 00: 01000302 00000030
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.070685] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: DRM: DCB outp 01: 02000300 00000028
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.070687] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: DRM: DCB outp 02: 02011312 00000030
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.070689] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: DRM: DCB outp 03: 04011310 00000028
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.070691] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: DRM: DCB outp 04: 010223f1 00c0c080
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.070693] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: DRM: DCB conn 00: 2030
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.070695] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: DRM: DCB conn 01: 1130
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.070697] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: DRM: DCB conn 02: 0210
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.070699] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: DRM: DCB conn 03: 0211
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.070700] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: DRM: DCB conn 04: 0213
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.071907] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: DRM: failed to create encoder 0/1/0: -19
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.071909] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: DRM: TV-1 has no encoders, removing
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.071955] [drm] Supports vblank timestamp caching Rev 2 (21.10.2013).
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.071956] [drm] Driver supports precise vblank timestamp query.
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.073364] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: DRM: MM: using CRYPT for buffer copies
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.114369] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: DRM: allocated 1680x1050 fb: 0x70000, bo (____ptrval____)
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.114550] fbcon: nouveaufb (fb0) is primary device
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.135586] ata3: SATA link down (SStatus 0 SControl 300)
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.196288] ata7: SATA link down (SStatus 0 SControl 300)
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.243629] Console: switching to colour frame buffer device 210x65
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.245252] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: fb0: nouveaufb frame buffer device
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.248970] ata1: SATA link up 1.5 Gbps (SStatus 113 SControl 300)
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.259547] psmouse serio1: logips2pp: Detected unknown Logitech mouse model 106
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.260967] [drm] Initialized nouveau 1.3.1 20120801 for 0000:01:00.0 on minor 0
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.284484] ata1.00: ATA-7: ST3250620AS, 3.AAK, max UDMA/133
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.284487] ata1.00: 488397168 sectors, multi 1: LBA48 NCQ (depth 31/32)
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.301542] forcedeth 0000:00:14.0: ifname eth0, PHY OUI 0x5043 @ 1, addr 00:1a:92:7d:14:72
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.301545] forcedeth 0000:00:14.0: highdma pwrctl gbit lnktim desc-v3
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.302841] forcedeth 0000:00:14.0 enp0s20: renamed from eth0
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.345050] firewire_core 0000:05:08.0: created device fw0: GUID 0011d800012b287c, S400
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.359451] ata1.00: configured for UDMA/133
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.359703] scsi 0:0:0:0: Direct-Access     ATA      ST3250620AS      K    PQ: 0 ANSI: 5
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.364731] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] 488397168 512-byte logical blocks: (250 GB/233 GiB)
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.364741] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Write Protect is off
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.364744] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Mode Sense: 00 3a 00 00
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.364757] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Write cache: enabled, read cache: enabled, doesn't support DPO or FUA
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.437841]  sda: sda1 sda2 < sda5 sda6 sda7 >
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.438366] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Attached SCSI disk
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.536951] usb 2-6: new full-speed USB device number 2 using ohci-pci
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.671113] ata2: SATA link down (SStatus 0 SControl 300)
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.764059] input: ImExPS/2 Logitech Explorer Mouse as /devices/platform/i8042/serio1/input/input4
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.777977] usb 2-6: New USB device found, idVendor=03f0, idProduct=a407, bcdDevice= 3.21
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.777979] usb 2-6: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=0
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.777981] usb 2-6: Product: HP Link-5 micro dongle
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.777983] usb 2-6: Manufacturer: HP
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.793008] hidraw: raw HID events driver (C) Jiri Kosina
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.810763] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbhid
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.810765] usbhid: USB HID core driver
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.813146] input: HP HP Link-5 micro dongle as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:0b.0/usb2/2-6/2-6:1.0/0003:03F0:A407.0001/input/input5
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.814978] random: fast init done
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.873170] hid-generic 0003:03F0:A407.0001: input,hidraw0: USB HID v1.11 Keyboard [HP HP Link-5 micro dongle] on usb-0000:00:0b.0-6/input0
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.874105] input: HP HP Link-5 micro dongle Mouse as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:0b.0/usb2/2-6/2-6:1.1/0003:03F0:A407.0002/input/input6
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.874214] input: HP HP Link-5 micro dongle Consumer Control as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:0b.0/usb2/2-6/2-6:1.1/0003:03F0:A407.0002/input/input7
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.932993] input: HP HP Link-5 micro dongle System Control as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:0b.0/usb2/2-6/2-6:1.1/0003:03F0:A407.0002/input/input8
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.933086] hid-generic 0003:03F0:A407.0002: input,hiddev0,hidraw1: USB HID v1.11 Mouse [HP HP Link-5 micro dongle] on usb-0000:00:0b.0-6/input1
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.983119] ata4: SATA link down (SStatus 0 SControl 300)
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    3.986523] scsi 4:0:0:0: CD-ROM            HL-DT-ST DVD-ROM GDR8164B 0L06 PQ: 0 ANSI: 5
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    4.017836] scsi 4:0:1:0: CD-ROM            HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-H42N  RL00 PQ: 0 ANSI: 5
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    4.247936] sr 4:0:0:0: [sr0] scsi3-mmc drive: 52x/52x cd/rw xa/form2 cdda tray
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    4.247941] cdrom: Uniform CD-ROM driver Revision: 3.20
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    4.248503] sr 4:0:0:0: Attached scsi CD-ROM sr0
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    4.276584] sr 4:0:1:0: [sr1] scsi3-mmc drive: 48x/48x writer dvd-ram cd/rw xa/form2 cdda tray
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    4.277066] sr 4:0:1:0: Attached scsi CD-ROM sr1
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    5.543567] random: plymouthd: uninitialized urandom read (8 bytes read)
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    5.543802] random: plymouthd: uninitialized urandom read (8 bytes read)
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    5.740966] raid6: sse2x1   gen()  3137 MB/s
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    5.808950] raid6: sse2x1   xor()  3386 MB/s
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    5.876953] raid6: sse2x2   gen()  3683 MB/s
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    5.944947] raid6: sse2x2   xor()  4131 MB/s
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    6.012953] raid6: sse2x4   gen()  6152 MB/s
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    6.080950] raid6: sse2x4   xor()  4633 MB/s
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    6.080952] raid6: using algorithm sse2x4 gen() 6152 MB/s
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    6.080953] raid6: .... xor() 4633 MB/s, rmw enabled
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    6.080955] raid6: using ssse3x2 recovery algorithm
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    6.094168] xor: measuring software checksum speed
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    6.132946]    prefetch64-sse:  7644.000 MB/sec
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    6.172945]    generic_sse:  6805.000 MB/sec
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    6.172946] xor: using function: prefetch64-sse (7644.000 MB/sec)
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    6.293846] Btrfs loaded, crc32c=crc32c-generic
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    6.892279] PM: Image not found (code -22)
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [    7.642823] random: crng init done
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [   17.533054] cryptd: max_cpu_qlen set to 1000
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [   17.714299] EXT4-fs (sda7): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: (null)
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [   21.261370] EXT4-fs (sda7): re-mounted. Opts: (null)
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [   21.628637] lp: driver loaded but no devices found
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [   21.689035] ppdev: user-space parallel port driver
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [   21.761169] parport_pc 00:04: reported by Plug and Play ACPI
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [   21.761230] parport0: PC-style at 0x378, irq 7 [PCSPP,TRISTATE,EPP]
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [   21.861069] lp0: using parport0 (interrupt-driven).
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [   23.362162] audit: type=1400 audit(1603895661.526:2): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_load" profile="unconfined" name="libreoffice-senddoc" pid=263 comm="apparmor_parser"
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [   23.367742] audit: type=1400 audit(1603895661.530:3): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_load" profile="unconfined" name="libreoffice-oopslash" pid=267 comm="apparmor_parser"
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [   23.375166] audit: type=1400 audit(1603895661.538:4): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_load" profile="unconfined" name="torbrowser_firefox" pid=264 comm="apparmor_parser"
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [   23.403403] audit: type=1400 audit(1603895661.566:5): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_load" profile="unconfined" name="/usr/sbin/haveged" pid=268 comm="apparmor_parser"
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [   23.445613] audit: type=1400 audit(1603895661.610:6): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_load" profile="unconfined" name="/usr/bin/man" pid=269 comm="apparmor_parser"
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [   23.445619] audit: type=1400 audit(1603895661.610:7): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_load" profile="unconfined" name="man_filter" pid=269 comm="apparmor_parser"
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [   23.445622] audit: type=1400 audit(1603895661.610:8): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_load" profile="unconfined" name="man_groff" pid=269 comm="apparmor_parser"
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [   23.498151] audit: type=1400 audit(1603895661.662:9): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_load" profile="unconfined" name="libreoffice-xpdfimport" pid=271 comm="apparmor_parser"
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [   23.574044] audit: type=1400 audit(1603895661.738:10): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_load" profile="unconfined" name="system_tor" pid=272 comm="apparmor_parser"
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [   23.585282] audit: type=1400 audit(1603895661.750:11): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_load" profile="unconfined" name="/usr/lib/cups/backend/cups-pdf" pid=270 comm="apparmor_parser"
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [   24.413134] nv_tco: NV TCO WatchDog Timer Driver v0.01
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [   24.413309] nv_tco: Watchdog reboot detected
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [   24.413398] nv_tco: initialized (0x1440). heartbeat=30 sec (nowayout=0)
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [   24.721658] coretemp coretemp.0: Using relative temperature scale!
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [   24.722469] coretemp coretemp.0: Using relative temperature scale!
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [   24.752381] sd 0:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg0 type 0
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [   24.752452] sr 4:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg1 type 5
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [   24.752512] sr 4:0:1:0: Attached scsi generic sg2 type 5
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [   25.015234] intel_powerclamp: No package C-state available
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [   25.045428] intel_powerclamp: No package C-state available
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [   26.074479] PCI Interrupt Link [AAZA] enabled at IRQ 22
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [   26.074491] snd_hda_intel 0000:00:10.1: Disabling MSI
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [   27.125733] Adding 3715068k swap on /dev/sda6.  Priority:-2 extents:1 across:3715068k FS
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [   27.240992] snd_hda_codec_realtek hdaudioC0D0: autoconfig for ALC883: line_outs=1 (0x14/0x0/0x0/0x0/0x0) type:line
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [   27.240995] snd_hda_codec_realtek hdaudioC0D0:    speaker_outs=0 (0x0/0x0/0x0/0x0/0x0)
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [   27.240998] snd_hda_codec_realtek hdaudioC0D0:    hp_outs=1 (0x1b/0x0/0x0/0x0/0x0)
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [   27.240999] snd_hda_codec_realtek hdaudioC0D0:    mono: mono_out=0x0
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [   27.241001] snd_hda_codec_realtek hdaudioC0D0:    dig-out=0x1e/0x0
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [   27.241003] snd_hda_codec_realtek hdaudioC0D0:    inputs:
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [   27.241006] snd_hda_codec_realtek hdaudioC0D0:      Front Mic=0x19
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [   27.241008] snd_hda_codec_realtek hdaudioC0D0:      Rear Mic=0x18
Oct 28 15:34:27 jean-pc kernel: [   27.241010] snd_hda_codec_realtek hdaudioC0D0:      Line=0x1a
Oct 28 15:34:28 jean-pc kernel: [   29.902671] input: HDA NVidia Rear Mic as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:10.1/sound/card0/input9
Oct 28 15:34:28 jean-pc kernel: [   29.902758] input: HDA NVidia Line as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:10.1/sound/card0/input10
Oct 28 15:34:28 jean-pc kernel: [   29.902834] input: HDA NVidia Line Out as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:10.1/sound/card0/input11
Oct 28 15:34:29 jean-pc systemd[1]: Started Login Service.
Oct 28 15:34:29 jean-pc systemd[1]: Started System Logging Service.
Oct 28 15:34:29 jean-pc avahi-daemon[437]: Successfully called chroot().
Oct 28 15:34:29 jean-pc avahi-daemon[437]: Successfully dropped remaining capabilities.
Oct 28 15:34:29 jean-pc systemd[1]: Started Anonymizing overlay network for TCP (multi-instance-master).
Oct 28 15:34:29 jean-pc wpa_supplicant[438]: Successfully initialized wpa_supplicant
Oct 28 15:34:29 jean-pc systemd[1]: pppd-dns.service: Succeeded.
Oct 28 15:34:29 jean-pc systemd[1]: Started Restore /etc/resolv.conf if the system crashed before the ppp link was shut down.
Oct 28 15:34:29 jean-pc sensors[464]: atk0110-acpi-0
Oct 28 15:34:29 jean-pc sensors[464]: Adapter: ACPI interface
Oct 28 15:34:29 jean-pc sensors[464]: Vcore Voltage:       +1.33 V  (min =  +1.45 V, max =  +1.75 V)
Oct 28 15:34:29 jean-pc sensors[464]:  +3.3 Voltage:       +3.33 V  (min =  +3.00 V, max =  +3.60 V)
Oct 28 15:34:29 jean-pc sensors[464]:  +5.0 Voltage:       +4.84 V  (min =  +4.50 V, max =  +5.50 V)
Oct 28 15:34:29 jean-pc sensors[464]: +12.0 Voltage:      +11.78 V  (min = +11.20 V, max = +13.20 V)
Oct 28 15:34:29 jean-pc sensors[464]: CPU FAN Speed:      1278 RPM  (min =    0 RPM, max = 1800 RPM)
Oct 28 15:34:29 jean-pc sensors[464]: CHASSIS FAN Speed:     0 RPM  (min =    0 RPM, max = 1800 RPM)
Oct 28 15:34:29 jean-pc sensors[464]: CHASSIS2 FAN Speed:  994 RPM  (min =    0 RPM, max = 1800 RPM)
Oct 28 15:34:29 jean-pc sensors[464]: CPU Temperature:     +33.0°C  (high = +90.0°C, crit = +125.0°C)
Oct 28 15:34:29 jean-pc sensors[464]: MB Temperature:      +35.0°C  (high = +70.0°C, crit = +125.0°C)
Oct 28 15:34:29 jean-pc sensors[464]: acpitz-acpi-0
Oct 28 15:34:29 jean-pc sensors[464]: Adapter: ACPI interface
Oct 28 15:34:29 jean-pc sensors[464]: temp1:        +40.0°C  (crit = +75.0°C)
Oct 28 15:34:29 jean-pc sensors[464]: coretemp-isa-0000
Oct 28 15:34:29 jean-pc sensors[464]: Adapter: ISA adapter
Oct 28 15:34:29 jean-pc sensors[464]: Core 0:       +43.0°C  (high = +74.0°C, crit = +100.0°C)
Oct 28 15:34:29 jean-pc sensors[464]: Core 1:       +44.0°C  (high = +74.0°C, crit = +100.0°C)
Oct 28 15:34:29 jean-pc sensors[464]: nouveau-pci-0100
Oct 28 15:34:29 jean-pc sensors[464]: Adapter: PCI adapter
Oct 28 15:34:29 jean-pc sensors[464]: GPU core:     +1.32 V  (min =  +1.20 V, max =  +1.32 V)
Oct 28 15:34:29 jean-pc sensors[464]: temp1:        +43.0°C  (high = +95.0°C, hyst =  +3.0°C)
Oct 28 15:34:29 jean-pc sensors[464]:                        (crit = +115.0°C, hyst =  +5.0°C)
Oct 28 15:34:29 jean-pc sensors[464]:                        (emerg = +130.0°C, hyst = +10.0°C)
Oct 28 15:34:29 jean-pc avahi-daemon[437]: No service file found in /etc/avahi/services.
Oct 28 15:34:29 jean-pc avahi-daemon[437]: Network interface enumeration completed.
Oct 28 15:34:29 jean-pc avahi-daemon[437]: Server startup complete. Host name is jean-pc.local. Local service cookie is 2587864534.
Oct 28 15:34:29 jean-pc dbus-daemon[429]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='
org.freedesktop.ColorManager' unit='colord.service' requested by ':1.8' (uid=0 pid=434 comm="/usr/sbin/cupsd -l ")
Oct 28 15:34:29 jean-pc dbus-daemon[429]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='
org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1' unit='polkit.service' requested by ':1.7' (uid=0 pid=428 comm="/usr/sbin/ModemManager --filter-policy=strict ")
Oct 28 15:34:29 jean-pc systemd[1]: Started Initialize hardware monitoring sensors.
Oct 28 15:34:29 jean-pc systemd[1]: Started Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack.
Oct 28 15:34:29 jean-pc systemd[1]: Started WPA supplicant.
Oct 28 15:34:29 jean-pc systemd[1]: Starting Authorization Manager...
Oct 28 15:34:29 jean-pc systemd[1]: Starting Manage, Install and Generate Color Profiles...
Oct 28 15:34:29 jean-pc systemd[1]: Started Make remote CUPS printers available locally.
Oct 28 15:34:29 jean-pc systemd[1]: Started Manage Sound Card State (restore and store).
Oct 28 15:34:29 jean-pc systemd[1]: Starting Save/Restore Sound Card State...
Oct 28 15:34:29 jean-pc alsactl[469]: alsactl 1.1.8 daemon started
Oct 28 15:34:29 jean-pc NetworkManager[431]: <info>  [1603895669.9073] NetworkManager (version 1.14.6) is starting... (for the first time)
Oct 28 15:34:29 jean-pc NetworkManager[431]: <info>  [1603895669.9074] Read config: /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf (lib: no-mac-addr-change.conf)
Oct 28 15:34:30 jean-pc systemd[1]: Started Network Manager.
Oct 28 15:34:30 jean-pc systemd[1]: Reached target Network.
Oct 28 15:34:30 jean-pc NetworkManager[431]: <info>  [1603895670.0104] bus-manager: acquired D-Bus service "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager"
Oct 28 15:34:30 jean-pc systemd[1]: Starting Anonymizing overlay network for TCP...
Oct 28 15:34:30 jean-pc systemd[1]: Started Unattended Upgrades Shutdown.
Oct 28 15:34:30 jean-pc systemd[1]: Reached target Network is Online.
Oct 28 15:34:30 jean-pc systemd[1]: Starting LSB: disk temperature monitoring daemon...
Oct 28 15:34:30 jean-pc systemd[1]: Starting Permit User Sessions...
Oct 28 15:34:30 jean-pc systemd[1]: Condition check resulted in fast remote file copy program daemon being skipped.
Oct 28 15:34:30 jean-pc systemd[1]: Started Permit User Sessions.
Oct 28 15:34:30 jean-pc NetworkManager[431]: <info>  [1603895670.0921] manager[0x55da5a80e020]: monitoring kernel firmware directory '
Oct 28 15:34:30 jean-pc NetworkManager[431]: <info>  [1603895670.0922] monitoring ifupdown state file '
Oct 28 15:34:30 jean-pc systemd[1]: Starting Hold until boot process finishes up...
Oct 28 15:34:30 jean-pc systemd[1]: Starting Light Display Manager...
Oct 28 15:34:30 jean-pc dbus-daemon[429]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='
org.freedesktop.hostname1' unit='dbus-org.freedesktop.hostname1.service' requested by ':1.10' (uid=0 pid=431 comm="/usr/sbin/NetworkManager --no-daemon ")
Oct 28 15:34:30 jean-pc polkitd[466]: started daemon version 0.105 using authority implementation `local'
version `0.105'
Oct 28 15:34:30 jean-pc dbus-daemon[429]: [system] Successfully activated service '
Oct 28 15:34:30 jean-pc accounts-daemon[436]: started daemon version 0.6.45
Oct 28 15:34:30 jean-pc systemd[1]: Started Authorization Manager.
Oct 28 15:34:30 jean-pc systemd[1]: Started Accounts Service.
Oct 28 15:34:30 jean-pc systemd[1]: Starting Hostname Service...
Oct 28 15:34:30 jean-pc dbus-daemon[429]: [system] Successfully activated service '
Oct 28 15:34:30 jean-pc systemd[1]: Started Hostname Service.
Oct 28 15:34:30 jean-pc NetworkManager[431]: <info>  [1603895670.7543] hostname: hostname: using hostnamed
Oct 28 15:34:30 jean-pc NetworkManager[431]: <info>  [1603895670.7543] hostname: hostname changed from (none) to "jean-pc"
Oct 28 15:34:30 jean-pc NetworkManager[431]: <info>  [1603895670.7547] dns-mgr[0x55da5a818920]: init: dns=default, rc-manager=resolvconf
Oct 28 15:34:30 jean-pc udisksd[427]: failed to load module mdraid: libbd_mdraid.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Oct 28 15:34:31 jean-pc NetworkManager[431]: <info>  [1603895671.1163] manager[0x55da5a80e020]: rfkill: WiFi hardware radio set enabled
Oct 28 15:34:31 jean-pc NetworkManager[431]: <info>  [1603895671.1164] manager[0x55da5a80e020]: rfkill: WWAN hardware radio set enabled
Oct 28 15:34:31 jean-pc systemd[1]: Started LSB: disk temperature monitoring daemon.
Oct 28 15:34:31 jean-pc dbus-daemon[429]: [system] Successfully activated service '
Oct 28 15:34:31 jean-pc systemd[1]: Started Manage, Install and Generate Color Profiles.
Oct 28 15:34:31 jean-pc dbus-daemon[429]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='
org.freedesktop.nm_dispatcher' unit='dbus-org.freedesktop.nm-dispatcher.service' requested by ':1.10' (uid=0 pid=431 comm="/usr/sbin/NetworkManager --no-daemon ")
Oct 28 15:34:31 jean-pc systemd[1]: Starting Network Manager Script Dispatcher Service...
Oct 28 15:34:32 jean-pc kernel: [   33.907916] snd_hda_intel 0000:00:10.1: control 2:0:0:PCM Playback Volume:0 is already present
Oct 28 15:34:32 jean-pc udisksd[427]: Failed to load the '
mdraid' libblockdev plugin
Oct 28 15:34:32 jean-pc systemd[1]: Started Save/Restore Sound Card State.
Oct 28 15:34:32 jean-pc systemd[1]: Reached target Sound Card.
Oct 28 15:34:32 jean-pc alsactl[469]: Found hardware: "HDA-Intel" "Realtek ALC883" "HDA:10ec0883,10438249,00100002" "0x1043" "0x8249"
Oct 28 15:34:32 jean-pc alsactl[469]: Hardware is initialized using a generic method
Oct 28 15:34:32 jean-pc dbus-daemon[429]: [system] Successfully activated service '
Oct 28 15:34:32 jean-pc systemd[1]: Started Network Manager Script Dispatcher Service.
Oct 28 15:34:32 jean-pc NetworkManager[431]: <info>  [1603895672.4885] ifupdown:       interface-parser: parsing file /etc/network/interfaces
Oct 28 15:34:32 jean-pc NetworkManager[431]: <info>  [1603895672.4886] ifupdown:       interface-parser: source line includes interfaces file(s) /etc/network/interfaces.d
Oct 28 15:34:32 jean-pc NetworkManager[431]: <info>  [1603895672.4887] ifupdown:       interface-parser: finished parsing file /etc/network/interfaces
Oct 28 15:34:32 jean-pc NetworkManager[431]: <info>  [1603895672.4887] ifupdown: management mode: unmanaged
Oct 28 15:34:32 jean-pc NetworkManager[431]: <info>  [1603895672.4887] settings: Loaded settings plugin: SettingsPluginIfupdown ("/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/NetworkManager/1.14.6/libnm-settings-plugin-ifupdown.so")
Oct 28 15:34:32 jean-pc NetworkManager[431]: <info>  [1603895672.4888] settings: Loaded settings plugin: NMSKeyfilePlugin (internal)
Oct 28 15:34:32 jean-pc NetworkManager[431]: <info>  [1603895672.7447] keyfile: new connection /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/Connexion filaire 1 (5022ec72-f182-3945-9d17-2197e38422e5,"Connexion filaire 1")
Oct 28 15:34:32 jean-pc NetworkManager[431]: <info>  [1603895672.8028] manager: rfkill: WiFi enabled by radio killswitch; enabled by state file
Oct 28 15:34:32 jean-pc NetworkManager[431]: <info>  [1603895672.8030] manager: rfkill: WWAN enabled by radio killswitch; enabled by state file
Oct 28 15:34:32 jean-pc NetworkManager[431]: <info>  [1603895672.8031] manager: Networking is enabled by state file
Oct 28 15:34:32 jean-pc NetworkManager[431]: <info>  [1603895672.8033] dhcp-init: Using DHCP client '
Oct 28 15:34:32 jean-pc nm-dispatcher: req:1 '
hostname': new request (2 scripts)
Oct 28 15:34:32 jean-pc nm-dispatcher: req:1 '
hostname': start running ordered scripts...
Oct 28 15:34:33 jean-pc NetworkManager[431]: <info>  [1603895673.2565] Loaded device plugin: NMBluezManager (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/NetworkManager/1.14.6/libnm-device-plugin-bluetooth.so)
Oct 28 15:34:33 jean-pc tor[485]: Oct 28 15:34:33.268 [notice] Tor running on Linux with Libevent 2.1.8-stable, OpenSSL 1.1.1d, Zlib 1.2.11, Liblzma 5.2.4, and Libzstd 1.3.8.
Oct 28 15:34:33 jean-pc tor[485]: Oct 28 15:34:33.268 [notice] Tor can'
t help you if you use it wrong! Learn how to be safe at https://www.torproject.org/download/download#warning
Oct 28 15:34:33 jean-pc NetworkManager[431]: <info>  [1603895673.3118] Loaded device plugin: NMWwanFactory (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/NetworkManager/1.14.6/libnm-device-plugin-wwan.so)
Oct 28 15:34:33 jean-pc tor[485]: Oct 28 15:34:33.334 [notice] Read configuration file "/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc".
Oct 28 15:34:33 jean-pc tor[485]: Oct 28 15:34:33.374 [notice] Read configuration file "/etc/tor/torrc".
Oct 28 15:34:33 jean-pc NetworkManager[431]: <info>  [1603895673.4304] Loaded device plugin: NMWifiFactory (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/NetworkManager/1.14.6/libnm-device-plugin-wifi.so)
Oct 28 15:34:33 jean-pc NetworkManager[431]: <info>  [1603895673.4739] Loaded device plugin: NMAtmManager (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/NetworkManager/1.14.6/libnm-device-plugin-adsl.so)
Oct 28 15:34:33 jean-pc NetworkManager[431]: <info>  [1603895673.6325] Loaded device plugin: NMTeamFactory (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/NetworkManager/1.14.6/libnm-device-plugin-team.so)
Oct 28 15:34:33 jean-pc tor[485]: Configuration was valid
Oct 28 15:34:33 jean-pc NetworkManager[431]: <info>  [1603895673.6759] device (lo): carrier: link connected
Oct 28 15:34:33 jean-pc NetworkManager[431]: <info>  [1603895673.6764] manager: (lo): new Generic device (/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/1)
Oct 28 15:34:33 jean-pc NetworkManager[431]: <info>  [1603895673.6781] manager: (enp0s20): new Ethernet device (/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/2)
Oct 28 15:34:33 jean-pc NetworkManager[431]: <info>  [1603895673.6798] device (enp0s20): state change: unmanaged -> unavailable (reason 'managed', sys-iface-state: 'external')
Oct 28 15:34:33 jean-pc kernel: [   35.511868] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): enp0s20: link is not ready
Oct 28 15:34:33 jean-pc NetworkManager[431]: <info>  [1603895673.6826] device (enp0s20): carrier: link connected
Oct 28 15:34:33 jean-pc kernel: [   35.513486] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): enp0s20: link is not ready
Oct 28 15:34:33 jean-pc kernel: [   35.513499] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): enp0s20: link becomes ready
Oct 28 15:34:33 jean-pc nm-dispatcher: req:2 'connectivity-change': new request (2 scripts)
Oct 28 15:34:33 jean-pc nm-dispatcher: req:2 'connectivity-change': start running ordered scripts...
Oct 28 15:34:33 jean-pc colord[467]: failed to get session [pid 434]: Aucune donnée disponible
Oct 28 15:34:33 jean-pc tor[505]: Oct 28 15:34:33.799 [notice] Tor running on Linux with Libevent 2.1.8-stable, OpenSSL 1.1.1d, Zlib 1.2.11, Liblzma 5.2.4, and Libzstd 1.3.8.
Oct 28 15:34:33 jean-pc tor[505]: Oct 28 15:34:33.799 [notice] Tor can't help you if you use it wrong! Learn how to be safe at https://www.torproject.org/download/download#warning
Oct 28 15:34:33 jean-pc tor[505]: Oct 28 15:34:33.799 [notice] Read configuration file "/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc".
Oct 28 15:34:33 jean-pc tor[505]: Oct 28 15:34:33.799 [notice] Read configuration file "/etc/tor/torrc".
Oct 28 15:34:33 jean-pc tor[505]: Oct 28 15:34:33.803 [notice] Opening Socks listener on
Oct 28 15:34:33 jean-pc tor[505]: Oct 28 15:34:33.803 [notice] Opened Socks listener on
Oct 28 15:34:33 jean-pc Tor[505]: Tor running on Linux with Libevent 2.1.8-stable, OpenSSL 1.1.1d, Zlib 1.2.11, Liblzma 5.2.4, and Libzstd 1.3.8.
Oct 28 15:34:33 jean-pc Tor[505]: Tor can'
t help you if you use it wrong! Learn how to be safe at https://www.torproject.org/download/download#warning
Oct 28 15:34:33 jean-pc Tor[505]: Read configuration file "/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc".
Oct 28 15:34:33 jean-pc Tor[505]: Read configuration file "/etc/tor/torrc".
Oct 28 15:34:33 jean-pc Tor[505]: Opening Socks listener on
Oct 28 15:34:33 jean-pc Tor[505]: Opened Socks listener on
Oct 28 15:34:33 jean-pc NetworkManager[431]: <info>  [1603895673.8172] device (enp0s20): state change: unavailable -> disconnected (reason 'none', sys-iface-state: 'managed')
Oct 28 15:34:33 jean-pc NetworkManager[431]: <info>  [1603895673.8223] policy: auto-activating connection 'Connexion filaire 1' (5022ec72-f182-3945-9d17-2197e38422e5)
Oct 28 15:34:33 jean-pc NetworkManager[431]: <info>  [1603895673.8250] device (enp0s20): Activation: starting connection 'Connexion filaire 1' (5022ec72-f182-3945-9d17-2197e38422e5)
Oct 28 15:34:33 jean-pc NetworkManager[431]: <info>  [1603895673.8254] device (enp0s20): state change: disconnected -> prepare (reason 'none', sys-iface-state: 'managed')
Oct 28 15:34:33 jean-pc NetworkManager[431]: <info>  [1603895673.8267] manager: NetworkManager state is now CONNECTING
Oct 28 15:34:33 jean-pc NetworkManager[431]: <info>  [1603895673.8274] device (enp0s20): state change: prepare -> config (reason 'none', sys-iface-state: 'managed')
Oct 28 15:34:33 jean-pc NetworkManager[431]: <info>  [1603895673.8285] device (enp0s20): state change: config -> ip-config (reason 'none', sys-iface-state: 'managed')
Oct 28 15:34:33 jean-pc systemd[1]: Received SIGRTMIN+21 from PID 152 (plymouthd).
Oct 28 15:34:33 jean-pc systemd[1]: Received SIGRTMIN+21 from PID 152 (plymouthd).
Oct 28 15:34:33 jean-pc systemd[1]: plymouth-quit-wait.service: Succeeded.
Oct 28 15:34:33 jean-pc systemd[1]: Started Hold until boot process finishes up.
Oct 28 15:34:33 jean-pc systemd[1]: Started Getty on tty1.
Oct 28 15:34:33 jean-pc systemd[1]: Reached target Login Prompts.
Oct 28 15:34:33 jean-pc systemd[1]: Started Light Display Manager.
Oct 28 15:34:33 jean-pc NetworkManager[431]: <info>  [1603895673.8817] dhcp4 (enp0s20): activation: beginning transaction (timeout in 45 seconds)
Oct 28 15:34:33 jean-pc systemd[1]: Started Modem Manager.
Oct 28 15:34:33 jean-pc systemd[1]: Reached target Multi-User System.
Oct 28 15:34:33 jean-pc systemd[1]: Starting TLP system startup/shutdown...
Oct 28 15:34:34 jean-pc Tor[505]: Parsing GEOIP IPv4 file /usr/share/tor/geoip.
Oct 28 15:34:34 jean-pc NetworkManager[431]: <info>  [1603895674.1863] dhcp4 (enp0s20): dhclient started with pid 518
Oct 28 15:34:34 jean-pc avahi-daemon[437]: Joining mDNS multicast group on interface enp0s20.IPv6 with address fe80::b894:5:96ce:cfb8.
Oct 28 15:34:34 jean-pc avahi-daemon[437]: New relevant interface enp0s20.IPv6 for mDNS.
Oct 28 15:34:34 jean-pc NetworkManager[431]: <info>  [1603895674.3337] modem-manager: ModemManager not available
Oct 28 15:34:34 jean-pc avahi-daemon[437]: Registering new address record for fe80::b894:5:96ce:cfb8 on enp0s20.*.
Oct 28 15:34:34 jean-pc NetworkManager[431]: <info>  [1603895674.3395] modem-manager: ModemManager now available
Oct 28 15:34:35 jean-pc systemd[1]: Started Disk Manager.
Oct 28 15:34:35 jean-pc systemd[1]: Reached target Graphical Interface.
Oct 28 15:34:35 jean-pc udisksd[427]: Acquired the name org.freedesktop.UDisks2 on the system message bus
Oct 28 15:34:35 jean-pc systemd[1]: Starting Update UTMP about System Runlevel Changes...
Oct 28 15:34:35 jean-pc systemd[1]: systemd-update-utmp-runlevel.service: Succeeded.
Oct 28 15:34:35 jean-pc systemd[1]: Started Update UTMP about System Runlevel Changes.
Oct 28 15:34:35 jean-pc dhclient[518]: DHCPREQUEST for on enp0s20 to port 67
Oct 28 15:34:35 jean-pc dhclient[518]: DHCPACK of from
Oct 28 15:34:35 jean-pc NetworkManager[431]: <info>  [1603895675.9665] dhcp4 (enp0s20):   address
Oct 28 15:34:35 jean-pc NetworkManager[431]: <info>  [1603895675.9666] dhcp4 (enp0s20):   plen 24 (
Oct 28 15:34:35 jean-pc NetworkManager[431]: <info>  [1603895675.9666] dhcp4 (enp0s20):   gateway
Oct 28 15:34:35 jean-pc NetworkManager[431]: <info>  [1603895675.9667] dhcp4 (enp0s20):   lease time 86400
Oct 28 15:34:35 jean-pc NetworkManager[431]: <info>  [1603895675.9668] dhcp4 (enp0s20):   nameserver ''
Oct 28 15:34:35 jean-pc NetworkManager[431]: <info>  [1603895675.9668] dhcp4 (enp0s20):   domain name 'home'
Oct 28 15:34:35 jean-pc NetworkManager[431]: <info>  [1603895675.9668] dhcp4 (enp0s20): state changed unknown -> bound
Oct 28 15:34:35 jean-pc NetworkManager[431]: <info>  [1603895675.9684] device (enp0s20): state change: ip-config -> ip-check (reason 'none', sys-iface-state: 'managed')
Oct 28 15:34:35 jean-pc avahi-daemon[437]: Joining mDNS multicast group on interface enp0s20.IPv4 with address
Oct 28 15:34:35 jean-pc avahi-daemon[437]: New relevant interface enp0s20.IPv4 for mDNS.
Oct 28 15:34:35 jean-pc avahi-daemon[437]: Registering new address record for on enp0s20.IPv4.
Oct 28 15:34:35 jean-pc NetworkManager[431]: <info>  [1603895675.9704] device (enp0s20): state change: ip-check -> secondaries (reason 'none', sys-iface-state: 'managed')
Oct 28 15:34:35 jean-pc NetworkManager[431]: <info>  [1603895675.9711] device (enp0s20): state change: secondaries -> activated (reason 'none', sys-iface-state: 'managed')
Oct 28 15:34:35 jean-pc NetworkManager[431]: <info>  [1603895675.9725] manager: NetworkManager state is now CONNECTED_LOCAL
Oct 28 15:34:36 jean-pc dhclient[518]: bound to -- renewal in 37404 seconds.
Oct 28 15:34:36 jean-pc NetworkManager[431]: <info>  [1603895676.4801] manager: NetworkManager state is now CONNECTED_SITE
Oct 28 15:34:36 jean-pc NetworkManager[431]: <info>  [1603895676.4803] policy: set 'Connexion filaire 1' (enp0s20) as default for IPv4 routing and DNS
Oct 28 15:34:36 jean-pc ModemManager[428]: <info>  Couldn't check support for device '/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0': not supported by any plugin
Oct 28 15:34:36 jean-pc Tor[505]: Parsing GEOIP IPv6 file /usr/share/tor/geoip6.
Oct 28 15:34:36 jean-pc NetworkManager[431]: <info>  [1603895676.7724] device (enp0s20): Activation: successful, device activated.
Oct 28 15:34:36 jean-pc NetworkManager[431]: <info>  [1603895676.7736] manager: NetworkManager state is now CONNECTED_GLOBAL
Oct 28 15:34:36 jean-pc NetworkManager[431]: <info>  [1603895676.7745] manager: startup complete
Oct 28 15:34:36 jean-pc NetworkManager[431]: <info>  [1603895676.8461] dhcp6 (enp0s20): activation: beginning transaction (timeout in 45 seconds)
Oct 28 15:34:36 jean-pc NetworkManager[431]: <info>  [1603895676.8488] dhcp6 (enp0s20): dhclient started with pid 620
Oct 28 15:34:36 jean-pc avahi-daemon[437]: Leaving mDNS multicast group on interface enp0s20.IPv6 with address fe80::b894:5:96ce:cfb8.
Oct 28 15:34:36 jean-pc avahi-daemon[437]: Joining mDNS multicast group on interface enp0s20.IPv6 with address 2a01:cb08:106:8a00:66cd:dd30:51e0:215c.
Oct 28 15:34:36 jean-pc avahi-daemon[437]: Registering new address record for 2a01:cb08:106:8a00:66cd:dd30:51e0:215c on enp0s20.*.
Oct 28 15:34:36 jean-pc avahi-daemon[437]: Withdrawing address record for fe80::b894:5:96ce:cfb8 on enp0s20.
Oct 28 15:34:36 jean-pc NetworkManager[431]: <info>  [1603895676.8508] policy: set '
Connexion filaire 1' (enp0s20) as default for IPv6 routing and DNS
Oct 28 15:34:36 jean-pc tlp[517]: Applying power save settings...done.
Oct 28 15:34:36 jean-pc nm-dispatcher: req:3 '
up' [enp0s20]: new request (2 scripts)
Oct 28 15:34:36 jean-pc nm-dispatcher: req:3 '
up' [enp0s20]: start running ordered scripts...
Oct 28 15:34:36 jean-pc nm-dispatcher: req:4 '
connectivity-change': new request (2 scripts)
Oct 28 15:34:36 jean-pc tlp[517]: Setting battery charge thresholds...done.
Oct 28 15:34:36 jean-pc systemd[1]: Started TLP system startup/shutdown.
Oct 28 15:34:37 jean-pc dhclient[620]: XMT: Info-Request on enp0s20, interval 990ms.
Oct 28 15:34:37 jean-pc dhclient[620]: RCV: Reply message on enp0s20 from fe80::327c:b2ff:fe1c:c6f9.
Oct 28 15:34:37 jean-pc NetworkManager[431]: <info>  [1603895677.0484] dhcp6 (enp0s20):   nameserver '
Oct 28 15:34:37 jean-pc NetworkManager[431]: <info>  [1603895677.0484] dhcp (enp0s20):   domain search '
Oct 28 15:34:37 jean-pc NetworkManager[431]: <info>  [1603895677.0485] dhcp6 (enp0s20): state changed unknown -> bound
Oct 28 15:34:37 jean-pc nm-dispatcher: req:5 '
dhcp6-change' [enp0s20]: new request (2 scripts)
Oct 28 15:34:37 jean-pc NetworkManager[431]: <info>  [1603895677.0547] dhcp6 (enp0s20): client pid 620 exited with status 0
Oct 28 15:34:37 jean-pc NetworkManager[431]: <info>  [1603895677.0547] dhcp6 (enp0s20): state changed bound -> done
Oct 28 15:34:37 jean-pc Tor[505]: Bootstrapped 0% (starting): Starting
Oct 28 15:34:39 jean-pc Tor[505]: Starting with guard context "default"
Oct 28 15:34:39 jean-pc Tor[505]: Signaled readiness to systemd
Oct 28 15:34:39 jean-pc systemd[1]: Started Anonymizing overlay network for TCP.
Oct 28 15:34:39 jean-pc systemd[1]: Startup finished in 18.765s (kernel) + 22.663s (userspace) = 41.428s.
Oct 28 15:34:40 jean-pc nm-dispatcher: req:4 '
connectivity-change': start running ordered scripts...
Oct 28 15:34:40 jean-pc nm-dispatcher: req:5 '
dhcp6-change' [enp0s20]: start running ordered scripts...
Oct 28 15:34:44 jean-pc systemd[1]: Created slice User Slice of UID 1000.
Oct 28 15:34:44 jean-pc systemd[1]: Starting User Runtime Directory /run/user/1000...
Oct 28 15:34:44 jean-pc systemd[1]: Started User Runtime Directory /run/user/1000.
Oct 28 15:34:44 jean-pc systemd[1]: Starting User Manager for UID 1000...
Oct 28 15:34:44 jean-pc systemd[760]: Reached target Timers.
Oct 28 15:34:44 jean-pc systemd[760]: Listening on GnuPG cryptographic agent and passphrase cache.
Oct 28 15:34:44 jean-pc systemd[760]: Listening on GnuPG cryptographic agent (ssh-agent emulation).
Oct 28 15:34:44 jean-pc systemd[760]: Listening on GnuPG cryptographic agent and passphrase cache (access for web browsers).
Oct 28 15:34:44 jean-pc systemd[760]: Listening on GnuPG cryptographic agent and passphrase cache (restricted).
Oct 28 15:34:44 jean-pc systemd[760]: Listening on GnuPG network certificate management daemon.
Oct 28 15:34:44 jean-pc systemd[760]: Reached target Paths.
Oct 28 15:34:44 jean-pc systemd[760]: Starting D-Bus User Message Bus Socket.
Oct 28 15:34:44 jean-pc systemd[760]: Listening on Sound System.
Oct 28 15:34:44 jean-pc systemd[760]: Listening on D-Bus User Message Bus Socket.
Oct 28 15:34:44 jean-pc systemd[760]: Reached target Sockets.
Oct 28 15:34:44 jean-pc systemd[760]: Reached target Basic System.
Oct 28 15:34:44 jean-pc systemd[1]: Started User Manager for UID 1000.
Oct 28 15:34:44 jean-pc systemd[760]: Reached target Default.
Oct 28 15:34:44 jean-pc systemd[1]: Started Session 1 of user jean.
Oct 28 15:34:44 jean-pc systemd[760]: Startup finished in 557ms.
Oct 28 15:34:45 jean-pc systemd[760]: Started D-Bus User Message Bus.
Oct 28 15:34:45 jean-pc dbus-daemon[782]: [session uid=1000 pid=782] Activating via systemd: service name='
org.gtk.vfs.Daemon' unit='gvfs-daemon.service' requested by ':1.2' (uid=1000 pid=784 comm="flatpak --installations ")
Oct 28 15:34:45 jean-pc systemd[760]: Starting Virtual filesystem service...
Oct 28 15:34:45 jean-pc dbus-daemon[782]: [session uid=1000 pid=782] Successfully activated service '
Oct 28 15:34:45 jean-pc systemd[760]: Started Virtual filesystem service.
Oct 28 15:34:45 jean-pc kernel: [   47.476943] fuse init (API version 7.27)
Oct 28 15:34:45 jean-pc systemd[1]: Mounting FUSE Control File System...
Oct 28 15:34:45 jean-pc systemd[1]: Mounted FUSE Control File System.
Oct 28 15:34:47 jean-pc dbus-daemon[782]: [session uid=1000 pid=782] Activating service name='
org.xfce.Xfconf' requested by ':1.7' (uid=1000 pid=835 comm="xfce4-session ")
Oct 28 15:34:47 jean-pc dbus-daemon[782]: [session uid=1000 pid=782] Successfully activated service '
Oct 28 15:34:49 jean-pc systemd[760]: Starting Sound Service...
Oct 28 15:34:50 jean-pc dbus-daemon[429]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='
org.freedesktop.UPower' unit='upower.service' requested by ':1.31' (uid=1000 pid=857 comm="xfsettingsd ")
Oct 28 15:34:50 jean-pc systemd[1]: Starting Daemon for power management...
Oct 28 15:34:50 jean-pc dbus-daemon[429]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='
org.freedesktop.RealtimeKit1' unit='rtkit-daemon.service' requested by ':1.33' (uid=1000 pid=875 comm="/usr/bin/pulseaudio --daemonize=no ")
Oct 28 15:34:51 jean-pc systemd[1]: Starting RealtimeKit Scheduling Policy Service...
Oct 28 15:34:51 jean-pc systemd[1]: NetworkManager-dispatcher.service: Succeeded.
Oct 28 15:34:51 jean-pc dbus-daemon[429]: [system] Successfully activated service '
Oct 28 15:34:51 jean-pc systemd[1]: Started Daemon for power management.
Oct 28 15:34:51 jean-pc dbus-daemon[429]: [system] Successfully activated service '
Oct 28 15:34:51 jean-pc systemd[1]: Started RealtimeKit Scheduling Policy Service.
Oct 28 15:34:51 jean-pc rtkit-daemon[887]: Successfully called chroot.
Oct 28 15:34:51 jean-pc rtkit-daemon[887]: Successfully dropped privileges.
Oct 28 15:34:51 jean-pc rtkit-daemon[887]: Successfully limited resources.
Oct 28 15:34:51 jean-pc rtkit-daemon[887]: Running.
Oct 28 15:34:51 jean-pc rtkit-daemon[887]: Watchdog thread running.
Oct 28 15:34:51 jean-pc rtkit-daemon[887]: Canary thread running.
Oct 28 15:34:51 jean-pc dbus-daemon[782]: [session uid=1000 pid=782] Activating via systemd: service name='
org.a11y.Bus' unit='at-spi-dbus-bus.service' requested by ':1.14' (uid=1000 pid=854 comm="Thunar --daemon ")
Oct 28 15:34:51 jean-pc systemd[760]: Starting Accessibility services bus...
Oct 28 15:34:51 jean-pc systemd-timesyncd[266]: Synchronized to time server for the first time [2a02:2178:1000:201::10]:123 (2.debian.pool.ntp.org).
Oct 28 15:34:52 jean-pc dbus-daemon[782]: [session uid=1000 pid=782] Successfully activated service '
Oct 28 15:34:52 jean-pc systemd[760]: Started Accessibility services bus.
Oct 28 15:34:52 jean-pc rtkit-daemon[887]: Successfully made thread 875 of process 875 (n/a) owned by '
1000' high priority at nice level -11.
Oct 28 15:34:52 jean-pc rtkit-daemon[887]: Supervising 1 threads of 1 processes of 1 users.
Oct 28 15:34:52 jean-pc at-spi-bus-launcher[903]: dbus-daemon[908]: Activating service name='
org.a11y.atspi.Registry' requested by ':1.0' (uid=1000 pid=854 comm="Thunar --daemon ")
Oct 28 15:34:52 jean-pc dbus-daemon[782]: [session uid=1000 pid=782] Activating via systemd: service name='
org.freedesktop.Notifications' unit='xfce4-notifyd.service' requested by ':1.20' (uid=1000 pid=871 comm="xfce4-power-manager ")
Oct 28 15:34:52 jean-pc at-spi-bus-launcher[903]: dbus-daemon[908]: Successfully activated service '
Oct 28 15:34:52 jean-pc at-spi-bus-launcher[903]: SpiRegistry daemon is running with well-known name - org.a11y.atspi.Registry
Oct 28 15:34:52 jean-pc systemd[760]: Starting XFCE notifications service...
Oct 28 15:34:53 jean-pc dbus-daemon[782]: [session uid=1000 pid=782] Successfully activated service '
Oct 28 15:34:53 jean-pc systemd[760]: Started XFCE notifications service.
Oct 28 15:34:55 jean-pc dbus-daemon[782]: [session uid=1000 pid=782] Activating service name='
org.freedesktop.thumbnails.Thumbnailer1' requested by ':1.27' (uid=1000 pid=856 comm="xfdesktop ")
Oct 28 15:34:56 jean-pc dbus-daemon[782]: [session uid=1000 pid=782] Activating via systemd: service name='
org.gtk.vfs.UDisks2VolumeMonitor' unit='gvfs-udisks2-volume-monitor.service' requested by ':1.29' (uid=1000 pid=861 comm="/usr/lib/deja-dup/deja-dup-monitor ")
Oct 28 15:34:56 jean-pc systemd[760]: Starting Virtual filesystem service - disk device monitor...
Oct 28 15:34:57 jean-pc dbus-daemon[782]: [session uid=1000 pid=782] Successfully activated service '
Oct 28 15:34:57 jean-pc systemd[760]: Started Virtual filesystem service - disk device monitor.
Oct 28 15:34:57 jean-pc dbus-daemon[782]: [session uid=1000 pid=782] Activating via systemd: service name='
org.gtk.vfs.GoaVolumeMonitor' unit='gvfs-goa-volume-monitor.service' requested by ':1.29' (uid=1000 pid=861 comm="/usr/lib/deja-dup/deja-dup-monitor ")
Oct 28 15:34:57 jean-pc systemd[760]: Starting Virtual filesystem service - GNOME Online Accounts monitor...
Oct 28 15:34:57 jean-pc dbus-daemon[782]: [session uid=1000 pid=782] Successfully activated service '
Oct 28 15:34:57 jean-pc systemd[760]: Started Virtual filesystem service - GNOME Online Accounts monitor.
Oct 28 15:34:57 jean-pc dbus-daemon[782]: [session uid=1000 pid=782] Activating via systemd: service name='
org.gtk.vfs.MTPVolumeMonitor' unit='gvfs-mtp-volume-monitor.service' requested by ':1.29' (uid=1000 pid=861 comm="/usr/lib/deja-dup/deja-dup-monitor ")
Oct 28 15:34:57 jean-pc systemd[760]: Starting Virtual filesystem service - Media Transfer Protocol monitor...
Oct 28 15:34:57 jean-pc dbus-daemon[782]: [session uid=1000 pid=782] Successfully activated service '
Oct 28 15:34:57 jean-pc systemd[760]: Started Virtual filesystem service - Media Transfer Protocol monitor.
Oct 28 15:34:57 jean-pc dbus-daemon[782]: [session uid=1000 pid=782] Activating via systemd: service name='
org.gtk.vfs.AfcVolumeMonitor' unit='gvfs-afc-volume-monitor.service' requested by ':1.29' (uid=1000 pid=861 comm="/usr/lib/deja-dup/deja-dup-monitor ")
Oct 28 15:34:57 jean-pc systemd[760]: Starting Virtual filesystem service - Apple File Conduit monitor...
Oct 28 15:34:57 jean-pc gvfs-afc-volume-monitor[946]: Volume monitor alive
Oct 28 15:34:57 jean-pc dbus-daemon[782]: [session uid=1000 pid=782] Successfully activated service '
Oct 28 15:34:57 jean-pc systemd[760]: Started Virtual filesystem service - Apple File Conduit monitor.
Oct 28 15:34:57 jean-pc dbus-daemon[782]: [session uid=1000 pid=782] Activating via systemd: service name='
org.gtk.vfs.GPhoto2VolumeMonitor' unit='gvfs-gphoto2-volume-monitor.service' requested by ':1.29' (uid=1000 pid=861 comm="/usr/lib/deja-dup/deja-dup-monitor ")
Oct 28 15:34:57 jean-pc systemd[760]: Starting Virtual filesystem service - digital camera monitor...
Oct 28 15:34:57 jean-pc dbus-daemon[782]: [session uid=1000 pid=782] Successfully activated service '
Oct 28 15:34:57 jean-pc systemd[760]: Started Virtual filesystem service - digital camera monitor.
Oct 28 15:35:00 jean-pc NetworkManager[431]: <info>  [1603895700.6931] agent-manager: req[0x55da5a891210, :1.39/org.freedesktop.nm-applet/1000]: agent registered
Oct 28 15:35:00 jean-pc systemd[1]: systemd-hostnamed.service: Succeeded.
Oct 28 15:35:02 jean-pc rtkit-daemon[887]: Supervising 1 threads of 1 processes of 1 users.
Oct 28 15:35:02 jean-pc rtkit-daemon[887]: Successfully made thread 979 of process 875 (n/a) owned by '
1000' RT at priority 5.
Oct 28 15:35:02 jean-pc rtkit-daemon[887]: Supervising 2 threads of 1 processes of 1 users.
Oct 28 15:35:02 jean-pc rtkit-daemon[887]: Supervising 2 threads of 1 processes of 1 users.
Oct 28 15:35:02 jean-pc rtkit-daemon[887]: Successfully made thread 980 of process 875 (n/a) owned by '
1000' RT at priority 5.
Oct 28 15:35:02 jean-pc rtkit-daemon[887]: Supervising 3 threads of 1 processes of 1 users.
Oct 28 15:35:02 jean-pc dbus-daemon[429]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='
org.bluez' unit='dbus-org.bluez.service' requested by ':1.46' (uid=1000 pid=875 comm="/usr/bin/pulseaudio --daemonize=no ")
Oct 28 15:35:02 jean-pc systemd[1]: Condition check resulted in Bluetooth service being skipped.
Oct 28 15:35:03 jean-pc systemd[760]: Started Sound Service.
Oct 28 15:35:04 jean-pc org.freedesktop.thumbnails.Thumbnailer1[782]: Registered thumbailer /usr/bin/gdk-pixbuf-thumbnailer -s %s %u %o
Oct 28 15:35:04 jean-pc org.freedesktop.thumbnails.Thumbnailer1[782]: Registered thumbailer /usr/bin/gdk-pixbuf-thumbnailer -s %s %u %o
Oct 28 15:35:04 jean-pc org.freedesktop.thumbnails.Thumbnailer1[782]: Registered thumbailer atril-thumbnailer -s %s %u %o
Oct 28 15:35:04 jean-pc dbus-daemon[782]: [session uid=1000 pid=782] Successfully activated service '
Oct 28 15:35:27 jean-pc pulseaudio[875]: E: [pulseaudio] bluez5-util.c: GetManagedObjects() failed: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.
Oct 28 15:35:28 jean-pc dbus-daemon[782]: [session uid=1000 pid=782] Activating via systemd: service name='
org.gtk.vfs.Metadata' unit='gvfs-metadata.service' requested by ':1.15' (uid=1000 pid=854 comm="Thunar --daemon ")
Oct 28 15:35:28 jean-pc systemd[760]: Starting Virtual filesystem metadata service...
Oct 28 15:35:28 jean-pc dbus-daemon[782]: [session uid=1000 pid=782] Successfully activated service '
Oct 28 15:35:28 jean-pc systemd[760]: Started Virtual filesystem metadata service.
Oct 28 15:35:51 jean-pc rtkit-daemon[887]: Supervising 3 threads of 1 processes of 1 users.
Oct 28 15:35:51 jean-pc rtkit-daemon[887]: Supervising 3 threads of 1 processes of 1 users.
Oct 28 15:35:51 jean-pc rtkit-daemon[887]: Supervising 3 threads of 1 processes of 1 users.
Oct 28 15:35:51 jean-pc rtkit-daemon[887]: Supervising 3 threads of 1 processes of 1 users.
Oct 28 15:35:51 jean-pc rtkit-daemon[887]: Supervising 3 threads of 1 processes of 1 users.
Oct 28 15:35:51 jean-pc rtkit-daemon[887]: Supervising 3 threads of 1 processes of 1 users.
Oct 28 15:35:51 jean-pc rtkit-daemon[887]: Successfully made thread 1118 of process 1032 (n/a) owned by '
1000' RT at priority 10.
Oct 28 15:35:51 jean-pc rtkit-daemon[887]: Supervising 4 threads of 2 processes of 1 users.
Oct 28 15:35:53 jean-pc rtkit-daemon[887]: Supervising 4 threads of 2 processes of 1 users.
Oct 28 15:35:53 jean-pc rtkit-daemon[887]: Supervising 4 threads of 2 processes of 1 users.
Oct 28 15:35:55 jean-pc rtkit-daemon[887]: Supervising 4 threads of 2 processes of 1 users.
Oct 28 15:35:55 jean-pc rtkit-daemon[887]: Supervising 4 threads of 2 processes of 1 users.
Oct 28 15:36:14 jean-pc rtkit-daemon[887]: Supervising 4 threads of 2 processes of 1 users.
Oct 28 15:36:14 jean-pc rtkit-daemon[887]: Supervising 4 threads of 2 processes of 1 users.
Oct 28 15:36:55 jean-pc rtkit-daemon[887]: Supervising 4 threads of 2 processes of 1 users.
Oct 28 15:36:55 jean-pc rtkit-daemon[887]: Supervising 4 threads of 2 processes of 1 users.
Oct 28 15:37:22 jean-pc rtkit-daemon[887]: Supervising 4 threads of 2 processes of 1 users.
Oct 28 15:37:22 jean-pc rtkit-daemon[887]: Supervising 4 threads of 2 processes of 1 users.

bloc à supprimer si la commande n’affiche rien

Dernière modification par lenovice93 (28-10-2020 15:56:05)

Hors ligne

#19 28-10-2020 16:54:48


Re : [Non réglé] Mise en veille capricieuse de ma tour

tu peu préciser la commande que tu a fait pour le syslog ?
de ce type comme indiqué plus haut ?

cat /var/log/syslog |grep 'Oct 28 13:3[7-9]'

avec une heure différente
de plus voir mon exemple en #8 c'est bien identifié le type de veille qui démarre  , la je vois rien .......
tu a combien de mémoire et tu utilise le swap 1.5Mio ?

nota: tu a installé "acpid"  comme sur mon #8 ?

fait cette commande

dmesg | grep PM:

chez moi ça donne ceci (en  partie ) sur une autre machine (pas la ou j'ai fait le test)

[    0.000000] PM: hibernation: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0xff000000-0xffffffff]
[    0.204877] PM: Registering ACPI NVS region [mem 0x77d39000-0x781fefff] (5005312 bytes)
[    4.076655] PM: Image not found (code -22)

il me semble avoir vue un "image no found" sur ton log
sur la machine ou j'ai fait les tests

[    0.038962] PM: hibernation: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0x00000000-0x00000fff]
[    0.038963] PM: hibernation: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0x0009f000-0x0009ffff]
[    0.038964] PM: hibernation: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0x000a0000-0x000e3fff]
[    0.038965] PM: hibernation: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0x000e4000-0x000fffff]
[    0.038966] PM: hibernation: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0xbff80000-0xbff8dfff]
[    0.038966] PM: hibernation: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0xbff8e000-0xbffdffff]
[    0.038967] PM: hibernation: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0xbffe0000-0xbfffffff]
[    0.038968] PM: hibernation: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0xc0000000-0xfedfffff]
[    0.038968] PM: hibernation: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0xfee00000-0xfee00fff]
[    0.038969] PM: hibernation: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0xfee01000-0xffefffff]
[    0.038970] PM: hibernation: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0xfff00000-0xffffffff]
[    0.300256] PM: Registering ACPI NVS region [mem 0xbff8e000-0xbffdffff] (335872 bytes)
[    0.526223] pci 0000:00:01.0: ASPM: current common clock configuration is inconsistent, reconfiguring
[    2.891498] PM: Image not found (code -22)

cela pour l' hibernation

Dernière modification par anonyme (28-10-2020 17:17:40)

#20 28-10-2020 17:25:55

Distrib. : DF 12.7 (8-9-2024)
Noyau : Linux
(G)UI : XFCE 4.18
Inscription : 11-07-2016

Re : [Non réglé] Mise en veille capricieuse de ma tour


Oui j'ai exécuté la commande en # 8.

apt-get --reinstall install hardinfo acpid acpi acpi-support-base

bloc à supprimer si la commande n’affiche rien

Le syslog :

jean@jean-pc:~$ sudo dmesg | grep PM:
[sudo] Mot de passe de jean : 
[    0.078924] PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0x00000000-0x00000fff]
[    0.078926] PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0x0009f000-0x0009ffff]
[    0.078927] PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0x000a0000-0x000effff]
[    0.078928] PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0x000f0000-0x000fffff]
[    0.474329] PM: Registering ACPI NVS region [mem 0x7fef0000-0x7fef2fff] (12288 bytes)
[    6.759363] PM: Image not found (code -22)

bloc à supprimer si la commande n’affiche rien

Hors ligne

#21 28-10-2020 17:32:43


Re : [Non réglé] Mise en veille capricieuse de ma tour

ça va vous aider => le suspend

[    2.891498] PM: Image not found (code -22)
[17858.745987] PM: suspend entry (deep)
[17859.883767] PM: Saving platform NVS memory
[17859.898932] PM: Restoring platform NVS memory
[17862.557354] PM: suspend exit

donc sur mate => mettre en veille => le voyant d'alimentation clignote (alimentation minimale) => appuie sur la touche "espace" ça redémarre
chez toi ça ne fonctionne pas ?

test a faire avec ta commande pour le log

sudo dmesg | grep PM:

tu a regardé ton bios section acpi/apm ?

j'ai testé l'hibernation (sans stress tongue roll )

[18475.920958] PM: hibernation: hibernation entry
[18476.326586] PM: hibernation: Marking nosave pages: [mem 0x00000000-0x00000fff]
[18476.326588] PM: hibernation: Marking nosave pages: [mem 0x0009f000-0x000fffff]
[18476.326592] PM: hibernation: Marking nosave pages: [mem 0xbff80000-0xffffffff]
[18476.327542] PM: hibernation: Basic memory bitmaps created
[18476.327649] PM: hibernation: Preallocating image memory
[18477.145559] PM: hibernation: Allocated 442572 pages for snapshot
[18477.145563] PM: hibernation: Allocated 1770288 kbytes in 0.81 seconds (2185.54 MB/s)
[18477.242601] PM: Saving platform NVS memory
[18477.251224] PM: hibernation: Creating image:
[18477.470346] PM: hibernation: Need to copy 442795 pages
[18477.470350] PM: hibernation: Normal pages needed: 442795 + 1024, available pages: 1653959
[18477.252586] PM: Restoring platform NVS memory
[18478.208259] PM: hibernation: Basic memory bitmaps freed
[18478.218576] PM: hibernation: hibernation exit

la machine s'éteint (le disque travaille un bon moment avant )
appuie sur "barre espace" le pc redémarre => grub => charge l'image => mon bureau ouvert  (dans le même état que avant l' hibernation).

Dernière modification par anonyme (28-10-2020 17:44:59)

#22 28-10-2020 17:51:05


Re : [Non réglé] Mise en veille capricieuse de ma tour

de mon #10 , il faut commencer par vérifier ton bios et activer ce qui est nécessaire
par exemple la barre "espace" n'était pas spécifié au départ dans mon bios
comme ma machine est a peu près de la même génération que la tienne  , ça doit ressemblé a ce que j'ai noté
ps: au dessus j'ai testé les deux modes

la fin du redémarrage

ct 28 17:39:21 debian8 systemd-sleep[2157]: System resumed.
Oct 28 17:39:21 debian8 systemd[1]: systemd-hibernate.service: Succeeded.
Oct 28 17:39:21 debian8 systemd[1]: Finished Hibernate.
Oct 28 17:39:21 debian8 systemd[1]: Reached target Hibernate.
Oct 28 17:39:21 debian8 systemd[1]: Stopped target Sleep.
Oct 28 17:39:21 debian8 systemd[1]: Stopped target Hibernate.
Oct 28 17:39:22 debian8 acpid: client 464[0:0] has disconnected
Oct 28 17:39:22 debian8 acpid: client connected from 464[0:0]
Oct 28 17:39:22 debian8 acpid: 1 client rule loaded

a ta place je commence par le mode "suspend" pour voir si toute la machine supporte le mode faible alimentation (pas de bug sur un matériel )
j'ai une carte nvidia avec un driver "nonfree" , le reste est standard

remarque : je vous rend la parole  old_geek.gif   tongue   wink

ps: acpid fait son job  smile

Dernière modification par anonyme (28-10-2020 18:03:08)

#23 28-10-2020 18:01:53

Distrib. : DF 12.7 (8-9-2024)
Noyau : Linux
(G)UI : XFCE 4.18
Inscription : 11-07-2016

Re : [Non réglé] Mise en veille capricieuse de ma tour


donc sur mate => mettre en veille => le voyant d'alimentation clignote (alimentation minimale) => appuie sur la touche "espace" ça redémarre
chez toi ça ne fonctionne pas ?

Oui c’est comme cela doit marcher. Mais sur ma machine seul l’écran se met en veille et le reste continue de fonctionner. Et comme l’écran ne veut plus se rallumer, je suis coincé et obligé d’éteindre ma machine à la barbare (se que je déteste).
Si tu as une recette pour éteindre un PC rapidement et proprement, je suis preneur. La formule «  ctrl+alt+imprim écran suivit de  R-E-I-S-U-B » ne marche pas à tous les coups chez moi, ou alors je mi prends comme un gland… 
Je vais regarder dans le bios…

Hors ligne

#24 28-10-2020 18:16:31


Re : [Non réglé] Mise en veille capricieuse de ma tour

c'est assez complexe , en gros du peu que je connais , la mémoire reste alimenté (en light ) et le +5volts auxiliaire (pc éteint mais alimentation sur le secteur allumé )
la carte mère doit faire clignoté la led d'alimentation pour avertir que tu est en mode "suspend"
le reste est éteint
le système attend une action (dans mon cas un appuie sur la barre espace ) pour relancer la machine . (il y a plusieurs option j'ai choisi par le clavier => barre espace )
on attend ton retour de la configuration de ton bios

nota: si ton bios a un bug c'est foutue ça ne fonctionnera jamais correctement  roll

#25 28-10-2020 18:54:35

Distrib. : Debian12
Noyau : Linux 6.1.0-13-amd64
(G)UI : Fluxbox(NakeDeb)
Inscription : 16-12-2016

Re : [Non réglé] Mise en veille capricieuse de ma tour

j'ai pas mal de doc concernant le sujet car j'avais un problème de mise en veille sur mon ancien ordinausaure
ce qui peut être tenté c'est installer le paquet hibernate

Description: mise en veille ou en hibernation de l'ordinateur de manière intelligente
Le script hibernate permet de mettre l'ordinateur en mode veille en
utilisant l'une des méthodes disponibles dans le noyau.
Hibernate peut charger ou décharger des modules, fournit divers hacks pour
mettre en veille les cartes vidéos sous X, peut redémarrer le réseau et les
services système et peut faire ce que l'utilisateur demande. Il peut être
étendu par des « scriptlets » qui peuvent s'exécuter à différents moments
de la mise en veille.
Actuellement le script gère tous les mécanismes de mise en veille par
l'interface /sys/power/state (ce qui inclut la veille ACPI et la veille
logicielle dans le noyau), ainsi que TuxOnIce.

après voir man hibernate et man hibernate.conf pour les options
edit : il y a aussi des tests possible et voir le résultat du test avec la commande dmesg
voir pour info
https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentatio … ugging.txt
le mode test est par défaut sur none , 5 test sont possible

cat /sys/power/pm_test

[none] core processors platform devices freezer

Dernière modification par Croutons (28-10-2020 19:12:52)

-->les cahiers du debutant<--      WikiDF-->Découvrir les principales commandes Linux<-- 
L' expérience, c'est le nom que chacun donne à ses erreurs. Oscar Wilde

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