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OpenSUSE-tumbleweed & Debian-sid
les deux habillées en KDE-Plasma avec xfce en cas de panne
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OpenSUSE-tumbleweed & Debian-sid
les deux habillées en KDE-Plasma avec xfce en cas de panne
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I've been trying to find smxi for a little over a month
that I really like to update my Debian-sid, the trouble is that now, when installing smxi,
no problem, but it leads to a black window with the flashing dash
and no longer with the smxi menu.
I used the scripts from
https://smxi.org/site/install.htm#insta … le-scripts
namely, exactly:
cd / usr / local / bin && wget -Nc smxi.org/smxi && chmod + x smxi && smxi
and this morning:
cd / usr / local / bin && wget -Nc smxi.org/smxi.zip && unzip smxi.zip && smxi
What happens ??? please!!! help me !!
OpenSUSE-tumbleweed & Debian-sid
les deux habillées en KDE-Plasma avec xfce en cas de panne
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Pages : 1