si je puis me permettre, je ne sais pas ce que retourne info4help (à priori réservé à Funky linux ou DF-Live, mais il y a maintenant, depuis jessie, l'utilitaire inxi qui retourne ce que l'on veut, et l'on peut facilement demander de l'installer (paquet inxi) sur toute debian à partir de jessie. Certaines distribs l'utilisent en support. extrait:
Output Control Options:
-A Audio/sound card information.
-b Basic output, short form. Like inxi -v 2, only minus hard disk names .
-B Battery info, shows charge, condition, plus extra information (if battery present).
-c Color schemes. Scheme number is required. Color selectors run a color selector option prior to inxi
starting which lets you set the config file value for the selection.
Supported color schemes: 0-42 Example: inxi -c 11
Color selectors for each type display (NOTE: irc and global only show safe color set):
94 Console, out of X
95 Terminal, running in X - like xTerm
96 Gui IRC, running in X - like Xchat, Quassel, Konversation etc.
97 Console IRC running in X - like irssi in xTerm
98 Console IRC not in X
99 Global - Overrides/removes all settings. Setting specific removes global.
-C CPU output, including per CPU clockspeed and max CPU speed (if available).
-d Optical drive data. Same as -Dd. See also -x and -xx.
-D Full hard Disk info, not only model, ie: /dev/sda ST380817AS 80.0GB. See also -x and -xx. Disk total used
percentage includes swap partition size(s).
-f All cpu flags, triggers -C. Not shown with -F to avoid spamming. ARM cpus show 'features'.
-F Full output for inxi. Includes all Upper Case line letters, plus -s and -n. Does not show extra verbose
options like -d -f -l -m -o -p -r -t -u -x
-G Graphic card information (card, display server type/version, resolution, glx renderer, version).
-i Wan IP address, and shows local interfaces (requires ifconfig network tool). Same as -Nni. Not shown with
-F for user security reasons, you shouldn't paste your local/wan IP.
-I Information: processes, uptime, memory, irc client (or shell type), inxi version.
-l Partition labels. Default: short partition -P. For full -p output, use: -pl (or -plu).
-m Memory (RAM) data. Physical system memory array(s), capacity, how many devices (slots) supported, and
individual memory devices (sticks of memory etc). For devices, shows device locator, size, speed, type
(like: DDR3). If neither -I nor -tm are selected, also shows ram used/total. Also see -x, -xx, -xxx
-M Machine data. Device type (desktop, server, laptop, VM etc.), Motherboard, Bios, and if present, System
Builder (Like Lenovo). Shows UEFI/BIOS/UEFI [Legacy}. Older systems/kernels without the required /sys data
can use dmidecode instead, run as root. Dmidecode can be forced with -! 33
-n Advanced Network card information. Same as -Nn. Shows interface, speed, mac id, state, etc.
-N Network card information. With -x, shows PCI BusID, Port number.
-o Unmounted partition information (includes UUID and LABEL if available). Shows file system type if you have
file installed, if you are root OR if you have added to /etc/sudoers (sudo v. 1.7 or newer)
Example: <username> ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/file
-p Full partition information (-P plus all other detected partitions).
-P Basic partition information (shows what -v 4 would show, but without extra data). Shows, if detected: /
/boot /home /opt /tmp /usr /var /var/log /var/tmp . Use -p to see all mounted partitions.
-r Distro repository data. Supported repo types: APT; PACMAN; PISI; PORTAGE; PORTS (BSDs); SLACKPKG; URPMQ;
-R RAID data. Shows RAID devices, states, levels, and components, and extra data with -x/-xx. md-raid: If
device is resyncing, shows resync progress line as well.
-s Sensors output (if sensors installed/configured): mobo/cpu/gpu temp; detected fan speeds. Gpu temp only
for Fglrx/Nvidia drivers. Nvidia shows screen number for > 1 screens.
-S System information: host name, kernel, desktop environment (if in X), distro
-t Processes. Requires extra options: c (cpu) m (memory) cm (cpu+memory). If followed by numbers 1-20, shows
that number of processes for each type (default: 5; if in irc, max: 5): -t cm10
Make sure to have no space between letters and numbers (-t cm10 - right, -t cm 10 - wrong).
-u Partition UUIDs. Default: short partition -P. For full -p output, use: -pu (or -plu).
-v Script verbosity levels. Verbosity level number is required. Should not be used with -b or -F
Supported levels: 0-7 Example: inxi -v 4
0 Short output, same as: inxi
1 Basic verbose, -S + basic CPU + -G + basic Disk + -I.
2 Networking card (-N), Machine (-M) data, if present, Battery (-B), basic hard disk data (names
only), and, if present, basic raid (devices only, and if inactive, notes that). similar to: inxi -b
3 Advanced CPU (-C), battery, network (-n) data, and switches on -x advanced data option.
4 Partition size/filled data (-P) for (if present): /, /home, /var/, /boot. Shows full disk data (-D).
5 Audio card (-A); sensors (-s), memory/ram (-m), partition label (-l) and UUID (-u), short form of
optical drives, standard raid data (-R).
6 Full partition (-p), unmounted partition (-o), optical drive (-d), full raid; triggers -xx.
7 Network IP data (-i); triggers -xxx.
-w Local weather data/time. To check an alternate location, see: -W <location>. For extra weather data
options see -x, -xx, and -xxx.
-W <location> Supported options for <location>: postal code; city, state/country; latitude, longitude. Only
use if you want the weather somewhere other than the machine running inxi. Use only ascii characters,
replace spaces in city/state/country names with '+'. Example: inxi -W new+york,ny
-x Adds the following extra data (only works with verbose or line output, not short form):
-B Vendor/model, status (if available)
-C CPU Flags, Bogomips on Cpu;
-d Extra optical drive data; adds rev version to optical drive.
-D Hdd temp with disk data if you have hddtemp installed, if you are root OR if you have added to
/etc/sudoers (sudo v. 1.7 or newer) Example: <username> ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/hddtemp
-G Direct rendering status for Graphics (in X).
-G (for single gpu, nvidia driver) screen number gpu is running on.
-i IPv6 as well for LAN interface (IF) devices.
-I System GCC, default. With -xx, also show other installed GCC versions. If running in console, not in
IRC client, shows shell version number, if detected. Init/RC Type and runlevel (if available).
-m Part number; Max memory module size (if available).
-N -A Version/port(s)/driver version (if available) for Network/Audio;
-N -A -G Network, audio, graphics, shows PCI Bus ID/Usb ID number of card.
-R md-raid: Shows component raid id. Adds second RAID Info line: raid level; report on drives (like
5/5); blocks; chunk size; bitmap (if present). Resync line, shows blocks synced/total blocks.
zfs-raid: Shows raid array full size; available size; portion allocated to RAID
-S Desktop toolkit if avaliable (GNOME/XFCE/KDE only); Kernel gcc version
-t Memory use output to cpu (-xt c), and cpu use to memory (-xt m).
-w -W Wind speed and time zone (-w only).
-xx Show extra, extra data (only works with verbose or line output, not short form):
-A Chip vendor:product ID for each audio device.
-B serial number, voltage (if available).
-C Minimum CPU speed, if available.
-D Disk serial number.
-G Chip vendor:product ID for each video card.
-I Other detected installed gcc versions (if present). System default runlevel. Adds parent program (or
tty) for shell info if not in IRC (like Konsole or Gterm). Adds Init/RC (if found) version number.
-m Manufacturer, Serial Number, single/double bank (if found).
-M Chassis information, bios rom size (dmidecode only), if data for either is available.
-N Chip vendor:product ID for each nic.
-R md-raid: Superblock (if present); algorythm, U data. Adds system info line (kernel support,read
ahead, raid events). If present, adds unused device line. Resync line, shows progress bar.
-S Display manager (dm) in desktop output, if in X (like kdm, gdm3, lightdm).
-w -W Humidity, barometric pressure.
-@ 11-14 Automatically uploads debugger data tar.gz file to EG: inxi -xx@14
-xxx Show extra, extra, extra data (only works with verbose or line output, not short form):
-B chemistry, cycles, location (if available).
-m Width of memory bus, data and total (if present and greater than data); Detail, if present, for
Type; module voltage, if available.
-S Panel/shell information in desktop output, if in X (like gnome-shell, cinnamon, mate-panel).
-w -W Location (uses -z/irc filter), weather observation time, wind chill, heat index, dew point (shows
extra lines for data where relevant).
-y Required extra option: integer, 80 or greater. Set the output line width max. Overrides IRC/Terminal
settings or actual widths. If used with -h, put -y option first. Example: inxi -y 130
-z Security filters for IP/Mac addresses, location, user home directory name. Default on for irc clients.
-Z Absolute override for output filters. Useful for debugging networking issues in irc for example.