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#1 24-05-2021 20:51:49

Inscription : 23-05-2021

De binaire a texte et inversement.

Roooar (Salut)

J'ai un logiciel, avec lequel je peux programer des indicateurs.
Sur leur site il est dit que le language s'appelle probuilder et que c'est un visual basic "like".
Ca produit des fichier binaire avec pour extention .itf

Est ce qu'il est possible pour moi de decoder le binaire, de rajouter du code au debut en mode texte ou autres et de reformater en binaire?

Voici un exemple de fichier: (expire dans 100 telechargements ou 5 jours)
https://drop.chapril.org/download/c5ada … MbAwZdJr4Q

Dans ce fichier j'ai ecrit

a= ExponentialAverage[20](close)
b= a+1
return a

Je voudrais par exemple rajouter en debut de fichier


Sans passer par l'editeur du logiciel.
Une idée?

Dernière modification par Velociraptux (25-05-2021 00:52:46)

Hors ligne

#2 24-05-2021 21:24:30

Inscription : 23-05-2021

Re : De binaire a texte et inversement.

nam1962 a écrit :

Quel rapport avec un fil d'aide Debian ?

Je cherche une solution libre sur ma debian pour lire et ecrire un binaire. Si ca plait pas on peut effacer mon post.
J'ai enlever le nom de la societe.

Hors ligne

#3 25-05-2021 08:22:34

Distrib. : Debian 10.8
Noyau : Linux 5.7.10 (backports)
Inscription : 12-09-2020

Re : De binaire a texte et inversement.

Velociraptux a écrit :

Je cherche une solution libre sur ma debian pour lire et ecrire un binaire.

GHex ? Il es capable de générer un fichier ex-nihilo à condition d'avoir créé avant au moins le nom du fichier (touch chemin/fichier et après ça s'édite sans problème [un coup de touche "inser" avant, pour pouvoir directement saisir du texte dans la zone de droite]).
Ensuite je suppose (car non testé) que du copier/coller devrait fonctionner puisque c'est dans le menu Édition.

Velociraptux a écrit :

Si ça plait pas on peut effacer mon post.

Te plains pas, on t'a prévenu.
Je connais quelqu'un (moi) à qui c'est arrivé sans autre forme de procès, et qui a découvert l'effacement plusieurs jours plus tard.

AMD Ryzen3 3200G sur Gigabyte B450M & Make Love Not War

Hors ligne

#4 25-05-2021 12:30:15

Distrib. : Debian Sid
Noyau : 5.15.0-2-amd64
(G)UI : i3wm + des bouts de kde
Inscription : 27-08-2017

Re : De binaire a texte et inversement.

Si c'est un langage compilé, ton fichier binaire contient du langage machine, à ne pas confondre avec un fichier texte qui est effectivement enregistré sous forme binaire mais qui correspond à un  encodage spécifique (utf-8 par ex). Grossièrement : encoder != compiler.

Tu doit décompiler (illégal la plupart du temps si tu n'es pas proprio du code), faire tes modification et recompiler. Mais du coup, si tu as déjà le code source, je ne pige pas bien l’utilité.

Bref, pas simple d'utiliser des outils proprio =P ...

Hors ligne

#5 26-05-2021 01:29:19

Inscription : 23-05-2021

Re : De binaire a texte et inversement.

jpt a écrit :

GHex ? Il es capable de générer un fichier ex-nihilo

Il ne reconait aucun caracteres lisible par un humain. Comme le dit David ca doit etre du compilé.

Voila toutes les commande que j'ai testé. Le tout est disponible directement dans debian sauf gdb.
Commande separé par des ###############.

file ./200308-Averages-crossing (copy).itf
200308-Averages-crossing (copy).itf: data


file -i ./200308-Averages-crossing (copy).itf
200308-Averages-crossing (copy).itf: application/octet-stream; charset=binary


file -l ./200308-Averages-crossing (copy).itf
Set 0:
Binary patterns:
Text patterns:
Set 1:
Binary patterns:
Text patterns:
Set 0:
Binary patterns:
Strength = 500@47: Biosig/Brainvision Marker file [biosig/brainvision]
Strength = 490@122: Biosig/TMSiLOG [biosig/tmsilog]
Strength = 461@127: Biosig/SYNERGY [biosig/synergy]
Strength = 460@46: Biosig/Brainvision V-Amp file []
Strength = 410@45: Biosig/Brainvision data file []
Strength = 380@6: OpenSSH private key []
Strength = 361@68: EICAR virus test files []
Strength = 360@19: Biosig/ATES MEDICA SOFT. EEG for Windows [biosig/ates]
Strength = 350@188: SketchUp Model [application/vnd.sketchup.skp]
Strength = 340@606: sc68 Atari ST music []
Strength = 340@35: T64 tape Image []
Strength = 340@40: T64 tape Image []
Strength = 340@19: Erlang JAM file - version 4.3 []
Strength = 340@51: Mathematica binary file []
Strength = 340@695: %s [application/vnd.ms-excel]
Strength = 340@66: Bazaar merge directive []
Strength = 340@92: SQLite 2.x database []
Strength = 340@136: Paged COBALT boot rom []
Strength = 331@280: NetImmerse game engine file []
Strength = 330@1429: LyNX archive []
Strength = 330@49: FrameMaker IPL file [application/x-mif]
Strength = 330@267: Gamebryo game engine file []
Strength = 330@61: PGP public key block [application/pgp-keys]
Strength = 320@286: %s []
Strength = 320@333: SNES SPC700 sound file []
Strength = 320@8: BinHex binary text [application/mac-binhex40]
Strength = 320@689: %s [application/vnd.ms-excel]
Strength = 320@27: old timezone data []
Strength = 320@28: old timezone data []
Strength = 320@29: old timezone data []
Strength = 320@30: old timezone data []
Strength = 320@31: old timezone data []
Strength = 320@32: old timezone data []
Strength = 310@16: Erlang JAM file - version 4.2 []
Strength = 310@17: Erlang JAM file - version 4.2 []
Strength = 310@16: PostScript Type 1 font text []
Strength = 310@83: Caris ASCII project summary []
Strength = 310@7: old ACE/gr binary file []
Strength = 310@678: InnoSetup Log [application/x-innosetup]
Strength = 300@273: Gamebryo game engine animation File []
Strength = 300@18: Mathematica notebook []
Strength = 300@650: %s [application/msword]
Strength = 300@59: Subversion dumpfile []
Strength = 300@9: PEM certificate []
Strength = 290@203: %s []
Strength = 290@20: FGDC ASCII metadata []
Strength = 290@652: Spanish Microsoft Word 6 document data [application/msword]
Strength = 290@65: Bazaar Bundle []
Strength = 290@10: PEM certificate request []
Strength = 280@994: NUT multimedia container []
Strength = 280@1179: shell archive text [application/octet-stream]
Strength = 280@65: AVG 7 Antivirus vault file data []
Strength = 280@20: ACE/gr fit description file []
Strength = 280@948: Paint Shop Pro Image File []
Strength = 280@69: PGP signature [application/pgp-signature]
Strength = 271@308: Windows Registry text (Win2K or above) [text/x-ms-regedit]
Strength = 270@119: Biosig/TMS32 [biosig/tms32]
Strength = 270@2365: floppy image data (ApriDisk) []
Strength = 270@178: Quake I save: ddm4 East side invertationa []
Strength = 270@191: Linux S390 []
Strength = 270@68: Mathematica 3.0 notebook []
Strength = 270@64: abook address book [application/x-abook-addressbook]
Strength = 270@642: AAF legacy file using MS Structured Storage []
Strength = 270@645: AAF file using MS Structured Storage []
Strength = 270@58: Microsoft Roslyn C# debugging symbols version 1.0 []
Strength = 270@10: Netscape Address book []
Strength = 270@14: PEM ECDSA private key []
Strength = 261@61: GCOV coverage report []
Strength = 260@655: Guitar Pro Ver. 3 Tablature []
Strength = 260@869: Junglevision instrument data []
Strength = 260@645: Mozilla Mork database []
Strength = 260@39: Kate swap file []
Strength = 260@164: Quake I save: d7 The incinerator plant []
Strength = 260@168: Quake I save: d12 Takahiro laboratories []
Strength = 260@12: ACE/gr ascii file []
Strength = 260@7: NASA SPICE file (transfer format) []
Strength = 260@16: Netscape folder cache []
Strength = 260@7: NetWare Loadable Module []
Strength = 260@65: PGP message [application/pgp]
Strength = 260@251: Freeplane document [application/x-freeplane]
Strength = 260@257: Scribus Document [application/x-scribus]
Strength = 250@146: GUS patch []
Strength = 250@147: Old GUS patch []
Strength = 250@591: %s []
Strength = 250@84: Biosig/Galileo  [biosig/galileo]
Strength = 250@147: Biosig/File exchange format (FEF) [biosig/fef]
Strength = 250@79: Bourne-Again shell script executable (binary data) [text/x-shellscript]
Strength = 250@12: Diamond Multimedia Document []
Strength = 250@125: FreeBSD/i386 a.out core file []
Strength = 250@87: Quake I save: e1m1 The slipgate complex []
Strength = 250@88: Quake I save: e1m2 Castle of the damned []
Strength = 250@101: Quake I save: e2m6 The dismal oubliette []
Strength = 250@105: Quake I save: e3m4 Satan's dark delight []
Strength = 250@110: Quake I save: e4m2 The tower of despair []
Strength = 250@111: Quake I save: e4m3 The elder god shrine []
Strength = 250@117: Quake I save: end Shub-Niggurath's pit []
Strength = 250@137: Quake I save: hip2m6 The gremlin's domain (secret) []
Strength = 250@145: Quake I save: hipdm1 The edge of oblivion (secret) []
Strength = 250@175: Quake I save: ddm1 The seventh precinct []
Strength = 250@65: CLISP byte-compiled Lisp program text []
Strength = 250@31: Maple worksheet, but weird []
Strength = 250@11: PEM RSA private key []
Strength = 250@12: PEM DSA private key []
Strength = 250@118: Bochs disk image, []
Strength = 250@323: WINE registry text []
Strength = 240@255: Adobe Multiple Master font []
Strength = 240@256: Adobe Multiple Master font []
Strength = 240@94: Quake I save: e1m7 The house of Chthon []
Strength = 240@102: Quake I save: e3m1 Termination central []
Strength = 240@108: Quake I save: e3m6 Chambers of torment []
Strength = 240@121: Quake I save: dm1 Place of two deaths []
Strength = 240@131: Quake I save: hip1m1 The pumping station []
Strength = 240@138: Quake I save: hip2m2 The black cathedral []
Strength = 240@166: Quake I save: d8 The underwater base []
Strength = 240@10: ACE/gr ascii file []
Strength = 240@11: ACE/gr ascii file []
Strength = 240@699: Lisp Machine bit-array-file []
Strength = 240@566: DR-DOS executable (COM) [application/x-dosexec]
Strength = 240@13: PEM EC private key []
Strength = 230@589: SAPCAR archive data []
Strength = 230@408: %s []
Strength = 230@444: Fast Tracker II Instrument []
Strength = 230@93: Quake I save: e1m6 The door to Chthon []
Strength = 230@97: Quake I save: e2m3 The crypt of decay (dopefish lives!) []
Strength = 230@100: Quake I save: e2m5 The wizard's manse []
Strength = 230@104: Quake I save: e3m3 The tomb of terror []
Strength = 230@112: Quake I save: e4m4 The palace of hate []
Strength = 230@122: Quake I save: dm2 Claustrophobopolis []
Strength = 230@123: Quake I save: dm3 The abandoned base []
Strength = 230@14: Grace project file []
Strength = 230@79: Linux/i386 swap file (new style) (compressed hibernate) []
Strength = 230@43: Cyrus skiplist DB []
Strength = 230@44: Cyrus twoskip DB []
Strength = 230@874: Winamp plug in []
Strength = 230@894: PGP sig []
Strength = 230@895: PGP sig []
Strength = 230@896: PGP sig []
Strength = 230@897: PGP sig []
Strength = 230@898: PGP sig []
Strength = 230@902: MS Windows special zipped file []
Strength = 230@28: Perl script text executable [text/x-perl]
Strength = 230@6: pkg Datastream (SVR4) [application/x-svr4-package]
Strength = 230@47: Amstrad/Spectrum .DSK data []
Strength = 230@49: Amstrad/Spectrum Extended .DSK data []
Strength = 230@222: MS Windows shortcut []
Strength = 230@256: Scribus Document []
Strength = 220@1019: Interplay MVE Movie []
Strength = 220@251: MIPS archive [application/x-archive]
Strength = 220@572: EXP1 archive data []
Strength = 220@98: Creative Labs voice data [audio/x-unknown]
Strength = 220@452: SHARP Cell-Phone ringing Melody []
Strength = 220@30: Biosig/alpha trace  [biosig/alpha]
Strength = 220@6: Alpha archive []
Strength = 220@90: Quake I save: e1m4 The grisly grotto []
Strength = 220@99: Quake I save: e2m4 The ebon fortress []
Strength = 220@106: Quake I save: e3m7 The haunted halls (secret) []
Strength = 220@109: Quake I save: e4m1 The sewage system []
Strength = 220@114: Quake I save: e4m8 The nameless city (secret) []
Strength = 220@135: Quake I save: hip1m4 Research facility []
Strength = 220@51: KiCad Footprint (Legacy) []
Strength = 220@77: Linux/i386 swap file (new style) with SWSUSP1 image []
Strength = 220@1398: Microsoft Word Document [application/msword]
Strength = 220@26: Perl script text executable [text/x-perl]
Strength = 220@48: Amstrad/Spectrum DU54 .DSK data []
Strength = 220@10: OpenSSH ECDSA public key []
Strength = 220@11: OpenSSH ECDSA public key []
Strength = 220@12: OpenSSH ECDSA public key []
Strength = 220@280: Internet Explorer cache file []
Strength = 220@7: Smith Corona PWP []
Strength = 211@152: Biosig/FIFF [biosig/fiff]
Strength = 210@271: Sample Vision file []
Strength = 210@596: XMMS equalizer preset []
Strength = 210@75: Bourne-Again shell script executable (binary data) [text/x-shellscript]
Strength = 210@474: Neo Geo Pocket [application/x-neo-geo-pocket-rom]
Strength = 210@525: X11 Xauthority data []
Strength = 210@526: X11 Xauthority data []
Strength = 210@527: X11 Xauthority data []
Strength = 210@528: X11 Xauthority data []
Strength = 210@529: X11 Xauthority data []
Strength = 210@530: X11 Xauthority data []
Strength = 210@531: X11 Xauthority data []
Strength = 210@532: X11 Xauthority data []
Strength = 210@533: X11 Xauthority data []
Strength = 210@2415: %s []
Strength = 210@91: Quake I save: e1m8 Ziggurat vertigo (secret) []
Strength = 210@95: Quake I save: e2m1 The installation []
Strength = 210@96: Quake I save: e2m2 The ogre citadel []
Strength = 210@132: Quake I save: hip1m2 Storage facility []
Strength = 210@133: Quake I save: hip1m5 Military complex (secret) []
Strength = 210@156: Quake I save: d11 The genetics lab (secret) []
Strength = 210@47: GIMP curve file []
Strength = 210@249: Canon CR2 raw image data [image/x-canon-cr2]
Strength = 210@629: iff image data []
Strength = 210@64: CLISP byte-compiled Lisp program (pre 2004-03-27) []
Strength = 210@290: MSX ExecROM patchfile []
Strength = 201@447: PNG image data (CgBI) [image/png]
Strength = 201@26: Java HPROF dump, []
Strength = 200@31: Mugician Module sound file []
Strength = 200@45: Android Backup []
Strength = 200@1240: BitTorrent file [application/x-bittorrent]
Strength = 200@114: Pdmenu configuration file text []
Strength = 200@11: PostScript Type 1 font text []
Strength = 200@13: PostScript Type 1 font program data []
Strength = 200@154: Quake I save: d3b Secret missions []
Strength = 200@159: Quake I save: d2 Takahiro towers []
Strength = 200@181: Quake I save: ddm7 Sandra's ladder []
Strength = 200@439: PNG image data [image/png]
Strength = 200@53: Maple something []
Strength = 200@56: Maple something []
Strength = 200@68: MSVC .wsp version 1.0000.0000 []
Strength = 200@45: Sniffer capture file []
Strength = 200@198: Hangul (Korean) Word Processor File 3.0 []
Strength = 191@142: Biosig/Sigma [biosig/sigma]
Strength = 191@304: Embedded OpenType (EOT) []
Strength = 191@23: KiCad Symbol Library []
Strength = 191@38: MSVC program database [application/x-ms-pdb]
Strength = 191@184: MSX Kanji Font []
Strength = 190@891: VRML 1 file [model/vrml]
Strength = 190@170: Fasttracker II module sound data [audio/x-mod]
Strength = 190@235: Sidplay info file []
Strength = 190@268: NIST SPHERE file []
Strength = 190@437: RAD Adlib Tracker Module RAD []
Strength = 190@130: Biosig/UNIPRO [biosig/unipro]
Strength = 190@145: Biosig/File exchange format (FEF) [biosig/fef]
Strength = 190@71: Bourne-Again shell script executable (binary data) [text/x-shellscript]
Strength = 190@210: Sega Mega CD disc image [application/x-sega-cd-rom]
Strength = 190@214: Sega Mega CD disc image [application/x-sega-cd-rom]
Strength = 190@219: Sega Mega CD disc image [application/x-sega-cd-rom]
Strength = 190@223: Sega Mega CD disc image [application/x-sega-cd-rom]
Strength = 190@349: Sega Saturn disc image [application/x-saturn-rom]
Strength = 190@354: Sega Saturn disc image [application/x-saturn-rom]
Strength = 190@375: Sega Dreamcast disc image [application/x-dc-rom]
Strength = 190@380: Sega Dreamcast disc image [application/x-dc-rom]
Strength = 190@547: CGNS Advanced Data Format []
Strength = 190@1558: ntfsclone image, []
Strength = 190@2046: Aculab VoIP firmware []
Strength = 190@32: FrameMaker Font file [application/x-mif]
Strength = 190@89: Quake I save: e1m3 The necropolis []
Strength = 190@136: Quake I save: hip2m1 Ancient realms []
Strength = 190@147: Quake I save: hipend Armagon's lair []
Strength = 190@161: Quake I save: d4 Into the flood []
Strength = 190@179: Quake I save: ddm5 Slaughterhouse []
Strength = 190@79: mbsystem info cache []
Strength = 190@8: GNOME keyring []
Strength = 190@55: G-IR binary database []
Strength = 190@537: group 3 fax data []
Strength = 190@993: PartImage []
Strength = 190@1212: Garmin Bitmap file []
Strength = 190@8: Karma Data Structure Version []
Strength = 190@352: Xen saved domain []
Strength = 190@358: Xen saved domain []
Strength = 190@7: MacOS Alias file []
Strength = 190@52: Maple something []
Strength = 190@55: Maple something []
Strength = 190@57: Maple something anomalous. []
Strength = 190@7: Digifax-G3-File []
Strength = 190@9: Mozilla XUL fastload data []
Strength = 190@1045: Windows Program Information File [application/x-dosexec]
Strength = 190@6: ASCII font metrics []
Strength = 190@118: Canon Bubble Jet BJC formatted data []
Strength = 190@122: Epson Stylus Color 460 data []
Strength = 190@14: Git bundle []
Strength = 190@311: Sony Wave64 RIFF data []
Strength = 190@326: MBWF/RF64 audio [audio/x-wav]
Strength = 190@28: CNS ASCII electron density map []
Strength = 190@56: MAR Area Detector Image, []
Strength = 190@273: Network Instruments Observer capture file []
Strength = 190@141: H2 Database file []
Strength = 190@8: BEA TUXEDO DES mask data []
Strength = 190@6: Xerox InterPress data []
Strength = 190@49: XPConnect Typelib []
Strength = 190@14: Libvirt QEMU Suspend Image []
Strength = 190@20: Libvirt QEMU partial Suspend Image []
Strength = 185@112: XML [text/xml]
Strength = 181@31: KiCad Symbol Library Documentation []
Strength = 180@32: Sidmon 2.0 Module sound file []
Strength = 180@893: ISO/IEC 14772 VRML 97 file [model/vrml]
Strength = 180@294: SGI SoundTrack project file []
Strength = 180@511: Synthesizer Generator or Kimwitu data []
Strength = 180@513: Kimwitu++ data []
Strength = 180@78: Biosig/Embla [biosig/embla]
Strength = 180@196: XZ compressed data [application/x-xz]
Strength = 180@458: Microsoft Access Database [application/x-msaccess]
Strength = 180@460: Microsoft Access Database [application/x-msaccess]
Strength = 180@103: Quake I save: e3m2 Vaults of Zin []
Strength = 180@113: Quake I save: e4m5 Hell's atrium []
Strength = 180@115: Quake I save: e4m6 The pain maze []
Strength = 180@124: Quake I save: dm4 The bad place []
Strength = 180@126: Quake I save: dm6 The dark zone []
Strength = 180@134: Quake I save: hip1m3 The lost mine []
Strength = 180@139: Quake I save: hip2m3 The catacombs []
Strength = 180@141: Quake I save: hip2m5 Mortum's keep []
Strength = 180@157: Quake I save: d4b Back to Malice []
Strength = 180@163: Quake I save: d6 Nuclear plant []
Strength = 180@167: Quake I save: d9 Takahiro base []
Strength = 180@169: Quake I save: d13 Stayin' alive []
Strength = 180@177: Quake I save: ddm3 Crazy eights! []
Strength = 180@59: Mathematica PBF (fonts I think) []
Strength = 180@7: vCalendar calendar file [text/calendar]
Strength = 180@15: MSVC .ide []
Strength = 180@61: GLF_TEXT []
Strength = 180@111: PCP pmieconf rules []
Strength = 180@13: SPECjbb []
Strength = 180@99: SQLite 3.x database [application/x-sqlite3]
Strength = 180@4: OpenSSH RSA1 private key, []
Strength = 176@902: X3D (Extensible 3D) model xml text [model/x3d+xml]
Strength = 171@230: part of multipart Debian package [application/vnd.debian.binary-package]
Strength = 171@164: ultratracker V1.%.1s module sound data [audio/x-mod]
Strength = 171@61: KiCad Symbol Library Table []
Strength = 171@8: SVG Scalable Vector Graphics image [image/svg+xml]
Strength = 171@26: OpenStreetMap XML data []
Strength = 171@144: Portable Embosser Format [application/x-pef+xml]
Strength = 171@214: MS Windows HyperTerminal profile []
Strength = 170@30: Art Of Noise Module sound file []
Strength = 170@888: Vivo video data []
Strength = 170@1058: Material exchange container format [application/mxf]
Strength = 170@1186: LBR archive data []
Strength = 170@30: T64 tape Image []
Strength = 170@93: Famicom Disk System disk image: [application/x-fds-disk]
Strength = 170@551: Tokyo Cabinet []
Strength = 170@582: TokyoCabinet database []
Strength = 170@86: Quake I save: start Introduction []
Strength = 170@107: Quake I save: e3m5 Wind tunnels []
Strength = 170@146: Quake I save: hip3m4 The gauntlet []
Strength = 170@155: Quake I save: d10 The hospital (secret) []
Strength = 170@160: Quake I save: d3 A rat's life []
Strength = 170@239: Canon CIFF raw image data [image/x-canon-crw]
Strength = 170@499: MIFF image data []
Strength = 170@54: Maple something []
Strength = 170@906: Icon for MS Windows []
Strength = 170@7: Qt Resource Collection file []
Strength = 170@72: GEDCOM data []
Strength = 170@73: GEDCOM data []
Strength = 170@17: SE Linux policy module source []
Strength = 170@18: SE Linux policy module source []
Strength = 161@67: KiCad Footprint Library Table []
Strength = 161@69: PJL encapsulated PostScript document text []
Strength = 160@612: ARS-Sfx archive data []
Strength = 160@563: CFF Song []
Strength = 160@651: iMelody Ringtone Format []
Strength = 160@8: BlockHashLoc recovery info, []
Strength = 160@133: Biosig/WCP [biosig/wcp]
Strength = 160@11: CCS C64 Emultar Cartridge Image []
Strength = 160@298: Spline Font Database [application/vnd.font-fontforge-sfd]
Strength = 160@116: Quake I save: e4m7 Azure agony []
Strength = 160@125: Quake I save: dm5 The cistern []
Strength = 160@140: Quake I save: hip2m4 The crypt []
Strength = 160@142: Quake I save: hip3m1 Tur torment []
Strength = 160@143: Quake I save: hip3m2 Pandemonium []
Strength = 160@151: Quake I save: start The academy []
Strength = 160@165: Quake I save: d7b The foundry []
Strength = 160@170: Quake I save: d14 B.O.S.S. HQ []
Strength = 160@176: Quake I save: ddm2 Sub station []
Strength = 160@164: Gnumeric spreadsheet []
Strength = 160@7: Gnumeric spreadsheet [application/x-gnumeric]
Strength = 160@899: PGP sig []
Strength = 160@12: OASIS Stream file []
Strength = 160@29: PostScript document []
Strength = 160@50: HP Printer Job Language data []
Strength = 160@59: HP Printer Job Language data []
Strength = 160@78: HP Printer Job Language data []
Strength = 160@113: PCP pmie config []
Strength = 160@17: SPECweb []
Strength = 160@93: SunPC 4.0 Properties Values []
Strength = 151@374: MS-DOS KEYBoard Layout file []
Strength = 151@313: Windows Registry little-endian text (Win2K or above) [text/x-ms-regedit]
Strength = 150@83: TADS []
Strength = 150@919: Video title set, []
Strength = 150@921: Video manager, []
Strength = 150@1295: Personal NetWare Packed File []
Strength = 150@583: VQF data []
Strength = 150@81: Version      Biosig/ETG4000 [biosig/etg4000]
Strength = 150@47: C64 Raw Tape File (.tap), []
Strength = 150@67: Bourne-Again shell script executable (binary data) [text/x-shellscript]
Strength = 150@1171: SYSLINUX loader []
Strength = 150@2257: Marvell Libertas firmware []
Strength = 150@2287: dvdisaster error correction file []
Strength = 150@92: Quake I save: e1m5 Gloom keep []
Strength = 150@98: Quake I save: e2m7 Underearth (secret) []
Strength = 150@130: Quake I save: start Command HQ []
Strength = 150@197: Build engine group file []
Strength = 150@473: GIF image data [image/gif]
Strength = 150@513: SunPHIGS []
Strength = 150@1705: Khronos KTX texture []
Strength = 150@12: JPEG image data [image/jpeg]
Strength = 150@101: JPEG 2000 []
Strength = 150@65: Cyrus sieve bytecode data, []
Strength = 150@23: Maple help file with extra carriage return at start (yuck) []
Strength = 150@1116: MS Windows HtmlHelp Data []
Strength = 150@28: Microsoft Visual C .pch []
Strength = 150@13: PDF document [application/pdf]
Strength = 150@46: PPD file []
Strength = 150@70: GEDCOM data []
Strength = 150@71: GEDCOM data []
Strength = 150@20: SE Linux policy interface source []
Strength = 150@59: Open Inventor 2.0 file []
Strength = 150@67: GLS_TEXT []
Strength = 150@104: PCP pmdahotproc config []
Strength = 150@6: teapot work sheet (XDR format) []
Strength = 150@22: header for PowerPC PEF executable []
Strength = 150@275: MS Windows help cache []
Strength = 150@246: Freemind document [application/x-freemind]
Strength = 141@99: TADS 3 game data (format version %d) []
Strength = 141@48: Clam AntiVirus database %-.23s []
Strength = 141@12: Public Suffix List data (optimized) []
Strength = 140@72: AMOS Basic source code []
Strength = 140@929: MythTV NuppelVideo []
Strength = 140@236: NeXT/Apple typedstream data, big endian []
Strength = 140@241: NeXT/Apple typedstream data, little endian []
Strength = 140@532: PUCrunch archive data []
Strength = 140@1237: BitTorrent file [application/x-bittorrent]
Strength = 140@392: OctaMED Soundstudio compressed file []
Strength = 140@862: WOPL instrument []
Strength = 140@864: WOPL instrument bank []
Strength = 140@18: Korn shell script executable (binary data) [text/x-shellscript]
Strength = 140@20: Message Sequence Chart (document) []
Strength = 140@576: Quick Database Manager, little endian []
Strength = 140@577: Quick Database Manager, big endian []
Strength = 140@299: ELF []
Strength = 140@1173: SYSLINUX loader []
Strength = 140@14: PostScript Type 1 font program data []
Strength = 140@15: PostScript Type 1 font program data []
Strength = 140@162: Quake I save: d5 The flood []
Strength = 140@171: Quake I save: d15 Showdown! []
Strength = 140@258: TIFF image data, big-endian [image/tiff]
Strength = 140@262: TIFF image data, little-endian [image/tiff]
Strength = 140@1255: Radiance HDR image data []
Strength = 140@8: IslandWrite document []
Strength = 140@53: Linux make config build file (old) []
Strength = 140@22: Maple help file []
Strength = 140@32: Mathematica notebook version 2.x []
Strength = 140@36: Mathematica notebook version 2.x []
Strength = 140@12: vCard visiting card [text/vcard]
Strength = 140@1019: RabbitGraph file []
Strength = 140@7: PDF document [application/pdf]
Strength = 140@21: FDF document [application/vnd.fdf]
Strength = 140@6: sc spreadsheet file [application/x-sc]
Strength = 140@36: sendmail m4 text file []
Strength = 140@58: IRIS Inventor 1.0 file []
Strength = 140@233: AIX iptrace capture file []
Strength = 140@234: AIX iptrace capture file []
Strength = 140@13: OpenSSH ED25519 public key []
Strength = 140@59: ncurses6 screen image []
Strength = 140@13: Internet Archive File [application/x-ia-arc]
Strength = 131@103: TADS 3 saved game data (format version []
Strength = 131@1367: DOS/MBR boot sector []
Strength = 131@1811: reMarkable tablet notebook lines, 1404 x 1872, %x page(s) []
Strength = 131@39: KiCad Board Layout []
Strength = 131@97: Protein Data Bank data, ID Code %s [chemical/x-pdb]
Strength = 130@90: TADS []
Strength = 130@46: catalog translation []
Strength = 130@364: NuLIB archive data []
Strength = 130@380: DPA archive data []
Strength = 130@590: SAPCAR archive data []
Strength = 130@578: LockStream Embedded file (mostly MP3 on old Nokia phones) []
Strength = 130@37: Biosig/BCI2000 []
Strength = 130@66: Biosig/CED SMR  [biosig/ced-smr]
Strength = 130@161: MegaCAD 2D/3D drawing []
Strength = 130@9: POSIX shell script executable (binary data) [text/x-shellscript]
Strength = 130@296: snappy framed data [application/x-snappy-framed]
Strength = 130@2371: disk image data (YAZE) []
Strength = 130@12: FrameMaker document [application/x-mif]
Strength = 130@28: Boom or linuxdoom demo []
Strength = 130@92: IVS Fledermaus TDR file []
Strength = 130@196: HP Bitmapfile []
Strength = 130@512: PHIGS clear text archive []
Strength = 130@74: Linux/i386 swap file []
Strength = 130@83: Linux/i386 swap file (new style), []
Strength = 130@96: Linux/ppc swap file []
Strength = 130@107: Linux/ia64 swap file []
Strength = 130@7: Metastore data file, []
Strength = 130@630: COM executable for MS-DOS, Compack compressed [application/x-dosexec]
Strength = 130@1017: First Choice database []
Strength = 130@1119: GFA-BASIC 3 data []
Strength = 130@5: Octave binary data (little endian) []
Strength = 130@6: Octave binary data (big endian) []
Strength = 130@58: perl Storable (v0.6) data []
Strength = 130@103: Imagen printer []
Strength = 130@146: HP LaserJet 1000 series downloadable firmware []
Strength = 130@7: project file for ftnchek []
Strength = 130@22: BRIX Electron Density Map []
Strength = 130@27: XPLOR ASCII Electron Density Map []
Strength = 130@39: R-Axis Area Detector Image: []
Strength = 130@47: R-Axis Area Detector Image, Win32: []
Strength = 130@20: openssl enc'd data with salted password, base64 encoded []
Strength = 130@17: VICAR label file []
Strength = 130@663: PaintShop Pro color palette []
Strength = 125@114: Linux kernel []
Strength = 120@69: TADS []
Strength = 120@75: TADS []
Strength = 120@49: AmigaGuide file []
Strength = 120@401: Apple Desktop Services Store []
Strength = 120@1224: GTKtalog catalog data, []
Strength = 120@439: XMS Adlib Module []
Strength = 120@516: TFMX module sound data []
Strength = 120@565: A2M Song []
Strength = 120@124: lzop compressed data []
Strength = 120@14: Vim encrypted file data []
Strength = 120@214: Smart Boot Manager backup file []
Strength = 120@244: Norton Utilities disc image data []
Strength = 120@1811: DOS floppy 360k []
Strength = 120@1813: DOS floppy 720k []
Strength = 120@1815: DOS floppy 1440k []
Strength = 120@1818: DOS floppy 720k, IBM []
Strength = 120@1820: DOS floppy 1440k, mkdosfs []
Strength = 120@1823: Atari-ST floppy 360k []
Strength = 120@1824: Atari-ST floppy 720k []
Strength = 120@2027: ReiserFS V3.6 []
Strength = 120@2028: ReiserFS V3.6.19 []
Strength = 120@2189: Delta ISO data []
Strength = 120@2206: Oracle Clustered Filesystem, []
Strength = 120@2220: Oracle Clustered Filesystem, []
Strength = 120@2241: Files-11 On-Disk Structure []
Strength = 120@59: Macromedia Freehand 7 Document []
Strength = 120@60: Macromedia Freehand 8 Document []
Strength = 120@62: Macromedia Freehand 9 Document []
Strength = 120@37: FrameMaker Book file [application/x-mif]
Strength = 120@152: Quake I save: d1 The lab []
Strength = 120@153: Quake I save: d1b Area 33 []
Strength = 120@689: FITS image data [image/fits]
Strength = 120@21: Maple help file []
Strength = 120@34: Maple worksheet []
Strength = 120@30: Mathematica notebook version 2.x []
Strength = 120@40: Mathematica notebook version 2.x []
Strength = 120@42: Mathematica notebook version 2.x []
Strength = 120@655: Microsoft Word document data [application/msword]
Strength = 120@861: Lotus WordPro [application/vnd.lotus-wordpro]
Strength = 120@1015: First Choice document []
Strength = 120@1022: MKS Spell hash list []
Strength = 120@11: Microsoft Visual C .APS file []
Strength = 120@18: MSVC .res []
Strength = 120@19: MSVC .res []
Strength = 120@20: MSVC .res []
Strength = 120@7: ASCII font bits []
Strength = 120@101: PCP pmlogger config []
Strength = 120@10: Compiled SGML rules file []
Strength = 120@12: A/E SGML Document binary []
Strength = 120@14: A/E SGML binary styles file []
Strength = 120@11: Spectrum +3 data []
Strength = 115@266: DOS/MBR boot sector []
Strength = 115@1977:  []
Strength = 111@60: Digital Symphony sequence (RISC OS), []
Strength = 111@1026: Windows Television DVR Media []
Strength = 111@29: APT cache data, version %u []
Strength = 111@34: APT cache data, version %u []
Strength = 111@328:  []
Strength = 111@330:  []
Strength = 111@332:  []
Strength = 111@730: Nintendo GameCube disc image (WDFv1 format): [application/x-gamecube-rom]
Strength = 111@1161: isolinux Loader []
Strength = 111@1215: NetBSD mbr []
Strength = 111@1250: AdvanceMAME mbr []
Strength = 111@1259: Turton mbr ( []
Strength = 111@10: EDID data, version %u. []
Strength = 111@46:  []
Strength = 111@1047: DjVu multiple page document [image/vnd.djvu]
Strength = 111@15: KiCad Schematic Document []
Strength = 111@377: Journal file [application/octet-stream]
Strength = 111@390: BCache []
Strength = 111@379:  []
Strength = 111@449:  []
Strength = 111@452:  []
Strength = 111@454:  []
Strength = 111@456:  []
Strength = 111@459:  []
Strength = 111@461:  []
Strength = 111@1501: DOS 3.3 backup control file, sequence %d []
Strength = 111@19: Qt Translation file []
Strength = 110@32: RISC OS music file []
Strength = 110@39: Digital Symphony sound sample (RISC OS), []
Strength = 110@50: Digital Symphony song (RISC OS), []
Strength = 110@6: AMANDA []
Strength = 110@33: Synthesis Module sound file []
Strength = 110@75: AMOS Basic source code []
Strength = 110@21: Android bootimg []
Strength = 110@1014: ARMovie []
Strength = 110@33: Newton package, NOS 1.x, []
Strength = 110@41: Newton package, NOS 2.x, []
Strength = 110@49: Newton package, []
Strength = 110@207: Apple binary property list []
Strength = 110@448: MacPaint image data []
Strength = 110@7: Pebble application []
Strength = 110@152: GNU tar incremental snapshot data []
Strength = 110@265: current ar archive [application/x-archive]
Strength = 110@273: thin archive with []
Strength = 110@310: RISC OS archive (ArcFS format) []
Strength = 110@311: RISC OS archive (ArcFS format) []
Strength = 110@524: TSComp archive data []
Strength = 110@661: WinImage archive data []
Strength = 110@738: PAQ archive data []
Strength = 110@997: RAR archive data, v5 [application/x-rar]
Strength = 110@1015: Zip multi-volume archive data, at least PKZIP v2.50 to extract [application/zip]
Strength = 110@1252: Zip archive data [application/zip]
Strength = 110@1333: KGB Archiver file []
Strength = 110@1375: BBeB ebook data, unencrypted []
Strength = 110@175: Screamtracker 2 module sound data [audio/x-mod]
Strength = 110@178: Screamtracker 2 module sound data [audio/x-mod]
Strength = 110@406: Oktalyzer module data []
Strength = 110@443: Open Cubic Player Module Inforation MDZ []
Strength = 110@544: RdosPlay RAW []
Strength = 110@550: MPU-401 Trakker []
Strength = 110@569: Spectrum 128 tune []
Strength = 110@814: AProSys module []
Strength = 110@837: Klystrack song []
Strength = 110@857: Klystrack instrument []
Strength = 110@870: DMX OP2 instrument data []
Strength = 110@38: Biosig/BCI2000 [biosig/bci2000]
Strength = 110@42: Biosig/Biosemi data format [biosig/bdf]
Strength = 110@54: Biosig/EDF: European Data format [biosig/edf]
Strength = 110@61: Biosig/Heka Patchmaster []
Strength = 110@62: Biosig/Heka Patchmaster []
Strength = 110@63: Biosig/Heka Patchmaster [biosig/heka]
Strength = 110@69: Biosig/CFWB [biosig/cfwb]
Strength = 110@75: Biosig/EBS [biosig/ebs]
Strength = 110@91: Biosig/ISHNE [biosig/ishne]
Strength = 110@95: Biosig/MFER []
Strength = 110@99: Biosig/NEV []
Strength = 110@113: Biosig/SCP-ECG format CEN 1064:2005/ISO 11073:91064 [biosig/scpecg]
Strength = 110@3: BLCR []
Strength = 110@14: BLCR []
Strength = 110@7: BTSnoop []
Strength = 110@14: GCR Image []
Strength = 110@23: PC64 Freezer Image []
Strength = 110@167: OpenHSF (Hoops Stream Format) []
Strength = 110@27: Claris works dictionary []
Strength = 110@300: qpress compressed data [application/x-qpress]
Strength = 110@315: UCL compressed data []
Strength = 110@118: Game Boy ROM image [application/x-gameboy-rom]
Strength = 110@396: Nintendo 64 ROM image [application/x-n64-rom]
Strength = 110@406: Nintendo 64 ROM image (V64) [application/x-n64-rom]
Strength = 110@413: Nintendo 64 ROM image (wordswapped) [application/x-n64-rom]
Strength = 110@420: Nintendo 64 ROM image (32-bit byteswapped) [application/x-n64-rom]
Strength = 110@430: Game Boy Advance ROM image [application/x-gba-rom]
Strength = 110@443: Nintendo DS ROM image [application/x-nintendo-ds-rom]
Strength = 110@464: Nintendo DS Slot-2 ROM image (PassMe) [application/x-nintendo-ds-rom]
Strength = 110@488: Sony Playstation executable []
Strength = 110@71: LLVM raw profile data, []
Strength = 110@75: LLVM raw profile data, []
Strength = 110@85: LLVM indexed profile data, []
Strength = 110@89: LLVM indexed profile data, []
Strength = 110@510: TDB database []
Strength = 110@597: Hopper database []
Strength = 110@19: bsdiff(1) patch file []
Strength = 110@52: profiling data file []
Strength = 110@21: Erlang DETS file []
Strength = 110@249: Norton Disk Doctor UnDo file []
Strength = 110@1143: romfs filesystem, version 1 []
Strength = 110@1682: HAMMER filesystem (little-endian), []
Strength = 110@2026: ReiserFS V3.5 []
Strength = 110@2042: EST flat binary []
Strength = 110@2214: Oracle ASM Volume, []
Strength = 110@2216: Oracle ASM Volume (cleared), []
Strength = 110@2227: Oracle ASM Volume, []
Strength = 110@2229: Oracle ASM Volume (cleared), []
Strength = 110@2234: Compaq/HP RILOE floppy image []
Strength = 110@2252: PowerISO Direct-Access-Archive []
Strength = 110@2270: BTRFS Filesystem []
Strength = 110@2375: ReFS filesystem image []
Strength = 110@2380: EWF/Expert Witness/EnCase image file format []
Strength = 110@21: FrameMaker MIF (ASCII) file [application/x-mif]
Strength = 110@140: scrshot(1) screenshot, []
Strength = 110@158: Quake I save: d1c Area 44 []
Strength = 110@180: Quake I save: ddm6 Domino []
Strength = 110@184: MAME CHD compressed hard disk image, []
Strength = 110@63: SeaBeam 2100 DR multibeam sonar []
Strength = 110@64: SeaBeam 2100 PR multibeam sonar []
Strength = 110@18: GIMP XCF image data, [image/x-xcf]
Strength = 110@30: GNOME Catalogue (gtktalog) []
Strength = 110@46: GVariant Database file, []
Strength = 110@236: GPT data structure (nonstandard: at LBA 0) []
Strength = 110@24: Vulkan trace file, little-endian []
Strength = 110@27: Vulkan trace file, big-endian []
Strength = 110@8: Guile Object []
Strength = 110@203: HP NLS message catalog, []
Strength = 110@16: AIX message catalog []
Strength = 110@532: FBM image data []
Strength = 110@737: PDS (JPL) image data []
Strength = 110@742: PDS (VICAR) image data []
Strength = 110@922: SMJPEG []
Strength = 110@968: Webshots Desktop .wbz file []
Strength = 110@972: Hercules CKD DASD image file []
Strength = 110@977: Hercules compressed CKD DASD image file []
Strength = 110@982: Hercules CKD DASD shadow file []
Strength = 110@1130: Hierarchical Data Format (version 5) data [application/x-hdf]
Strength = 110@1132: Hierarchical Data Format (version 5) with 512 bytes user block [application/x-hdf]
Strength = 110@1134: Hierarchical Data Format (version 5) with 1k user block [application/x-hdf]
Strength = 110@1136: Hierarchical Data Format (version 5) with 2k user block [application/x-hdf]
Strength = 110@1138: Hierarchical Data Format (version 5) with 4k user block [application/x-hdf]
Strength = 110@1250: AVCHD Clip Information []
Strength = 110@1291: JPEG-XR Image []
Strength = 110@1400: farbfeld image data, []
Strength = 110@1510: Microsoft DirectDraw Surface (DDS): []
Strength = 110@9: IslandDraw document []
Strength = 110@153: Linux []
Strength = 110@275: LVM2 PV (Linux Logical Volume Manager) []
Strength = 110@289: LVM2 PV (Linux Logical Volume Manager) []
Strength = 110@301: LVM2 PV (Linux Logical Volume Manager) []
Strength = 110@313: LVM2 PV (Linux Logical Volume Manager) []
Strength = 110@460: mlocate database []
Strength = 110@458: Mac OS X bill of materials (BOM) file []
Strength = 110@10: Mathematica version 2 notebook []
Strength = 110@12: Mathematica version 2 notebook []
Strength = 110@38: Mathematica notebook version 2.x []
Strength = 110@44: Mathematica notebook version 2.x []
Strength = 110@704: Microsoft Excel Worksheet [application/vnd.ms-excel]
Strength = 110@859: Lotus WordPro [application/vnd.lotus-wordpro]
Strength = 110@888: tz3 ms-works file []
Strength = 110@889: tz3 ms-works file []
Strength = 110@890: tz3 ms-works file []
Strength = 110@1016: First Choice database []
Strength = 110@1021: MKS Spell hash list (old format) []
Strength = 110@1113: MS Advisor help file []
Strength = 110@1128: Microsoft Cabinet archive data []
Strength = 110@1371: Microsoft WinCE install header []
Strength = 110@1420: Microsoft Reader eBook Data []
Strength = 110@1429: Windows imaging (WIM) image []
Strength = 110@1430: Windows imaging (WIM) image, wimlib pipable format []
Strength = 110@281: MSX cassette archive []
Strength = 110@21: Net2phone []
Strength = 110@25: AOL ART image []
Strength = 110@26: AOL ART image []
Strength = 110@5: OCaml []
Strength = 110@8: OLE 2 Compound Document []
Strength = 110@49: OS/2 INI []
Strength = 110@52: iSiloX E-book []
Strength = 110@57: Mobipocket E-book []
Strength = 110@73: AportisDoc/PalmDOC E-book []
Strength = 110@80: BDicty PalmOS document []
Strength = 110@82: DB PalmOS document []
Strength = 110@84: FireViewer/ImageViewer PalmOS document []
Strength = 110@86: HanDBase PalmOS document []
Strength = 110@88: InfoView PalmOS document []
Strength = 110@90: iSilo PalmOS document []
Strength = 110@92: JFile PalmOS document []
Strength = 110@94: JFile Pro PalmOS document []
Strength = 110@96: List PalmOS document []
Strength = 110@98: MobileDB PalmOS document []
Strength = 110@100: PeanutPress PalmOS document []
Strength = 110@102: Plucker PalmOS document []
Strength = 110@104: QuickSheet PalmOS document []
Strength = 110@106: SuperMemo PalmOS document []
Strength = 110@108: TealDoc PalmOS document []
Strength = 110@110: TealInfo PalmOS document []
Strength = 110@112: TealMeal PalmOS document []
Strength = 110@114: TealPaint PalmOS document []
Strength = 110@116: ThinkDB PalmOS document []
Strength = 110@118: Tides PalmOS document []
Strength = 110@120: TomeRaider PalmOS document []
Strength = 110@154: Mobipocket E-book []
Strength = 110@8: Parrot bytecode []
Strength = 110@26: Maki-chan v2 image, []
Strength = 110@77: Hash::SharedMem master file, big-endian []
Strength = 110@83: Hash::SharedMem master file, little-endian []
Strength = 110@89: Hash::SharedMem data file, big-endian []
Strength = 110@95: Hash::SharedMem data file, little-endian []
Strength = 110@19: Poly/ML saved state []
Strength = 110@22: Poly/ML saved module []
Strength = 110@12: Plot84 plotting file []
Strength = 110@46: IRIX vmcore dump of []
Strength = 110@50: SGI Audit file []
Strength = 110@54: Wingz compiled script []
Strength = 110@55: Wingz spreadsheet []
Strength = 110@56: Wingz help file []
Strength = 110@89: PCP []
Strength = 110@92: PCP pmchart view []
Strength = 110@95: PCP kmchart view []
Strength = 110@133: Alias Maya Binary File, []
Strength = 110@135: Alias Maya Binary File, []
Strength = 110@25: QL firmware executable (BCPL) []
Strength = 110@250: RADCOM WAN/LAN Analyzer capture file []
Strength = 110@37: Spectrum .TZX data []
Strength = 110@50: Spectrum .SCL Betadisk image []
Strength = 110@129: SQLite Rollback Journal []
Strength = 110@8: OpenSSH DSA public key []
Strength = 110@9: OpenSSH RSA public key []
Strength = 110@18: openssl enc'd data with salted password []
Strength = 110@13: TI-80 Graphing Calculator File. []
Strength = 110@14: TI-81 Graphing Calculator File. []
Strength = 110@18: TI-73 Graphing Calculator []
Strength = 110@36: TI-82 Graphing Calculator []
Strength = 110@53: TI-83 Graphing Calculator []
Strength = 110@71: TI-83+ Graphing Calculator []
Strength = 110@92: TI-85 Graphing Calculator []
Strength = 110@125: TI-86 Graphing Calculator []
Strength = 110@156: TI-89 Graphing Calculator []
Strength = 110@174: TI-92 Graphing Calculator []
Strength = 110@191: TI-92+/V200 Graphing Calculator []
Strength = 110@209: TI-XX Graphing Calculator (FLASH) []
Strength = 110@210: TI-XX Graphing Calculator (FLASH) []
Strength = 110@9: VICAR image data []
Strength = 110@10: Microsoft Disk Image, Virtual Server or Virtual PC []
Strength = 110@51: MS Windows Vista Event Log []
Strength = 110@200: Hangul (Korean) Word Processor File 2000 [application/x-hwp]
Strength = 110@6: XDelta binary patch file 0.14 []
Strength = 110@7: XDelta binary patch file 0.18 []
Strength = 110@8: XDelta binary patch file 0.20 []
Strength = 110@9: XDelta binary patch file 1.0 []
Strength = 110@10: XDelta binary patch file 1.0.4 []
Strength = 110@11: XDelta binary patch file 1.1 []
Strength = 110@16: xfsdump archive []
Strength = 110@39: ZFS shapshot (big-endian machine), []
Strength = 110@69: ZFS shapshot (little-endian machine), []
Strength = 106@260: DOS/MBR boot sector []
Strength = 105@21: Common Trace Format (CTF) plain text metadata []
Strength = 101@235: DOS Emulator image []
Strength = 101@47: KiCad Footprint []
Strength = 101@56: KiCad Netlist []
Strength = 101@301: Windows Registry text [text/x-ms-regedit]
Strength = 100@412: AppleScript compiled []
Strength = 100@347: JRC archive data []
Strength = 100@372: CrossePAC archive data []
Strength = 100@580: Par archive data []
Strength = 100@663: Compressia archive data []
Strength = 100@792: JAM archive, []
Strength = 100@985: RAR archive data [application/x-rar]
Strength = 100@1258: ACE archive data []
Strength = 100@121: RealMedia file [application/vnd.rn-realmedia]
Strength = 100@424: Velvet Studio AMS Module v2.2 []
Strength = 100@425: Extreme Tracker AMS Module v1.3 []
Strength = 100@448: NOA Nancy Codec Movie file []
Strength = 100@8: BBx []
Strength = 100@7: Beetle VM object file []
Strength = 100@50: Biosig/CFS: Cambridge Electronic devices File format  [biosig/ced]
Strength = 100@10: Blender3D, []
Strength = 100@10: b.out archive []
Strength = 100@21: PC64 Emulator file []
Strength = 100@23: gzip compressed data [application/gzip]
Strength = 100@549: 3DO "Opera" file system []
Strength = 100@618: askSam DB []
Strength = 100@8: Old Erlang BEAM file []
Strength = 100@129: DOSFONT2 encrypted font data []
Strength = 100@31: Linuxdoom save []
Strength = 100@144: Quake I save: hip3m3 Limbo []
Strength = 100@58: GeoSwatch auf text file []
Strength = 100@105: elog journal entry []
Strength = 100@168: GNU findutils locate database data []
Strength = 100@198: CIS   compimg HP Bitmapfile []
Strength = 100@18: archive []
Strength = 100@19: archive (big format) []
Strength = 100@678: Kodak Photo CD image pack file []
Strength = 100@683: Kodak Photo CD overview pack file []
Strength = 100@739: PDS (CCSD) image data []
Strength = 100@24: StuffIt Archive [application/x-stuffit]
Strength = 100@10: MapleVr4 library []
Strength = 100@10: Mozilla lz4 compressed bookmark data []
Strength = 100@991: Borland font []
Strength = 100@997: Borland device []
Strength = 100@1037: MegaDots []
Strength = 100@1426: Windows Embedded CE binary image []
Strength = 100@1441: Mallard BASIC Jetsam index data []
Strength = 100@8: Bagpipe []
Strength = 100@6: NASA SPICE file (binary format) []
Strength = 100@19: NEWEZD Electron Density Map []
Strength = 100@12: kbd map file []
Strength = 100@18: SHARC architecture file []
Strength = 100@19: SHARC architecture file []
Strength = 100@7: GNU SmallTalk []
Strength = 100@53: Spectrum .HDF hard disk image []
Strength =  96@198: , rawbits, bitmap [image/x-portable-bitmap]
Strength =  96@205: , rawbits, greymap [image/x-portable-greymap]
Strength =  96@212: , rawbits, pixmap [image/x-portable-pixmap]
Strength =  91@215: CoreFoundation binary property list data, version 0x%c []
Strength =  91@751: Garmin Voice Processing Module [audio/x-vpm-wav-garmin]
Strength =  91@46: http://datadryad.org/profile/v3.1 [text/xml]
Strength =  91@2197: OpenVMS backup saveset data []
Strength =  91@875:  []
Strength =  91@870: InstallShield Uninstall Script []
Strength =  91@215: MSX device BIOS []
Strength =  91@299:  []
Strength =  90@937: MythTV NuppelVideo []
Strength =  90@9: NuFile archive (apple ][) data []
Strength =  90@10: NuFile archive (apple ][) data []
Strength =  90@7: Applixware []
Strength =  90@170: ASCII cpio archive (pre-SVR4 or odc) []
Strength =  90@171: ASCII cpio archive (SVR4 with no CRC) []
Strength =  90@172: ASCII cpio archive (SVR4 with CRC) []
Strength =  90@336: BSArc/BS2 archive data []
Strength =  90@366: PAKLeo archive data []
Strength =  90@376: KBoom archive data []
Strength =  90@404: FoxSQZ archive data []
Strength =  90@528: Squash archive data []
Strength =  90@576: NRV archive data []
Strength =  90@633: TPac archive data []
Strength =  90@1162: StarView MetaFile []
Strength =  90@366: Yamaha TX Wave []
Strength =  90@557: eXtra Simple Music []
Strength =  90@602: LICQ configuration file []
Strength =  90@874: AdLib instrument data []
Strength =  90@16: Biosig/Axon Binary format [biosig/abf2]
Strength =  90@96: Biosig/MFER [biosig/mfer]
Strength =  90@100: Biosig/NEV [biosig/nev]
Strength =  90@107: Biosig/Plexon v2.0 [biosig/plexon]
Strength =  90@116: Biosig/SIGIF [biosig/sigif]
Strength =  90@80: cscope reference data []
Strength =  90@26: Power 64 C64 Emulator Snapshot []
Strength =  90@54: DWG AutoDesk AutoCAD Release 1.40 [image/vnd.dwg]
Strength =  90@56: DWG AutoDesk AutoCAD Release 2.05 [image/vnd.dwg]
Strength =  90@58: DWG AutoDesk AutoCAD Release 2.10 [image/vnd.dwg]
Strength =  90@60: DWG AutoDesk AutoCAD Release 2.21 [image/vnd.dwg]
Strength =  90@62: DWG AutoDesk AutoCAD Release 2.22 [image/vnd.dwg]
Strength =  90@64: DWG AutoDesk AutoCAD Release 2.22 [image/vnd.dwg]
Strength =  90@66: DWG AutoDesk AutoCAD Release 2.50 [image/vnd.dwg]
Strength =  90@68: DWG AutoDesk AutoCAD Release 2.60 [image/vnd.dwg]
Strength =  90@70: DWG AutoDesk AutoCAD Release 9 [image/vnd.dwg]
Strength =  90@72: DWG AutoDesk AutoCAD Release 10 [image/vnd.dwg]
Strength =  90@74: DWG AutoDesk AutoCAD Release 11/12 [image/vnd.dwg]
Strength =  90@81: DWG AutoDesk AutoCAD Release 13 [image/vnd.dwg]
Strength =  90@83: DWG AutoDesk AutoCAD Release 14 [image/vnd.dwg]
Strength =  90@85: DWG AutoDesk AutoCAD 2000/2002 [image/vnd.dwg]
Strength =  90@93: DWG AutoDesk AutoCAD 2004/2005/2006 [image/vnd.dwg]
Strength =  90@95: DWG AutoDesk AutoCAD 2007/2008/2009 [image/vnd.dwg]
Strength =  90@97: DWG AutoDesk AutoCAD 2010/2011/2012 [image/vnd.dwg]
Strength =  90@99: DWG AutoDesk AutoCAD 2013/2014 [image/vnd.dwg]
Strength =  90@9: Chord text file []
Strength =  90@14: Power-Tab v3 Tablature File []
Strength =  90@15: Power-Tab v4 Tablature File []
Strength =  90@7: Citrus locale declaration for LC_CTYPE []
Strength =  90@24: Claris Works palette files .plt []
Strength =  90@9: TTCN Abstract Test Suite []
Strength =  90@22: Message Sequence Chart (subchart) []
Strength =  90@179: 7-zip archive data, []
Strength =  90@623: MUIbase DB []
Strength =  90@628: NetBSD Constant Database []
Strength =  90@28: Vim swap file []
Strength =  90@35: Nano swap file []
Strength =  90@6: Flow Cytometry Standard (FCS) data, version 1.0 []
Strength =  90@7: Flow Cytometry Standard (FCS) data, version 2.0 []
Strength =  90@8: Flow Cytometry Standard (FCS) data, version 3.0 []
Strength =  90@2297: CROMFS []
Strength =  90@62: SeaBeam 2100 multibeam sonar []
Strength =  90@130: Point Cloud Data []
Strength =  90@457: ZIF image (GIF+deflate alpha) [image/x-unknown]
Strength =  90@462: FGF image (GIF+deflate beta) [image/x-unknown]
Strength =  90@738: PDS (JPL) image data []
Strength =  90@740: PDS (CCSD) image data []
Strength =  90@844: XV thumbnail image data []
Strength =  90@952: XV "thumbnail file" (icon) data []
Strength =  90@1145: Xara graphics file []
Strength =  90@66: Linux/i386 PC Screen Font v2 data, []
Strength =  90@342: LUKS encrypted file, []
Strength =  90@8: LUKS encrypted file, []
Strength =  90@25: Maple help file, old style []
Strength =  90@29: Maple worksheet []
Strength =  90@8: Mathcad document []
Strength =  90@76: Matlab v5 mat-file []
Strength =  90@678: Microsoft Word 2.0 Document [application/msword]
Strength =  90@1018: First Choice device file []
Strength =  90@1440: Mallard BASIC Jetsam data []
Strength =  90@43: OS/2 INF []
Strength =  90@45: OS/2 HLP []
Strength =  90@9: Maki-chan v1. []
Strength =  90@150: Epson ESC/Page language printer data []
Strength =  90@12: Qt Binary Resource file []
Strength =  90@98: PCP pmview config []
Strength =  90@36: SoftQuad troff Context intermediate for IMAGEN imPRESS []
Strength =  90@80: iRiver Database file []
Strength =  90@8: SymbOS executable []
Strength =  90@14: SymbOS DOX document []
Strength =  90@33: SymbOS video []
Strength =  90@6: Tgif file version []
Strength =  90@25: AVR assembler object code []
Strength =  90@214: Intel Quark Express Document (English) []
Strength =  90@215: Intel Quark Express Document (Korean) []
Strength =  90@216: Motorola Quark Express Document (English) [application/x-quark-xpress-3]
Strength =  90@218: Motorola Quark Express Document (Korean) []
Strength =  90@11: ZyXEL voice data []
Strength =  81@81: PackDir archive (RISC OS) []
Strength =  81@892:  []
Strength =  81@896:  []
Strength =  81@899:  []
Strength =  81@901:  []
Strength =  81@903:  []
Strength =  81@905:  []
Strength =  81@907:  []
Strength =  81@909:  []
Strength =  81@913:  []
Strength =  81@918:  []
Strength =  81@921:  []
Strength =  81@924:  []
Strength =  81@927:  []
Strength =  81@930:  []
Strength =  81@933:  []
Strength =  81@938:  []
Strength =  81@941:  []
Strength =  81@943:  []
Strength =  81@945:  []
Strength =  81@947:  []
Strength =  81@949:  []
Strength =  81@951:  []
Strength =  81@953:  []
Strength =  81@1194:  []
Strength =  81@1197:  []
Strength =  81@1200:  []
Strength =  81@15: Claris clip art []
Strength =  81@17: Claris clip art []
Strength =  81@103: Smarty compiled template []
Strength =  81@319: core file []
Strength =  81@360: core file []
Strength =  81@382: core file []
Strength =  81@404: core file []
Strength =  81@872:  []
Strength =  81@878:  []
Strength =  81@9: RINEX Data, GEO SBAS Broadcast []
Strength =  81@44: Microsoft OOXML []
Strength =  81@301:  []
Strength =  81@303:  []
Strength =  80@23: RISC OS outline font data, []
Strength =  80@25: RISC OS 1bpp font data, []
Strength =  80@27: RISC OS 4bpp font data []
Strength =  80@35: JamCracker Module sound file []
Strength =  80@36: Hippel-COSO Module sound file []
Strength =  80@47: Amiga E module []
Strength =  80@48: ECX module []
Strength =  80@909: %s []
Strength =  80@320: Crush archive data []
Strength =  80@322: Squeeze It archive data []
Strength =  80@324: SQWEZ archive data []
Strength =  80@374: Freeze archive data []
Strength =  80@396: ZPack archive data []
Strength =  80@549: RAX archive data []
Strength =  80@551: Xtreme archive data []
Strength =  80@553: Pack Magic archive data []
Strength =  80@606: ChiefLZA archive data []
Strength =  80@608: Blink archive data []
Strength =  80@614: AKT32 archive data []
Strength =  80@617: NPack archive data []
Strength =  80@635: Ai archive data []
Strength =  80@636: Ai archive data []
Strength =  80@735: ZZip archive data []
Strength =  80@743: JAR (ARJ Software, Inc.) archive data []
Strength =  80@744: JAR (ARJ Software, Inc.) archive data []
Strength =  80@959: Swag archive data []
Strength =  80@1201: PMarc SFX archive (CP/M, DOS) []
Strength =  80@1204: PopCom compressed executable (CP/M) []
Strength =  80@1289: sfArk compressed Soundfont []
Strength =  80@40: 3b2 core file []
Strength =  80@135: ULT(imate) Module sound data []
Strength =  80@306: NES Sound File []
Strength =  80@571: BONK, []
Strength =  80@663: Adaptive Multi-Rate Codec (GSM telephony) [audio/amr]
Strength =  80@89: Binary Call Format (BCF) version 2.1 []
Strength =  80@102: Binary Call Format (BCF) version 2.2 []
Strength =  80@39: Blender3D BPython script []
Strength =  80@19: LHA archive (c64) []
Strength =  80@48: DWG AutoDesk AutoCAD Release 1.0 [image/vnd.dwg]
Strength =  80@50: DWG AutoDesk AutoCAD Release 1.2 [image/vnd.dwg]
Strength =  80@52: DWG AutoDesk AutoCAD Release 1.3 [image/vnd.dwg]
Strength =  80@107: PHP script Zend Optimizer data []
Strength =  80@266: AFX compressed file data []
Strength =  80@567: IPS patch file []
Strength =  80@570: Playstation Patch File version 3.0 []
Strength =  80@582: Playstation Patch File version 2.0 []
Strength =  80@588: Playstation Patch File version 1.0 []
Strength =  80@898: Vectrex ROM image []
Strength =  80@8: Map file for the Blood Frontier/Red Eclipse FPS games []
Strength =  80@124: ROOT file []
Strength =  80@537: PostgreSQL custom database dump []
Strength =  80@638: Redis RDB file, []
Strength =  80@34: Alpha COFF format core dump (Digital UNIX) []
Strength =  80@36: Alpha COFF format core dump (Digital UNIX) []
Strength =  80@1964: ISO 9660 CD-ROM filesystem data (raw 2352 byte sectors) [application/x-iso9660-image]
Strength =  80@1966: High Sierra CD-ROM filesystem data []
Strength =  80@1984: Nero CD image at 0x4B000 [application/x-nrg]
Strength =  80@2175: AFS Dump []
Strength =  80@108: X11 Speedo font data []
Strength =  80@71: SAIC generic sensor format (GSF) sonar data, []
Strength =  80@76: MGD77 Header, Marine Geophysical Data Exchange Format []
Strength =  80@239: HP text []
Strength =  80@523: clear text Computer Graphics Metafile []
Strength =  80@1174: Wavelet Scalar Quantization image data []
Strength =  80@1230: Ulead Photo Explorer5 []
Strength =  80@1263: PFS HDR image data []
Strength =  80@7: Interleaf document text []
Strength =  80@481: Kdump compressed dump []
Strength =  80@9: LLVM byte-codes, null compression []
Strength =  80@10: LLVM byte-codes, gzip compression []
Strength =  80@11: LLVM byte-codes, bzip2 compression []
Strength =  80@40: MBX mail folder []
Strength =  80@67: portable voice format []
Strength =  80@73: portable voice format []
Strength =  80@661: Microsoft Word 6.0 Document [application/msword]
Strength =  80@699: Microsoft Excel 5.0 Worksheet [application/vnd.ms-excel]
Strength =  80@702: Microsoft Excel 5.0 Worksheet [application/vnd.ms-excel]
Strength =  80@61: MSVC .sbr []
Strength =  80@17: MSX Gigamix MGSDRV2 music file []
Strength =  80@17: Netscape folder cache []
Strength =  80@56: XLD4(Q4) picture []
Strength =  80@142: SunClock's Vector Map Format data []
Strength =  80@8: Rich Text Format data, [text/rtf]
Strength =  80@20: Old EZD Electron Density Map []
Strength =  80@32: Sereal data packet, UTF-8 encoded [application/sereal]
Strength =  80@245: HP/UX nettl capture file []
Strength =  80@34: SoftQuad troff Context intermediate for AT&T 495 laser printer []
Strength =  80@133: Panasonic channel list DataBase []
Strength =  80@99: Snoop capture file []
Strength =  80@235: TiEmu skin []
Strength =  80@6: WARC Archive []
Strength =  80@289: MS Windows 3.1 registry file []
Strength =  80@209: ChiWriter file []
Strength =  80@17: o65 []
Strength =  73@1195: SYSLINUX MBR []
Strength =  71@116: Adrift game file version []
Strength =  71@12: Dalvik dex file []
Strength =  71@15: Dalvik dex file (optimized for host) []
Strength =  71@68: Partition Information Table for Samsung smartphone []
Strength =  71@229: JVT NAL sequence, H.264 video []
Strength =  71@235: MPEG sequence [video/mpeg]
Strength =  71@857: MPEG transport stream data [video/MP2T]
Strength =  71@1065: LucasArts Smush Animation Format (SAN) video []
Strength =  71@1067: LucasArts Smush v2 (SANM) video []
Strength =  71@145: Applesoft BASIC program data, first line number %d []
Strength =  71@365:  []
Strength =  71@409: Apple HFS/HFS+ resource fork []
Strength =  71@433:  []
Strength =  71@443: iTunes cover art []
Strength =  71@39: APT cache data, version %u []
Strength =  71@47: APT cache data, version %u []
Strength =  71@1036: KOffice (>=1.2) []
Strength =  71@685: VGM Video Game Music dump v []
Strength =  71@738: GVOX Encore music, version 5.0 or above []
Strength =  71@742: GVOX Encore music, version < 5.0 []
Strength =  71@76: SAMtools BCF (Binary Call Format) []
Strength =  71@150: Sequence Alignment/Map (SAM), with header []
Strength =  71@7: BlackBerry RIM ETP file []
Strength =  71@19: compiled Java class data, [application/x-java-applet]
Strength =  71@54: Mach-O universal binary with 1 architecture: [application/x-mach-binary]
Strength =  71@118: ksh byte-code version %d []
Strength =  71@187: LZMA compressed data, [application/x-lzma]
Strength =  71@218:  []
Strength =  71@67: NES ROM image (UNIF v%d format) [application/x-nes-rom]
Strength =  71@86: Famicom Disk System disk image: [application/x-fds-disk]
Strength =  71@230: Sega 32X ROM image [application/x-genesis-32x-rom]
Strength =  71@257: Sega Mega Drive / Genesis ROM image (SMD format): [application/x-genesis-rom]
Strength =  71@263: Sega Mega Drive / Genesis ROM image (SMD format): [application/x-genesis-rom]
Strength =  71@682: Nintendo GameCube embedded disc image: [application/x-gamecube-rom]
Strength =  71@696: Nintendo Wii disc image (WBFS format): [application/x-wii-rom]
Strength =  71@710: Nintendo GameCube disc image (CISO format): [application/x-wii-rom]
Strength =  71@720: Nintendo GameCube disc image (GCZ format) [application/x-gamecube-rom]
Strength =  71@761: Nintendo Wii SDK disc image: []
Strength =  71@774: Nintendo 3DS Game Card image []
Strength =  71@472: Extensible storage engine [application/x-ms-ese]
Strength =  71@503: Windows application compatibility Shim DataBase [application/x-ms-sdb]
Strength =  71@7: Universal EFI binary with 1 architecture []
Strength =  71@13: Erlang BEAM file []
Strength =  71@1181: Syslinux bootloader (version 2.13 or older) []
Strength =  71@1551: Microsoft Windows XP/VISTA bootloader %-5.5s []
Strength =  71@2002: Compressed ISO CD image []
Strength =  71@2262: GFS1 Filesystem []
Strength =  71@2293: XFS filesystem metadump image []
Strength =  71@2312: XFS filesystem metadump image []
Strength =  71@2326: JFS2 filesystem image []
Strength =  71@2385: UBIfs image []
Strength =  71@2394: UBI image, version %u []
Strength =  71@2405: NEC PC-88 disk image, name=%s []
Strength =  71@76: X11 SNF font data, LSB first [application/x-font-sfn]
Strength =  71@93: GRUB2 font [application/x-font-pf2]
Strength =  71@146:  []
Strength =  71@150:  []
Strength =  71@155:  []
Strength =  71@267: TrueType []
Strength =  71@49: Quake I or II world or extension [application/x-dzip]
Strength =  71@155: GPG keybox database []
Strength =  71@212:  []
Strength =  71@554: Award BIOS bitmap [image/x-award-bmp]
Strength =  71@796: PCX [image/x-pcx]
Strength =  71@1550: Sega PVR (Xbox) image: []
Strength =  71@1558: Sega PVR (Xbox) image: []
Strength =  71@1586: Sega GVR image: []
Strength =  71@1592: Sega GVR image: []
Strength =  71@1602: Lytro Light Field Picture []
Strength =  71@33: Compressed Google KML Document, including resources. [application/vnd.google-earth.kmz]
Strength =  71@417: Device Tree Blob version %d []
Strength =  71@56: Emacs/XEmacs v%d byte-compiled Lisp data [application/x-elc]
Strength =  71@243: Mach-O [application/x-mach-binary]
Strength =  71@248: Mach-O [application/x-mach-binary]
Strength =  71@467: Mac OSX datafork font, TrueType []
Strength =  71@14: WebM [video/webm]
Strength =  71@48: Gridded binary (GRIB) version 1 []
Strength =  71@12: Micro Focus File with Header (DAT) [application/octet-stream]
Strength =  71@16: Micro Focus File with Header (DAT) [application/octet-stream]
Strength =  71@665: Microsoft Word for Macintosh 1.0 [application/msword]
Strength =  71@717: Lotus 1-2-3 [application/vnd.lotus-1-2-3]
Strength =  71@918:  []
Strength =  71@988:  []
Strength =  71@1009: Windows Recycle Bin INFO2 file (Win98 or below) []
Strength =  71@1012: Windows Recycle Bin INFO2 file (Win2k - WinXP) []
Strength =  71@1032: Delphi compiled form '%s' []
Strength =  71@1041: Windows shortcut file []
Strength =  71@1098: Norton Guide []
Strength =  71@1391: Windows Enhanced Metafile (EMF) image data []
Strength =  71@1405: %s system BIOS []
Strength =  71@46: MSX Moonblaster for MoonSound music []
Strength =  71@74: MSX SCMD Music file []
Strength =  71@207: MSX-BASIC extension ROM []
Strength =  71@305:  []
Strength =  71@149: Palm OS dynamic library data "%s" []
Strength =  71@11: OpenStreetMap Protocolbuffer Binary Format []
Strength =  71@14: NEC PC-88 disk image, name=%s []
Strength =  71@129: Zenographics ZjStream printer data (big-endian) []
Strength =  71@131: Zenographics ZjStream printer data (little-endian) []
Strength =  71@11: ps database []
Strength =  71@33: Git pack [application/x-git]
Strength =  71@15: Raspberry PI kernel image []
Strength =  71@20: QL OS dump data, []
Strength =  71@222: pcap-ng capture file []
Strength =  71@226: pcap-ng capture file []
Strength =  71@61: MySQL Maria control file []
Strength =  71@48: LG robot VR6[234]xx %dm^2 navigation []
Strength =  71@29: VMS Alpha executable []
Strength =  71@33: MS Windows 32bit crash dump []
Strength =  71@99: MS []
Strength =  71@442: Windows setup INFormation [application/x-setupscript]
Strength =  71@574: Windows NTbackup archive []
Strength =  71@19: WordPerfect macro []
Strength =  71@40: Xilinx RAW bitstream (.BIN) []
Strength =  71@10: YARA 3.x compiled rule set []
Strength =  70@10: RISC OS Chunk data []
Strength =  70@15: RISC OS AIF executable []
Strength =  70@19: RISC OS Draw file data []
Strength =  70@54: Glulx game data []
Strength =  70@7: Allegro datafile (packed) []
Strength =  70@8: Allegro datafile (not packed/autodetect) []
Strength =  70@9: Allegro datafile (appended exe data) []
Strength =  70@9: AmigaOS shared library []
Strength =  70@10: AmigaOS loadseg()ble executable/binary []
Strength =  70@11: AmigaOS object/library data []
Strength =  70@28: Future Composer 1.4 Module sound file []
Strength =  70@29: Future Composer 1.3 Module sound file []
Strength =  70@34: The Holy Noise Module sound file []
Strength =  70@45: AmigaOS outline tag []
Strength =  70@53: Rigid Disk Block []
Strength =  70@55: Amiga DOS disk []
Strength =  70@56: Amiga FFS disk []
Strength =  70@57: Amiga Inter DOS disk []
Strength =  70@58: Amiga Inter FFS disk []
Strength =  70@59: Amiga Fastdir DOS disk []
Strength =  70@60: Amiga Fastdir FFS disk []
Strength =  70@61: Kickstart disk []
Strength =  70@67: AmigaDOS script []
Strength =  70@68: AmigaDOS script []
Strength =  70@78: AMOS Basic sprite bank []
Strength =  70@80: AMOS Basic icon bank []
Strength =  70@82: AMOS Basic memory bank []
Strength =  70@86: AMOS Basic memory banks []
Strength =  70@134: Android sparse image []
Strength =  70@145: Android binary XML []
Strength =  70@11: Silicon Graphics movie file [video/x-sgi-movie]
Strength =  70@13: Apple QuickTime [video/quicktime]
Strength =  70@19: Apple QuickTime movie (unoptimized) [video/quicktime]
Strength =  70@27: Apple QuickTime image (fast start) [image/x-quicktime]
Strength =  70@31: Apple QuickTime compressed archive [application/x-quicktime-player]
Strength =  70@36: ISO Media []
Strength =  70@713: MPEG ADIF, AAC [audio/x-hx-aac-adif]
Strength =  70@861: DIF []
Strength =  70@868: Microsoft ASF [video/x-ms-asf]
Strength =  70@872: MNG video data, [video/x-mng]
Strength =  70@880: JNG video data, [video/x-jng]
Strength =  70@999: Nullsoft Video []
Strength =  70@1004: REDCode Video []
Strength =  70@1009: MTV Multimedia File []
Strength =  70@1031: Sega FILM/CPK Multimedia, []
Strength =  70@1038: Nintendo THP Multimedia []
Strength =  70@1043: BBC Dirac Video []
Strength =  70@18: a.out little-endian 32-bit executable []
Strength =  70@22: a.out little-endian 32-bit pure executable []
Strength =  70@26: a.out little-endian 32-bit demand paged pure executable []
Strength =  70@38: a.out big-endian 32-bit executable []
Strength =  70@41: a.out big-endian 32-bit pure executable []
Strength =  70@44: a.out big-endian 32-bit demand paged executable []
Strength =  70@15: Apache Parquet []
Strength =  70@7: APL workspace (Ken's original?) []
Strength =  70@11: AppleSingle encoded Macintosh file []
Strength =  70@12: AppleDouble encoded Macintosh file []
Strength =  70@16: Apple ][ 2IMG Disk Image []
Strength =  70@183: Apple Mechanic font []
Strength =  70@253: CoreAudio Format audio file []
Strength =  70@260: Mac OS X Keychain File []
Strength =  70@264: Mac OS X Code Requirement []
Strength =  70@268: Mac OS X Code Requirement Set []
Strength =  70@272: Mac OS X Code Directory []
Strength =  70@277: Mac OS X Detached Code Signature (non-executable) []
Strength =  70@280: Mac OS X Detached Code Signature []
Strength =  70@437: Apple File System (APFS) []
Strength =  70@192: very old 32-bit-int little-endian archive []
Strength =  70@193: very old 32-bit-int big-endian archive []
Strength =  70@199: old 32-bit-int little-endian archive []
Strength =  70@201: old 32-bit-int big-endian archive []
Strength =  70@207: PDP-11 old archive []
Strength =  70@208: PDP-11 4.0 archive []
Strength =  70@215: apl workspace []
Strength =  70@220: System V Release 1 ar archive [application/x-archive]
Strength =  70@285: ARC archive data, dynamic LZW [application/x-arc]
Strength =  70@287: ARC archive data, squashed [application/x-arc]
Strength =  70@289: ARC archive data, uncompressed [application/x-arc]
Strength =  70@291: ARC archive data, packed [application/x-arc]
Strength =  70@293: ARC archive data, squeezed [application/x-arc]
Strength =  70@295: ARC archive data, crunched [application/x-arc]
Strength =  70@298: PAK archive data [application/x-arc]
Strength =  70@300: ARC+ archive data [application/x-arc]
Strength =  70@302: HYP archive data [application/x-arc]
Strength =  70@326: HPack archive data []
Strength =  70@328: HAP archive data []
Strength =  70@330: MDCD archive data []
Strength =  70@332: LIM archive data []
Strength =  70@338: BSArc archive data []
Strength =  70@351: ReSOF archive data []
Strength =  70@358: X1 archive data []
Strength =  70@360: CDC Codec archive data []
Strength =  70@368: ChArc archive data []
Strength =  70@402: DRY archive data []
Strength =  70@406: AR7 archive data []
Strength =  70@408: PPMZ archive data []
Strength =  70@520: MP3-Archiver archive data []
Strength =  70@522: ZET archive data []
Strength =  70@526: ARQ archive data []
Strength =  70@530: Terse archive data []
Strength =  70@537: ABComp archive data []
Strength =  70@543: InstallShield Z archive Data []
Strength =  70@555: BTS archive data []
Strength =  70@557: ELI 5750 archive data []
Strength =  70@559: QFC archive data []
Strength =  70@560: QFC archive data []
Strength =  70@566: LZS221 archive data []
Strength =  70@574: IMP archive data []
Strength =  70@578: Squish archive data []
Strength =  70@585: SBX archive data []
Strength =  70@596: InstallShield CAB []
Strength =  70@602: BlakHole archive data []
Strength =  70@604: BIX archive data []
Strength =  70@619: PFT archive data []
Strength =  70@623: PPMD archive data []
Strength =  70@627: MSXiE archive data []
Strength =  70@629: DeepFreezer archive data []
Strength =  70@631: DC archive data []
Strength =  70@638: Ai32 archive data []
Strength =  70@639: Ai32 archive data []
Strength =  70@647: DMS archive data []
Strength =  70@649: EPC archive data []
Strength =  70@655: ReDuq archive data []
Strength =  70@657: GCA archive data []
Strength =  70@667: WinHKI archive data []
Strength =  70@671: BSN archive data []
Strength =  70@672: BSN archive data []
Strength =  70@673: BSN archive data []
Strength =  70@682: SZip archive data []
Strength =  70@705: Xpack single archive data []
Strength =  70@779: HA archive data []
Strength =  70@789: HPACK archive data []
Strength =  70@1003: RAR archive data (<v1.5) [application/x-rar]
Strength =  70@1008: squished archive data (Acorn RISCOS) []
Strength =  70@1012: UC2 archive data []
Strength =  70@1020: Zip archive data (empty) [application/zip]
Strength =  70@1167: Zoo archive data [application/x-zoo]
Strength =  70@1232: PARity archive data []
Strength =  70@1300: EET archive [application/x-eet]
Strength =  70@1304: rzip compressed data []
Strength =  70@1310: dar archive, []
Strength =  70@1321: Symbian installation file [application/vnd.symbian.install]
Strength =  70@1325: Symbian installation file (Symbian OS 9.x) [x-epoc/x-sisx-app]
Strength =  70@1329: MoPaQ (MPQ) archive []
Strength =  70@1339: xar archive [application/x-xar]
Strength =  70@1351: Parity Archive Volume Set []
Strength =  70@1356: Bacula volume []
Strength =  70@1370: ZPAQ file []
Strength =  70@1385: Norton GHost image []
Strength =  70@1417: Google Chrome extension [application/x-chrome-extension]
Strength =  70@8: Aster*x []
Strength =  70@13: Aster*x Version 2 []
Strength =  70@11: Sun/NeXT audio data: []
Strength =  70@49: DEC audio data: []
Strength =  70@86: Standard MIDI data [audio/midi]
Strength =  70@94: Creative Music (CMF) data [audio/x-unknown]
Strength =  70@106: MultiTrack sound data []
Strength =  70@111: Extended MOD sound data, []
Strength =  70@119: RealAudio sound file [audio/x-pn-realaudio]
Strength =  70@140: ScreamTracker III Module sound data []
Strength =  70@168: MikMod UNI format module sound data []
Strength =  70@181: 4-channel Protracker module sound data [audio/x-mod]
Strength =  70@185: 4-channel Protracker module sound data [audio/x-mod]
Strength =  70@189: 4-channel Startracker module sound data [audio/x-mod]
Strength =  70@193: 8-channel Startracker module sound data [audio/x-mod]
Strength =  70@197: 4-channel Fasttracker module sound data [audio/x-mod]
Strength =  70@201: 6-channel Fasttracker module sound data [audio/x-mod]
Strength =  70@205: 8-channel Fasttracker module sound data [audio/x-mod]
Strength =  70@209: 8-channel Octalyser module sound data [audio/x-mod]
Strength =  70@213: 8-channel Octalyzer module sound data [audio/x-mod]
Strength =  70@220: 16-channel Taketracker module sound data [audio/x-mod]
Strength =  70@224: 32-channel Taketracker module sound data [audio/x-mod]
Strength =  70@237: PlaySID v2.2+ (AMIGA) sidtune []
Strength =  70@246: RSID sidtune PlaySID compatible []
Strength =  70@257: IRCAM file (VAX little-endian) []
Strength =  70@258: IRCAM file (VAX big-endian) []
Strength =  70@259: IRCAM file (Sun big-endian) []
Strength =  70@260: IRCAM file (Sun little-endian) []
Strength =  70@261: IRCAM file (MIPS little-endian) []
Strength =  70@262: IRCAM file (MIPS big-endian) []
Strength =  70@263: IRCAM file (NeXT big-endian) []
Strength =  70@264: IRCAM file (NeXT big-endian) []
Strength =  70@265: IRCAM file (NeXT little-endian) []
Strength =  70@274: Audio Visual Research file, []
Strength =  70@319: Extended NES Sound File []
Strength =  70@341: Impulse Tracker module sound data - [audio/x-mod]
Strength =  70@348: Imago Orpheus module sound data - []
Strength =  70@355: Impulse Tracker Sample []
Strength =  70@360: Impulse Tracker Instrument []
Strength =  70@376: Scream Tracker Sample []
Strength =  70@389: MED music file, version 0 []
Strength =  70@390: OctaMED Pro music file, version 1 []
Strength =  70@391: OctaMED Soundstudio music file, version 3 []
Strength =  70@394: Symphonie SymMOD music file []
Strength =  70@415: DIGI Booster Pro Module []
Strength =  70@420: FaceTheMusic module []
Strength =  70@426: Xtracker DMF Module []
Strength =  70@430: Dynamic Studio Module DSM []
Strength =  70@431: DigiTrekker DTM Module []
Strength =  70@432: DigiTrakker MDL Module []
Strength =  70@433: Protracker Studio PSM Module []
Strength =  70@434: Poly Tracker PTM Module []
Strength =  70@436: MadTracker 2.0 Module MT2 []
Strength =  70@438: RTM Module []
Strength =  70@450: Yamaha SMAF file []
Strength =  70@458: FLAC audio bitstream data [audio/flac]
Strength =  70@502: VBOX voice message data []
Strength =  70@506: RBS Song file []
Strength =  70@521: Monkey's Audio compressed format [audio/x-ape]
Strength =  70@552: Surprise! Adlib Tracker []
Strength =  70@555: eXotic ADlib []
Strength =  70@559: FM Kingtracker Song []
Strength =  70@605: SNDH Atari ST music []
Strength =  70@643: Musepack audio (MPCK) [audio/x-musepack]
Strength =  70@658: SoundFX Module sound file []
Strength =  70@669: SuperCollider3 Synth Definition file, []
Strength =  70@675: True Audio Lossless Audio []
Strength =  70@680: WavPack Lossless Audio []
Strength =  70@871: IBK instrument data []
Strength =  70@872: IBK instrument data, 2 operators []
Strength =  70@873: IBK instrument data, 4 operators []
Strength =  70@8: BFLT executable []
Strength =  70@22: SAMtools TBI (Tabix index format) []
Strength =  70@43: SAMtools BAM (Binary Sequence Alignment/Map) []
Strength =  70@54: SAMtools BAI (BAM indexing format) []
Strength =  70@61: CRAM []
Strength =  70@14: Biosig/Axon Binary format [biosig/abf2]
Strength =  70@22: Biosig/Axon Text fomrat [biosig/atf]
Strength =  70@25: Biosig/Axona file format [biosig/axona]
Strength =  70@27: Biosig/Axona file format [biosig/axona]
Strength =  70@33: Biosig/AXG []
Strength =  70@34: Biosig/AXG [biosig/axg]
Strength =  70@72: Biosig/DEMG [biosig/demg]
Strength =  70@87: Biosig/IgorPro ITX file [biosig/igorpro]
Strength =  70@103: Biosig/NEX [biosig/nex1]
Strength =  70@106: Biosig/Plexon v1.0 []
Strength =  70@110: Biosig/RHD2000: Intan RHD2000 format []
Strength =  70@136: Biosig/Walter Graphtek []
Strength =  70@137: Biosig/Walter Graphtek []
Strength =  70@138: Biosig/Walter Graphtek [biosig/walter-graphtek]
Strength =  70@15: 68k Blit mpx/mux executable []
Strength =  70@6: i960 b.out relocatable object []
Strength =  70@9: 386 compact demand paged pure executable []
Strength =  70@14: SPARC demand paged []
Strength =  70@23: SPARC pure []
Strength =  70@29: SPARC []
Strength =  70@6: Chiasmus encrypted data []
Strength =  70@8: D64 Image []
Strength =  70@9: D71 Image []
Strength =  70@10: D81 Image []
Strength =  70@12: X64 Image []
Strength =  70@18: ARC archive (c64) []
Strength =  70@28: WRAptor packer (c64) []
Strength =  70@53: GoatTracker 2 song []
Strength =  70@143: Bentley/Intergraph MicroStation DGN cell library []
Strength =  70@144: Bentley/Intergraph MicroStation DGN vector CAD []
Strength =  70@145: Bentley/Intergraph MicroStation DGN vector CAD []
Strength =  70@34: JAR compressed with pack200, []
Strength =  70@40: JAR compressed with pack200, []
Strength =  70@9: cisco IOS microcode []
Strength =  70@11: cisco IOS experimental microcode []
Strength =  70@64: CLIPPER instruction trace []
Strength =  70@65: CLIPPER instruction profile []
Strength =  70@88: lzip compressed data [application/x-lzip]
Strength =  70@167: Amiga xpkf.library compressed data []
Strength =  70@168: Power Packer 1.1 compressed data []
Strength =  70@169: Power Packer 2.0 compressed data, []
Strength =  70@201: LRZIP compressed data []
Strength =  70@207: LZ4 compressed data (v1.4+) [application/x-lz4]
Strength =  70@210: LZ4 compressed data (v1.0-v1.3) [application/x-lz4]
Strength =  70@212: LZ4 compressed data (v0.1-v0.9) [application/x-lz4]
Strength =  70@243: Zstandard compressed data (v0.2) [application/x-zstd]
Strength =  70@245: Zstandard compressed data (v0.3) [application/x-zstd]
Strength =  70@247: Zstandard compressed data (v0.4) [application/x-zstd]
Strength =  70@249: Zstandard compressed data (v0.5) [application/x-zstd]
Strength =  70@251: Zstandard compressed data (v0.6) [application/x-zstd]
Strength =  70@253: Zstandard compressed data (v0.7) [application/x-zstd]
Strength =  70@256: Zstandard compressed data (v0.8+) [application/x-zstd]
Strength =  70@261: Zstandard dictionary [application/x-zstd-dictionary]
Strength =  70@274: rzip compressed data []
Strength =  70@279: FreeArc archive <http://freearc.org> []
Strength =  70@282: DACT compressed data []
Strength =  70@290: Valve Pak file []
Strength =  70@318: Softlib archive []
Strength =  70@324: lzfse encoded, no compression []
Strength =  70@325: lzfse compressed, uncompressed tables []
Strength =  70@326: lzfse compressed, compressed tables []
Strength =  70@327: lzfse encoded, lzvn compressed []
Strength =  70@49: NES ROM image (iNES) [application/x-nes-rom]
Strength =  70@54: NES ROM image (Wii U Virtual Console) [application/x-nes-rom]
Strength =  70@102: NES ROM image (Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console) [application/x-nes-rom]
Strength =  70@388: Sega Dreamcast VMU game image []
Strength =  70@389: Dream Animator file []
Strength =  70@510: XBE, Microsoft Xbox executable []
Strength =  70@531: XIP, Microsoft Xbox data []
Strength =  70@532: XTF, Microsoft Xbox data []
Strength =  70@594: SNES9x input recording []
Strength =  70@648: ScummVM savegame []
Strength =  70@672: Nintendo GameCube disc image: [application/x-gamecube-rom]
Strength =  70@689: Nintendo Wii disc image: []
Strength =  70@746: Nintendo []
Strength =  70@836: Nintendo 3DS []
Strength =  70@858: Nintendo 3DS SMDH file []
Strength =  70@872: Nintendo 3DS Homebrew Application (3DSX) []
Strength =  70@12: Convex old-style object []
Strength =  70@14: Convex old-style demand paged executable []
Strength =  70@16: Convex old-style pre-paged executable []
Strength =  70@18: Convex old-style pre-paged, non-swapped executable []
Strength =  70@20: Core file []
Strength =  70@33: dump format, 4.2 or 4.3 BSD (IDC compatible) []
Strength =  70@34: dump format, Convex Storage Manager by-reference dump []
Strength =  70@39: Convex SOFF []
Strength =  70@57: Convex SOFF core []
Strength =  70@59: Convex SOFF checkpoint []
Strength =  70@29: GCC gcno coverage (-ftest-coverage), []
Strength =  70@34: GCC gcno coverage (-ftest-coverage), []
Strength =  70@41: GCC gcda coverage (-fprofile-arcs), []
Strength =  70@46: GCC gcda coverage (-fprofile-arcs), []
Strength =  70@6: Cracklib password index, little endian []
Strength =  70@10: Cracklib password index, big endian []
Strength =  70@9: Common Trace Format (CTF) trace data (LE) []
Strength =  70@10: Common Trace Format (CTF) trace data (BE) []
Strength =  70@13: Common Trace Format (CTF) packetized metadata (LE) []
Strength =  70@16: Common Trace Format (CTF) packetized metadata (BE) []
Strength =  70@6: Map file for the AssaultCube FPS game []
Strength =  70@7: Map file for cube and cube2 engine games []
Strength =  70@6: DACT compressed data []
Strength =  70@12: GNU dbm 1.x or ndbm database, big endian, 32-bit [application/x-gdbm]
Strength =  70@14: GNU dbm 1.x or ndbm database, big endian, old [application/x-gdbm]
Strength =  70@16: GNU dbm 1.x or ndbm database, big endian, 64-bit [application/x-gdbm]
Strength =  70@18: GNU dbm 1.x or ndbm database, little endian, 32-bit [application/x-gdbm]
Strength =  70@20: GNU dbm 1.x or ndbm database, little endian, old [application/x-gdbm]
Strength =  70@22: GNU dbm 1.x or ndbm database, little endian, 64-bit [application/x-gdbm]
Strength =  70@24: GNU dbm 2.x database [application/x-gdbm]
Strength =  70@35: Berkeley DB [application/x-dbm]
Strength =  70@46: Berkeley DB []
Strength =  70@56: Berkeley DB 1.85/1.86 []
Strength =  70@58: Berkeley DB 1.85/1.86 []
Strength =  70@60: Berkeley DB 1.85/1.86 []
Strength =  70@63: Berkeley DB []
Strength =  70@65: Berkeley DB []
Strength =  70@67: Berkeley DB []
Strength =  70@70: Berkeley DB []
Strength =  70@72: Berkeley DB []
Strength =  70@74: Berkeley DB []
Strength =  70@77: Berkeley DB []
Strength =  70@79: Berkeley DB []
Strength =  70@81: Berkeley DB []
Strength =  70@85: Berkeley DB []
Strength =  70@87: Berkeley DB []
Strength =  70@89: Berkeley DB []
Strength =  70@95: RRDTool DB []
Strength =  70@515: SE Linux policy []
Strength =  70@587: Zope Object Database File Storage v3 (data) []
Strength =  70@588: Zope Object Database File Storage v4 (data) []
Strength =  70@591: Zope Object Database Client Cache File (data) []
Strength =  70@594: IDA (Interactive Disassembler) database []
Strength =  70@8: Maxis Database Packed File []
Strength =  70@36: rdiff network-delta data []
Strength =  70@38: rdiff network-delta signature data []
Strength =  70@50: X image []
Strength =  70@65: new-fs dump file (big endian), []
Strength =  70@68: old-fs dump file (big endian), []
Strength =  70@76: old-fs dump file (little endian), []
Strength =  70@80: new-fs dump file (ufs2, big endian), []
Strength =  70@83: new-fs dump file (ufs2, little endian), []
Strength =  70@6: EBML file []
Strength =  70@6: T602 document data, []
Strength =  70@9: Psion Series 5 []
Strength =  70@36: Psion Series 5 ROM multi-bitmap image []
Strength =  70@38: Psion Series 5 []
Strength =  70@48: Psion Series 5 binary: []
Strength =  70@62: Psion Series 5 executable []
Strength =  70@7: ESRI Shapefile []
Strength =  70@187: PC formatted floppy with no filesystem []
Strength =  70@1140: FATX filesystem data []
Strength =  70@1148: Netboot image, []
Strength =  70@1154: OS/2 Boot Manager []
Strength =  70@1165: pxelinux loader (version 2.13 or older) []
Strength =  70@1167: pxelinux loader []
Strength =  70@1169: pxelinux loader (version 3.70 or newer) []
Strength =  70@1566: Unix Fast File system [v1] (little-endian), []
Strength =  70@1582: Unix Fast File system [v2] (little-endian) []
Strength =  70@1602: Unix Fast File system [v2] (little-endian) []
Strength =  70@1622: Unix Fast File system [v1] (big-endian), []
Strength =  70@1642: Unix Fast File system [v2] (big-endian) []
Strength =  70@1662: Unix Fast File system [v2] (big-endian) []
Strength =  70@1736: F2FS filesystem []
Strength =  70@1792: SGI disk label (volume header) []
Strength =  70@1795: SGI XFS filesystem data []
Strength =  70@1803: Atari-ST Minix kernel image []
Strength =  70@2005: Linux Compressed ROM File System data, little endian []
Strength =  70@2015: Linux Compressed ROM File System data, big endian []
Strength =  70@2037: Linux Journalled Flash File system, little endian []
Strength =  70@2038: Linux Journalled Flash File system, big endian []
Strength =  70@2051: u-boot legacy uImage, []
Strength =  70@2126: Squashfs filesystem, big endian, []
Strength =  70@2149: Squashfs filesystem, little endian, []
Strength =  70@2316: Delta ISO data, []
Strength =  70@2336: LFS filesystem image []
Strength =  70@54: Macromedia Flash Video [video/x-flv]
Strength =  70@7: FLIF []
Strength =  70@71: X11 SNF font data, MSB first [application/x-font-sfn]
Strength =  70@103: X11 Portable Compiled Font data, []
Strength =  70@121: libGrx font data, []
Strength =  70@126: DOS code page font data collection []
Strength =  70@127: DOS code page font data []
Strength =  70@128: DOS code page font data (from Linux?) []
Strength =  70@133: Portable Font Resource font data (new) []
Strength =  70@135: Portable Font Resource font data (old) []
Strength =  70@294: OpenType font data [application/vnd.ms-opentype]
Strength =  70@324: Web Open Font Format []
Strength =  70@329: Web Open Font Format (Version 2) []
Strength =  70@35: FrameMaker MML file [application/x-mif]
Strength =  70@77: FreeBSD/i386 []
Strength =  70@87: FreeBSD/i386 pure []
Strength =  70@97: FreeBSD/i386 demand paged []
Strength =  70@107: FreeBSD/i386 compact demand paged []
Strength =  70@130: ld.so hints file (Little Endian []
Strength =  70@133: ld.so hints file (Big Endian []
Strength =  70@8: Quake II 3D Model file, []
Strength =  70@18: Quake []
Strength =  70@22: Quake II SP2 sprite file []
Strength =  70@189: doom main IWAD data []
Strength =  70@191: doom patch PWAD data []
Strength =  70@209: Warcraft III map file []
Strength =  70@297: Unreal Engine Package, []
Strength =  70@6: GCC precompiled header []
Strength =  70@10: gconv module configuration cache data []
Strength =  70@30: Knudsen seismic KEL binary (KEB) - []
Strength =  70@68: XSE multibeam []
Strength =  70@82: Caris multibeam sonar related data []
Strength =  70@108: Surfer 6 binary grid file []
Strength =  70@121: LIDAR point data records []
Strength =  70@6: GEOS []
Strength =  70@35: GIMP pattern data, []
Strength =  70@43: GIMP brush data []
Strength =  70@8: glibc locale file LC_CTYPE []
Strength =  70@9: glibc locale file LC_NUMERIC []
Strength =  70@10: glibc locale file LC_TIME []
Strength =  70@11: glibc locale file LC_COLLATE []
Strength =  70@12: glibc locale file LC_MONETARY []
Strength =  70@13: glibc locale file LC_MESSAGES []
Strength =  70@14: glibc locale file LC_ALL []
Strength =  70@15: glibc locale file LC_PAPER []
Strength =  70@16: glibc locale file LC_NAME []
Strength =  70@17: glibc locale file LC_ADDRESS []
Strength =  70@18: glibc locale file LC_TELEPHONE []
Strength =  70@19: glibc locale file LC_MEASUREMENT []
Strength =  70@20: glibc locale file LC_IDENTIFICATION []
Strength =  70@36: GStreamer binary registry []
Strength =  70@15: GNU message catalog (little endian), []
Strength =  70@96: GNU message catalog (big endian), [application/x-gettext-translation]
Strength =  70@119: GPG key trust database []
Strength =  70@10: Khronos SPIR-V binary, big-endian []
Strength =  70@14: Khronos SPIR-V binary, little-endian []
Strength =  70@48: TML 0123 byte-order format []
Strength =  70@49: TML 1032 byte-order format []
Strength =  70@50: TML 2301 byte-order format []
Strength =  70@51: TML 3210 byte-order format []
Strength =  70@53: PA-RISC1.1 relocatable object []
Strength =  70@54: PA-RISC1.1 executable []
Strength =  70@59: PA-RISC1.1 shared executable []
Strength =  70@64: PA-RISC1.1 demand-load executable []
Strength =  70@69: PA-RISC1.1 shared library []
Strength =  70@72: PA-RISC1.1 dynamic load library []
Strength =  70@76: PA-RISC2.0 relocatable object []
Strength =  70@78: PA-RISC2.0 executable []
Strength =  70@83: PA-RISC2.0 shared executable []
Strength =  70@88: PA-RISC2.0 demand-load executable []
Strength =  70@93: PA-RISC2.0 shared library []
Strength =  70@96: PA-RISC2.0 dynamic load library []
Strength =  70@100: PA-RISC1.0 relocatable object []
Strength =  70@102: PA-RISC1.0 executable []
Strength =  70@107: PA-RISC1.0 shared executable []
Strength =  70@112: PA-RISC1.0 demand-load executable []
Strength =  70@117: PA-RISC1.0 shared library []
Strength =  70@120: PA-RISC1.0 dynamic load library []
Strength =  70@123: archive file []
Strength =  70@130: HP s500 relocatable executable []
Strength =  70@133: HP s500 executable []
Strength =  70@136: HP s500 pure executable []
Strength =  70@140: HP s200 pure executable []
Strength =  70@147: HP s200 executable []
Strength =  70@154: HP s200 demand-load executable []
Strength =  70@161: HP s200 relocatable executable []
Strength =  70@168: HP s200 (2.x release) pure executable []
Strength =  70@172: HP s200 (2.x release) executable []
Strength =  70@176: HP s200 shared library []
Strength =  70@181: HP s200 dynamic load library []
Strength =  70@187: HP old archive []
Strength =  70@188: HP s200 old archive []
Strength =  70@189: HP s200 old archive []
Strength =  70@190: HP s500 old archive []
Strength =  70@192: HP core file []
Strength =  70@194: HP-WINDOWS font []
Strength =  70@201: compiled Lisp []
Strength =  70@210: HP []
Strength =  70@17: AIX compiled message catalog []
Strength =  70@13: IFF data []
Strength =  70@223: MicroDesign data []
Strength =  70@226: MicroDesign page data []
Strength =  70@232: NIFF image data [image/x-niff]
Strength =  70@412: Big TIFF image data, big-endian [image/tiff]
Strength =  70@414: Big TIFF image data, little-endian [image/tiff]
Strength =  70@493: CMU window manager raster image data []
Strength =  70@502: Artisan image data []
Strength =  70@519: GKS Metafile []
Strength =  70@541: structured fax file []
Strength =  70@634: Sun raster image data []
Strength =  70@668: FIT image data []
Strength =  70@673: FIT image data []
Strength =  70@710: DICOM medical imaging data [application/dicom]
Strength =  70@741: PDS image data []
Strength =  70@753: Atari ST STAD bitmap image data (hor) []
Strength =  70@756: Atari ST STAD bitmap image data (vert) []
Strength =  70@821: Adobe Photoshop Image [image/vnd.adobe.photoshop]
Strength =  70@847: National Imagery Transmission Format []
Strength =  70@915: GEM Metafile data []
Strength =  70@955: KISS/GS []
Strength =  70@988: Squeak image data []
Strength =  70@1012: DCX multi-page PCX image data []
Strength =  70@1017: Cineon image data []
Strength =  70@1039: Minolta Dimage camera raw image data []
Strength =  70@1059: OpenEXR image data, [image/x-exr]
Strength =  70@1098: DPX image data, big-endian, [image/x-dpx]
Strength =  70@1101: DPX image data, little-endian, [image/x-dpx]
Strength =  70@1123: NetCDF Data Format data []
Strength =  70@1128: Hierarchical Data Format (version 4) data [application/x-hdf]
Strength =  70@1148: Cartesian Perceptual Compression image [image/x-cpi]
Strength =  70@1159: OLPC firmware icon image data []
Strength =  70@1165: Cytovision Metaphases file []
Strength =  70@1166: Cytovision Karyotype file []
Strength =  70@1167: Cytovision FISH Probe file []
Strength =  70@1168: Cytovision FLEX file []
Strength =  70@1169: Cytovision FLEX file []
Strength =  70@1170: Cytovision RATS file []
Strength =  70@1184: PCO B16 image data []
Strength =  70@1235: X11 cursor []
Strength =  70@1240: Olympus ORF raw image data, big-endian [image/x-olympus-orf]
Strength =  70@1242: Olympus ORF raw image data, little-endian [image/x-olympus-orf]
Strength =  70@1244: Olympus ORF raw image data, little-endian [image/x-olympus-orf]
Strength =  70@1273: Foveon X3F raw image data [image/x-x3f]
Strength =  70@1282: Paint.NET image data [image/x-paintnet]
Strength =  70@1287: ISO/IEC 19794-2 Format Minutiae Record (FMR) []
Strength =  70@1345: BPG (Better Portable Graphics) [image/bpg]
Strength =  70@1350: Mac OS X icon [image/x-icns]
Strength =  70@1361: TIM image, []
Strength =  70@1382: MDEC video stream, []
Strength =  70@1581: Sega GVR image: []
Strength =  70@1625: ARRI ARI image data, []
Strength =  70@1747: Valve Texture Format []
Strength =  70@1761: Valve Texture Format (PS3) []
Strength =  70@1772: ASTC []
Strength =  70@1793: icrosoft Paint image data (version 1.x) []
Strength =  70@1796: Microsoft Paint image data (version 2.0) []
Strength =  70@68: Intel serial flash for ICH/PCH ROM <= 5 or 3400 series A-step []
Strength =  70@69: Intel serial flash for PCH ROM []
Strength =  70@6: Interleaf saved data []
Strength =  70@58: ispell []
Strength =  70@6: ISO Zipped file []
Strength =  70@13: Java KeyStore [application/x-java-keystore]
Strength =  70@15: Java JCE KeyStore [application/x-java-jce-keystore]
Strength =  70@98: JPEG image data, HSI proprietary []
Strength =  70@118: JPEG 2000 codestream []
Strength =  70@11: Keepass password database []
Strength =  70@44: Kerberos Keytab file []
Strength =  70@6: DEC SRC Virtual Paper Lectern file []
Strength =  70@16: Linux/i386 impure executable (OMAGIC) []
Strength =  70@18: Linux/i386 pure executable (NMAGIC) []
Strength =  70@20: Linux/i386 demand-paged executable (ZMAGIC) []
Strength =  70@22: Linux/i386 demand-paged executable (QMAGIC) []
Strength =  70@28: Linux-8086 impure executable []
Strength =  70@30: Linux-8086 executable []
Strength =  70@33: Linux-8086 object file []
Strength =  70@35: Minix-386 impure executable []
Strength =  70@37: Minix-386 executable []
Strength =  70@39: Minix-386 NSYM/GNU executable []
Strength =  70@49: Linux/i386 LILO boot/chain loader []
Strength =  70@132: Linux kernel []
Strength =  70@144: User-mode Linux COW file []
Strength =  70@184: Linux []
Strength =  70@206: Linux kernel ARM boot executable zImage (little-endian) []
Strength =  70@207: Linux kernel ARM boot executable zImage (big-endian) []
Strength =  70@211: Linux-Dev86 executable, headerless []
Strength =  70@215: Linux-8086 executable []
Strength =  70@237: SYSLINUX' LSS16 image data [image/x-lss16]
Strength =  70@243: User-Mode-Linux's Copy-On-Write disk image []
Strength =  70@248: SE Linux policy []
Strength =  70@327: LVM Snapshot (CopyOnWrite store) []
Strength =  70@334: SE Linux policy []
Strength =  70@427: locale archive []
Strength =  70@441: Linux Software RAID []
Strength =  70@445: Linux Software RAID []
Strength =  70@468: iproute2 routes dump []
Strength =  70@469: iproute2 addresses dump []
Strength =  70@474: CRIU image file v1.1 []
Strength =  70@475: CRIU service file []
Strength =  70@476: CRIU inventory []
Strength =  70@67: CLISP memory image data []
Strength =  70@68: CLISP memory image data, other endian []
Strength =  70@71: MIT scheme (library?) []
Strength =  70@8: LLVM byte-codes, uncompressed []
Strength =  70@13: LLVM bitcode, wrapper []
Strength =  70@21: LLVM IR bitcode []
Strength =  70@19: Lua bytecode, []
Strength =  70@14: StuffIt Archive (data) [application/x-stuffit]
Strength =  70@18: StuffIt Deluxe (data) []
Strength =  70@350: SPSS Portable File []
Strength =  70@353: SPSS System File []
Strength =  70@356: SPSS System File []
Strength =  70@7: magic binary file for file(1) cmd []
Strength =  70@9: magic binary file for file(1) cmd []
Strength =  70@36: Transport Neutral Encapsulation Format [application/vnd.ms-tnef]
Strength =  70@48: JAM message area header file []
Strength =  70@9: FIT Map data []
Strength =  70@17: Maple help database []
Strength =  70@39: Maple something []
Strength =  70@34: Mathematica notebook version 2.x []
Strength =  70@10: Mercurial changeset bundle []
Strength =  70@8: Mirage Assembler m.out executable []
Strength =  70@38: Mini DuMP crash report [application/x-dmp]
Strength =  70@6: MLSSA datafile, []
Strength =  70@6: MMDF mailbox []
Strength =  70@60: raw modem data []
Strength =  70@42: Atari ST M68K contiguous executable []
Strength =  70@47: Atari ST M68K non-contig executable []
Strength =  70@18: Mozilla archive omni.ja [application/x-zip]
Strength =  70@489: DR-DOS executable (COM) []
Strength =  70@572: FREE-DOS executable (COM), UPX compressed [application/x-dosexec]
Strength =  70@575: FREE-DOS executable (COM), UPX compressed [application/x-dosexec]
Strength =  70@658: Microsoft Word Document [application/msword]
Strength =  70@686: Microsoft WinWord 2.0 Document [application/msword]
Strength =  70@692: Microsoft WinWord 2.0 Document [application/msword]
Strength =  70@787: Lotus [application/vnd.lotus-1-2-3]
Strength =  70@877: Windows metafile [image/wmf]
Strength =  70@880: Windows metafile [image/wmf]
Strength =  70@883: Windows metafile [image/wmf]
Strength =  70@1020: Borland Delphi .DCU file []
Strength =  70@1025: TurboC BGI file []
Strength =  70@1026: TurboC Font file []
Strength =  70@1036: Windows 3.x .GRP file []
Strength =  70@1079: DOS EPS Binary File [image/x-eps]
Strength =  70@1090: TNEF [application/vnd.ms-tnef]
Strength =  70@1109: 4DOS help file []
Strength =  70@1365: InstallShield Cabinet archive data []
Strength =  70@23: Microsoft Visual C library []
Strength =  70@24: Microsoft Visual C library []
Strength =  70@25: Microsoft Visual C library []
Strength =  70@65: MSVC .bsc []
Strength =  70@23: KSS music file v1.03 []
Strength =  70@31: KSS music file v1.20 []
Strength =  70@12: National Instruments, []
Strength =  70@24: National Instruments, VXI File, data []
Strength =  70@7: NekoVM bytecode []
Strength =  70@12: a.out NetBSD/i386 demand paged []
Strength =  70@19: a.out NetBSD/i386 pure []
Strength =  70@23: a.out NetBSD/i386 []
Strength =  70@30: a.out NetBSD/i386 core []
Strength =  70@34: a.out NetBSD/m68k demand paged []
Strength =  70@41: a.out NetBSD/m68k pure []
Strength =  70@45: a.out NetBSD/m68k []
Strength =  70@52: a.out NetBSD/m68k core []
Strength =  70@56: a.out NetBSD/m68k4k demand paged []
Strength =  70@63: a.out NetBSD/m68k4k pure []
Strength =  70@67: a.out NetBSD/m68k4k []
Strength =  70@74: a.out NetBSD/m68k4k core []
Strength =  70@78: a.out NetBSD/ns32532 demand paged []
Strength =  70@85: a.out NetBSD/ns32532 pure []
Strength =  70@89: a.out NetBSD/ns32532 []
Strength =  70@96: a.out NetBSD/ns32532 core []
Strength =  70@100: a.out NetBSD/powerpc core []
Strength =  70@103: a.out NetBSD/SPARC demand paged []
Strength =  70@110: a.out NetBSD/SPARC pure []
Strength =  70@114: a.out NetBSD/SPARC []
Strength =  70@121: a.out NetBSD/SPARC core []
Strength =  70@125: a.out NetBSD/pmax demand paged []
Strength =  70@132: a.out NetBSD/pmax pure []
Strength =  70@136: a.out NetBSD/pmax []
Strength =  70@143: a.out NetBSD/pmax core []
Strength =  70@147: a.out NetBSD/vax 1k demand paged []
Strength =  70@154: a.out NetBSD/vax 1k pure []
Strength =  70@158: a.out NetBSD/vax 1k []
Strength =  70@165: a.out NetBSD/vax 1k core []
Strength =  70@169: a.out NetBSD/vax 4k demand paged []
Strength =  70@176: a.out NetBSD/vax 4k pure []
Strength =  70@180: a.out NetBSD/vax 4k []
Strength =  70@187: a.out NetBSD/vax 4k core []
Strength =  70@194: ECOFF NetBSD/alpha binary []
Strength =  70@197: a.out NetBSD/alpha core []
Strength =  70@201: a.out NetBSD/mips demand paged []
Strength =  70@208: a.out NetBSD/mips pure []
Strength =  70@212: a.out NetBSD/mips []
Strength =  70@219: a.out NetBSD/mips core []
Strength =  70@223: a.out NetBSD/arm32 demand paged []
Strength =  70@230: a.out NetBSD/arm32 pure []
Strength =  70@234: a.out NetBSD/arm32 []
Strength =  70@243: a.out NetBSD/arm core []
Strength =  70@248: NetBSD kernel core file []
Strength =  70@13: Netscape Communicator address book []
Strength =  70@8: NeWS bitmap font []
Strength =  70@9: NeWS font family []
Strength =  70@10: scalable OpenFont binary []
Strength =  70@11: encrypted scalable OpenFont binary []
Strength =  70@12: X11/NeWS bitmap font []
Strength =  70@13: X11/NeWS font family []
Strength =  70@6: NItpicker Flow File []
Strength =  70@14: OLF []
Strength =  70@7: OSF/Rose object []
Strength =  70@128: A GutenPalm zTXT e-book []
Strength =  70@150: Palm OS operating system patch data []
Strength =  70@6: PDP-11 single precision APL workspace []
Strength =  70@7: PDP-11 double precision APL workspace []
Strength =  70@64: perl Storable (v0.7) data []
Strength =  70@146: PGP RSA encrypted session key - []
Strength =  70@163: PGP RSA encrypted session key - []
Strength =  70@180: PGP RSA encrypted session key - []
Strength =  70@197: PGP RSA encrypted session key - []
Strength =  70@7: Plan 9 executable, Motorola 68k []
Strength =  70@8: Plan 9 executable, Intel 386 []
Strength =  70@9: Plan 9 executable, Intel 960 []
Strength =  70@10: Plan 9 executable, SPARC []
Strength =  70@11: Plan 9 executable, MIPS R3000 []
Strength =  70@12: Plan 9 executable, AT&T DSP 3210 []
Strength =  70@13: Plan 9 executable, MIPS R4000 BE []
Strength =  70@14: Plan 9 executable, AMD 29000 []
Strength =  70@15: Plan 9 executable, ARM 7-something []
Strength =  70@16: Plan 9 executable, PowerPC []
Strength =  70@17: Plan 9 executable, MIPS R4000 LE []
Strength =  70@18: Plan 9 executable, DEC Alpha []
Strength =  70@33: DOS EPS Binary File []
Strength =  70@115: RST-format raster font data []
Strength =  70@10: Pulsar POP3 daemon mailbox cache file. []
Strength =  70@14: Password Safe V3 database []
Strength =  70@8: Pyramid 90x family executable []
Strength =  70@9: Pyramid 90x family pure executable []
Strength =  70@11: Pyramid 90x family demand paged pure executable []
Strength =  70@13: python 1.5/1.6 byte-compiled []
Strength =  70@14: python 2.0 byte-compiled []
Strength =  70@15: python 2.1 byte-compiled []
Strength =  70@16: python 2.2 byte-compiled []
Strength =  70@17: python 2.3 byte-compiled []
Strength =  70@18: python 2.4 byte-compiled []
Strength =  70@19: python 2.5 byte-compiled []
Strength =  70@20: python 2.6 byte-compiled []
Strength =  70@21: python 2.7 byte-compiled []
Strength =  70@22: python 3.0 byte-compiled []
Strength =  70@23: python 3.1 byte-compiled []
Strength =  70@24: python 3.2 byte-compiled []
Strength =  70@25: python 3.3 byte-compiled []
Strength =  70@26: python 3.4 byte-compiled []
Strength =  70@27: python 3.5.1- byte-compiled []
Strength =  70@28: python 3.5.2+ byte-compiled []
Strength =  70@29: python 3.6 byte-compiled []
Strength =  70@30: python 3.7 byte-compiled []
Strength =  70@10: Conary changeset data []
Strength =  70@42: Git pack index []
Strength =  70@47: Git index []
Strength =  70@53: Mercurial bundle, []
Strength =  70@72: RIFF (little-endian) data []
Strength =  70@265: RIFF (big-endian) data []
Strength =  70@7: RPM [application/x-rpm]
Strength =  70@34: Delta RPM [application/x-rpm]
Strength =  70@10: MTZ reflection file []
Strength =  70@30: CCP4 Electron Density Map []
Strength =  70@102: GDSII Stream file []
Strength =  70@6: Sun 'jks' Java Keystore File data []
Strength =  70@6: SE Linux modular policy []
Strength =  70@8: BALANCE NS32000 .o []
Strength =  70@11: BALANCE NS32000 executable (0 @ 0) []
Strength =  70@14: BALANCE NS32000 executable (invalid @ 0) []
Strength =  70@17: BALANCE NS32000 standalone executable []
Strength =  70@26: Sereal data packet [application/sereal]
Strength =  70@29: Sereal data packet [application/sereal]
Strength =  70@24: IRIS Showcase file []
Strength =  70@26: IRIS Showcase template []
Strength =  70@28: IRIX Parallel Arena []
Strength =  70@34: IRIX core dump []
Strength =  70@38: IRIX 64-bit core dump []
Strength =  70@42: IRIX N32 core dump []
Strength =  70@74: PCP compiled namespace (V.0) []
Strength =  70@78: PCP archive []
Strength =  70@107: PCP Help []
Strength =  70@119: SpeedShop data file []
Strength =  70@122: mdbm file, version 0 (obsolete) []
Strength =  70@123: mdbm file, []
Strength =  70@137: Alias Maya Image File []
Strength =  70@138: Alias Maya Image File []
Strength =  70@12: SVG Scalable Vector Graphics image [image/svg]
Strength =  70@32: QDOS executable []
Strength =  70@36: QL plugin-ROM data, []
Strength =  70@12: NetMon capture file []
Strength =  70@25: NetMon capture file []
Strength =  70@69: NetXRay capture file []
Strength =  70@192: pcap capture file, microseconds ts (big-endian) [application/vnd.tcpdump.pcap]
Strength =  70@195: pcap capture file, microsecond ts (little-endian) [application/vnd.tcpdump.pcap]
Strength =  70@200: pcap capture file, nanosecond ts (big-endian) [application/vnd.tcpdump.pcap]
Strength =  70@203: pcap capture file, nanosecond ts (little-endian) [application/vnd.tcpdump.pcap]
Strength =  70@210: pcap capture file, microsecond ts, extensions (big-endian) []
Strength =  70@212: pcap capture file, microsecond ts, extensions (little-endian) []
Strength =  70@257: NetStumbler log file []
Strength =  70@263: EtherPeek/AiroPeek/OmniPeek capture file []
Strength =  70@268: Visual Networks traffic capture file []
Strength =  70@278: 5View capture file []
Strength =  70@35: SoftQuad troff Context intermediate for HP LaserJet []
Strength =  70@37: SoftQuad troff Context intermediate for PostScript []
Strength =  70@8: SPEC []
Strength =  70@42: Spectrum .RZX data []
Strength =  70@60: zx-state snapshot []
Strength =  70@43: MySQL ISAM index file []
Strength =  70@45: MySQL ISAM compressed data file []
Strength =  70@47: MySQL MyISAM index file []
Strength =  70@54: MySQL MyISAM compressed data file []
Strength =  70@56: MySQL Maria index file []
Strength =  70@58: MySQL Maria compressed data file []
Strength =  70@63: MySQL replication log, []
Strength =  70@123: SQLite Write-Ahead Log, []
Strength =  70@12: a.out SunOS SPARC demand paged []
Strength =  70@20: a.out SunOS SPARC pure []
Strength =  70@25: a.out SunOS SPARC []
Strength =  70@30: a.out SunOS mc68020 demand paged []
Strength =  70@38: a.out SunOS mc68020 pure []
Strength =  70@43: a.out SunOS mc68020 []
Strength =  70@48: a.out SunOS mc68010 demand paged []
Strength =  70@56: a.out SunOS mc68010 pure []
Strength =  70@61: a.out SunOS mc68010 []
Strength =  70@70: SunOS core file []
Strength =  70@92: SunPC 4.0 Hard Disk []
Strength =  70@141: COBALT boot rom data (Flat boot rom or file system) []
Strength =  70@17: SymbOS driver []
Strength =  70@320: Roland TR-707 Data []
Strength =  70@62: PDCurses screen image []
Strength =  70@108: LyX document text []
Strength =  70@9: timezone data []
Strength =  70@9: Unicode text, UTF-7 []
Strength =  70@10: Unicode text, UTF-7 []
Strength =  70@11: Unicode text, UTF-7 []
Strength =  70@12: Unicode text, UTF-7 []
Strength =  70@13: Unicode text, UTF-8-EBCDIC []
Strength =  70@14: Unicode text, UTF-32, big-endian []
Strength =  70@15: Unicode text, UTF-32, little-endian []
Strength =  70@32: unknown demand paged pure executable []
Strength =  70@34: unknown readable demand paged pure executable []
Strength =  70@7: uterus file []
Strength =  70@18: Ultrix core file []
Strength =  70@28: GNU prof performance data []
Strength =  70@32: Harbour HRB file []
Strength =  70@35: Harbour variable dump file []
Strength =  70@44: ST40 component image format []
Strength =  70@8: a []
Strength =  70@14: a []
Strength =  70@6: VAX single precision APL workspace []
Strength =  70@7: VAX double precision APL workspace []
Strength =  70@13: a.out VAX demand paged (first page unmapped) pure executable []
Strength =  70@22: VMWare3 []
Strength =  70@30: VMware4 disk image []
Strength =  70@31: VMware4 disk image []
Strength =  70@39: QEMU QCOW Image []
Strength =  70@102: QEMU suspend to disk image []
Strength =  70@106: QEMU QED Image []
Strength =  70@112: VirtualBox Disk Image []
Strength =  70@122: Bochs Sparse disk image []
Strength =  70@7: Virtutech CRAFF []
Strength =  70@15: VMS VAX executable []
Strength =  70@6: VMware nvram []
Strength =  70@25: Ogg data []
Strength =  70@13: VXL data file, []
Strength =  70@13: WebAssembly (wasm) binary module []
Strength =  70@20: MS Outlook Express DBX file []
Strength =  70@63: MS Windows 3.1 group files []
Strength =  70@205: MS Windows help Full Text Search index [application/x-winhelp-fts]
Strength =  70@268: Microsoft Outlook email folder []
Strength =  70@287: MS Windows registry file, NT/2000 or above []
Strength =  70@288: MS Windows 95/98/ME registry file []
Strength =  70@6: CRDA wireless regulatory database file []
Strength =  70@204: Ted Neslson's CosmicBook hypertext file []
Strength =  70@206: AmigaWriter file []
Strength =  70@211: ChiWriter file []
Strength =  70@221: Adobe InDesign []
Strength =  70@262: gfxboot compiled html help file []
Strength =  70@9: PHP WSDL cache, []
Strength =  70@13: VCDIFF binary diff []
Strength =  70@14: core file (Xenix) []
Strength =  70@73: b.out []
Strength =  70@7: xo65 object, []
Strength =  70@13: xo65 library, []
Strength =  70@20: Jaleo XFS file []
Strength =  70@32: Xcursor data [image/x-xcursor]
Strength =  70@9: object file (z8000 a.out) []
Strength =  70@10: pure object file (z8000 a.out) []
Strength =  70@11: separate object file (z8000 a.out) []
Strength =  70@12: overlay object file (z8000 a.out) []
Strength =  70@56: Zip archive data []
Strength =  61@24: Apache Hadoop Sequence file version %d []
Strength =  61@416: MS Compress archive data, KWAJ variant [application/x-ms-compress-kwaj]
Strength =  61@514: MS Compress archive data, QBasic variant [application/x-ms-compress-sz]
Strength =  61@784: General Digital Music. []
Strength =  61@802: Hively Tracker Song []
Strength =  61@807: MOdule with MP3 []
Strength =  61@819: by Bastian Spiegel(twice/lego)" []
Strength =  61@830: Farandole Tracker Song []
Strength =  61@59: RAP 1.%d Batch (TD.32, Returned Account Procedure), []
Strength =  61@65: RAP Acknowledgement (TD.32, Returned Account Procedure) []
Strength =  61@312: BWC compressed data []
Strength =  61@54: LCOV coverage tracefile []
Strength =  61@43: Cups Raster version 1, Big Endian []
Strength =  61@52: Cups Raster version 1, Little Endian []
Strength =  61@254: HP 38 []
Strength =  61@273: HP 38 []
Strength =  61@124: JPEG-XR [image/jxr]
Strength =  61@106: MSX G9B image, depth=%d []
Strength =  61@139: Oak Technologies printer stream []
Strength =  61@28: Spectrum .TAP data "%-10.10s" []
Strength =  61@232: Just System Word Processor Ichitaro v4 [application/x-ichitaro4]
Strength =  61@237: Just System Word Processor Ichitaro v5 [application/x-ichitaro5]
Strength =  61@241: Just System Word Processor Ichitaro v6 [application/x-ichitaro6]
Strength =  61@10: Yanagisawa PIC image file, []
Strength =  60@64: LZX compressed archive (Amiga) []
Strength =  60@973: Bink Video []
Strength =  60@1048: RAD Game Tools Smacker Multimedia []
Strength =  60@7: Apache Avro []
Strength =  60@12: Apache ORC []
Strength =  60@18: Apache Hive RC file []
Strength =  60@7: Binary II (apple ][) data []
Strength =  60@334: SAR archive data []
Strength =  60@341: MAR archive data []
Strength =  60@349: Quantum archive data []
Strength =  60@362: AMGC archive data []
Strength =  60@370: PSA archive data []
Strength =  60@394: ESP archive data []
Strength =  60@400: UFA archive data []
Strength =  60@534: UHarc archive data []
Strength =  60@536: ABComp archive data []
Strength =  60@539: CMP archive data []
Strength =  60@541: Splint archive data []
Strength =  60@545: Gather archive data []
Strength =  60@547: BOA archive data []
Strength =  60@562: PRO-PACK archive data []
Strength =  60@564: 777 archive data []
Strength =  60@568: HPA archive data []
Strength =  60@581: Par archive data []
Strength =  60@587: NaShrink archive data []
Strength =  60@592: Disintegrator archive data []
Strength =  60@594: ASD archive data []
Strength =  60@598: TOP4 archive data []
Strength =  60@615: AKT archive data []
Strength =  60@621: SemOne archive data []
Strength =  60@625: FIZ archive data []
Strength =  60@641: SBC archive data []
Strength =  60@643: Ybs archive data []
Strength =  60@645: DitPack archive data []
Strength =  60@651: VSARC archive data []
Strength =  60@653: PDZ archive data []
Strength =  60@665: UHBC archive data []
Strength =  60@669: WWPack archive data []
Strength =  60@674: BSN archive data []
Strength =  60@675: BSN archive data []
Strength =  60@676: BSN archive data []
Strength =  60@694: XPA []
Strength =  60@736: ZZip archive data []
Strength =  60@739: PAQ archive data []
Strength =  60@955: PUT archive data []
Strength =  60@1366: ZPAQ stream []
Strength =  60@1425: SeqBox, []
Strength =  60@96: SoundBlaster instrument data [audio/x-unknown]
Strength =  60@231: TOC sound file []
Strength =  60@296: Audio file with ID3 version 2 []
Strength =  60@393: MED_Song []
Strength =  60@398: AHX version []
Strength =  60@441: AMF Module []
Strength =  60@546: AMUSIC Adlib Tracker []
Strength =  60@548: EdLib []
Strength =  60@561: DFM Song []
Strength =  60@609: Musepack audio (MP+) [audio/x-musepack]
Strength =  60@796: Multitracker []
Strength =  60@58: Biosig/GDF: General data format for biosignals [biosig/gdf]
Strength =  60@9: Chiasmus key []
Strength =  60@21: Microstation []
Strength =  60@6: Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) container [application/cbor]
Strength =  60@21: Message Sequence Chart (chart) []
Strength =  60@77: bzip2 compressed data [application/x-bzip2]
Strength =  60@83: bzip compressed data [application/x-bzip]
Strength =  60@505: CPE executable []
Strength =  60@557: Nintendo Gameboy Music/Audio Data []
Strength =  60@522: ICE authority data []
Strength =  60@46: ddis/ddif []
Strength =  60@47: ddis/dots archive []
Strength =  60@48: ddis/dtif table data []
Strength =  60@49: LN03 output []
Strength =  60@2358: floppy image data (TeleDisk, compressed) []
Strength =  60@2359: floppy image data (TeleDisk) []
Strength =  60@2361: floppy image data (CopyQM, []
Strength =  60@10: libfprint fingerprint data V1 []
Strength =  60@14: libfprint fingerprint data V2 []
Strength =  60@114: FIGlet font []
Strength =  60@116: FIGlet controlfile []
Strength =  60@5: FuseCompress(ed) data []
Strength =  60@42: LADS Caris Ascii Format (CAF) bathymetric lidar []
Strength =  60@45: LADS Caris Binary Format (CBF) bathymetric lidar waveform data []
Strength =  60@96: ECMA-363, Universal 3D []
Strength =  60@8: Gringotts data file []
Strength =  60@468: PBF image (deflate compression) [image/x-unknown]
Strength =  60@25: Linux/i386 object file []
Strength =  60@262: LVM1 (Linux Logical Volume Manager), version 1 []
Strength =  60@265: LVM1 (Linux Logical Volume Manager), version 2 []
Strength =  60@20: StuffIt Deluxe Segment (data) []
Strength =  60@334: SAS []
Strength =  60@341: SAS 7+ []
Strength =  60@64: MAthematica .ml file []
Strength =  60@6: mcrypt 2.5 encrypted data, []
Strength =  60@11: mcrypt 2.2 encrypted data, []
Strength =  60@356: FreeDOS KEYBoard Layout collection []
Strength =  60@367: FreeDOS KEYBoard Layout file []
Strength =  60@1395: Microsoft Word Document [application/msword]
Strength =  60@1435: Mallard BASIC program data (v1.11) []
Strength =  60@1436: Mallard BASIC program data (v1.29+) []
Strength =  60@1437: Mallard BASIC protected program data (v1.11) []
Strength =  60@1438: Mallard BASIC protected program data (v1.29+) []
Strength =  60@10: MSX Gigamix MGSDRV3 music file, []
Strength =  60@49: MSX Music Player K-kaz song []
Strength =  60@8: Progressive Graphics image data, [image/x-pgf]
Strength =  60@129: PGP RSA encrypted session key - []
Strength =  60@19: PostScript document text [application/postscript]
Strength =  60@88: HP PCL printer data []
Strength =  60@22: SCCS archive data []
Strength =  60@75: PCP compiled namespace []
Strength =  60@115: PCP memory mapped values []
Strength =  60@9: QL disk dump data, []
Strength =  60@22: Smile binary data []
Strength =  60@230: Virtual TI skin []
Strength =  60@16: Unicode text, SCSU (Standard Compression Scheme for Unicode) []
Strength =  60@20: a []
Strength =  60@26: script executable []
Strength =  60@8: Compiled XKB Keymap: lsb, []
Strength =  60@11: Compiled XKB Keymap: msb, []
Strength =  56@28:  []
Strength =  55@71: new-fs dump file (little endian), []
Strength =  51@41: Infocom (Z-machine %d []
Strength =  51@450: MPEG ADTS, layer III, v1,  32 kbps [audio/mpeg]
Strength =  51@801: FLI animation, 320x200x8 [video/x-fli]
Strength =  51@812: FLC animation [video/x-flc]
Strength =  51@297: Apple Driver Map [application/x-apple-diskimage]
Strength =  51@391: TTComp archive, binary, 4K dictionary []
Strength =  51@689: Xpack DiskImage archive data []
Strength =  51@727: Dzip archive data [application/x-dzip]
Strength =  51@884: CRI ADX ADPCM audio []
Strength =  51@901: Lossless audio version 0.3 []
Strength =  51@13: Blocked GNU Zip Format (BGZF; gzip compatible) []
Strength =  51@114: Kompas drawing 12.0 SP1 []
Strength =  51@154: 3D Studio model [image/x-3ds]
Strength =  51@540: Lynx homebrew cartridge [application/x-atari-lynx-rom]
Strength =  51@11: COFF format alpha pure []
Strength =  51@17: Dyalog APL []
Strength =  51@193: Sun disk label []
Strength =  51@1308: GRand Unified Bootloader []
Strength =  51@51:  []
Strength =  51@34: Printer Font Metrics [application/x-font-pfm]
Strength =  51@138: GPG symmetrically encrypted data (3DES cipher) []
Strength =  51@36: GPT partition table []
Strength =  51@26: AIX core file []
Strength =  51@574: PC bitmap, OS/2 1.x format [image/x-ms-bmp]
Strength =  51@870:  []
Strength =  51@1613: Vision Research CINE Video, []
Strength =  51@41:  []
Strength =  51@46:  []
Strength =  51@48:  []
Strength =  51@119:  []
Strength =  51@37: Emacs v18 byte-compiled Lisp data [application/x-elc]
Strength =  51@389: Macintosh HFS data [application/x-apple-diskimage]
Strength =  51@17: MARC21 Bibliographic [application/marc]
Strength =  51@35: raw G3 (Group 3) FAX, byte-padded [image/g3fax]
Strength =  51@46: raw G3 (Group 3) FAX [image/g3fax]
Strength =  51@80: Brooktrout 301 fax image, []
Strength =  51@54: MS-DOS executable [application/x-dosexec]
Strength =  51@563: FREE-DOS executable (COM), UPX compressed [application/x-dosexec]
Strength =  51@594: COM executable for DOS [application/x-dosexec]
Strength =  51@599: COM executable for DOS [application/x-dosexec]
Strength =  51@66: MSX OPX Music file []
Strength =  51@136: MSX BIOS+BASIC []
Strength =  51@176: MSX2/2+/TR SubROM []
Strength =  51@190: MSX ROM []
Strength =  51@226: MSX ROM []
Strength =  51@247: MSX ROM with nonstandard page order []
Strength =  51@255: MSX ROM with nonstandard page order []
Strength =  51@263: MSX MegaROM with nonstandard page order []
Strength =  51@303: Konami King's Valley-2 custom stage, title: "%-8.8s" []
Strength =  51@64: Yanagisawa Pi 16 color picture, []
Strength =  51@19: PDP-11 UNIX/RT ldp []
Strength =  51@31: Perl script text executable [text/x-perl]
Strength =  51@26: Sendmail frozen configuration []
Strength =  51@40: SYMMETRY i386 standalone executable []
Strength =  51@17: Compiled terminfo entry "%-s" [application/x-terminfo]
Strength =  51@30: Compiled 32-bit terminfo entry "%-s" [application/x-terminfo2]
Strength =  51@335:  []
Strength =  51@18: Xilinx BIT data []
Strength =  50@7: COFF DSP21k []
Strength =  50@13: ALAN game data []
Strength =  50@13: 0420 Alliant virtual executable []
Strength =  50@16: 0421 Alliant compact executable []
Strength =  50@13: Amiga Workbench []
Strength =  50@43: AmigaOS bitmap font []
Strength =  50@44: AmigaOS outline font []
Strength =  50@33: JPEG 2000 image [image/jp2]
Strength =  50@496: MPEG ADTS, layer II, v1 [audio/mpeg]
Strength =  50@571: MPEG ADTS, layer III, v2 [audio/mpeg]
Strength =  50@606: MPEG ADTS, layer II, v2 [audio/mpeg]
Strength =  50@641: MPEG ADTS, layer I, v2 [audio/mpeg]
Strength =  50@676: MPEG ADTS, layer III,  v2.5 [audio/mpeg]
Strength =  50@738: MPEG ADTS, AAC [audio/x-hx-aac-adts]
Strength =  50@775: MPEG-4 LOAS [audio/x-mp4a-latm]
Strength =  50@8: Squeezed (apple ][) data []
Strength =  50@166: cpio archive [application/x-cpio]
Strength =  50@168: byte-swapped cpio archive [application/x-cpio]
Strength =  50@190: very old 16-bit-int little-endian archive []
Strength =  50@191: very old 16-bit-int big-endian archive []
Strength =  50@195: old 16-bit-int little-endian archive []
Strength =  50@197: old 16-bit-int big-endian archive []
Strength =  50@353: QuArk archive data []
Strength =  50@355: YAC archive data []
Strength =  50@357: X1 archive data []
Strength =  50@378: NSQ archive data []
Strength =  50@398: Sky archive data []
Strength =  50@570: Arhangel archive data []
Strength =  50@583: HIT archive data []
Strength =  50@610: Logitech Compress archive data []
Strength =  50@659: PPMN archive data []
Strength =  50@678: AIN archive data []
Strength =  50@679: AIN archive data []
Strength =  50@747: ARJ archive data [application/x-arj]
Strength =  50@766: ARJ archive data []
Strength =  50@1212: PRCS packaged project []
Strength =  50@1244: Atari MSA archive data []
Strength =  50@21: WE32000 COFF []
Strength =  50@33: WE32000 COFF executable (TV) []
Strength =  50@905: Sony PlayStation Audio []
Strength =  50@14: VAX-order 68K Blit (standalone) executable []
Strength =  50@16: VAX-order2 68k Blit mpx/mux executable []
Strength =  50@17: VAX-order 68k Blit mpx/mux executable []
Strength =  50@25: C64 PCLink Image []
Strength =  50@146: Bentley/Intergraph MicroStation []
Strength =  50@10: Clarion Developer (v2 and above) data file []
Strength =  50@21: Clarion Developer (v2 and above) memo data []
Strength =  50@27: Clarion Developer (v2 and above) help data []
Strength =  50@31: CLIPPER COFF executable (VAX #) []
Strength =  50@39: CLIPPER COFF executable []
Strength =  50@12: compress'd data [application/x-compress]
Strength =  50@55: packed data [application/octet-stream]
Strength =  50@61: old packed data [application/octet-stream]
Strength =  50@67: compacted data [application/octet-stream]
Strength =  50@71: compacted data [application/octet-stream]
Strength =  50@73: huf output [application/octet-stream]
Strength =  50@94: squeezed data, []
Strength =  50@96: crunched data, []
Strength =  50@98: LZH compressed data, []
Strength =  50@102: frozen file 2.1 []
Strength =  50@103: frozen file 1.0 (or gzip 0.5) []
Strength =  50@106: SCO compress -H (LZH) data []
Strength =  50@164: Quasijarus strong compressed data []
Strength =  50@41: Alpha compressed COFF []
Strength =  50@42: Alpha u-code object []
Strength =  50@56: locale data table []
Strength =  50@9: ATSC A/52 aka AC-3 aka Dolby Digital stream, [audio/vnd.dolby.dd-raw]
Strength =  50@86: old-fs dump file (16-bit, assuming PDP-11 endianness), []
Strength =  50@61: Dyalog APL transfer []
Strength =  50@9: Encore []
Strength =  50@18: Encore unsupported executable []
Strength =  50@1693: Linux []
Strength =  50@2122: Linux old jffs2 filesystem data little endian []
Strength =  50@2123: Linux jffs2 filesystem data little endian []
Strength =  50@2367: floppy image data (IBM SaveDskF, old) []
Strength =  50@2368: floppy image data (IBM SaveDskF) []
Strength =  50@2369: floppy image data (IBM SaveDskF, compressed) []
Strength =  50@7: Berkeley vfont data []
Strength =  50@8: byte-swapped Berkeley vfont data []
Strength =  50@8: fsav macro virus signatures []
Strength =  50@12: RDI Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) []
Strength =  50@57: GeoSwath RDF []
Strength =  50@122: GPG encrypted data [text/PGP]
Strength =  50@42: Apollo m68k COFF executable []
Strength =  50@45: apollo a88k COFF executable []
Strength =  50@290: hp200 (68010) BSD []
Strength =  50@294: hp300 (68020+68881) BSD []
Strength =  50@21: 370 XA sysV executable []
Strength =  50@25: 370 XA sysV pure executable []
Strength =  50@29: 370 sysV pure executable []
Strength =  50@31: 370 XA sysV pure executable []
Strength =  50@33: 370 sysV executable []
Strength =  50@35: 370 XA sysV executable []
Strength =  50@37: SVR2 executable (Amdahl-UTS) []
Strength =  50@40: SVR2 pure executable (Amdahl-UTS) []
Strength =  50@43: SVR2 pure executable (USS/370) []
Strength =  50@46: SVR2 executable (USS/370) []
Strength =  50@6: executable (RISC System/6000 V3.1) or obj module []
Strength =  50@13: shared library []
Strength =  50@14: ctab data []
Strength =  50@15: structured file []
Strength =  50@21: 64-bit XCOFF executable or object module []
Strength =  50@216: Netpbm PAM image file [image/x-portable-pixmap]
Strength =  50@220: Solitaire Image Recorder format []
Strength =  50@526: MGR bitmap, modern format, 8-bit aligned []
Strength =  50@527: MGR bitmap, old format, 1-bit deep, 16-bit aligned []
Strength =  50@528: MGR bitmap, old format, 1-bit deep, 32-bit aligned []
Strength =  50@529: MGR bitmap, modern format, squeezed []
Strength =  50@545: Award BIOS Logo, 136 x 84 [image/x-award-bioslogo]
Strength =  50@547: Award BIOS Logo, 136 x 126 [image/x-award-bioslogo]
Strength =  50@615: RLE image data, []
Strength =  50@656: SGI image data []
Strength =  50@704: PEX Binary Archive []
Strength =  50@762: Atari ATR image []
Strength =  50@1391: BS image, []
Strength =  50@1784: Zebra Metafile graphic []
Strength =  50@17: basic-16 executable []
Strength =  50@20: basic-16 executable (TV) []
Strength =  50@23: x86 executable []
Strength =  50@25: x86 executable (TV) []
Strength =  50@27: iAPX 286 executable small model (COFF) []
Strength =  50@30: iAPX 286 executable large model (COFF) []
Strength =  50@55: BIOS (ia32) ROM Ext. [application/octet-stream]
Strength =  50@12: little endian ispell []
Strength =  50@34: big endian ispell []
Strength =  50@10: Java serialization data []
Strength =  50@8: lif file []
Strength =  50@60: Linux/i386 PC Screen Font v1 data, []
Strength =  50@372: Macintosh MFS data []
Strength =  50@417: Macintosh HFS Extended []
Strength =  50@7: MIPSEB ECOFF executable []
Strength =  50@16: MIPSEL-BE ECOFF executable []
Strength =  50@25: MIPSEB-LE ECOFF executable []
Strength =  50@34: MIPSEL ECOFF executable []
Strength =  50@45: MIPSEB MIPS-II ECOFF executable []
Strength =  50@54: MIPSEL-BE MIPS-II ECOFF executable []
Strength =  50@63: MIPSEB-LE MIPS-II ECOFF executable []
Strength =  50@72: MIPSEL MIPS-II ECOFF executable []
Strength =  50@83: MIPSEB MIPS-III ECOFF executable []
Strength =  50@92: MIPSEL-BE MIPS-III ECOFF executable []
Strength =  50@101: MIPSEB-LE MIPS-III ECOFF executable []
Strength =  50@110: MIPSEL MIPS-III ECOFF executable []
Strength =  50@119: MIPSEB Ucode []
Strength =  50@120: MIPSEL-BE Ucode []
Strength =  50@10: ID tags data []
Strength =  50@8: mc68k COFF []
Strength =  50@17: mc68k executable (shared) []
Strength =  50@19: mc68k executable (shared demand paged) []
Strength =  50@24: 68K BCS executable []
Strength =  50@30: 88K BCS executable []
Strength =  50@33: Motorola S-Record; binary data in text format []
Strength =  50@54: Atari 68xxx executable, []
Strength =  50@70: Atari 68xxx CPX file []
Strength =  50@37: MS Windows COFF MIPS R4000 object file []
Strength =  50@39: MS Windows COFF Alpha object file []
Strength =  50@41: MS Windows COFF Motorola 68000 object file []
Strength =  50@43: MS Windows COFF PowerPC object file []
Strength =  50@45: MS Windows COFF PA-RISC object file []
Strength =  50@581: COM executable for DOS [application/x-dosexec]
Strength =  50@585: COM executable for DOS [application/x-dosexec]
Strength =  50@589: COM executable for DOS [application/x-dosexec]
Strength =  50@603: COM executable for DOS [application/x-dosexec]
Strength =  50@607: COM executable for MS-DOS [application/x-dosexec]
Strength =  50@611: COM executable for MS-DOS [application/x-dosexec]
Strength =  50@615: COM executable for MS-DOS [application/x-dosexec]
Strength =  50@619: COM executable for DOS [application/x-dosexec]
Strength =  50@636: MS-DOS executable (built-in) []
Strength =  50@10: Tower/XP rel 2 object []
Strength =  50@15: Tower/XP rel 2 object []
Strength =  50@20: Tower/XP rel 3 object []
Strength =  50@25: Tower/XP rel 3 object []
Strength =  50@30: Tower32/600/400 68020 object []
Strength =  50@35: Tower32/800 68020 []
Strength =  50@43: Tower32/800 68010 []
Strength =  50@31: OS9/6809 module: []
Strength =  50@53: OS9/68K module: []
Strength =  50@10: i386 COFF object []
Strength =  50@8: PARIX []
Strength =  50@8: "compact bitmap" format (Poskanzer) []
Strength =  50@11: PDP-11 executable []
Strength =  50@22: PDP-11 old overlay []
Strength =  50@24: PDP-11 pure executable []
Strength =  50@28: PDP-11 separate I&D executable []
Strength =  50@32: PDP-11 kernel overlay []
Strength =  50@35: PDP-11 demand-paged pure executable []
Strength =  50@38: PDP-11 overlaid pure executable []
Strength =  50@41: PDP-11 overlaid separate executable []
Strength =  50@48: PGP key security ring [application/x-pgp-keyring]
Strength =  50@50: PGP key security ring [application/x-pgp-keyring]
Strength =  50@52: PGP encrypted data [text/PGP]
Strength =  50@8: mumps avl global []
Strength =  50@12: mumps blt global []
Strength =  50@8: PostScript document text [application/postscript]
Strength =  50@110: interLaced eXtensible Trace (LXT) file []
Strength =  50@24: SYMMETRY i386 .o []
Strength =  50@27: SYMMETRY i386 executable (0 @ 0) []
Strength =  50@30: SYMMETRY i386 executable (invalid @ 0) []
Strength =  50@16: disk quotas file []
Strength =  50@18: IRIS Showcase file []
Strength =  50@21: IRIS Showcase template []
Strength =  50@21: SHARC COFF binary []
Strength =  50@28: QDOS object []
Strength =  50@239: Novell LANalyzer capture file []
Strength =  50@240: Novell LANalyzer capture file []
Strength =  50@16: Compiled PSI (v1) data []
Strength =  50@17: Compiled PSI (v2) data []
Strength =  50@20: SoftQuad DESC or font file binary []
Strength =  50@26: SoftQuad troff Context intermediate []
Strength =  50@11: MySQL table definition file []
Strength =  50@9: SysEx File - []
Strength =  50@39: SVr2 curses screen image, big-endian []
Strength =  50@40: SVr3 curses screen image, big-endian []
Strength =  50@41: SVr4 curses screen image, big-endian []
Strength =  50@43: SVr2 curses screen image, little-endian []
Strength =  50@44: SVr3 curses screen image, little-endian []
Strength =  50@45: SVr4 curses screen image, little-endian []
Strength =  50@13: TeX DVI file [application/x-dvi]
Strength =  50@16: TeX generic font data []
Strength =  50@17: TeX packed font data []
Strength =  50@19: TeX virtual font data []
Strength =  50@26: TeX font metric data [application/x-tex-tfm]
Strength =  50@29: TeX font metric data [application/x-tex-tfm]
Strength =  50@38: very old (C/A/T) troff output data []
Strength =  50@10: Perkin-Elmer executable []
Strength =  50@12: amd 29k coff noprebar executable []
Strength =  50@13: amd 29k coff prebar executable []
Strength =  50@14: amd 29k coff archive []
Strength =  50@16: unicos (cray) executable []
Strength =  50@25: VAX COFF pure executable []
Strength =  50@6: VISX image file []
Strength =  50@35: x.out []
Strength =  50@38: Microsoft a.out []
Strength =  50@66: old Microsoft 8086 x.out []
Strength =  50@92: XENIX 8086 relocatable or 80286 small model []
Strength =  48@53: SVG XML document [image/svg+xml]
Strength =  46@470: Windows Precompiled iNF [application/x-pnf]
Strength =  41@83: AppleWorks Word Processor [application/x-appleworks3]
Strength =  41@31: TAP 3.%d Batch (TD.57, Transferred Account) []
Strength =  41@39: TAP 3.%d Notification (TD.57, Transferred Account) []
Strength =  41@47: NRT 2.%d (TD.35, Near Real Time Roaming Data Exchange) []
Strength =  41@912: Nintendo amiibo NFC dump - amiibo ID: %08X- []
Strength =  41@185:  DBF []
Strength =  41@13: eml://ecoinformatics.org/%s []
Strength =  41@40: http://www.openarchives.org/ore/terms [application/rdf+xml]
Strength =  41@30: DER Encoded Certificate request []
Strength =  41@37: DER Encoded Key Pair, 512 bits []
Strength =  41@42: DER Encoded Key Pair, 1024 bits []
Strength =  41@47: DER Encoded Key Pair, 2048 bits []
Strength =  41@52: DER Encoded Key Pair, 4096 bits []
Strength =  41@57: DER Encoded Key Pair, 8192 bits []
Strength =  41@62: DER Encoded Key Pair, 16k bits []
Strength =  41@67: DER Encoded Key Pair, 32k bits []
Strength =  41@72: DER Encoded Certificate, 512 bits []
Strength =  41@20:  []
Strength =  41@28:  []
Strength =  41@726: XWD X Window Dump image data [image/x-xwindowdump]
Strength =  41@96:  []
Strength =  41@35: TomTom activity file, v7 []
Strength =  41@20: Micro Focus Index File (IDX) [application/octet-stream]
Strength =  41@475: DOS executable (COM, 0x8C-variant) [application/x-dosexec]
Strength =  41@511:  []
Strength =  41@524:  []
Strength =  41@533: COM executable (32-bit COMBOOT [application/x-c32-comboot-syslinux-exec]
Strength =  41@1481: DOS 2.0-3.2 backed up []
Strength =  41@88: MSX SC2/GRP raw image []
Strength =  41@100: MSX Graph Saurus compressed image []
Strength =  41@278: MSX-BASIC program []
Strength =  41@287: MSX Mega-Assembler source []
Strength =  41@24: PGP key public ring (v%u) [application/pgp-keys]
Strength =  41@535: PGP Secret Sub-key []
Strength =  41@20: Sendmail frozen configuration []
Strength =  41@39: Soundtrakker 128 ST2 music, []
Strength =  41@14:  []
Strength =  41@338:  []
Strength =  41@341:  []
Strength =  41@28: 8086 relocatable (Microsoft) [application/x-object]
Strength =  40@175: AutoCAD Drawing Exchange Format [application/x-dxf]
Strength =  40@623: COM executable for MS-DOS [application/x-dosexec]
Strength =  40@626: COM executable for DOS [application/x-dosexec]
Strength =  40@15: IBM OS/400 save file data []
Strength =  40@255: PGP symmetric key encrypted data - []
Strength =  40@520: PGP Secret Key - []
Strength =  40@522: PGP Secret Sub-key - []
Strength =  40@62: GLF_BINARY_LSB_FIRST []
Strength =  40@64: GLF_BINARY_MSB_FIRST []
Strength =  40@68: GLS_BINARY_LSB_FIRST []
Strength =  40@70: GLS_BINARY_MSB_FIRST []
Strength =  38@13: Cracklib password index, big endian ("64-bit") []
Strength =  35@42: Linux/i386 core file []
Strength =  26@1749: Minix filesystem, V1, 14 char names, %d zones []
Strength =  26@1754: Minix filesystem, V1 (big endian), %d zones []
Strength =  26@1759: Minix filesystem, V1, 30 char names, %d zones []
Strength =  26@1764: Minix filesystem, V1, 30 char names (big endian), %d zones []
Strength =  21@1030: Bio-Rad .PIC Image File []
Strength =  21@491:  []
Strength =  21@1453: DOS 2.0 backup id file, sequence %d []
Strength =  18@42: a []
Strength =  17@34: a []
Strength =  11@881: Atari 7800 ROM image [application/x-atari-7800-rom]
Strength =  11@383:  []
Strength =  11@608: Panorama database []
Strength =  11@31: (Lepton 3.x), []
Strength =  11@37: (Lepton 2.x), []
Strength =   2@307: zlib compressed data [application/zlib]
Text patterns:
Strength = 250@27: Tenex C shell script text executable [text/x-shellscript]
Strength = 250@46: new awk script text executable [text/x-nawk]
Strength = 250@52: GNU awk script text executable [text/x-gawk]
Strength = 250@77: Bourne-Again shell script text executable [text/x-shellscript]
Strength = 240@36: Paul Falstad's zsh script text executable [text/x-shellscript]
Strength = 240@38: Neil Brown's ash script text executable [text/x-shellscript]
Strength = 230@40: Neil Brown's ae script text executable [text/x-shellscript]
Strength = 230@81: Bourne-Again shell script text executable [text/x-shellscript]
Strength = 220@6: KDE desktop entry [application/x-kdelnk]
Strength = 210@25: Tenex C shell script text executable [text/x-shellscript]
Strength = 210@73: Bourne-Again shell script text executable [text/x-shellscript]
Strength = 200@8: KDE config file [application/x-kdelnk]
Strength = 190@23: Tenex C shell script text executable [text/x-shellscript]
Strength = 190@44: new awk script text executable [text/x-nawk]
Strength = 190@50: GNU awk script text executable [text/x-gawk]
Strength = 190@69: Bourne-Again shell script text executable [text/x-shellscript]
Strength = 185@103: XML [text/xml]
Strength = 185@106: XML [text/xml]
Strength = 181@30: XHTML document text []
Strength = 181@34: XHTML document text []
Strength = 181@38: broken XHTML document text []
Strength = 180@34: Paul Falstad's zsh script text executable [text/x-shellscript]
Strength = 180@57: awk script text executable [text/x-awk]
Strength = 171@7: %s []
Strength = 171@18: XML Sitemap document text [application/xml-sitemap]
Strength = 170@7: old news text [message/rfc822]
Strength = 161@9: %s []
Strength = 160@7: GIMP gradient data []
Strength = 160@1206: Polar Monitor Bitmap text [image/x-polar-monitor-bitmap]
Strength = 160@17: SMTP mail text [message/rfc822]
Strength = 160@32: MIME entity text []
Strength = 150@21: Tenex C shell script text executable [text/x-shellscript]
Strength = 150@42: new awk script text executable [text/x-nawk]
Strength = 150@48: GNU awk script text executable [text/x-gawk]
Strength = 150@65: Bourne-Again shell script text executable [text/x-shellscript]
Strength = 150@11: GIMP palette data []
Strength = 150@19: SMTP mail text [message/rfc822]
Strength = 150@6: cvs password text file []
Strength = 150@131: Alias Maya Ascii File, []
Strength = 140@12: C shell script text executable [text/x-shellscript]
Strength = 140@16: Korn shell script text executable [text/x-shellscript]
Strength = 140@32: Paul Falstad's zsh script text executable [text/x-shellscript]
Strength = 140@55: awk script text executable [text/x-awk]
Strength = 137@176: GNU gettext message catalogue text [text/x-po]
Strength = 130@7: POSIX shell script text executable [text/x-shellscript]
Strength = 130@62: Plan 9 rc shell script text executable []
Strength = 130@13: mail forwarding text [message/rfc822]
Strength = 129@27: unified diff output text [text/x-diff]
Strength = 120@11: mailed, batched news text [message/rfc822]
Strength = 120@30: RFC 822 mail text [message/rfc822]
Strength = 110@9: batched news text [message/rfc822]
Strength = 100@6: magic text file for file(1) cmd []
Strength = 100@15: mail piping text [message/rfc822]
Strength = 100@27: saved news text [message/news]
Strength = 100@27: PDF document [application/pdf]
Strength =  91@51: C++ source text [text/x-c++]
Strength =  90@10: xmcd database file for kscd [text/x-xmcd]
Strength =  86@177: , bitmap [image/x-portable-bitmap]
Strength =  86@184: , greymap [image/x-portable-greymap]
Strength =  86@191: , pixmap [image/x-portable-pixmap]
Strength =  81@11: Google KML document [application/vnd.google-earth.kml+xml]
Strength =  80@21: news text [message/news]
Strength =  80@23: news text [message/news]
Strength =  80@25: news or mail text [message/rfc822]
Strength =  80@29: Emacs RMAIL text []
Strength =  80@32: Ruby script text [text/x-ruby]
Strength =  78@37: Perl5 module source text []
Strength =  76@47: C++ source text [text/x-c++]
Strength =  76@54: C++ source text [text/x-c++]
Strength =  76@42: Perl5 module source text []
Strength =  75@27: Ruby script text [text/x-ruby]
Strength =  74@57: C++ source text [text/x-c++]
Strength =  72@70: C++ source text [text/x-c++]
Strength =  70@67: C++ source text [text/x-c++]
Strength =  70@86: PHP script text [text/x-php]
Strength =  70@5: a []
Strength =  70@11: a []
Strength =  69@64: C++ source text [text/x-c++]
Strength =  69@36: Python script text executable [text/x-python]
Strength =  68@89: Python script text executable [text/x-python]
Strength =  67@61: C++ source text [text/x-c++]
Strength =  67@42: Python script text executable [text/x-python]
Strength =  67@12: Ruby script text executable [text/x-ruby]
Strength =  66@39: Python script text executable [text/x-python]
Strength =  65@18: Ruby script text executable [text/x-ruby]
Strength =  65@128: ConTeXt document text []
Strength =  64@15: Ruby script text executable [text/x-ruby]
Strength =  63@33: Python script text executable [text/x-python]
Strength =  63@116: ConTeXt document text []
Strength =  63@126: ConTeXt document text []
Strength =  62@75: Objective-C source text [text/x-objective-c]
Strength =  62@9: Public Suffix List data []
Strength =  62@48: Python script text executable [text/x-python]
Strength =  62@52: LaTeX document text [text/x-tex]
Strength =  62@136: ConTeXt document text []
Strength =  61@93: PHP script text executable [text/x-php]
Strength =  61@24: Perl script text [text/x-perl]
Strength =  61@9: Ruby script text executable [text/x-ruby]
Strength =  61@102: BibTeX standard bibliography style text file []
Strength =  61@120: ConTeXt document text []
Strength =  61@138: ConTeXt document text []
Strength =  61@24: bencoded News text []
Strength =  60@14: Perl script text [text/x-perl]
Strength =  60@22: Perl script text [text/x-perl]
Strength =  60@9: Python script text executable []
Strength =  60@37: Ruby script text [text/x-ruby]
Strength =  60@130: ConTeXt document text []
Strength =  60@17: a []
Strength =  60@23: script text executable []
Strength =  59@58: LaTeX 2e document text [text/x-tex]
Strength =  59@134: ConTeXt document text []
Strength =  59@28: BinHex binary text []
Strength =  58@24: libtool library file []
Strength =  58@54: Python script text executable [text/x-python]
Strength =  58@13: Qt C-code resource file []
Strength =  58@44: Ruby script text [text/x-ruby]
Strength =  58@4: RFC1421 Security Certificate text []
Strength =  58@64: LaTeX table of contents [text/x-tex]
Strength =  58@112: ConTeXt document text []
Strength =  58@114: ConTeXt document text []
Strength =  58@122: ConTeXt document text []
Strength =  58@124: ConTeXt document text []
Strength =  57@29: libtool object file []
Strength =  57@60: Python script text executable []
Strength =  57@133: Netscape cookie text []
Strength =  56@5: RFC1421 Security Certificate Signing Request text []
Strength =  56@46: LaTeX document text [text/x-tex]
Strength =  56@55: LaTeX document text [text/x-tex]
Strength =  56@132: ConTeXt document text []
Strength =  55@96: PHP script text executable [text/x-php]
Strength =  55@7: M4 macro processor script text [text/x-m4]
Strength =  55@49: LaTeX document text [text/x-tex]
Strength =  54@12: Perl script text [text/x-perl]
Strength =  54@20: Perl script text [text/x-perl]
Strength =  54@82: Python script text executable [text/x-python]
Strength =  54@100: BibTeX style text file (with full header) []
Strength =  53@12: diff output text [text/x-diff]
Strength =  53@95: Python script text executable [text/x-python]
Strength =  53@118: ConTeXt document text []
Strength =  52@31: C source text [text/x-c]
Strength =  52@26: Lisp/Scheme program text [text/x-lisp]
Strength =  52@17: Tcl/Tk script text executable [text/x-tcl]
Strength =  51@15: C []
Strength =  51@35: C source text [text/x-c]
Strength =  51@16: Node.js script text executable [application/javascript]
Strength =  51@11: Lua script text executable [text/x-lua]
Strength =  51@9: Tcl script text executable [text/x-tcl]
Strength =  51@40: TeX document text [text/x-tex]
Strength =  51@43: LaTeX document text [text/x-tex]
Strength =  51@61: LaTeX auxiliary file [text/x-tex]
Strength =  50@29: C source text [text/x-c]
Strength =  50@109: DCL command file []
Strength =  50@54: Linux make config build file []
Strength =  50@10: Perl script text [text/x-perl]
Strength =  50@18: Perl script text [text/x-perl]
Strength =  50@21: Tcl/Tk script text executable [text/x-tcl]
Strength =  49@14: Node.js script text executable [application/javascript]
Strength =  49@15: Lua script text executable [text/x-lua]
Strength =  49@47: HTML document text [text/html]
Strength =  49@13: Tcl script text executable [text/x-tcl]
Strength =  49@19: Tcl/Tk script text executable [text/x-tcl]
Strength =  49@77: LaTeX sorted glossary []
Strength =  48@6: binscii (apple ][) text []
Strength =  48@13: Lua script text executable [text/x-lua]
Strength =  48@26: BSD makefile script text [text/x-makefile]
Strength =  48@50: Ruby script text [text/x-ruby]
Strength =  48@53: SVG XML document [image/svg+xml]
Strength =  48@132: Web browser cookie text []
Strength =  48@11: Tcl script text executable [text/x-tcl]
Strength =  47@113: Variant Call Format (VCF) []
Strength =  47@12: Node.js script text executable [application/javascript]
Strength =  47@10: C program text (from flex) []
Strength =  47@34: automake makefile script text [text/x-makefile]
Strength =  47@66: Python script text executable [text/x-python]
Strength =  47@134: Konqueror cookie text []
Strength =  47@21: METAFONT transcript text []
Strength =  47@36: GNU Info text [text/x-info]
Strength =  47@78: Makeindex log file []
Strength =  46@27: FrameMaker Dictionary text [application/x-mif]
Strength =  46@20: BSD makefile script text [text/x-makefile]
Strength =  46@30: BSD makefile script text [text/x-makefile]
Strength =  46@9: MS Windows 95 Internet shortcut text []
Strength =  46@15: Tcl/Tk script text executable [text/x-tcl]
Strength =  46@75: LaTeX sorted index []
Strength =  45@24: C source text [text/x-c]
Strength =  45@27: C source text [text/x-c]
Strength =  45@8: Node.js script text executable [application/javascript]
Strength =  45@9: Lua script text executable [text/x-lua]
Strength =  45@8: Perl script text [text/x-perl]
Strength =  45@16: Perl script text [text/x-perl]
Strength =  45@100: XML document text [text/xml]
Strength =  45@7: Tcl script text executable [text/x-tcl]
Strength =  45@90: BibTeX text file []
Strength =  44@9: Inform source text []
Strength =  44@48: Ruby script text [text/x-ruby]
Strength =  44@34: Texinfo source text [text/x-texinfo]
Strength =  44@76: LaTeX raw glossary []
Strength =  44@89: BibTeX text file []
Strength =  43@10: Node.js script text executable [application/javascript]
Strength =  43@75: HTML document text [text/html]
Strength =  43@78: HTML document text [text/html]
Strength =  43@94: HTML document text [text/html]
Strength =  43@5: SiSU text insert []
Strength =  43@8: SiSU text master []
Strength =  43@67: LaTeX document text [text/x-tex]
Strength =  43@96: BibTeX text file []
Strength =  42@989: Squeak program text []
Strength =  42@63: HTML document text [text/html]
Strength =  42@66: HTML document text [text/html]
Strength =  42@81: HTML document text [text/html]
Strength =  42@84: HTML document text [text/html]
Strength =  42@87: HTML document text [text/html]
Strength =  42@90: HTML document text [text/html]
Strength =  42@26: Tcl script []
Strength =  42@20: TeX transcript text []
Strength =  42@95: BibTeX text file []
Strength =  42@106: TeX font aliases text file []
Strength =  41@176: Sequence Alignment/Map (SAM) []
Strength =  41@42: C source text [text/x-c]
Strength =  41@6: Node.js script text executable [application/javascript]
Strength =  41@10: DOS batch file text [text/x-msdos-batch]
Strength =  41@54: Perl POD document text []
Strength =  41@57: HTML document text [text/html]
Strength =  41@60: HTML document text [text/html]
Strength =  41@69: HTML document text [text/html]
Strength =  41@72: HTML document text [text/html]
Strength =  41@11: SiSU text []
Strength =  41@74: LaTeX raw index file []
Strength =  41@94: BibTeX text file []
Strength =  41@16: btoa'd text []
Strength =  41@192:  []
Strength =  40@600: PLS playlist text []
Strength =  40@33: C source text [text/x-c]
Strength =  40@6: Exuberant Ctags tag file text []
Strength =  40@6: diff output text [text/x-diff]
Strength =  40@80: X11 BDF font text []
Strength =  40@7: C program text (from lex) []
Strength =  40@12: lex description text []
Strength =  40@20: Lisp/Scheme program text [text/x-lisp]
Strength =  40@24: Lisp/Scheme program text [text/x-lisp]
Strength =  40@8: makefile script text [text/x-makefile]
Strength =  40@27: OS/2 REXX batch file text []
Strength =  40@29: OS/2 REXX batch file text []
Strength =  40@47: Perl POD document text []
Strength =  40@53: Perl POD document text []
Strength =  40@23: SoftQuad Raster Format text []
Strength =  40@93: BibTeX text file []
Strength =  40@98: BibTeX-file{ BibTex text file (with full header) []
Strength =  40@104: BibTeX custom bibliography style text file []
Strength =  40@15: troff or preprocessor input text [text/troff]
Strength =  39@260: Software Tools format archive text []
Strength =  39@21: C source text [text/x-c]
Strength =  39@89: PHP script text [text/x-php]
Strength =  39@91: PHP script text [text/x-php]
Strength =  39@611: X pixmap image text [image/x-xpmi]
Strength =  39@74: TeXmacs document text [text/texmacs]
Strength =  39@14: makefile script text [text/x-makefile]
Strength =  39@79: MSX SCMD source MML file []
Strength =  39@124: exported SGML document text []
Strength =  39@86: BibTeX text file []
Strength =  39@9: troff or preprocessor input text [text/troff]
Strength =  39@11: troff or preprocessor input text [text/troff]
Strength =  39@17: troff or preprocessor input text [text/troff]
Strength =  39@21: troff or preprocessor input text [text/troff]
Strength =  39@25: ditroff output text []
Strength =  38@5: assembler source text [text/x-asm]
Strength =  38@8: BCPL source text [text/x-bcpl]
Strength =  38@10: BCPL source text [text/x-bcpl]
Strength =  38@37: C source text [text/x-c]
Strength =  38@59: awk or perl script text []
Strength =  38@8: diff output text [text/x-diff]
Strength =  38@10: diff output text [text/x-diff]
Strength =  38@6: ASCII vfont text []
Strength =  38@508: FIG image text []
Strength =  38@137: Linux kernel symbol map text []
Strength =  38@18: Lisp/Scheme program text [text/x-lisp]
Strength =  38@5: M4 macro processor script text [text/x-m4]
Strength =  38@12: makefile script text [text/x-makefile]
Strength =  38@6: X-Post-It-Note text []
Strength =  38@50: Perl POD document text []
Strength =  38@52: Perl POD document text []
Strength =  38@125: exported SGML subdocument text []
Strength =  38@14: SiSU text []
Strength =  38@17: SiSU text []
Strength =  38@6: Sketch document text []
Strength =  38@55: Solaris xcurses screen image []
Strength =  38@71: TeX document text []
Strength =  38@88: BibTeX text file []
Strength =  38@91: BibTeX text file []
Strength =  38@13: troff or preprocessor input text [text/troff]
Strength =  38@19: troff or preprocessor input text [text/troff]
Strength =  37@11: assembler source text [text/x-asm]
Strength =  37@598: M3U playlist text []
Strength =  37@39: C source text [text/x-c]
Strength =  37@218: Smart Game Format []
Strength =  37@286: Smart Game Format []
Strength =  37@19: Java source [text/x-java]
Strength =  37@22: Lisp/Scheme program text [text/x-lisp]
Strength =  37@10: makefile script text [text/x-makefile]
Strength =  37@5: Pascal source text [text/x-pascal]
Strength =  37@49: Perl POD document text []
Strength =  37@51: Perl POD document text []
Strength =  36@7: assembler source text [text/x-asm]
Strength =  36@9: assembler source text [text/x-asm]
Strength =  36@13: assembler source text [text/x-asm]
Strength =  36@15: assembler source text [text/x-asm]
Strength =  36@17: assembler source text [text/x-asm]
Strength =  36@12: CDDB(tm) format CD text data []
Strength =  36@15: RCS/CVS diff output text [text/x-diff]
Strength =  36@140: Linux Software Map entry text []
Strength =  36@141: Linux Software Map entry text (new format) []
Strength =  36@16: Lisp/Scheme program text [text/x-lisp]
Strength =  36@6: makefile script text [text/x-makefile]
Strength =  36@13: Mup music publication program input text []
Strength =  36@48: Perl POD document text []
Strength =  36@65: GEDCOM genealogy text []
Strength =  36@87: BibTeX text file []
Strength =  36@92: BibTeX text file []
Strength =  36@13: uuencoded or xxencoded text []
Strength =  36@20: ship'd binary text []
Strength =  30@118: broken XML document text [text/xml]
Strength =  28@126: exported SGML document text []
Strength =  18@38: a []
Strength =  17@30: a []
Strength =   2@7: FORTRAN program text [text/x-fortran]
Strength =   2@29: Tcl script []
Set 1:
Binary patterns:
Text patterns:


ldd ./200308-Averages-crossing (copy).itf
  not a dynamic executable


ltrace ./200308-Averages-crossing (copy).itf
"./200308-Averages-crossing (copy).itf" is not an ELF file


 hexdump -C  ./200308-Averages-crossing (copy).itf | head
00000000  00 00 50 d8 c0 00 0c fc  d9 e4 73 4d f5 64 46 eb  |..P.......sM.dF.|
00000010  88 19 5c 6c 7f 8b f1 d6  91 2d 71 2a ef 84 49 ae  |..\l.....-q*..I.|
00000020  36 1e d4 93 82 6f 7e dc  5a b4 51 fc f1 4d 51 c0  |6....o~.Z.Q..MQ.|
00000030  09 cc 30 b1 5c 3a a5 1c  48 5d ce 91 67 d7 74 4b  |..0.\:..H]..g.tK|
00000040  16 c8 2c ee 0a f9 a0 a5  16 42 2a 09 8d 89 c8 7c  |..,......B*....||
00000050  ff 78 ac e6 85 b1 75 cf  67 58 55 0d 10 fe d6 9e  |.x....u.gXU.....|
00000060  e6 ef 19 90 1c 8f 84 b2  b0 a3 14 ba 5d 30 2c db  |............]0,.|
00000070  30 12 1d cc cf bc e3 a1  18 df 28 cb c3 08 0b 26  |0.........(....&|
00000080  0c cb 9a 2e ba 61 0a 34  c5 4e 3b 04 ef 84 db 88  |.....a.4.N;.....|
00000090  27 38 bf 39 17 3a 8f e1  89 5d f8 ee 52 78 63 d3  |'8.9.:...]..Rxc.|


strings '/home/user/Documents/prorealtime/200308-Averages-crossing (copy).itf'
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readelf -h ./200308-Averages-crossing (copy).itf
readelf: Error: Not an ELF file - it has the wrong magic bytes at the start


objdump -d ./200308-Averages-crossing (copy).itf
objdump: ./200308-Averages-crossing (copy).itf: file format not recognized


strace -f  ./200308-Averages-crossing (copy).itf
execve("./200308-Averages-crossing (copy).itf", ["/home/XXX/Documents/XXX"...], 0x7ffe64348758 /* 16 vars */) = -1 EACCES (Permission denied)
strace: exec: Permission denied
+++ exited with 1 +++


nm  ./200308-Averages-crossing (copy).itf | tail
nm: ./200308-Averages-crossing (copy).itf: file format not recognized


gdb -q  ./200308-Averages-crossing (copy).itf
"./200308-Averages-crossing (copy).itf": not in executable format: file format not recognized

David5647 a écrit :

Tu doit décompiler ...

Le tout et de savoir quel etait le langage d'origine mais dur de trouver

David5647 a écrit :

Mais du coup, si tu as déjà le code source, je ne pige pas bien l’utilité.

Je n'ai pas le code source. Y'a une option dans le logiciel pour creer des indicateurs. Tu ecris le code et ca le transforme en .itf.  Ils parlent de Basics ,mais le logiciel principal tourne en jave il me semble.
Je doit metre a jour une variable toutes les minutes avec des données qui ne sont pas dans le logiciel. Repetitif et long.

Dernière modification par Velociraptux (26-05-2021 01:30:23)

Hors ligne

#6 26-05-2021 09:18:32

Distrib. : Debian 10.8
Noyau : Linux 5.7.10 (backports)
Inscription : 12-09-2020

Re : De binaire a texte et inversement.


Velociraptux a écrit :

jpt a écrit :

GHex ? Il es capable de générer un fichier ex-nihilo

Je réalise que j'ai répondu un peu vite l'autre jour : un binaire exécutable en général se décompose en deux zones, celle des data (zones de textes et similaires) et celle du code exécutable, et elles sont localisées dans le fichier selon le bon vouloir du compilateur, autant dire que

Velociraptux a écrit :

je voudrais par exemple rajouter en début de fichier

est juste un vœu pieu totalement irréalisable sans passer par les outils propriétaires.

Velociraptux a écrit :

Je dois mettre à jour une variable toutes les minutes avec des données qui ne sont pas dans le logiciel. Répétitif et long.

Et tu fais ça comment (dans le sens quelle est l'interaction avec le prog ? Ou avec les données qu'il génère ?) ? Parce que selon la réponse, un script pourrait faire l'affaire, non ?

AMD Ryzen3 3200G sur Gigabyte B450M & Make Love Not War

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#7 26-05-2021 11:00:54

Distrib. : Debian Sid
(G)UI : sway
Inscription : 18-11-2013
Site Web

Re : De binaire a texte et inversement.

Le déraillage de la discussion initié par nam1962 a été déplacé dans un autre fil : Entraide et logiciels propriétaires.

Jouer sous Debian ? Facile !

Ceterum censeo Barum esse delendam

Hors ligne

#8 27-05-2021 03:27:01

Inscription : 23-05-2021

Re : De binaire a texte et inversement.

jpt a écrit :

Et tu fais ça comment (dans le sens quelle est l'interaction avec le prog ? Ou avec les données qu'il génère ?) ? Parce que selon la réponse, un script pourrait faire l'affaire, non ?

J'ai ecrit des script bash qui:
- Recupere des pages html (curl)
- Tri le tout pour ne garder que les donnees essentielles (grep, awk ,sed)
- Enfin les donnees sont classé dans plusieurs fichier textes  en fonctions de ce que je veux en faire Et directement formaté pour ensuite etre copier colle rapidement dans le logiciel via leur editeur.

Du coup je cherche a inclure dans mon script bash le copier coller directement dans le binaire .itf.
Mais la je galere.
Et je commence a douter de pouvoir le faire.

Un exemple:


#sudo apt install curl html2text

if [[ -d ~/.velociraptux/prt/indicators/futurespp2cfd ]]
  for dir in "${array1[@]}"; do
    [[ ! -d "$dir" ]] && mkdir "$dir"

  echo "function futurespp2cfd() {

  cd ~/.velociraptux/prt/indicators/futurespp2cfd

  # download daily, weekly and monthly webpage
  function dl() {
  curl -o day.html -A 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/81.0' -d 'period=86400' \$1

  # download weekly webpage
  curl -o week.html -A 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/81.0' -d 'period=week' \$1

  # download monthly webpage
  curl -o month.html -A 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/81.0' -d 'period=month' \$1
  # html to text :p
  html2text day.html > day.txt
  html2text week.html > week.txt
  html2text month.html > month.txt

  function pivot() {
    cat day.txt | grep Classic | grep -Eo '[0-9]+([.][0-9]+)' > \$1
    cat week.txt | grep Classic | grep -Eo '[0-9]+([.][0-9]+)' >> \$1
    cat month.txt | grep Classic | grep -Eo '[0-9]+([.][0-9]+)' >> \$1
    sed -i -e '1 s/^/DS3 = /' \$1
    sed -i -e '2 s/^/DS2 = /' \$1
    sed -i -e '3 s/^/DS1 = /' \$1
    sed -i -e '4 s/^/DPP = /' \$1
    sed -i -e '5 s/^/DR1 = /' \$1
    sed -i -e '6 s/^/DR2 = /' \$1
    sed -i -e '7 s/^/DR3 = /' \$1
    sed -i -e '8 s/^/WS3 = /' \$1
    sed -i -e '9 s/^/WS2 = /' \$1
    sed -i -e '10 s/^/WS1 = /' \$1
    sed -i -e '11 s/^/WPP = /' \$1
    sed -i -e '12 s/^/WR1 = /' \$1
    sed -i -e '13 s/^/WR2 = /' \$1
    sed -i -e '14 s/^/WR3 = /' \$1
    sed -i -e '15 s/^/MS3 = /' \$1
    sed -i -e '16 s/^/MS2 = /' \$1
    sed -i -e '17 s/^/MS1 = /' \$1
    sed -i -e '18 s/^/MPP = /' \$1
    sed -i -e '19 s/^/MR1 = /' \$1
    sed -i -e '20 s/^/MR2 = /' \$1
    sed -i -e '21 s/^/MR3 = /' \$1

  #Choose on English(USA) version of investing, a technical page of your choice. Add dl before
  #And do: pivot ***name of your choice*** The name must be compatible with the prt variables
  #dl https://www.investing.com/indices/nq-100-futures-technical
  #pivot nasdaq

  #dl https://www.investing.com/indices/us-30-futures-technical
  #pivot dow

  #dl https://www.investing.com/indices/uk-100-futures-technical
  #pivot ftse

  dl https://www.investing.com/indices/germany-30-futures-technical
  pivot dax

  #dl https://www.investing.com/indices/france-40-futures-technical
  #pivot cac

  #dl https://www.investing.com/indices/us-spx-500-futures-technical
  #pivot sp500

  #dl https://www.investing.com/indices/japan-225-futures-technical
  #pivot nikkey225
  rm ./day* ./week* ./month*
  cd ~/

> ~/.velociraptux/bashscript/futurespp2cfd.sh

if [[ -f ~/.bashrc ]]
    echo "source ~/.velociraptux/bashscript/futurespp2cfd.sh" >> ~/.bashrc

source ~/.velociraptux/bashscript/futurespp2cfd.sh

Ceci creer un dossier ./velociraptux dans /home/user/
Copie le code de la commande dans ./velociraptux/bashscript
Creer les dossiers de travails
Creer une commande futurespp2cfd executable directement depuis un terminal.
Ca creer un fichier texte. Ici "dax". Avec toutes mes variables a rajouter manuellement dans le logiciel.

Attention le code n'est pas super optimiser. Par exemples il va ecrire plusieurs fois dans bashrc.
Ne pas marcher si les dossier existe deja.
(Moi ca ne me derange pas je connais les limitations et son usage)

Dernière modification par Velociraptux (27-05-2021 03:31:20)

Hors ligne

#9 27-05-2021 08:35:59

Distrib. : Debian 10.8
Noyau : Linux 5.7.10 (backports)
Inscription : 12-09-2020

Re : De binaire a texte et inversement.

Velociraptux a écrit :

je cherche à inclure dans mon script bash le copier coller directement dans le binaire .itf.

Pour quoi en faire ?

L'idée que j'ai derrière la tête est la suivante : dans la mesure où tu as un logiciel verrouillé d'un côté et des données sous la main d'un autre côté, pourquoi ne pas pondre un script qui prendrait les données et la sortie du logiciel pour… je ne sais pas, ça dépend de la réponse à la question ci-dessus.

AMD Ryzen3 3200G sur Gigabyte B450M & Make Love Not War

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#10 27-05-2021 10:10:36

Distrib. : Debian Sid
Noyau : 5.15.0-2-amd64
(G)UI : i3wm + des bouts de kde
Inscription : 27-08-2017

Re : De binaire a texte et inversement.

Ok, je tente un résumé :

0) tu écrit un script en langage probuilder (donc tu as les sources de ce code)
1) tu récupères des données via un script bash
2) tu insères les données récupérées dans le script
3) tu génère un fichier itf en lançant le programme
4) tu veux répéter 1-2-3 en boucle via un autre script bash

C'est ça? Si oui, ça me semble légitime tongue . Pour la suite je pars de ce postulat...

A priori, il y a plusieurs façon de créer un .itf. Déjà regarder si il est enregistré de façon à être consultable :

https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/ProRealTime#Fichiers_ITF a écrit :

Suivant le choix de l'utilisateur, le code inclus dans un fichier ITF peut être soit :

    - visible pour être librement consultable et modifiable après import dans le logiciel ;
    - caché afin de ne permettre que son exécution ;
    - caché avec import unique : le fichier ne peut être importé qu'une seule fois.

C'est peut-être déjà le cas, et pas évident que tu puisses l'ouvrir avec un logiciel libre.

Je vois plusieurs manière de faire à explorer:
1) ouvrir le fichier itf avec un logiciel libre et le modifier (c'est la méthode que tu proposes)
2) récupérer directement tes données en programmant en probuilder (j'imagine que c'est le but même de logiciel)
3) faire un appel à ton script bash dans ton code probuilder (ça doit être faisable sans trop de code)
4) faire appel à ton logiciel dans un script bash (moins probable, mais plus pratique si l'éditeur offre cette possibilité)
5) laisser tomber le trading. Non mais franchement lol

Voilà. J'espère que j'ai tout bien interprété.

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